[BG] ; Use Eterm look-feel Background extension (on/off) BGEnable=off ; Use AlphaBlend API (on/off) BGUseAlphaBlendAPI=on ; Susie plugin path BGSPIPath=plugin ; Fast window sizing/moving BGFastSizeMove=on ; Flickerless window moving BGFlickerlessMove=on ; If HideTitle=on and BGNoFrame=on, use window without frame ; you can resize window with Alt + Shift + LeftDrag BGNoFrame=on ; wildcard => random select BGThemeFile=theme\*.ini ; This option ignores the BGThemeFile in any case. When the option is on, ; the wallpaper image does not be mixed with theme file image. BGIgnoreThemeFile=off [Tera Term] ; Tera Term version number Version=2.3 ; Language (English/Japanese/Russian/Korean/UTF-8) Language=UTF-8 ; User interface language file that includes message strings. ; Tera Term uses built-in English message when the file or message is not found. UILanguageFile=lang\Default.lng ; Connecting timeout value(per seconds). No action if the value is zero. ; Connecting socket could be canceled after the value timeout if the value is greater than zero. ; The default value is zero(depends on Windows TCP/IP stack implementation). ConnectingTimeout=0 ; pasting string by clicking mouse right button disabled DisablePasteMouseRButton=off ; pasting string by clicking mouse middle button disabled DisablePasteMouseMButton=on ; confirm pasting string by clicking mouse right button ConfirmPasteMouseRButton=off ; confirm changing clipboard string by clicking mouse right button ConfirmChangePaste=on ConfirmChangePasteCR=on PasteDialogSize=330,220 ConfirmChangePasteStringFile= ; Scroll out the current buffer when the clear screen does. ScrollWindowClearScreen=on ; Reset scrollback on display activity AutoScrollOnlyInBottomLine=on ; Starting the selection only by a left button. SelectOnlyByLButton=on ; New connection by Alt-N Accelerator key AcceleratorNewConnection=on ; Duplicate session by Alt-D Accelerator key disabled DisableAcceleratorDuplicateSession=off ; Cygwin connection by Alt-G Accelerator key AcceleratorCygwinConnection=on ; Send break by Alt-B Accelerator key disabled DisableAcceleratorSendBreak=off ; New connection Menu disabled DisableMenuNewConnection=off ; Duplicate session Menu disabled DisableMenuDuplicateSession=off ; Send break Menu disabled DisableMenuSendBreak=off ; ANSI color definition (in the case FullColor=on) ; * UseTextColor should be off, or the background and foreground color of ; VTColor are assigned to color-number 0 and 7 respectively, even if ; they are specified in ANSIColor. ; * ANSIColor is a set of 4 values that are color-number(0--15), ; red-value(0--255), green-value(0--255) and blue-value(0--255). ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,128,128,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,64,64,64, 9,192,0,0, 10,0,192,0, 11,192,192,0, 12,64,64,192, 13,192,0,192, 14,0,192,192, 15,192,192,192 ; xterm ; ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,92,92,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,127,127,127, 9,205,0,0, 10,0,205,0, 11,205,205,0, 12,0,0,238, 13,205,0,205, 14,0,205,205, 15,229,229,229 ; PuTTY ;ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,85,85, 2,85,255,85, 3,255,255,85, 4,85,85,255, 5,255,85,255, 6,85,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,85,85,85, 9,187,0,0, 10,0,187,0, 11,187,187,0, 12,0,0,187, 13,187,0,187, 14,0,187,187, 15,187,187,187 ; Tera Term Pro 2.3 ;ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,0,0,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,128,128,128, 9,128,0,0, 10,0,128,0, 11,128,128,0, 12,0,0,128, 13,128,0,128, 14,0,128,128, 15,192,192,192 ; Solarized (http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) ;ANSIColor=0,7,54,66, 1,203,75,22, 2,88,110,117, 3,101,123,131, 4,131,148,150, 5,108,113,196, 6,147,161,161, 7,253,246,227, 8,0,43,54, 9,220,50,47, 10,133,153,0, 11,181,137,0, 12,38,139,210, 13,211,54,130, 14,42,161,152, 15,238,232,213 ; Windows console new scheme (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2017/08/02/updating-the-windows-console-colors) ;ANSIColor=0,12,12,12, 1,231,72,86, 2,22,198,12, 3,249,241,165, 4,59,120,255, 5,180,0,158, 6,97,214,214, 7,242,242,242, 8,118,118,118, 9,197,15,31, 10,19,161,14, 11,193,156,0, 12,0,55,218, 13,136,23,152, 14,58,150,221, 15,204,204,204 ; Enable continued-line copy EnableContinuedLineCopy=on ; Mouse cursor type (arrow/ibeam/cross/hand) MouseCursor=ibeam ; Translucent window (0 - 255: transparency value) AlphaBlend=255 AlphaBlendActive=255 ; Cygwin install path CygwinDirectory= ; Viewlog Editor path ViewlogEditor=C:\Windows\notepad.exe ; Locale for Unicode ;Locale=chs Locale=american ; CodePage for Unicode CodePage=65001 ; Background color of text uses background color of screen (on/off) UseNormalBGColor=on ; Port type (serial/tcpip) Port=tcpip ; Window positions VTPos=-2147483648,-2147483648 TEKPos=-2147483648,-2147483648 ; Terminal size TerminalSize=80,24 ; Terminal size=window size (on/off) TermIsWin=on ; Auto window resizing option (on/off) AutoWinResize=off ; Convert a received new-line (CR) char to CR/CRLF/LF/AUTO CRReceive=CR ; New-line code to be transmitted (CR/CRLF/LF) CRSend=CR ; Terminal ID TerminalID=VT100 ; Local echo (on/off) LocalEcho=off ; Answerback Answerback= ; Auto window switching (VT<->TEK; on/off) AutoWinSwitch=off ; Kanji code to be received (SJIS/EUC/JIS) KanjiReceive=UTF-8 ; JIS Katakana code to be received (7/8) KatakanaReceive=8 ; Kanji code to be transmitted (SJIS/EUC/JIS) KanjiSend=UTF-8 ; JIS Katakana to be transmitted (7/8) KatakanaSend=8 ; Kanji-in sequence to be transmitted (@/B) KanjiIn=B ; Kanji-out sequence to be transmitted (J/B) KanjiOut=B ; Russian code set used in host RussHost=Windows ; Russian code set used in PC RussClient=Windows ; Window title Title=Tera Term ; Cursor shape (block/vertical/horizontal) CursorShape=block ; Hide title & menu bars and enable popup menu (on/off) HideTitle=off ; Hide menu bar and enable popup menu (on/off) PopupMenu=off ; Color mode (on/off) EnableANSIColor=on PcBoldColor=on Aixterm16Color=on Xterm256Color=on ; Enable scroll buffer (on/off) EnableScrollBuff=on ; Scroll buffer size ScrollBuffSize=10000 ; Text and background colors ; for Normal characters VTColor=255,255,255,0,0,0 ; Solarized Dark ;VTColor=131,148,150,0,43,54 ; Solarized Light ;VTColor=101,123,131,253,246,227 ; ; for Bold characters EnableBoldAttrColor=on VTBoldColor=255,255,0,0,0,0 ; Solarized Dark ;VTBoldColor=147,161,161,7,54,66 ; Solarized Light ;VTBoldColor=88,110,117,238,232,213 ; ; for Blink characters EnableBlinkAttrColor=on VTBlinkColor=255,0,0,0,0,0 ; Solarized Dark ;VTBlinkColor=133,153,0,0,43,54 ; Solarized Light ;VTBlinkColor=133,153,0,253,246,227 ; ; for Reverse characters EnableReverseAttrColor=on VTReverseColor=0,0,0,255,255,255 ; Solarized Dark ;VTReverseColor=0,43,54,131,148,150 ;VTReverseColor=101,123,131,253,246,227 ; Solarized Light ;VTReverseColor=253,246,227,101,123,131 ;VTReverseColor=131,148,150,0,43,54 ; ; for URL(hyper link) text color EnableURLColor=on URLUnderline=on URLColor=0,255,255,0,0,0 ; Solarized Dark ;URLColor=181,137,0,0,43,54 ; Solarized Light ;URLColor=181,137,0,253,246,227 ; ; Enable clickable URL EnableClickableUrl=on ; Launched Browser ; Firefox example ; ClickableUrlBrowser=firefox ; ClickableUrlBrowserArg=-new-tab ; Opera example ; ClickableUrlBrowser=opera ; ClickableUrlBrowserArg=-newpage ; IE example ; ClickableUrlBrowser=iexplore ; ClickableUrlBrowserArg= ; Chrome example ; ClickableUrlBrowser=chrome ; ClickableUrlBrowserArg= ClickableUrlBrowser= ClickableUrlBrowserArg= ; for TEK window TEKColor=0,0,0,255,255,255 ; TEK color emulation (on/off) TEKColorEmulation=off ; Font VTFont=Terminal,0,-12,255 ; Dialog Font DlgFont= ; Bold style font (on/off) EnableBold=on ; Font for TEK window TEKFont=Terminal,0,-8,255 ; Font quality(default/non-antialiased/antialiased/cleartype) FontQuality=default ; Russian code set of the font RussFont=Windows ; Backspace key (BS/DEL) BSKey=BS ; transmit DEL by Delete key (on/off) DeleteKey=on ; Russian code set used in the keyboard driver RussKeyb=Windows ; Meta key (on/off/left/right) MetaKey=off ; Meta key sets MSB (off/raw/text) Meta8Bit=off ; Application keypad mode disabled. DisableAppKeypad=off ; Application cursor mode disabled. DisableAppCursor=off ; Serial port parameters ; Port number ComPort=1 ; Baud rate BaudRate=9600 ; Parity (even/odd/none/mark/space) Parity=none ; Data (7/8) DataBit=8 ; Stop (1/1.5/2) StopBit=1 ; Flow control (x/hard/none/rtscts/dsrdtr) ; "hard" is same as "rtscts" FlowCtrl=none ; Transmit delay per character (in msec) DelayPerChar=0 ; Transmit delay per line (in msec) DelayPerLine=0 ; TCP/IP parameters ; TCP port# TCPPort=23 ; Telnet flag (on/off) Telnet=on ; Telnet terminal type ;TermType=vt100 TermType=xterm ; Auto window closing option (on/off) AutoWinClose=off ; History list of hosts HistoryList=on ; Binary flag for Send File (on/off) TransBin=off ; without transfer dialog flag for Send File (on/off) FTHideDialog=off ; Binary flag for Log (on/off) LogBinary=off ; Log append (on/off) LogAppend=on ; plain text flag for Log (on/off) LogTypePlainText=on ; timestamp flag for Log (on/off) LogTimestamp=off ; without transfer dialog flag for Log (on/off) LogHideDialog=off ; Current all buffer included in first (on/off) LogIncludeScreenBuffer=off ; Default Log file name. You can specify strftime format to here. LogDefaultName=teraterm.log ; Default path to save the log file. LogDefaultPath= ; Auto start logging with default log file name. LogAutoStart=off ; === Log Rotate === ; Mode: 0(none), 1(size) LogRotate=0 ; Size LogRotateSize=0 ; Size type: 0(byte), 1(KB), 2(MB) LogRotateSizeType=0 ; Step: 0(none), >=1(count times) LogRotateStep=0 ; Deferred Log Write Mode (on/off) DeferredLogWriteMode=on ; XMODEM option (checksum/crc/1k) XmodemOpt=checksum ; Binary flag for XMODEM Receive and ZMODEM Send (on/off) XmodemBin=on ; XMODEM receive command XmodemRcvCommand= ; Default directory for file transfers FileDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\teraterm ; Filter for send file FileSendFilter= ; SCP sending directory ScpSendDir= ; Save Broadcast Command History BroadcastCommandHistory=on ; Broadcast command enabling flag on the dialog window (on/off) AcceptBroadcast=on ; Number of broadcast command history MaxBroadcatHistory=99 ;------ special options (see Tera Term help) ; C1 (8-bit) control characters Accept8BitCtrl=on Send8BitCtrl=off ; Accept remote-controlled window title changing (off/overwrite/ahead/last) AcceptTitleChangeRequest=overwrite ; Wrong kanji-out ^[(H (Japanese only) AllowWrongSequence=off ; Alternate screen buffer support AlternateScreenBuffer=on ; Automatic serial reconnection when serial cable is inserted and extracted(Windows XP or later). AutoComPortReconnect=on ; When serial port is specified with with /C= option and the port does not exist, ; Tera Term will wait for port connection. WaitCom=off ; Auto file renaming for downloading AutoFileRename=on ; Auto text copying AutoTextCopy=on ; Back wrap BackWrap=off ; Beep by BEL (on/off/visual) Beep=on ; Beep over-used BeepOverUsedTime=2 BeepOverUsedCount=5 BeepSuppressTime=5 ; Beep on connection & disconnection BeepOnConnect=off ; B-Plus auto receive BPAuto=off ; Escape all control characters in B-Plus BPEscCtl=off ; B-Plus log BPLog=off ; Clear serial port buffer when port opening ClearComBuffOnOpen=on ; Clear screen when window is resized ClearOnResize=on ; Accept clearing scroll buffer from remote (xterm ED3) ClearScrollBufferFromRemote=off ; Clear screen after the connection is closed ClearScreenOnCloseConnection=off ; Clipboard access from remote (on/off/read/write) ClipboardAccessFromRemote=off ; "Disconnect?" warning ConfirmDisconnect=on ; Control characters in kanji (Japanese only) CtrlInKanji=on ; Confirm send a file when drag and drop ConfirmFileDragAndDrop=on ; allow the sequences related to cursor control CursorCtrlSequence=off ; Display all characters (debug mode) Debug=off ; Debug mode type which can be selected by user. ; on|all = All types ; off|none = Disabled debug mode ; normal = usual teraterm debug mode ; hex = hex output ; noout = disable output completely DebugModes=all ; Delimters for word selection ; (compatible with earlier versions of Tera Term) ; DelimList=$20 ; DelimDBCS=off DelimList=$20!"#$24%&'()*+,:;<=>?@[\]^`{|} DelimDBCS=on ; Disable mouse event tracking when Control-Key is pressed. DisableMouseTrackingByCtrl=on ; Disable wheel to cursor translation when Control-Key is pressed. DisableWheelToCursorByCtrl=on ; Line at a time mode EnableLineMode=on ; Popup menu EnablePopupMenu=on ; "Show menu bar" command EnableShowMenu=on ; Enable the status line EnableStatusLine=on ; High speed file transfer on serial connection. FileSendHighSpeedMode=on ; Display "New Connection" dialog on startup HostDialogOnStartup=on ; Enable IME / inline input (Japanese only) IME=on IMEInline=on IMERelatedCursor=off ; Enabled ISO-2022 Shift Function (on/off/combination of SI,SO,LS2,LS3,LSR1,LSR2,LSR3,SS2,SS3) ISO2022ShiftFunction=on ; Windows 7 jump list support JumpList=on ; Join Split URL JoinSplitURL=off JoinSplitURLIgnoreEOLChar=\ ; Kermit log KmtLog=off ; Kermit CAPAS: Ability to transmit and receive extended-length packets KmtLongPacket=off ; Kermit CAPAS: Ability to accept "A" packets (file attributes) KmtFileAttr=off ; Language selection LanguageSelection=on ; List hidden fonts (Windows 7 or later) ListHiddenFonts=off ; Lock Terminal Unique ID LockTUID=on ; Timestamp format of Log each line ; %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ... 2017-06-04 21:12:40.123 ; %a %b %e %H:%M:%S.%N %Y ... Sun Jun 4 21:12:40.123 2017 LogTimestampFormat=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N ; Use UTC/GMT time for Log each line timestamp (Local/UTC/LoggingElapsed/ConnectionElapsed) LogTimestampType=Local ; Exclusive lock for log file LogLockExclusive=on ; Max scroll buffer size MaxBuffSize=500000 ; Max serial port number MaxComPort=256 ; Max buffer size of OSC string MaxOSCBufferSize=4096 ; Mouse event tracking MouseEventTracking=on ; Maximized window bug tweak (0..2) MaximizedBugTweak=2 ; Delay for starting of text selection MouseSelectStartDelay=0 ; Nonblinking cursor NonblinkingCursor=off ; Normalize line break when pasting NormalizeLineBreakOnPaste=off ; Notify Clipboard access from remote NotifyClipboardAccess=on ; Polygon cursor for KILLFOCUS KillFocusCursor=on ; Delay for pass-thru printing (in secs) PassThruDelay=3 ; Direct pass-thru printing PassThruPort= ; Delay for paste per each lines (in msec) PasteDelayPerLine=10 ; Allow the sequences related to printer control PrinterCtrlSequence=on ; Printer font PrnFont= ; Print form-feed as line-feed PrnConvFF=off ; Page margins for printing ; (left, right, top and bottom in 1/100 inches) PrnMargin=50,50,50,50 ; Quick-VAN log QVLog=off ; Quick-VAN window size QVWinSize=8 ; Russian code set of printer font RussPrint=Windows ; Save VT Window position SaveVTWinPos=off ; Max lines per one jump scroll ScrollThreshold=12 ; Scroll line count with mouse wheel button MouseWheelScrollLine=3 ; Text selection on window activation SelectOnActivate=on ; Break signal length (in msec) SendBreakTime=1000 ; Startup macro StartupMacro= ; Strict Key Mapping StrictKeyMapping=off ; Tab Stop Modify Sequence (on/off/combination of HTS,HTS7,HTS8,TBC,TBC0,TBC3) TabStopModifySequence=on ; TEK mouse code TEKGINMouseCode=32 ; Telnet Auto Detection TelAutoDetect=on ; Telnet binary option TelBin=off ; Telnet auto echo TelEcho=off ; Telnet log TelLog=off ; Standard telnet port TelPort=23 ; Keep-Alive packet sending interval on telnet connection (per second, 0=disabled) TelKeepAliveInterval=300 ; Auto setup for non-telnet TCPLocalEcho=off TCPCRSend= ; Terminal Speed (telnet/SSH) TerminalSpeed=38400 ; Terminal Unique ID TerminalUID=FFFFFFFF ; Title format ; format ID: 5(000101) - <host/port> VT/TEK ; format ID: 13(001101) <host/port> - <title> VT/TEK ; format ID: 29(011101) <host:tcpport/port> - <title> VT/TEK ; format ID: 45(101101) <host/port:bps> - <title> VT/TEK ; format ID: 61(111101) <host:tcpport/port:bps> - <title> VT/TEK TitleFormat=13 ; Allow the sequences related to title report (accept/ignore/empty) TitleReportSequence=empty ; Translate mouse wheel to cursor key when application cursor mode TranslateWheelToCursor=on ; Trim trailing new line character when pasting TrimTrailingNLonPaste=off ; Unknown Unicode character handling UnknownUnicodeCharacterAsWide=off ; Mapping of Unicode to DEC special character ; The sum of following values: ; 1 : Box drawings (U+2500-U+257F) ; 2 : Bullet (U+2022) ; Hyphenation point (U+2027) ; Light shade (25%) (U+2591) ; Medium shade (50%) (U+2592) ; Dark shade (75%) (U+2593) ; Black small square (U+25AA) ; Black vertical rectangle (U+25AE) ; Black verty small square (U+2B1D) ; 4 : Middle dot (U+00B7) ; One dot leader (U+2024) ; Bullet operator (U+2219) UnicodeToDecSpMapping=3 ; White & black color conversion UseTextColor=off ; VT Compatible Tab VTCompatTab=off ; Space between characters (lines) VTFontSpace=0,0,0,0 ; Window Icon VTIcon=Default TEKIcon=Default ; Scaling factors for printing (in pixels per inch) VTPPI=0,0 TEKPPI=0,0 ; `wait4all' macro command Wait4allMacroCommand=off ; allow the sequences related to window control WindowCtrlSequence=on ; allow the sequences related to window report WindowReportSequence=on ; [Window] menu WindowMenu=on ; XMODEM log XmodemLog=off ; XMODEM Timeout value(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) by seconds ; v1=NAK mode: Timeout value for first packet ; v2=CRC mode: Timeout value for first packet ; v3=Timeout short time ; v4=Timeout long time ; v5=Timeout very long time XmodemTimeouts=10,3,10,20,60 ; YMODEM log YmodemLog=off ; YMODEM receive command YmodemRcvCommand= ; YMODEM Timeout value(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) by seconds ; v1=NAK mode: Timeout value for first packet ; v2=CRC mode: Timeout value for first packet ; v3=Timeout short time ; v4=Timeout long time ; v5=Timeout very long time YmodemTimeouts=10,3,10,20,60 ; ZMODEM auto receive ZmodemAuto=off ; ZMODEM parameters for sending ZmodemDataLen=1024 ZmodemWinSize=32767 ; Escape all control characters in ZMODEM ZmodemEscCtl=off ; ZMODEM log ZmodemLog=off ; ZMODEM receive command ZmodemRcvCommand=rz ; ZMODEM Timeout value(v1,v2,v3,v4) by seconds ; v1=Timeout value for serial port ; v2=Timeout value for TCP/IP port ; v3=Timeout value for initial packet ; v4=Timeout value for final packet ZmodemTimeouts=10,0,10,3 ;------ end of special options [TTSSH] ; SSH enabled flag (1=enabled 0=disabled) Enabled=1 ; default login username (setup to authentication dialog) DefaultUserName= ; default login username type ; 0 ... Empty ; 1 ... Use DefaultUserName setting ; 2 ... Use Windows logon user name DefaultUserType=1 DefaultForwarding= ; Cipher algorithm order ; 2...DES(SSH1), 3...3DES(SSH1), 6...Blowfish(SSH1), 7...3DES-CBC, ; 8...aes128-cbc, 9...aes192-cbc, :...aes256-cbc, ;...blowfish-cbc, ; <...aes128-ctr, =...aes192-ctr, >...aes256-ctr, ?...arcfour, ; @...arcfour128, A...arcfour256, B...cast128-cbc, C...3des-ctr, ; D...blowfish-ctr, E...cast128-ctr, F...camellia128-cbc, ; G...camellia192-cbc, H...camellia256-cbc, I...camellia128-ctr, ; J...camellia192-ctr, K...camellia256-ctr L...aes128-gcm@openssh.com ; M...aes256-gcm@openssh.com ; 0...Ciphers below this line are disabled. CipherOrder=MLK>H:J=G9I<F8C7D;EB30A@?62 ; KEX algorithm order(SSH2) ; 1...diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 ; 2...diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 ; 3...diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 ; 4...diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 ; 5...ecdh-sha2-nistp256 ; 6...ecdh-sha2-nistp384 ; 7...ecdh-sha2-nistp521 ; 8...diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 ; 9...diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 ; :...diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 ; 0...KEXs below this line are disabled. KexOrder=567:9843210 ; minimal size in bits of an acceptable group in SSH_MSG_KEY_DH_GEX_REQUEST packet GexMinimalGroupSize=0 ; Host Key algorithm order(SSH2) ; 2...ssh-rsa ; 3...ssh-dss ; 4...ecdh-sha2-nistp256 ; 5...ecdh-sha2-nistp384 ; 6...ecdh-sha2-nistp521 ; 7...ssh-ed25519 ; 0...below this line are disabled. HostKeyOrder=4567230 ; MAC algorithm order(SSH2) ; 1...hmac-sha1 ; 2...hmac-md5 ; 3...hmac-sha1-96 ; 4...hmac-md5-96 ; 5...hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com ; 6...hmac-sha2-256 ; 8...hmac-sha2-512 ; :...hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com ; ;...hmac-md5-etm@openssh.com ; <...hmac-sha1-96-etm@openssh.com ; =...hmac-md5-96-etm@openssh.com ; >...hmac-ripemd160-etm@openssh.com ; ?...hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com ; @...hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com ; 0...below this line are disabled. MacOrder=@?:861>5;20<=34 ; Compression algorithm order(SSH2) ; 1...none ; 2...zlib ; 3...zlib@openssh.com(Delayed Compression) ; 0...below this line are disabled. CompOrder=3210 ; packet compression level (0=none) Compression=0 KnownHostsFiles=ssh_known_hosts DefaultRhostsLocalUserName= DefaultRhostsHostPrivateKeyFile= DefaultRSAPrivateKeyFile= DefaultAuthMethod=3 ; Debug message logging level of `TTSSH.LOG'. ; The default value is disabled(0). ; LOG_LEVEL_FATAL 5 ; LOG_LEVEL_ERROR 10 ; LOG_LEVEL_WARNING 30 ; LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE 50 ; LOG_LEVEL_INFO 80 ; LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE 100 ; LOG_LEVEL_SSHDUMP 200 LogLevel=0 WriteBufferSize=2097152 ; SSH protocol version (1 or 2) ProtocolVersion=2 ; SSH heartbeat(keepalive): per second (0=disabled) HeartBeat=60 ; Remember password in memory (1=enabled 0=disabled) RememberPassword=1 ; Check supported auth methods with "none" method (1=enabled 0=disabled) CheckAuthListFirst=0 ; Enable connection to the server that has RSA key length less than 768 bit (1=enabled 0=disabled) EnableRsaShortKeyServer=0 ; SSH agent forwarding (pageant) (1=enabled 0=disabled) ForwardAgent=0 ; Confirm SSH agent forwarding (1=enabled 0=disabled) ForwardAgentConfirm=1 ; Notify forwarded agent access (1=enabled 0=disabled) ForwardAgentNotify=1 ; Verify host key by DNS (1=enabled 0=disabled) VerifyHostKeyDNS=0 ; Authentication Banner ; 0 ... ignore ; 1 ... display in VT window ; 2 ... display by popup message box ; 3 ... display by balloon tip AuthBanner=1 ; SSH Icon SSHIcon=Default ; Disable error popup-message box ; 0 ... Default(not disabling) ; 1 ... Sending forwarded data to a local port DisablePopupMessage=0 ; X11 Forwarding X11Display= ; Host key rotation support (derived from OpenSSH 6.8) ; 0 ... Disabled ; 1 ... Enabled ; 2 ... Enabled with User's confirmation UpdateHostkeys=0 [TTProxy] ConnectionTimeout="10" SocksResolve="auto" TelnetHostnamePrompt=">> Host name: " TelnetUsernamePrompt="Username:" TelnetPasswordPrompt="Password:" TelnetConnectedMessage="-- Connected to " TelnetErrorMessage="!!!!!!!!" [TTXKanjiMenu] UseOneSetting=on [TTXttyrec] RecordStartSize=on [TTXRecurringCommand] Enable=off Command= Interval=300 AddNewLine=off [Resize Menu] ; 80x62 ;ResizeMenu1= 80, 24 ; ; 120x52 ;ResizeMenu2=120, 52 ; ; Width: no-change, Height: 52 ;ResizeMenu3= 0, 52 ; ; Width: 80, Height: no-change ;ResizeMenu4= 80, 0 ;------ Telnet host list ; Max number of hosts is 200. ; You can edit this list in the [Setup] TCP/IP dialog box. ;[Hosts] ; Host name ;Host1=myhost.example.com ; IPv4 address ;Host2= ; IPv6 address ;Host3=[2001:db8:1:2:8401:02ff:fe03:0405] ; IPv6 address with interface number ;Host4=[fe80::8401:02ff:fe03:0405%3] ; Host name with option ;Host5=myhost.example.com /F=myhost.ini ; Host name with user, port and option ;Host6=user@myhost.example.com:10022 /ssh ; URL ;Host7=ssh://user@myhost.example.com ; COM1 port ;Host8=/C=1 ; Replay a file ;Host9=/R=readme.txt [Hosts] Host1=myhost.example.com Host2= Host3=[2001:db8:1:2:8401:2ff:fe03:405] Host4=[fe80::8401:2ff:fe03:405%3] Host5=myhost.example.com /F=myhost.ini Host6=user@myhost.example.com:10022 /ssh Host7=ssh://user@myhost.example.com Host8=/C=1 ;serial port Host9=\\.\pipe\vmware-serial-port ;Named pipe Host10=/R=readme.txt ;replay a file