Japanese Support
- anthy - A Japanese character input system library (with dictionary)
- autocorr-ja - Japanese autocorrection rules
- ebview - EPWING CD-ROM dictionary viewer
- ibus-anthy - The Anthy engine for IBus input platform
- ibus-mozc - Mozc support for IBus
- ibus-skk - The SKK engine for IBus platform
- ipa-gothic-fonts - IPA gothic fonts
- ipa-mincho-fonts - IPA mincho fonts
- ipa-pgothic-fonts - IPA proportional gothic fonts
- ipa-pmincho-fonts - IPA proportional mincho fonts
- japanese-bitmap-fonts - Free Japanese Bitmap fonts
- kakasi-dict - The base dictionary of KAKASI
- kde-l10n-Japanese - Japanese(ja) language support for KDE
- kde3-i18n-Japanese - Japanese(ja) language support for KDE
- koffice-l10n-Japanese - Japanese(ja) language support for KOffice
- lv - lv - a Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
- m17n-db - The m17n database
- man-pages-ja - Japanese man (manual) pages from the Japanese Manual Project
- mecab - Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
- meguri-fonts - Modified IPA and M+ fonts
- meguri-p-fonts - Meguri proportional font
- nkf - Network Kanji code conversion Filter
- openoffice.org-langpack-ja_JP - Japanese language pack for openoffice.org
- perl-NKF - Perl extension for Network Kanji Filter
- prime - A Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor
- prime-dict - Dictionary for PRIME (a Japanese PRedictive Input Method Editor)
- ruby-progressbar - a Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
- ruby-sary - sary extention for Ruby
- scim-anthy - Scim-anthy is an SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
- scim-bridge - Scim-bridge is yet another gtk-immodule for SCIM
- scim-input-pad - An On Screen Input Pad for SCIM
- scim-mozc - Mozc support for SCIM
- scim-prime - SCIM IMEngine module for PRIME
- scim-skk - SCIM IMEngine module for SKK
- scim-tomoe - Scim-tomoe is an SCIM IMEngine module for tomoe.
- skk-jisyo - Dictionaries for SKK
- skkinput - SKK like Japanese-input application
- uim-anthy - UIM plugin for Anthy
- uim-anthy-utf8 - UIM plugin for Anthy (UTF-8)
- uim-fep - an Input Method for console
- uim-gtk - GNOME helper for uim
- uim-mozc - Mozc support for UIM
- uim-prime - UIM plugin for PRIME
- uim-skk - UIM plugin for SKK
- uim-tomoe-gtk - A tool for providing tomoe support to uim
- uim-xim - XIM frontend for UIM
- vlgothic-fonts - Japanese TrueType font
- vlgothic-p-fonts - Proportional Japanese TrueType font