Czech Support
- aspell-cs - Czech dictionaries for Aspell
- fonts-ISO8859-2 - Central European language fonts for the X Window System
- fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi - A set of 100dpi Central European language fonts for X.
- fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi - A set of 75dpi Central European language fonts for X.
- hunspell-cs - Czech hunspell dictionary
- hyphen-cs - Czech hyphenation rules
- kde-l10n-Czech - Czech(cs) language support for KDE
- kde3-i18n-Czech - Czech(cs) language support for KDE
- koffice-l10n-Czech - Czech(cs) language support for KOffice
- man-pages-cs - Czech man pages from the Linux Documentation Project
- moodle-cs - Moodle language pack for Czech
- mythes-cs - Czech thesarus
- - Czech language pack for
- stardict-dic-cs_CZ - Czech dictionaries for StarDict
- tkgate-cs - Locales and examples for tkgate, Digital Circuit Simulator