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system environment/libraries
GSI plugin for gSOAP
Judy -
General purpose dynamic array
OpenEXR -
A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
SDL_image -
Image loading library for SDL
SDL_mixer -
Simple DirectMedia Layer - Sample Mixer Library
SDL_net -
SDL portable network library
SDL_ttf -
Simple DirectMedia Layer TrueType Font library
aalib -
An ASCII art library.
aqbanking -
A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export
augeas -
A library for changing configuration files
bind-libbind -
Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) libbind resolver library
boolstuff -
Disjunctive Normal Form boolean expression library
boost141 -
The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
c-ares -
A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
ctapi-common -
Common files and packaging infrastructure for CT-API modules
eventlog -
Syslog-ng v2 support library
factory -
C++ class library for multivariate polynomial data
fftw -
Fast Fourier Transform library
fltk -
C++ user interface toolkit
freealut -
Implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard
freetds -
Implementation of the TDS (Tabular DataStream) protocol
ftplib -
Library of FTP routines
g2clib -
GRIB2 encoder/decoder and search/indexing routines in C
gc -
C++ Garbage Collector
gconfmm26 -
A C++ interface for GConf2
glew -
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glibmm24 -
A C++ interface for GLib2
globus-authz -
Globus Toolkit - Globus authz library
globus-authz-callout-error -
Globus Toolkit - Globus authz error library
globus-callout -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Callout Library
globus-common -
Globus Toolkit - Common Library
globus-data-conversion -
Globus Toolkit - Data Conversion
globus-duct-common -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Duct Common
globus-duct-control -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Duct Control
globus-duroc-common -
Globus Toolkit - DUROC Common Library
globus-ftp-client -
Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library
globus-ftp-control -
Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library
globus-gass-cache -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Cache
globus-gass-copy -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy
globus-gass-server-ez -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Server_ez
globus-gass-transfer -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Transfer
globus-gfork -
Globus Toolkit - GFork
globus-gram-client -
Globus Toolkit - GRAM Client Library
globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GRAM Jobmanager Callout Errors
globus-gram-protocol -
Globus Toolkit - GRAM Protocol Library
globus-gridftp-server -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server
globus-gridftp-server-control -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server Library
globus-gridmap-callout-error -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Gridmap Callout Errors
globus-gsi-callback -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Callback Library
globus-gsi-cert-utils -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Cert Utils Library
globus-gsi-credential -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Credential Library
globus-gsi-openssl-error -
Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Error Handling
globus-gsi-proxy-core -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy Core Library
globus-gsi-proxy-ssl -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI Proxy SSL Library
globus-gsi-sysconfig -
Globus Toolkit - Globus GSI System Config Library
globus-gss-assist -
Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Assist library
globus-gssapi-error -
Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI Error Library
globus-gssapi-gsi -
Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI library
globus-io -
Globus Toolkit - uniform I/O interface
globus-libtool -
Globus Toolkit - Globus libtool package
globus-libxml2 -
Globus Toolkit - LibXML2 Library
globus-mp -
Globus Toolkit - Message Passing Library
globus-nexus -
Globus Toolkit - Nexus Library
globus-openssl -
Globus Toolkit - Openssl Library
globus-openssl-module -
Globus Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper
globus-rls-client -
Globus Toolkit - Replica Location Service Client
globus-rsl -
Globus Toolkit - Resource Specification Language Library
globus-rsl-assist -
Globus Toolkit - RSL Manipulation Library
globus-scheduler-event-generator -
Globus Toolkit - Scheduler Event Generator
globus-usage -
Globus Toolkit - Usage Library
globus-xio -
Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework
globus-xio-gsi-driver -
Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver
globus-xio-pipe-driver -
Globus Toolkit - Globus Pipe Driver
globus-xio-popen-driver -
Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Pipe Open Driver
gmime -
Library for creating and parsing MIME messages
gnome-vfsmm26 -
A C++ interface for gnome-vfs
gsl -
The GNU Scientific Library for numerical analysis
gsm -
Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
gtkmm24 -
A C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X)
gwenhywfar -
A multi-platform helper library for other libraries
hdf -
A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
hdf5 -
A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
icu -
International Components for Unicode
id3lib -
Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
iksemel -
An XML parser library designed for Jabber applications
imlib2 -
Image loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation library
jasper -
Implementation of the JPEG-2000 standard, Part 1
libAfterImage -
A generic image manipulation library
libburn -
Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
libcdaudio -
Control operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs
libcgi -
CGI easy as C
libcue -
Cue sheet parser library
libdnet -
Simple portable interface to lowlevel networking routines
libdockapp -
DockApp Development Standard Library
libesmtp -
SMTP client library
libetpan -
Portable, efficient middleware for different kinds of mail access
libevent -
Abstract asynchronous event notification library
libextractor -
Simple library for keyword extraction
libfac -
An extension to Singular-factory
libgeotiff -
GeoTIFF format library
libglademm24 -
A C++ interface for libglade
libgnomecanvasmm26 -
A C++ interface for Gnome canvas libraries
libgnomemm26 -
A C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
libgnomeuimm26 -
A C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
libgsasl -
GNU SASL library
libical -
Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format
libident -
New LibIdent C library
libidn2 -
Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libisoburn -
Library to enable creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems
libisofs -
Library to create ISO 9660 disk images
liblzf -
Small data compression library
libmcrypt -
Encryption algorithms library
libmp4v2 -
Library for working with files using the mp4 container format
libmpcdec -
Musepack audio decoding library
libmspack -
Library for CAB and related files compression and decompression
libnet -
C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnet10 -
High-level API (toolkit) to construct and inject network packets
libnetdevname -
A library that provides network name mappings
libnids -
Implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System
libntlm -
NTLM authentication library
libofx -
A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
libopm -
Blitzed open proxy monitor library
libpaper -
Library and tools for handling papersize
libpqxx -
C++ client API for PostgreSQL
librsync -
Rsync libraries
libsieve -
A library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail
libsigc++20 -
Typesafe signal framework for C++
libsigsegv -
Library for handling page faults in user mode
libsmbios -
Libsmbios C/C++ shared libraries
libssh2 -
A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libstatgrab -
Make system statistics
libsx -
Simple X library
libtar -
Tar file manipulation API
libuninameslist -
Library that provides Unicode names and annotations
libupnp -
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
libvmime07 -
A powerful C++ class library for working with MIME/Internet messages
libvpd -
VPD Database access library for lsvpd
libx86 -
Library for making real-mode x86 calls
libyahoo2 -
Library for the Yahoo! Messenger Protocol
log4c -
Library for logging application messages
lzo -
A data compression library with very fast (de)compression.
mdsplib -
METAR Decoder Software Package Library
mhash -
Thread-safe hash algorithms library
mod_wsgi -
A WSGI interface for Python web applications in Apache
ntl -
High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials
openal -
Open Audio Library
perl-Unix-Syslog -
Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
physfs -
Library to provide abstract access to various archives
pth -
The GNU Portable Threads library
pychart -
Python library for generating chart images
pydot -
Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
pyke -
Knowledge-based inference engine
python-IPy -
Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks
python-configobj -
Config file reading, writing, and validation
python-coverage -
Code coverage testing module for Python
python-dmidecode -
Python module to access DMI data
python-dtopt -
Add options to doctest examples while they are running
python-paste -
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
python-paste-deploy -
Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
python-paste-script -
A pluggable command-line frontend
python-ply -
Python Lex-Yacc
python-simplejson -
Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
scim -
Smart Common Input Method platform
scim-tables -
SCIM Generic Table IMEngine
snoopy -
A preload library to send shell commands to syslog
suitesparse -
A collection of sparse matrix libraries
svgalib -
Low-level fullscreen SVGA graphics library
taglib -
Audio Meta-Data Library
tinyxml -
A simple, small, C++ XML parser
udunits -
A library for manipulating units of physical quantities
voms -
Virtual Organization Membership Service
voms-mysql-plugin -
VOMS server plugin for MySQL
wv2 -
A library which allows access to Microsoft® Word files
wxGTK -
GTK2 port of the wxWidgets GUI library
xalan-c -
Xalan XSLT processor for C
xbae -
Motif matrix, caption and text input widgets
xerces-c -
Validating XML Parser
xforms -
XForms toolkit library
xml-security-c -
C++ Implementation of W3C security standards for XML