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acpitool -
Command line ACPI client
agedu -
An utility for tracking down wasted disk space
alsamixergui -
GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
asciidoc -
Text based document generation
atop -
An advanced interactive monitor to view the load on system and process level
bcfg2 -
Configuration management system
beesu -
Bee's installer script for beesu
bios_extract -
Tools to extract the different submodules of common legacy bioses
bonnie++ -
Filesystem and disk benchmark & burn-in suite
bottlerocket -
Utilities to use the FireCracker X10 kit
bwm-ng -
Bandwidth Monitor NG
cacti -
An rrd based graphing tool
cciss_vol_status -
Show status of logical drives attached to HP Smartarray controllers
cdpr -
Cisco Discovery Protocol Analyzer
certmaster -
Remote certificate distribution framework
cfengine -
A systems administration tool for networks
chkrootkit -
Tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
clamav -
Anti-virus software
clamav-unofficial-sigs -
Scripts to download unoffical clamav signatures
cobbler -
Boot server configurator
collectl -
A utility to collect various linux performance data
crack -
Password cracker
crudminer -
Find and report insecure web software in a web root
dcfldd -
Improved dd, useful for forensics and security
dd_rescue -
Fault tolerant "dd" utility for rescuing data from bad media
ddrescue -
Data recovery tool trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors
denyhosts -
A script to help thwart ssh server attacks
digitemp -
Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire device reading console application
drbdlinks -
A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
dvtm -
Tiling window management for the console
dwatch -
A program that watches over other programs
fedora-usermgmt -
Fedora tools for user management
fetch-crl -
Downloads Certificate Revocation Lists
fetch-crl3 -
Downloads Certificate Revocation Lists
firmware-addon-dell -
A firmware-tools plugin to handle BIOS/Firmware for Dell systems
firmware-tools -
Scripts and tools to manage firmware and BIOS updates
flashrom -
Simple program for reading/writing BIOS chips content
func -
Remote management framework
fwrestart -
A way to more safely re-load firewall rules remotely
htop -
Interactive process viewer
international-time -
A tool for arranging times in advance with overseas colleagues
keychecker -
Generate list of installed packages sorted by GPG key
koan -
Network provisioning tool for Xen and Bare Metal Machines
kyum -
Graphical User Frontend (GUI) for yum
linux_logo -
Show a logo with some system info on the console
lsscsi -
List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information
mcrypt -
Replacement for crypt()
moreutils -
Additional unix utilities
munge -
Enables uid & gid authentication across a host cluster
mussh -
Multihost SSH wrapper
mytop -
A top clone for MySQL
nagios -
Host/service/network monitoring program
nagios-plugins -
Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
nagios-plugins-check_sip -
A Nagios plugin to check SIP servers and devices
netgo -
Networking profile manager
nocpulse-common -
NOCpulse common
nrpe -
Host/service/network monitoring agent for Nagios
nsca -
Nagios Service Check Acceptor
nut -
Network UPS Tools
nwipe -
Securely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods
osslsigncode -
Tool for Authenticode signing of EXE/CAB files
ovaldi -
Reference implementation of the OVAL interpreter
pcp -
System-level performance monitoring and performance management
perl-Satcon -
Framework for configuration files
pnp4nagios -
Nagios performance data analysis tool
powerman -
PowerMan - Power to the Cluster
ptrash -
Move file(s) to ~/.trash directory
pwgen -
Automatic password generation
rhnpush -
Package uploader for the Red Hat Network Satellite Server
rkhunter -
A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits
rootsh -
Shell wrapper for auditing
roundcubemail -
Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client
rpmconf -
Tool to handle rpmnew and rpmsave files
rpmreaper -
A tool for removing packages from system
sblim-sfcb -
Small Footprint CIM Broker
sblim-sfcc -
Small Footprint CIM Client Library
sdparm -
List or change SCSI/SATA disk parameters
ser2net -
Proxy that allows tcp connections to serial ports
shorewall -
An iptables front end for firewall configuration
smp_utils -
Utilities for SAS management protocol (SMP)
stripesnoop -
Magnetic Stripe Reader
superiotool -
Simple program for detecting Super I/O on your mainboard
sysbench -
System performance benchmark
testdisk -
Tool to check and undelete partition, PhotoRec recovers lost files
tiobench -
Threaded I/O benchmark
tiquit -
A PHP5-compatible help desk incident tracking/knowledgebase system
tlock -
Terminal lock
tmda -
Tagged Message Delivery Agent
trickle -
Portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper
vttest -
Test the compatibility of so-called "VT100-compatible" terminals
wsmancli -
WS-Management-Command line Interface
x509watch -
Simple tool to list expiring or expired X.509 certificates
xclip -
Command line clipboard grabber
xdialog -
X11 drop in replacement for cdialog
xkeycaps -
Graphical front end to xmodmap