Test::Common - Simple, Reusable Module Tests

    From the command line:

        > test-common help
        > test-common config
        > edit t/common.yaml
        > test-common update

    Optionally, in your Module::Install based Makefile.PL:

        use inc::Module::Install;
        # Keep common tests up to date

    There are many module unit tests that are either exactly the same or
    slightly different, from dist to dist. Test::Common is a framework for
    distributing and sharing these common tests. (The hope is...) By having
    many authors contribute to common test pools, not only will it be easier
    to write common tests fast, it will help expose where specific tests
    need to be written, and common ways to set these tests up.

    As a module author, you maintain a configuration file called
    "t/common.yaml", which contains information on all the common tests you
    want to use. These tests can come from Common::Test or any other module
    that distributes tests in the same way.

    The common test scripts are files under the share/ directory. These
    files are actually Template Toolkit templates. Test::Common renders the
    templates into real test files (using data from t/common.yaml) every
    time you run the command "test-common update".

    When you run:

        test-common config

    you get an example "t/common.yaml" file. Edit it. There are comments
    inside exlaining the basics. For a given entry, like:

        - test: foo-bar.t

    all the data in that hash gets passed to Template Toolkit to render the
    test's template. Simple.

    To rename a test, do:

        - test: foo-bar.t
          name: test-foo-bar.t

    To create a package of your own common tests, put .t files into a share
    directory, so they get installed by "make install", et al. Then other
    authors can add your test package to the 'sources' list of their
    "t/common.yaml" file.

    Since Test::Common tests are always generated, it is your choice whether
    or not to commit the rendered tests. The only file you really ever need
    is "t/common.yaml".

    The config file has a "clean" setting that allows you to control what:

        common-tests clean

    does. If you use the Module::Install plugin then you can just do:

        make clean

    Ingy dテカt Net <>

    Copyright (c) 2011. Ingy dテカt Net.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.
