NAME Benchmark::Forking - About the forking benchmarks distribution MOTIVATION The standard Benchmark module can sometimes report inaccurate or misleading results, in part because it doesn't isolate its test cases from one another. This means that the order that cases are run in can influence the results, because side effects, either obvious or obscure, can accumulate and affect later tests. Data in global variables is an obvious source of side effects; in the below example, the grep takes longer as more items are pushed onto the array, so the test functions that run later will be reported by Benchmark as being slower, despite their code being identical: cmpthese( 1000, { "test_1" => sub { push @global, scalar grep 1, @global }, "test_2" => sub { push @global, scalar grep 1, @global }, "test_3" => sub { push @global, scalar grep 1, @global }, } ); More cryptic sources of side effects can include cache priming, idiosyncrasies of the underlying Perl implementation, or the state of the operating system and environment. For example, if the code to be benchmarked require a lot of in-process RAM, earlier tests may be slowed down by having to allocate the memory the first time, or later tests may be slowed down by having to pick through the heap looking for free space. These effects are difficult to predict and can be laborious to identify and compensate for. This module provides a solution to most aspects of this problem. Once you use Benchmark::Forking, the example benchmark above will report the correct conclusion that the three identical tests run at approximately the same speed. VERSION This is version 1.00 of Benchmark::Forking. INSTALLATION This module should work with any version of Perl 5, without platform dependencies or additional modules beyond the core distribution. You should be able to install this module using the CPAN shell interface: perl 竏樽CPAN 竏弾 'install Benchmark::Forking' Alternately, you may retrieve this package from CPAN ("") and follow the normal procedure to unpack and install it, using the commands shown below or their local equivalents on your system: tar xzf Benchmark竏巽orking竏�*.tar.gz cd Benchmark竏巽orking竏�* perl Makefile.PL make test && sudo make install SUPPORT Once installed, this module窶冱 documentation is available as a manual page via "perldoc Benchmark::Forking" or on CPAN sites such as "竏巽orking". If you have questions or feedback about this module, please feel free to contact the author at the below address. Although there is no formal support program, I do attempt to answer email promptly. Bug reports that contain a failing test case are greatly appreciated, and suggested patches will be promptly considered for inclusion in future releases. To report bugs via the CPAN web tracking system, go to "竏巽orking" or send mail to "Dist=Benchmark竏巽", replacing "#" with "@". If you窶况e found this module useful or have feedback about your experience with it, consider sharing your opinion with other Perl users by posting your comment to CPAN窶冱 ratings system ("竏巽orking"). For more general discussion, you may wish to post a message on PerlMonks ("") or on the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup (""). AUTHOR Developed by Matthew Simon Cavalletto. You may contact the author directly at "" or "". Inspired by a discussion with Jim Keenan in the Perl Monks community. My thanks also to other members of the Perl Monks community for feedback on this module, including graff, tachyon, Aristotle, pbeckingham, and others. LICENSE Copyright 2010, 2004 Matthew Simon Cavalletto. You may use, modify, and distribute this software under the same terms as Perl. See for more information.