diff -bu Scriptalicious-1.16-812xAi/t/04-fork.t~ Scriptalicious-1.16-812xAi/t/04-fork.t
--- Scriptalicious-1.16-812xAi/t/04-fork.t~	2008-05-08 17:13:06.000000000 -0600
+++ Scriptalicious-1.16-812xAi/t/04-fork.t	2013-07-20 21:46:38.230709855 -0600
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2005-2008, Sam Vilain.  All rights reserved.  This program
-# is free software; you can use it and/or distribute it under the same
-# terms as Perl itself; either the latest stable release of Perl when
-# the module was written, or any subsequent stable release.
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use t::Util;
-use Scriptalicious;
-use Test::More tests => 17;
-my ($rc, @out) = capture_err($^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/fork.pl", "-v");
-is($rc, 0, "Command completed successfully");
-my $out = join "", @out;
-like($out, qr/\(parent\)/, "Parent managed to use the timer");
-like($out, qr/\(child\)/, "Child managed to use the timer");
-# test that file descriptors can be fed in lots of different ways
-slop $testfile, "Hello, world!";
-my $output = capture( -in => $testfile,
-		      $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl");
-like($output, qr/:.*Hello, world!/, "run -in => 'FILENAME'");
-$output = capture( -in => sub { print "Hi there\n" },
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl");
-like($output, qr/:.*Hi there/, "run -in => SUB");
-open TEST, "<$testfile" or barf "damn! $!";
-$output = capture( -in => \*TEST,
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl");
-like($output, qr/:.*Hello, world!/, "run -in => GLOB");
-close TEST;
-# output...
-$output = capture( -out => $testfile,
-		   -in  => sub { print "Loop this!\n" },
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl");
-is($output, "", "run out => 'FILENAME' (no output from capture)");
-$output = slurp $testfile;
-like($output, qr/:.*Loop this!/, "run -out => 'FILENAME'");
-$output = capture( -out => sub { my $foo = <STDIN>;
-				 slop $testfile, $foo;
-			     },
-		   -in  => sub { print "slopslopslop\n" },
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl");
-is($output, "", "run out => CODE (no output from capture)");
-$output = slurp $testfile;
-like($output, qr/:.*slopslopslop/, "run -out => CODE");
-open TEST, ">$testfile" or barf $!;
-$output = capture( -out => \*TEST,
-		   -in  => sub { print "suckonthis!\n" },
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl");
-is($output, "", "run out => GLOB (no output from capture)");
-close TEST;
-$output = slurp $testfile;
-like($output, qr/:.*suckonthis!/, "run -out => GLOB");
-# explicit file descriptors...
-slop $testfile, "Burp";
-$output = capture( -in4  => $testfile,
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl", qw(-i 4));
-like($output, qr/Burp/, "-in4 => 'FILENAME'");
-slop $testfile, "Burp";
-$output = capture( -in => sub { print "It should be so easy!\n" },
-		   -out4  => $testfile,
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl", qw(-o 4));
-is($output, "", "-out4 => 'FILENAME' (no output from capture)");
-$output = slurp $testfile;
-like($output, qr/:.*easy!/, "run -out4 => 'FILENAME'");
-# last out!
-$output = capture( -in5 => sub { print "slurpamunchalot\n" },
-		   -out4  => sub { my $foo = <STDIN>;
-				   slop $testfile, $foo },
-		   $^X, "-Mlib=lib", "t/loopback.pl", qw(-o 4 -i 5));
-is($output, "", "run -out4 => CODE, -in4 => CODE (no output from capture)");
-$output = slurp $testfile;
-like($output, qr/:.*slurpamunchalot/, "run -out4 => CODE, -in4 => CODE");