NAME Zing::Store::Mysql - Mysql Storage ABSTRACT Mysql Storage Abstraction SYNOPSIS use Test::DB::Mysql; use Zing::Encoder::Dump; use Zing::Store::Mysql; my $testdb = Test::DB::Mysql->new; my $store = Zing::Store::Mysql->new( client => $testdb->create->dbh, encoder => Zing::Encoder::Dump->new ); # $store->drop; DESCRIPTION This package provides a MySQL-specific storage adapter for use with data persistence abstractions. The "client" attribute accepts a DBI object configured to connect to a DBD::mysql backend. The ZING_DBNAME environment variable can be used to specify the database name (defaults to "zing"). The ZING_DBHOST environment variable can be used to specify the database host (defaults to "localhost"). The ZING_DBPORT environment variable can be used to specify the database port (defaults to "3306"). The ZING_DBUSER environment variable can be used to specify the database username (defaults to "root"). The ZING_DBPASS environment variable can be used to specify the database password. The ZING_DBZONE environment variable can be used to specify the database table name (defaults to "entities"). INHERITS This package inherits behaviors from: Zing::Store LIBRARIES This package uses type constraints from: Zing::Types ATTRIBUTES This package has the following attributes: client client(InstanceOf["DBI::db"]) This attribute is read-only, accepts (InstanceOf["DBI::db"]) values, and is optional. METHODS This package implements the following methods: decode decode(Str $data) : HashRef The decode method decodes the JSON data provided and returns the data as a hashref. decode example #1 # given: synopsis $store->decode('{"status"=>"ok"}'); drop drop(Str $key) : Int The drop method removes (drops) the item from the datastore. drop example #1 # given: synopsis $store->drop('zing:main:global:model:temp'); encode encode(HashRef $data) : Str The encode method encodes and returns the data provided as JSON. encode example #1 # given: synopsis $store->encode({ status => 'ok' }); keys keys(Str @keys) : ArrayRef[Str] The keys method returns a list of keys under the namespace of the datastore or provided key. keys example #1 # given: synopsis my $keys = $store->keys('zing:main:global:model:temp'); keys example #2 # given: synopsis $store->send('zing:main:global:model:temp', { status => 'ok' }); my $keys = $store->keys('zing:main:global:model:temp'); lpull lpull(Str $key) : Maybe[HashRef] The lpull method pops data off of the top of a list in the datastore. lpull example #1 # given: synopsis $store->lpull('zing:main:global:model:items'); lpull example #2 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); $store->lpull('zing:main:global:model:items'); lpush lpush(Str $key, HashRef $val) : Int The lpush method pushed data onto the top of a list in the datastore. lpush example #1 # given: synopsis $store->lpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => '1' }); lpush example #2 # given: synopsis $store->lpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => '0' }); $store->lpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => '0' }); recv recv(Str $key) : Maybe[HashRef] The recv method fetches and returns data from the datastore by its key. recv example #1 # given: synopsis $store->recv('zing:main:global:model:temp'); recv example #2 # given: synopsis $store->send('zing:main:global:model:temp', { status => 'ok' }); $store->recv('zing:main:global:model:temp'); rpull rpull(Str $key) : Maybe[HashRef] The rpull method pops data off of the bottom of a list in the datastore. rpull example #1 # given: synopsis $store->rpull('zing:main:global:model:items'); rpull example #2 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 1 }); $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 2 }); $store->rpull('zing:main:global:model:items'); rpush rpush(Str $key, HashRef $val) : Int The rpush method pushed data onto the bottom of a list in the datastore. rpush example #1 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); rpush example #2 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); send send(Str $key, HashRef $val) : Str The send method commits data to the datastore with its key and returns truthy. send example #1 # given: synopsis $store->send('zing:main:global:model:temp', { status => 'ok' }); size size(Str $key) : Int The size method returns the size of a list in the datastore. size example #1 # given: synopsis my $size = $store->size('zing:main:global:model:items'); size example #2 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); my $size = $store->size('zing:main:global:model:items'); slot slot(Str $key, Int $pos) : Maybe[HashRef] The slot method returns the data from a list in the datastore by its index. slot example #1 # given: synopsis my $model = $store->slot('zing:main:global:model:items', 0); slot example #2 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); my $model = $store->slot('zing:main:global:model:items', 0); test test(Str $key) : Int The test method returns truthy if the specific key (or datastore) exists. test example #1 # given: synopsis $store->rpush('zing:main:global:model:items', { status => 'ok' }); $store->test('zing:main:global:model:items'); test example #2 # given: synopsis $store->drop('zing:main:global:model:items'); $store->test('zing:main:global:model:items'); AUTHOR Al Newkirk, LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file" <>. PROJECT Wiki <> Project <> Initiatives <> Milestones <> Contributing <> Issues <>