# NAME Wasm::Wasmer - [WebAssembly](https://webassembly.org) in Perl via [Wasmer](https://wasmer.io) # SYNOPSIS use Wasm::Wasmer; my $wasm = Wasm::Wasmer::wat2wasm( <<END ); (module (type (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (func $add (type 0) local.get 0 local.get 1 i32.add) (export "sum" (func $add)) ) END my $instance = Wasm::Wasmer::Module->new($wasm)->create_instance(); # Prints 7: print $instance->call('sum', 2, 5) . $/; # DESCRIPTION This distribution provides an XS binding for Wasmer. This provides a simple, fast way to run WebAssembly (WASM) in Perl. # MODULE RELATIONSHIPS We mostly follow the relationships from [Wasmer窶冱 C API](https://docs.rs/wasmer-c-api): - [Wasm::Wasmer::Store](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmer%3A%3AStore) manages Wasmer窶冱 state, including storage of any imports & exports. It contains compiler & engine configuration as well. This object can be auto-created by default or manually instantiated. - [Wasm::Wasmer::Module](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmer%3A%3AModule) uses a [Wasm::Wasmer::Store](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmer%3A%3AStore) instance to represent a parsed WASM module. This one you always instantiate manually. - [Wasm::Wasmer::Instance](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmer%3A%3AInstance) uses a [Wasm::Wasmer::Module](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmer%3A%3AModule) instance to represent an in-progress WASM program. You窶冤l instantiate these via methods on the [Wasm::Wasmer::Module](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmer%3A%3AModule) object. # CHARACTER ENCODING Generally speaking, strings that in common usage are human-readable (e.g., names of imports & exports) are character strings. Ensure that you窶况e properly character-decoded such strings, or any non-ASCII characters will cause encoding bugs. (TIP: Always incorporate code points 128-255 into your testing.) Binary payloads (e.g., memory contents) are byte strings. # PLATFORM SUPPORT As of this writing, Wasmer窶冱 platform support constrains this module to supporting Linux and macOS only. (Windows might also work?) # SEE ALSO [Wasm::Wasmtime](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm%3A%3AWasmtime) is an FFI binding to [https://wasmtime.dev](https://wasmtime.dev), a similar project to Wasmer. [Wasm](https://metacpan.org/pod/Wasm) provides syntactic sugar around Wasm::Wasmtime. # FUNCTIONS This namespace defines the following: ## $bin = wat2wasm( $TEXT ) Converts WASM text format to its binary-format equivalent. $TEXT should be (character-decoded) text. # LICENSE & COPYRIGHT Copyright 2022 Gasper Software Consulting. All rights reserved. This library is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. See [perlartistic](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlartistic). This library was originally a research project at [cPanel, L.L.C.](https://cpanel.net).