# Mojolicious::Plugin::AWS - AWS via Mojolicious ## SYNOPSIS ```perl # Mojolicious $self->plugin('Mojolicious::Plugin::AWS'); # Mojolicious::Lite plugin 'Mojolicious::Plugin::AWS'; # in a controller $c->sns_publish( region => 'us-east-2', topic => $topic_arn, subject => 'my subject', message => {default => 'my message'}, access_key => $access_key, secret => $secret_key )->then( sub { my $tx = shift; say $tx->res->json('/PublishResponse/PublishResult/MessageId'); } ); ``` ## DESCRIPTION Mojolicious::Plugin::AWS is a Mojolicious plugin for publishing to Amazon Web Service's Simple Notification Service. ## CAVEAT This module is alpha quality. This means that its interface will likely change in backward-incompatible ways, that its performance is unreliable, and that the code quality is only meant as a proof-of-concept. Its use is discouraged except for experimental, non-production deployments. ## AUTHOR Scott Wiersdorf, <scott@perlcode.org> ## SPONSORS * AdvanStaff HR <https://www.advanstaff.com/> ## COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2019, Scott Wiersdorf. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.