
               A basic config parser
               for file where a section start at first column and end when a new section appear

            OO interface


        Create a new parser

            "-sections" = an ARRAY with all possible section "-target" a
            file name to parse or a ref ARRAY with the data to parse "-data"
            is a synonym of "-target" "-file" is a synonym of "-target"

            t "-traillers" is an ARRAY with all regular expresiion allowed
            for a trailler (to skip in the preceding section ) "-headers" is
            an ARRAY with all regular expresiion allowed for a headers (to
            add to the following section)

            the trailler and headers could be retrived into the parsed data
            these 2 parameters are optionals

            my $a = Config::Basic->new( -data => \@data, -sections => [
            'global', 'listen', 'defaults' ], );


            get/set the target in use

            my $target = $a->target(  ) ;                   # return the current target     
            my $target =  $a->target( "new.cfg" ) ;         # change the target to the file "new.cfg" 
                                                            # and return the new target (here the file name)
            my $target = $a->target( \@data );              # change the target to the a ARRAY ref 
                                                            # and return the new target (here the ARRAY ref)


            get/set the sections to use

            my $sect = $a->sections(  ) ;                           # return  a ARRAY ref with the current sections 
            my $new_sect = $a->sections( [ 'all', 'server' ]  );    # create a new set of sections and 
                                                                    # return a ARRAY ref with the current sections


            get/set the traillers to skip
            if at the end of a section, lines match one of these REGEX 
            these lines are not include in the section.
            This allow to keep blank line and comment inside a section 
            and get the real ending of the section (e.g. to allow an insert) 

            my $sect = $a->trailler(  ) ;                           # return  a ARRAY ref with the current traillers        
            my $new_sect = $a->trailler( [ '^\s*$', '^#' ]  ) ;     # create a new set of traillers and 
                                                                    # return a ARRAY ref with the current traillers


            get/set the headers to at
            if before of a  section, lines match one of these REGEX 
            these lines are add in the section (under the tag "start_headers").
            This allow to keep comment to belong to a following section 
            and get the real starting of the section (e.g. to allow an insert) 

            my $sect = $a->header(  );                              # return  a ARRAY ref with the current headers  
            my $new_sect = $a->headers( [ '^\s*$', '^#' ]  ) ;      # create a new set of headers and 
                                                                    # return a ARRAY ref with the current headers


            method to retrieve a section.
            the method expect a ref to a HASH with { start => "start_line" , end => "end_line" }

            my $se = $a->get_section( $res->{ listen }[1] );   # return 3 elements:
                            start line (sithout headers)
                            end line (without traillers)
                            ARRAY ref with the content of the section


            method to parse a target
            the method return a ref to a HASH. 
            Each key are a section.
            Each value contain a ref to an ARRAY with a ref to a HASH for each section seen in the target
            There are for key in each section descrition
                    start           = the line where the section start 
                    end             = the line where the section end without the traillers part if defined
                    start_header    = the line where the section start included the header if defined
                    end_trailler    = the line where the section end with the traillers part if defined
            my $se = $a->get_section( $res->{ listen }[1] );   # return ARRAY ref with the content of the second section 'listen'

    Parse a file like this (named here test1.cfg)


                    max             10000    
                    log local0 notice
                    pidfile  /var/run/
                    nbproc  2
                    mode    application
                    option  dontlognull
                    option  closeonexit
                    retries 1
                    contimeout      5000
            special  extra value
            # comment 1
                    item    1
            #comment 2
                    item    2
            # test header
                    log     global
                    option  test
                    type    ping 750
                    log     local
                    option  test
                    type    udp 800
            ## other
                    log     global
                    option  test2
                    type    tcp 4000

    ## First example: ##

            use strict;
            use Config::Basic;
            use Data::Dumper;
            use Config::General;
            print "#" x 30;
            print "\n First example\n";
            print "#" x 30;
            print "\n";
            my $data_file = "test1.cfg";
            # Instantiate a new Config::Basic object
            # the input file is "test1.cfg"
            # we expect 3 sections tag
            # and each trailling part of the section matching one of the regular "traillers" REGEX is skipped
            # this allow to skip trailling blank line or comment at the end,
            # but keep blank line and comment inside the section
            my $a = Config::Basic->new(
                -file     => $data_file,
                -sections => [ 'global', 'server', 'defaults', 'special' ],
                -traillers => [ '^\s*$' , '^#' ],
                -headers => [ '^#' ],
            print "\nPrint the 'sections' set\n";
            print Dumper( $a->sections );
            print "\nPrint the parsed data\n";
            print "look at the value start_headers and end_traillers\n";
            print "for the section 'special' and the first section 'server'\n";
            my $res = $a->parse();
            print Dumper( $res );
            my $se = $a->get_section( $res->{ server }[1] );
            print "\nPrint Config::General result for the second 'server' section\n";
            my %re = ParseConfig( -String => $se );
            print Dumper( \%re );
            print "\nSet a new sections set and print it\n";
            print Dumper( $a->sections( [ 'global', 'server', 'special', 'defaults' ] ) );
            print "\nParse the data and print\n";
            $res = $a->parse();
            print Dumper( $res );
            print "\nExtract the second firts 'server'\n";
            $se = $a->get_section( $res->{ server }[0] );
            print Dumper( $se );
            print "\nPrint the 'traillers' set\n";
            $se = $a->traillers( );
            print Dumper( $se );
            print "\nPrint the 'headers' set\n";
            $se = $a->headers( );
            print Dumper( $se );
            print "\n";
            print "#" x 30;
            print "\n Second example\n";
            print "#" x 30;
            print "\n";
            use IO::All;
            my @data = io( $data_file )->chomp->slurp;
            my $a    = Config::Basic->new(
                -file     => \@data,
                -sections => [ 'global', 'server', 'defaults' ],
                -traillers => [ '^\s*$', '^#' ],
            my $res = $a->parse();
            # Get the second 'server' section and use start , end and real data
            my ( $start, $end, $sect ) = $a->get_section( $res->{ server }[1] );
            # set the line counter to the start of the section
            my $line_nbr = $start;
            foreach my $line ( @{ $sect } )
            # increment the line counter
            # made some test onthe line data
                if ( $line =~ /type/ )
                    print "$line_nbr $line\n";
            # directly modify the line in the real data
                    $data[ $line_nbr -1 ] =~ s/udp/UDP/;
            # show the result (or save, or  ...)
            print Dumper( \@data );
    Fabrice Dulaunoy <fabrice[at]dulaunoy[dot]com>

    07 december 2006

    Under the GNU GPL2

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

    Config::Basic Copyright (C) 2006,2007 DULAUNOY Fabrice. Config::Basic
    comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details See: This is free software, and you are
    welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;