NAME App::pathed - munge the Bash PATH environment variable SYNOPSIS $ PATH=$(pathed --unique --delete rbenv) $ PATH=$(pathed --append /home/my/bin -a /some/other/bin) $ PATH=$(pathed --prepend /home/my/bin -p /some/other/bin) $ for i in $(pathed --split); do ...; done $ pathed --check $ pathed -u --var PERL5LIB $ pathed -u $PERL5LIB $ pathed -d two --sep ';' '/foo/one;foo/two' $ pathed --man DESCRIPTION The Bash "PATH" environment variable contains a colon-separated list of paths. Platforms other than UNIX might use a different separator; "pathed" uses the default separator for the current OS. "pathed" - "path editor" - can split the path, append, prepend or remove elements, remove duplicates and reassemble it. The result is then printed so you can assign it to the "PATH" variable. If "--split" is used, each path element is printed on a separate line, so you can iterate over them, for example. The path elements can also be checked with "--check" to make sure that the indicated paths are readable. But "pathed" isn't just for the "PATH" variable. You can specify an environment variable to use with the "--var" option, or just pass a value to be used directly after the options. The following command-line options are supported: "--append", "-a" "<path>" Appends the given path to the list of path elements. This option can be specified several times; the paths are appended in the given order. "--prepend", "-p" "<path>" Prepends the given path to the list of path elements. This option can be specified several times; the paths are prepended in the given order. For example: $ pathed -p first -p second -p third will result in "third:second:first:$PATH". "--delete", "-d" "<substr>" Deletes those path elements which contain the given substring. This option can be specified several times; the path elements are deleted in the given order. When options are mixed, "--append" is processed first, then "--prepend", then "--delete". "--unique", "-u" Removes duplicate path elements. "--split", "-s" Prints each path element on its own line. If this option is not specified, the path elements are printed on one line, joined by the default path separator as reported by Config - usually a colon -, like you would normally specify the "PATH" variable. "--check", "-c" Checks whether each path element is readable and prints warnings if necessary. Does not check whether the path element is a directory because "pathed" can also be used for specifying multiple files such as configuration files. Warnings are printed only once per path element, even if that element occurs several times in "PATH". When "--check" is used, the path is not printed. "--check" and "--split" are mutually exclusive. "--var", "-v" "<variable>" Use the indicated environment variable. "--sep", "-e" "<separator>" The default path separator is what Config reports - usually a colon - but with this option you can specify a different separator. It is used to split the input path and to join the output path. "--help", "-h" Prints the synopsis. "--man" Prints the whole documentation. WHY pathed? The initial motivation for writing "pathed" came when I tried to install "vim" with "homebrew" while "rbenv" was active. "vim" wanted to be compiled with the system ruby, so I was looking for a quick way to remove "rbenv" from the "PATH": $ PATH=$(pathed -d rbenv) brew install vim AUTHORS The following person is the author of all the files provided in this distribution unless explicitly noted otherwise. Marcel Gruenauer <>, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise. This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Marcel Gruenauer. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.