
MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer - Writing documents for MsWord in HTML format

The present module is one way to programatically generate documents
targeted for Microsoft Word (MsWord).

MsWord can read documents encoded in native binary format, in Rich
Text Format (RTF), in WordML (an XML dialect), or -- maybe this is
less known -- in HTML, with some special markup for pagination and
other MsWord-specific features. Such HTML documents are often in
several parts, because attachments like images or headers/footers need
to be in separate files; however, since it is more convenient to carry
all data in a single file, MsWord also supports the "MHTML" format (or
"MHT" for short), i.e. an encapsulation of a whole HTML tree into a
single file encoded in MIME multipart format. This format can be
generated interactively from MsWord by calling the "SaveAs" menu and
choosing the F<.mht> extension.

C<MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer> helps you to programatically generate
MsWord documents in MHT format. The advantage of this technique is
that one can rely on standard HTML mechanisms for layout control, such
as styles, tables, divs, etc -- of course this markup can be produced
using your favorite HTML module. The added value
of C<MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer> is to help building the 
MIME multipart file, and provide some abstractions for 
representing MsWord-specific features (headers, footers, fields, etc.).
This is probably the most convenient
way for programmatic document generation.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc MsOffice::Word::HTML::Writer

You can also look for information at:

    Search CPAN

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Copyright (C) 2008 Laurent Dami

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.