Net::PhotoBackup::Server - perl5 server for https://photobackup.github.io


    # Initial setup of server config.
    photobackup.pl init

    # Launch server using config.
    photobackup.pl run


Net::PhotoBackup::Server provides a server and startup script for
[PhotoBackup](https://photobackup.github.io/) Android app. It was developed by
reading the [API docs](https://github.com/PhotoBackup/api/blob/master/api.raml)
and looking at the sourcecode of the
[bottle](https://github.com/PhotoBackup/server-bottle) and
[flask](https://github.com/PhotoBackup/server-flask) python implementations.

## new()


    Any args will be added to $self, overriding any defaults.

## init()

    Create, or recreate the user's config file.

    The user will be prompted for the following information:

    Media root - Directory where the pictures will be stored.

    Server password - The password to use for all HTTP operations.

    Server port - Defaults to 8420.

    Some rudimentary checking will be done for valid input.

## config()

    Read and write server config file.

    Returns undef if config file doesn't exist, or doesn't hold all required

    The config will be written to ~/.photobackup in INI format.

    I'm reading and writing this simple INI file manually rather than using a
    CPAN module so as to reduce the dependencies.

## run()

Launch the PhotoBackup web service using config from the conf file.

## stop()

Kill any running PhotoBackup web service.

## app()

Return the PSGI application subref.


Copyright (C) 2015 Dave Webb.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Dave Webb <github@d5ve.com>