=encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Encode::UTF8::Slow - A pure Perl, naive UTF-8 encoder/decoder =head1 SYNOPSIS use Encode::UTF8::Slow qw/bytes_to_codepoint codepoint_to_bytes/; my $bytes = codepoint_to_bytes(0x1F4FA); #television my $codepoint = bytes_to_codepoint('両'); =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 codepoint_to_bytes Takes a Unicode codepoint number and returns a scalar of UTF-8 encoded bytes for it. Exported on request. =head2 bytes_to_codepoint Takes UTF-8 encoded bytes in a scalar and returns the Unicode codepoint for it. Exported on request. =head1 WARNING This is a naive encoder - it doesn't handle UTF-16 pairs, BOM or other noncharacters like 0xFFFE. It's also very slow! =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L<Unicode::UTF8|https://metacpan.org/pod/Unicode::UTF8> for a super fast UTF-8 encoder. =item * L<Building a UTF-8 encoder in Perl|http://perltricks.com/article/building-a-utf-8-encoder-in-perl/> my PerlTricks.com article about this code. =item * L<RFC 3629|https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629> - which defines the current UTF-8 standard. =back =head1 REPOSITORY This code is hosted at L<GitHub|https://github.com/dnmfarrell/Encode-UTF8-Slow>. =head1 AUTHOR E<copy> 2016 David Farrell =head1 LICENSE FreeBSD, see LICENSE. =cut