2.42.0 (stable): The tarball for 2.42.0 has been created with 'meson dist'. If you build with Autotools from the tarball, please read the relevant part of the README file. * Element: Remove redundant null check (Renu Tyagi) Bug #757515 * Element::remove_attribute(): Fix a memory leak (Harald Schmalzl, Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #768404 * Document, DomParser: Improve XInclude processing: Document: Add process_xinclude() overload that takes a fixup_base_uris parameter. DomParser: Add set/get_xinclude_options() and add optional XInclude processing to the parse methods. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #781566 (rakhimov) * Parser: Replace deprecated Glib::Threads::Mutex with std::mutex (Murray Cumming) Build: * Fix silent builds (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #768797 (Sebastian) * Require mm-common >= 0.9.10 (for Autotools build) Require mm-common >= 1.0.0 (for Meson build) (Kjell Ahlstedt) * Add NMake Makefiles Remove Visual Studio 2010 projects (Chun-wei Fan) Pull request #9 * Add support for building with Meson (Kjell Ahlstedt, Chun-wei Fan) Pull request #16, #17 * Use __declspec(dllexport) when building on Visual Studio Stop using gendef.exe (Chun-wei Fan) Pull request #13