gcr 3.90.0: - WARNING: this is the alpha release of gcr4, which is a major version bump with several API and ABI breaks. - The "gcr" pkgconfig package now no longer contains the UI widgets (i.e. the former "gcr-base" package). - "gcr-ui" no longer exists. There is now "gcr-gtk3" and "gcr-gtk4" for the GTK3 and GTK4 versions respectively. These might be removed from by the beta release however, in favor of widgets for each DE (e.g. libadwaita or libgranite or ...). - All deprecated API has been removed, as well as most UI-related code. This includes most widgets, GcrColumn and any icons. - Most GObject-based code has been updated to use modern constructs like the `G_DECLARE_*` macros - "pkcs11.h" and "pkcs11.vapi" have been removed. If you used "pcks11.h", this is provided by the p11-kit package. If you used pkcs11.vapi, you'll have to copy it directly in your repository. - The org.gnome.crypto.pgp schema is no longer shipped. The options provided in it are part of GPG configuration files. - The minimally required version of Meson is now 0.59 - All `GcrCollection` based APIs are now ported to `GListModel`. - Added lookup of trust assertions for distrusted certs - Updated translations