/* xf86DDC.h * * This file contains all information to interpret a standard EDIC block * transmitted by a display device via DDC (Display Data Channel). So far * there is no information to deal with optional EDID blocks. * DDC is a Trademark of VESA (Video Electronics Standard Association). * * Copyright 1998 by Egbert Eich */ #ifndef XF86_DDC_H #define XF86_DDC_H #include "edid.h" #include "xf86i2c.h" #include "xf86str.h" /* speed up / slow down */ typedef enum { DDC_SLOW, DDC_FAST } xf86ddcSpeed; typedef void (*DDC1SetSpeedProc) (ScrnInfoPtr, xf86ddcSpeed); extern _X_EXPORT xf86MonPtr xf86DoEDID_DDC1(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, DDC1SetSpeedProc DDC1SetSpeed, unsigned int (*DDC1Read) (ScrnInfoPtr) ); extern _X_EXPORT xf86MonPtr xf86DoEDID_DDC2(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, I2CBusPtr pBus); extern _X_EXPORT xf86MonPtr xf86DoEEDID(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, I2CBusPtr pBus, Bool); extern _X_EXPORT xf86MonPtr xf86PrintEDID(xf86MonPtr monPtr); extern _X_EXPORT xf86MonPtr xf86InterpretEDID(int screenIndex, Uchar * block); extern _X_EXPORT xf86MonPtr xf86InterpretEEDID(int screenIndex, Uchar * block); extern _X_EXPORT void xf86EdidMonitorSet(int scrnIndex, MonPtr Monitor, xf86MonPtr DDC); extern _X_EXPORT Bool xf86SetDDCproperties(ScrnInfoPtr pScreen, xf86MonPtr DDC); extern _X_EXPORT Bool xf86MonitorIsHDMI(xf86MonPtr mon); extern _X_EXPORT DisplayModePtr FindDMTMode(int hsize, int vsize, int refresh, Bool rb); extern _X_EXPORT const DisplayModeRec DMTModes[]; /* * Quirks to work around broken EDID data from various monitors. */ typedef enum { DDC_QUIRK_NONE = 0, /* First detailed mode is bogus, prefer largest mode at 60hz */ DDC_QUIRK_PREFER_LARGE_60 = 1 << 0, /* 135MHz clock is too high, drop a bit */ DDC_QUIRK_135_CLOCK_TOO_HIGH = 1 << 1, /* Prefer the largest mode at 75 Hz */ DDC_QUIRK_PREFER_LARGE_75 = 1 << 2, /* Convert detailed timing's horizontal from units of cm to mm */ DDC_QUIRK_DETAILED_H_IN_CM = 1 << 3, /* Convert detailed timing's vertical from units of cm to mm */ DDC_QUIRK_DETAILED_V_IN_CM = 1 << 4, /* Detailed timing descriptors have bogus size values, so just take the * maximum size and use that. */ DDC_QUIRK_DETAILED_USE_MAXIMUM_SIZE = 1 << 5, /* Monitor forgot to set the first detailed is preferred bit. */ DDC_QUIRK_FIRST_DETAILED_PREFERRED = 1 << 6, /* use +hsync +vsync for detailed mode */ DDC_QUIRK_DETAILED_SYNC_PP = 1 << 7, /* Force single-link DVI bandwidth limit */ DDC_QUIRK_DVI_SINGLE_LINK = 1 << 8, } ddc_quirk_t; typedef void (*handle_detailed_fn) (struct detailed_monitor_section *, void *); void xf86ForEachDetailedBlock(xf86MonPtr mon, handle_detailed_fn, void *data); ddc_quirk_t xf86DDCDetectQuirks(int scrnIndex, xf86MonPtr DDC, Bool verbose); void xf86DetTimingApplyQuirks(struct detailed_monitor_section *det_mon, ddc_quirk_t quirks, int hsize, int vsize); typedef void (*handle_video_fn) (struct cea_video_block *, void *); void xf86ForEachVideoBlock(xf86MonPtr, handle_video_fn, void *); struct cea_data_block *xf86MonitorFindHDMIBlock(xf86MonPtr mon); #endif