/* * Code and supporting documentation (c) Copyright 1990 1991 Tektronix, Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * This file is a component of an X Window System-specific implementation * of Xcms based on the TekColor Color Management System. Permission is * hereby granted to use, copy, modify, sell, and otherwise distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee, provided * that this copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice is reproduced in * all copies of this software and in supporting documentation. TekColor * is a trademark of Tektronix, Inc. * * Tektronix makes no representation about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" and with all faults. * * TEKTRONIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TEKTRONIX BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * * NAME * XcmsInt.c - Xcms API utility routines * * DESCRIPTION * Xcms Application Program Interface (API) utility * routines for hanging information directly onto * the Display structure. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include "Xlibint.h" #include "Xcmsint.h" #include "Cv.h" #include "reallocarray.h" #ifndef XCMSCOMPPROC # define XCMSCOMPPROC XcmsTekHVCClipC #endif /* forward/static */ static void _XcmsFreeDefaultCCCs(Display *dpy); /************************************************************************ * * * API PRIVATE ROUTINES * * * ************************************************************************/ /* * NAME * _XcmsCopyPointerArray * * SYNOPSIS */ XPointer * _XcmsCopyPointerArray( XPointer *pap) /* * DESCRIPTION * Copies an array of NULL terminated pointers. * * RETURNS * Returns NULL if failed; otherwise the address to * the copy. * */ { XPointer *newArray; char **tmp; int n; for (tmp = pap, n = 0; *tmp != NULL; tmp++, n++); n++; /* add 1 to include the NULL pointer */ if ((newArray = Xmallocarray(n, sizeof(XPointer)))) { memcpy((char *)newArray, (char *)pap, (unsigned)(n * sizeof(XPointer))); } return((XPointer *)newArray); } /* * NAME * _XcmsFreePointerArray * * SYNOPSIS */ void _XcmsFreePointerArray( XPointer *pap) /* * DESCRIPTION * Frees an array of NULL terminated pointers. * * RETURNS * void * */ { Xfree(pap); } /* * NAME * _XcmsPushPointerArray * * SYNOPSIS */ XPointer * _XcmsPushPointerArray( XPointer *pap, XPointer p, XPointer *papNoFree) /* * DESCRIPTION * Places the specified pointer at the head of an array of NULL * terminated pointers. * * RETURNS * Returns NULL if failed; otherwise the address to * the head of the array. * */ { XPointer *newArray; char **tmp; int n; for (tmp = pap, n = 0; *tmp != NULL; tmp++, n++); /* add 2: 1 for the new pointer and another for the NULL pointer */ n += 2; if ((newArray = Xmallocarray(n, sizeof(XPointer)))) { memcpy((char *)(newArray+1),(char *)pap, (unsigned)((n-1) * sizeof(XPointer))); *newArray = p; } if (pap != papNoFree) { _XcmsFreePointerArray(pap); } return((XPointer *)newArray); } /* * NAME * _XcmsInitDefaultCCCs * * SYNOPSIS */ int _XcmsInitDefaultCCCs( Display *dpy) /* * DESCRIPTION * Initializes the Xcms per Display Info structure * (XcmsPerDpyInfo). * * RETURNS * Returns 0 if failed; otherwise non-zero. * */ { int nScrn = ScreenCount(dpy); int i; XcmsCCC ccc; if (nScrn <= 0) { return(0); } /* * Create an array of XcmsCCC structures, one for each screen. * They serve as the screen's default CCC. */ if (!(ccc = Xcalloc((unsigned)nScrn, sizeof(XcmsCCCRec)))) { return(0); } dpy->cms.defaultCCCs = (XPointer)ccc; dpy->free_funcs->defaultCCCs = _XcmsFreeDefaultCCCs; for (i = 0; i < nScrn; i++, ccc++) { ccc->dpy = dpy; ccc->screenNumber = i; ccc->visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, i); /* * Used calloc to allocate memory so: * ccc->clientWhitePt->format == XcmsUndefinedFormat * ccc->gamutCompProc == NULL * ccc->whitePtAdjProc == NULL * ccc->pPerScrnInfo = NULL * * Don't need to create XcmsPerScrnInfo and its functionSet and * pScreenData components until the default CCC is accessed. * Note that the XcmsDefaultCCC routine calls _XcmsInitScrnInto * to do this. */ ccc->gamutCompProc = XCMSCOMPPROC; } return(1); } /* * NAME * _XcmsFreeDefaultCCCs - Free Default CCCs and its PerScrnInfo * * SYNOPSIS */ static void _XcmsFreeDefaultCCCs( Display *dpy) /* * DESCRIPTION * This routine frees the default XcmsCCC's associated with * each screen and its associated substructures as necessary. * * RETURNS * void * * */ { int nScrn = ScreenCount(dpy); XcmsCCC ccc; int i; /* * Free Screen data in each DefaultCCC * Do not use XcmsFreeCCC here because it will not free * DefaultCCC's. */ ccc = (XcmsCCC)dpy->cms.defaultCCCs; for (i = nScrn; i--; ccc++) { /* * Check if XcmsPerScrnInfo exists. * * This is the only place where XcmsPerScrnInfo structures * are freed since there is only one allocated per Screen. * It just so happens that we place its reference in the * default CCC. */ if (ccc->pPerScrnInfo) { /* Check if SCCData exists */ if (ccc->pPerScrnInfo->state != XcmsInitNone && ccc->pPerScrnInfo->screenData) { (*((XcmsFunctionSet *)ccc->pPerScrnInfo->functionSet)->screenFreeProc) (ccc->pPerScrnInfo->screenData); } Xfree(ccc->pPerScrnInfo); } } /* * Free the array of XcmsCCC structures */ Xfree(dpy->cms.defaultCCCs); dpy->cms.defaultCCCs = (XPointer)NULL; } /* * NAME * _XcmsInitScrnInfo * * SYNOPSIS */ int _XcmsInitScrnInfo( register Display *dpy, int screenNumber) /* * DESCRIPTION * Given a display and screen number, this routine attempts * to initialize the Xcms per Screen Info structure * (XcmsPerScrnInfo). * * RETURNS * Returns zero if initialization failed; non-zero otherwise. */ { XcmsFunctionSet **papSCCFuncSet = _XcmsSCCFuncSets; XcmsCCC defaultccc; /* * Check if the XcmsCCC's for each screen has been created. * Really don't need to be created until some routine uses the Xcms * API routines. */ if ((XcmsCCC)dpy->cms.defaultCCCs == NULL) { if (!_XcmsInitDefaultCCCs(dpy)) { return(0); } } defaultccc = (XcmsCCC)dpy->cms.defaultCCCs + screenNumber; /* * For each SCCFuncSet, try its pInitScrnFunc. * If the function succeeds, then we got it! */ if (!defaultccc->pPerScrnInfo) { /* * This is one of two places where XcmsPerScrnInfo structures * are allocated. There is one allocated per Screen that is * shared among visuals that do not have specific intensity * tables. Other XcmsPerScrnInfo structures are created * for the latter (see XcmsCreateCCC). The ones created * here are referenced by the default CCC. */ if (!(defaultccc->pPerScrnInfo = Xcalloc(1, sizeof(XcmsPerScrnInfo)))) { return(0); } defaultccc->pPerScrnInfo->state = XcmsInitNone; } while (*papSCCFuncSet != NULL) { if ((*(*papSCCFuncSet)->screenInitProc)(dpy, screenNumber, defaultccc->pPerScrnInfo)) { defaultccc->pPerScrnInfo->state = XcmsInitSuccess; return(1); } papSCCFuncSet++; } /* * Use Default SCCData */ return(_XcmsLRGB_InitScrnDefault(dpy, screenNumber, defaultccc->pPerScrnInfo)); } /* * NAME * _XcmsFreeIntensityMaps * * SYNOPSIS */ void _XcmsFreeIntensityMaps( Display *dpy) /* * DESCRIPTION * Frees all XcmsIntensityMap structures in the linked list * and sets dpy->cms.perVisualIntensityMaps to NULL. * * RETURNS * void * */ { XcmsIntensityMap *pNext, *pFree; pNext = (XcmsIntensityMap *)dpy->cms.perVisualIntensityMaps; while (pNext != NULL) { pFree = pNext; pNext = pNext->pNext; (*pFree->pFreeScreenData)(pFree->screenData); /* Now free the XcmsIntensityMap structure */ Xfree(pFree); } dpy->cms.perVisualIntensityMaps = (XPointer)NULL; } /* * NAME * _XcmsGetIntensityMap * * SYNOPSIS */ XcmsIntensityMap * _XcmsGetIntensityMap( Display *dpy, Visual *visual) /* * DESCRIPTION * Attempts to return a per-Visual intensity map. * * RETURNS * Pointer to the XcmsIntensityMap structure if found; * otherwise NULL * */ { VisualID targetID = visual->visualid; XcmsIntensityMap *pNext; pNext = (XcmsIntensityMap *)dpy->cms.perVisualIntensityMaps; while (pNext != NULL) { if (targetID == pNext->visualID) { return(pNext); } pNext = pNext->pNext; } return((XcmsIntensityMap *)NULL); }