Should we set SKIP_WINLIST, SKIP_TASKBAR, etc. on IconManagerDontShow windows? Maybe HIDDEN? Is there a problem with the current approach (don't tell GNOME about those windows at all)? Layer and size hints - layers... how does stacking order work? autoconf (replace Imakefile) configuration capplet or standalone application add an option to the gnomepager-applet to move windows to other workspaces - ideally, one would drag windows, like the workspacemanager. however, even a pop-up menu listing workspaces and allowing movement would be an improvement. Why doesn't the workspace window work for some GTK apps? - transient problem. Why are all GTK windows transient? Is this a WM bug, or a GTK problem? Investigate. Cleanup on exit - remove properties from root window. Write a small utility app using libctwm so that any CTWM will work with GNOME.