/* $NetBSD: threadpool_tester.c,v 1.3 2018/12/26 22:21:10 thorpej Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2018 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Jason R. Thorpe. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: threadpool_tester.c,v 1.3 2018/12/26 22:21:10 thorpej Exp $"); #include #include #include #include #include MODULE(MODULE_CLASS_MISC, threadpool_tester, NULL); #ifdef THREADPOOL_VERBOSE #define TP_LOG(x) printf x #else #define TP_LOG(x) /* nothing */ #endif /* THREADPOOL_VERBOSE */ static struct tester_context { kmutex_t ctx_mutex; struct sysctllog *ctx_sysctllog; struct threadpool *ctx_unbound[PRI_COUNT + 1]; struct threadpool_percpu *ctx_percpu[PRI_COUNT + 1]; unsigned int ctx_value; struct threadpool_job ctx_job; } tester_ctx; #define pri_to_idx(pri) ((pri) == PRI_NONE ? PRI_COUNT : (pri)) static bool pri_is_valid(pri_t pri) { return (pri == PRI_NONE || (pri >= PRI_USER && pri < PRI_COUNT)); } static int threadpool_tester_get_unbound(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct threadpool *pool, *opool = NULL; struct sysctlnode node; int error, val; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; val = -1; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) return error; if (! pri_is_valid(val)) return EINVAL; error = threadpool_get(&pool, val); if (error) { TP_LOG(("%s: threadpool_get(..., %d) failed -> %d\n", __func__, val, error)); return error; } mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); if (ctx->ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(val)] == NULL) ctx->ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(val)] = pool; else opool = ctx->ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(val)]; mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); if (opool != NULL) { /* Should have gotten reference to existing pool. */ TP_LOG(("%s: found existing unbound pool for pri %d (%s)\n", __func__, val, opool == pool ? "match" : "NO MATCH")); KASSERT(opool == pool); threadpool_put(pool, val); error = EEXIST; } else { TP_LOG(("%s: created unbound pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); } return error; } static int threadpool_tester_put_unbound(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct threadpool *pool; struct sysctlnode node; int error, val; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; val = -1; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) return error; if (! pri_is_valid(val)) return EINVAL; mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); /* We only ever maintain a single reference. */ pool = ctx->ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(val)]; ctx->ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(val)] = NULL; mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); if (pool == NULL) { TP_LOG(("%s: no unbound pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); return ENODEV; } threadpool_put(pool, val); TP_LOG(("%s: released unbound pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); return 0; } static int threadpool_tester_run_unbound(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct threadpool *pool; struct sysctlnode node; int error, val; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; val = -1; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) return error; if (! pri_is_valid(val)) return EINVAL; mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); pool = ctx->ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(val)]; if (pool == NULL) { TP_LOG(("%s: no unbound pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); return ENODEV; } threadpool_schedule_job(pool, &ctx->ctx_job); TP_LOG(("%s: scheduled job on unbound pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); return 0; } static int threadpool_tester_get_percpu(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct threadpool_percpu *pcpu, *opcpu = NULL; struct sysctlnode node; int error, val; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; val = -1; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) return error; if (! pri_is_valid(val)) return EINVAL; error = threadpool_percpu_get(&pcpu, val); if (error) { TP_LOG(("%s: threadpool_percpu_get(..., %d) failed -> %d\n", __func__, val, error)); return error; } mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); if (ctx->ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(val)] == NULL) ctx->ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(val)] = pcpu; else opcpu = ctx->ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(val)]; mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); if (opcpu != NULL) { /* Should have gotten reference to existing pool. */ TP_LOG(("%s: found existing unbound pool for pri %d (%s)\n", __func__, val, opcpu == pcpu ? "match" : "NO MATCH")); KASSERT(opcpu == pcpu); threadpool_percpu_put(pcpu, val); error = EEXIST; } else { TP_LOG(("%s: created percpu pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); } return error; } static int threadpool_tester_put_percpu(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct threadpool_percpu *pcpu; struct sysctlnode node; int error, val; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; val = -1; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) return error; if (! pri_is_valid(val)) return EINVAL; mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); /* We only ever maintain a single reference. */ pcpu = ctx->ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(val)]; ctx->ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(val)] = NULL; mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); if (pcpu == NULL) { TP_LOG(("%s: no percpu pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); return ENODEV; } threadpool_percpu_put(pcpu, val); TP_LOG(("%s: released percpu pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); return 0; } static int threadpool_tester_run_percpu(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct threadpool_percpu *pcpu; struct threadpool *pool; struct sysctlnode node; int error, val; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; val = -1; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) return error; if (! pri_is_valid(val)) return EINVAL; mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); pcpu = ctx->ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(val)]; if (pcpu == NULL) { TP_LOG(("%s: no percpu pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); return ENODEV; } pool = threadpool_percpu_ref(pcpu); KASSERT(pool != NULL); threadpool_schedule_job(pool, &ctx->ctx_job); TP_LOG(("%s: scheduled job on percpu pool for pri %d\n", __func__, val)); mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); return 0; } static int threadpool_tester_test_value(SYSCTLFN_ARGS) { struct tester_context *ctx; struct sysctlnode node; unsigned int val; int error; node = *rnode; ctx = node.sysctl_data; mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); val = ctx->ctx_value; node.sysctl_data = &val; error = sysctl_lookup(SYSCTLFN_CALL(&node)); if (error || newp == NULL) { mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); return error; } ctx->ctx_value = val; mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); return 0; } static void threadpool_tester_job(struct threadpool_job *job) { struct tester_context *ctx = container_of(job, struct tester_context, ctx_job); unsigned int oval, nval; TP_LOG(("%s: job = %p, ctx = %p\n", __func__, job, ctx)); mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); oval = ctx->ctx_value; nval = oval + 1; /* always reference oval and nval */ ctx->ctx_value = nval; mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); TP_LOG(("%s: %u -> %u\n", __func__, oval, nval)); (void) kpause("tptestjob", false, hz, NULL); mutex_enter(&ctx->ctx_mutex); threadpool_job_done(job); mutex_exit(&ctx->ctx_mutex); } #define RETURN_ERROR if (error) goto return_error static int threadpool_tester_init(void) { struct sysctllog **log = &tester_ctx.ctx_sysctllog; const struct sysctlnode *rnode, *cnode; int error; mutex_init(&tester_ctx.ctx_mutex, MUTEX_DEFAULT, IPL_NONE); threadpool_job_init(&tester_ctx.ctx_job, threadpool_tester_job, &tester_ctx.ctx_mutex, "tptest"); error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, NULL, &rnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT, CTLTYPE_NODE, "threadpool_tester", SYSCTL_DESCR("threadpool testing interface"), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, CTL_KERN, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "get_unbound", SYSCTL_DESCR("get unbound pool of specified priority"), threadpool_tester_get_unbound, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "put_unbound", SYSCTL_DESCR("put unbound pool of specified priority"), threadpool_tester_put_unbound, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "run_unbound", SYSCTL_DESCR("run on unbound pool of specified priority"), threadpool_tester_run_unbound, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "get_percpu", SYSCTL_DESCR("get percpu pool of specified priority"), threadpool_tester_get_percpu, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "put_percpu", SYSCTL_DESCR("put percpu pool of specified priority"), threadpool_tester_put_percpu, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "run_percpu", SYSCTL_DESCR("run on percpu pool of specified priority"), threadpool_tester_run_percpu, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; error = sysctl_createv(log, 0, &rnode, &cnode, CTLFLAG_PERMANENT|CTLFLAG_READWRITE, CTLTYPE_INT, "test_value", SYSCTL_DESCR("test value that jobs increment"), threadpool_tester_test_value, 0, (void *)&tester_ctx, 0, CTL_CREATE, CTL_EOL); RETURN_ERROR; return 0; return_error: sysctl_teardown(log); return error; } static int threadpool_tester_fini(void) { pri_t pri; mutex_enter(&tester_ctx.ctx_mutex); for (pri = PRI_NONE/*-1*/; pri < PRI_COUNT; pri++) { struct threadpool *pool = tester_ctx.ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(pri)]; struct threadpool_percpu *pcpu = tester_ctx.ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(pri)]; /* * threadpool_cancel_job() may be called on a pool * other than what the job is scheduled on. This is * safe; see comment in threadpool_cancel_job_async(). */ if (pool != NULL) { threadpool_cancel_job(pool, &tester_ctx.ctx_job); threadpool_put(pool, pri); tester_ctx.ctx_unbound[pri_to_idx(pri)] = NULL; } if (pcpu != NULL) { pool = threadpool_percpu_ref(pcpu); threadpool_cancel_job(pool, &tester_ctx.ctx_job); threadpool_percpu_put(pcpu, pri); tester_ctx.ctx_percpu[pri_to_idx(pri)] = NULL; } } mutex_exit(&tester_ctx.ctx_mutex); threadpool_job_destroy(&tester_ctx.ctx_job); mutex_destroy(&tester_ctx.ctx_mutex); sysctl_teardown(&tester_ctx.ctx_sysctllog); return 0; } static int threadpool_tester_modcmd(modcmd_t cmd, void *arg __unused) { int error; switch (cmd) { case MODULE_CMD_INIT: error = threadpool_tester_init(); break; case MODULE_CMD_FINI: error = threadpool_tester_fini(); break; case MODULE_CMD_STAT: default: error = ENOTTY; } return error; }