/* * edns-subnet/addrtree.c -- radix tree for edns subnet cache. * * Copyright (c) 2013, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file * addrtree -- radix tree for edns subnet cache. */ #include "config.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/data/msgreply.h" #include "util/module.h" #include "addrtree.h" /** * Create a new edge * @param node: Child node this edge will connect to. * @param addr: full key to this edge. * @param addrlen: length of relevant part of key for this node * @param parent_node: Parent node for node * @param parent_index: Index of child node at parent node * @return new addredge or NULL on failure */ static struct addredge * edge_create(struct addrnode *node, const addrkey_t *addr, addrlen_t addrlen, struct addrnode *parent_node, int parent_index) { size_t n; struct addredge *edge = (struct addredge *)malloc( sizeof (*edge) ); if (!edge) return NULL; edge->node = node; edge->len = addrlen; edge->parent_index = parent_index; edge->parent_node = parent_node; /* ceil() */ n = (size_t)((addrlen / KEYWIDTH) + ((addrlen % KEYWIDTH != 0)?1:0)); edge->str = (addrkey_t *)calloc(n, sizeof (addrkey_t)); if (!edge->str) { free(edge); return NULL; } memcpy(edge->str, addr, n * sizeof (addrkey_t)); /* Only manipulate other objects after successful alloc */ node->parent_edge = edge; log_assert(parent_node->edge[parent_index] == NULL); parent_node->edge[parent_index] = edge; return edge; } /** * Create a new node * @param tree: Tree the node lives in. * @param elem: Element to store at this node * @param scope: Scopemask from server reply * @param ttl: Element is valid up to this time. Absolute, seconds * @return new addrnode or NULL on failure */ static struct addrnode * node_create(struct addrtree *tree, void *elem, addrlen_t scope, time_t ttl) { struct addrnode* node = (struct addrnode *)malloc( sizeof (*node) ); if (!node) return NULL; node->elem = elem; tree->node_count++; node->scope = scope; node->ttl = ttl; node->only_match_scope_zero = 0; node->edge[0] = NULL; node->edge[1] = NULL; node->parent_edge = NULL; node->next = NULL; node->prev = NULL; return node; } /** Size in bytes of node and parent edge * @param tree: tree the node lives in * @param n: node which size must be calculated * @return size in bytes. **/ static inline size_t node_size(const struct addrtree *tree, const struct addrnode *n) { return sizeof *n + sizeof *n->parent_edge + n->parent_edge->len + (n->elem?tree->sizefunc(n->elem):0); } struct addrtree * addrtree_create(addrlen_t max_depth, void (*delfunc)(void *, void *), size_t (*sizefunc)(void *), void *env, uint32_t max_node_count) { struct addrtree *tree; log_assert(delfunc != NULL); log_assert(sizefunc != NULL); tree = (struct addrtree *)calloc(1, sizeof(*tree)); if (!tree) return NULL; tree->root = node_create(tree, NULL, 0, 0); if (!tree->root) { free(tree); return NULL; } tree->size_bytes = sizeof *tree + sizeof *tree->root; tree->first = NULL; tree->last = NULL; tree->max_depth = max_depth; tree->delfunc = delfunc; tree->sizefunc = sizefunc; tree->env = env; tree->node_count = 0; tree->max_node_count = max_node_count; return tree; } /** * Scrub a node clean of elem * @param tree: tree the node lives in. * @param node: node to be cleaned. */ static void clean_node(struct addrtree *tree, struct addrnode *node) { if (!node->elem) return; tree->size_bytes -= tree->sizefunc(node->elem); tree->delfunc(tree->env, node->elem); node->only_match_scope_zero = 0; node->elem = NULL; } /** Remove specified node from LRU list */ static void lru_pop(struct addrtree *tree, struct addrnode *node) { if (node == tree->first) { if (!node->next) { /* it is the last as well */ tree->first = NULL; tree->last = NULL; } else { tree->first = node->next; tree->first->prev = NULL; } } else if (node == tree->last) { /* but not the first */ tree->last = node->prev; tree->last->next = NULL; } else { node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; } } /** Add node to LRU list as most recently used. */ static void lru_push(struct addrtree *tree, struct addrnode *node) { if (!tree->first) { tree->first = node; node->prev = NULL; } else { tree->last->next = node; node->prev = tree->last; } tree->last = node; node->next = NULL; } /** Move node to the end of LRU list */ static void lru_update(struct addrtree *tree, struct addrnode *node) { if (tree->root == node) return; lru_pop(tree, node); lru_push(tree, node); } /** * Purge a node from the tree. Node and parentedge are cleaned and * free'd. * @param tree: Tree the node lives in. * @param node: Node to be freed */ static void purge_node(struct addrtree *tree, struct addrnode *node) { struct addredge *parent_edge, *child_edge = NULL; int index; int keep = node->edge[0] && node->edge[1]; clean_node(tree, node); parent_edge = node->parent_edge; if (keep || !parent_edge) return; tree->node_count--; index = parent_edge->parent_index; child_edge = node->edge[!node->edge[0]]; if (child_edge) { child_edge->parent_node = parent_edge->parent_node; child_edge->parent_index = index; } parent_edge->parent_node->edge[index] = child_edge; tree->size_bytes -= node_size(tree, node); free(parent_edge->str); free(parent_edge); lru_pop(tree, node); free(node); } /** * If a limit is set remove old nodes while above that limit. * @param tree: Tree to be cleaned up. */ static void lru_cleanup(struct addrtree *tree) { struct addrnode *n, *p; int children; if (tree->max_node_count == 0) return; while (tree->node_count > tree->max_node_count) { n = tree->first; if (!n) break; children = (n->edge[0] != NULL) + (n->edge[1] != NULL); /** Don't remove this node, it is either the root or we can't * do without it because it has 2 children */ if (children == 2 || !n->parent_edge) { lru_update(tree, n); continue; } p = n->parent_edge->parent_node; purge_node(tree, n); /** Since we removed n, n's parent p is eligible for deletion * if it is not the root node, caries no data and has only 1 * child */ children = (p->edge[0] != NULL) + (p->edge[1] != NULL); if (!p->elem && children == 1 && p->parent_edge) { purge_node(tree, p); } } } inline size_t addrtree_size(const struct addrtree *tree) { return tree?tree->size_bytes:0; } void addrtree_delete(struct addrtree *tree) { struct addrnode *n; if (!tree) return; clean_node(tree, tree->root); free(tree->root); tree->size_bytes -= sizeof(struct addrnode); while ((n = tree->first)) { tree->first = n->next; clean_node(tree, n); tree->size_bytes -= node_size(tree, n); free(n->parent_edge->str); free(n->parent_edge); free(n); } log_assert(sizeof *tree == addrtree_size(tree)); free(tree); } /** * Get N'th bit from address * @param addr: address to inspect * @param addrlen: length of addr in bits * @param n: index of bit to test. Must be in range [0, addrlen) * @return 0 or 1 */ static int getbit(const addrkey_t *addr, addrlen_t addrlen, addrlen_t n) { log_assert(addrlen > n); (void)addrlen; return (int)(addr[n/KEYWIDTH]>>((KEYWIDTH-1)-(n%KEYWIDTH))) & 1; } /** * Test for equality on N'th bit. * @return 0 for equal, 1 otherwise */ static inline int cmpbit(const addrkey_t *key1, const addrkey_t *key2, addrlen_t n) { addrkey_t c = key1[n/KEYWIDTH] ^ key2[n/KEYWIDTH]; return (int)(c >> ((KEYWIDTH-1)-(n%KEYWIDTH))) & 1; } /** * Common number of bits in prefix. * @param s1: first prefix. * @param l1: length of s1 in bits. * @param s2: second prefix. * @param l2: length of s2 in bits. * @param skip: nr of bits already checked. * @return common number of bits. */ static addrlen_t bits_common(const addrkey_t *s1, addrlen_t l1, const addrkey_t *s2, addrlen_t l2, addrlen_t skip) { addrlen_t len, i; len = (l1 > l2) ? l2 : l1; log_assert(skip < len); for (i = skip; i < len; i++) { if (cmpbit(s1, s2, i)) return i; } return len; } /** * Tests if s1 is a substring of s2 * @param s1: first prefix. * @param l1: length of s1 in bits. * @param s2: second prefix. * @param l2: length of s2 in bits. * @param skip: nr of bits already checked. * @return 1 for substring, 0 otherwise */ static int issub(const addrkey_t *s1, addrlen_t l1, const addrkey_t *s2, addrlen_t l2, addrlen_t skip) { return bits_common(s1, l1, s2, l2, skip) == l1; } void addrtree_insert(struct addrtree *tree, const addrkey_t *addr, addrlen_t sourcemask, addrlen_t scope, void *elem, time_t ttl, time_t now, int only_match_scope_zero) { struct addrnode *newnode, *node; struct addredge *edge; int index; addrlen_t common, depth; node = tree->root; log_assert(node != NULL); /* Protect our cache against too much fine-grained data */ if (tree->max_depth < scope) scope = tree->max_depth; /* Server answer was less specific than question */ if (scope < sourcemask) sourcemask = scope; depth = 0; while (1) { log_assert(depth <= sourcemask); /* Case 1: update existing node */ if (depth == sourcemask) { /* update this node's scope and data */ clean_node(tree, node); node->ttl = ttl; node->only_match_scope_zero = only_match_scope_zero; node->elem = elem; node->scope = scope; tree->size_bytes += tree->sizefunc(elem); return; } index = getbit(addr, sourcemask, depth); /* Get an edge to an unexpired node */ edge = node->edge[index]; while (edge) { /* Purge all expired nodes on path */ if (!edge->node->elem || edge->node->ttl >= now) break; purge_node(tree, edge->node); edge = node->edge[index]; } /* Case 2: New leafnode */ if (!edge) { newnode = node_create(tree, elem, scope, ttl); if (!newnode) return; if (!edge_create(newnode, addr, sourcemask, node, index)) { clean_node(tree, newnode); tree->node_count--; free(newnode); return; } tree->size_bytes += node_size(tree, newnode); lru_push(tree, newnode); lru_cleanup(tree); return; } /* Case 3: Traverse edge */ common = bits_common(edge->str, edge->len, addr, sourcemask, depth); if (common == edge->len) { /* We update the scope of intermediate nodes. Apparently * the * authority changed its mind. If we would not do * this we might not be able to reach our new node. */ node->scope = scope; depth = edge->len; node = edge->node; continue; } /* Case 4: split. */ if (!(newnode = node_create(tree, NULL, 0, 0))) return; node->edge[index] = NULL; if (!edge_create(newnode, addr, common, node, index)) { node->edge[index] = edge; clean_node(tree, newnode); tree->node_count--; free(newnode); return; } lru_push(tree, newnode); /* connect existing child to our new node */ index = getbit(edge->str, edge->len, common); newnode->edge[index] = edge; edge->parent_node = newnode; edge->parent_index = (int)index; if (common == sourcemask) { /* Data is stored in the node */ newnode->elem = elem; newnode->scope = scope; newnode->ttl = ttl; newnode->only_match_scope_zero = only_match_scope_zero; } tree->size_bytes += node_size(tree, newnode); if (common != sourcemask) { /* Data is stored in other leafnode */ node = newnode; newnode = node_create(tree, elem, scope, ttl); if (!edge_create(newnode, addr, sourcemask, node, index^1)) { clean_node(tree, newnode); tree->node_count--; free(newnode); return; } tree->size_bytes += node_size(tree, newnode); lru_push(tree, newnode); } lru_cleanup(tree); return; } } struct addrnode * addrtree_find(struct addrtree *tree, const addrkey_t *addr, addrlen_t sourcemask, time_t now) { struct addrnode *node = tree->root; struct addredge *edge = NULL; addrlen_t depth = 0; log_assert(node != NULL); while (1) { /* Current node more specific then question. */ log_assert(depth <= sourcemask); /* does this node have data? if yes, see if we have a match */ if (node->elem && node->ttl >= now && !(sourcemask != 0 && node->only_match_scope_zero)) { /* saved at wrong depth */; log_assert(node->scope >= depth); if (depth == node->scope || (node->scope > sourcemask && depth == sourcemask)) { /* Authority indicates it does not have a more * precise answer or we cannot ask a more * specific question. */ lru_update(tree, node); return node; } } /* This is our final depth, but we haven't found an answer. */ if (depth == sourcemask) return NULL; /* Find an edge to traverse */ edge = node->edge[getbit(addr, sourcemask, depth)]; if (!edge || !edge->node) return NULL; if (edge->len > sourcemask ) return NULL; if (!issub(edge->str, edge->len, addr, sourcemask, depth)) return NULL; log_assert(depth < edge->len); depth = edge->len; node = edge->node; } } /** Wrappers for static functions to unit test */ int unittest_wrapper_addrtree_cmpbit(const addrkey_t *key1, const addrkey_t *key2, addrlen_t n) { return cmpbit(key1, key2, n); } addrlen_t unittest_wrapper_addrtree_bits_common(const addrkey_t *s1, addrlen_t l1, const addrkey_t *s2, addrlen_t l2, addrlen_t skip) { return bits_common(s1, l1, s2, l2, skip); } int unittest_wrapper_addrtree_getbit(const addrkey_t *addr, addrlen_t addrlen, addrlen_t n) { return getbit(addr, addrlen, n); } int unittest_wrapper_addrtree_issub(const addrkey_t *s1, addrlen_t l1, const addrkey_t *s2, addrlen_t l2, addrlen_t skip) { return issub(s1, l1, s2, l2, skip); }