/* $NetBSD: crl.c,v 2018/02/06 01:53:06 christos Exp $ */ /* * crl.c * "CertificateRevokationList" ASN.1 module encode/decode/extracting/matching/free C src. * This file was generated by modified eSMACC compiler Fri Jan 21 11:25:24 2005 * The generated files are supposed to be compiled as a module for OpenLDAP Software */ #include "crl.h" BDecComponentCertificateListTop( void* mem_op, GenBuf* b, void *v, AsnLen* bytesDecoded,int mode) { AsnTag tag; AsnLen elmtLen; tag = BDecTag ( b, bytesDecoded ); elmtLen = BDecLen ( b, bytesDecoded ); if ( elmtLen <= 0 ) return (-1); if ( tag != MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE) ) { return (-1); } return BDecComponentCertificateList( mem_op, b, tag, elmtLen, ( ComponentCertificateList**)v, (AsnLen*)bytesDecoded, mode ); } void init_module_CertificateRevokationList() { InstallOidDecoderMapping( "", NULL, GDecComponentCertificateList, BDecComponentCertificateListTop, ExtractingComponentCertificateList, MatchingComponentCertificateList); } int MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; if ( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule( oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr, csi_assert ); } rc = 1; rc = MatchingComponentCertificateSerialNumber ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)&((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_attr)->userCertificate, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)&((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_assert)->userCertificate ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; rc = MatchingComponentTime ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_attr)->revocationDate, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_assert)->revocationDate ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; if(COMPONENTNOT_NULL( ((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_attr)->crlEntryExtensions ) ) { rc = MatchingComponentExtensions ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_attr)->crlEntryExtensions, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*)csi_assert)->crlEntryExtensions ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; } return LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE; } /* BMatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq */ void* ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ( void* mem_op, ComponentReference* cr, ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq *comp ) { if ( ( comp->userCertificate.identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->userCertificate.identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->userCertificate.id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return &comp->userCertificate; else return NULL; } if ( ( comp->revocationDate->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->revocationDate->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->revocationDate->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->revocationDate; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTime ( mem_op, cr, comp->revocationDate ); } } if ( ( comp->crlEntryExtensions->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->crlEntryExtensions->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->crlEntryExtensions->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->crlEntryExtensions; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentExtensions ( mem_op, cr, comp->crlEntryExtensions ); } } return NULL; } /* ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq */ int BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq PARAMS ((b, tagId0, elmtLen0, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ AsnTag tagId0 _AND_ AsnLen elmtLen0 _AND_ ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { int seqDone = FALSE; AsnLen totalElmtsLen1 = 0; AsnLen elmtLen1; AsnTag tagId1; int mandatoryElmtCount1 = 0; AsnLen totalElmtsLen2 = 0; AsnLen elmtLen2; AsnTag tagId2; int old_mode = mode; int rc; ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq *k, *t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, INTEGER_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentCertificateSerialNumber (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->userCertificate), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (&k->userCertificate)->identifier.bv_val = (&k->userCertificate)->id_buf; (&k->userCertificate)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("userCertificate"); strcpy( (&k->userCertificate)->identifier.bv_val, "userCertificate"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } else return -1; if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, UTCTIME_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, UTCTIME_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 ==MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, GENERALIZEDTIME_TAG_CODE))|| (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, GENERALIZEDTIME_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentTime (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->revocationDate), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->revocationDate)->identifier.bv_val = (k->revocationDate)->id_buf; (k->revocationDate)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("revocationDate"); strcpy( (k->revocationDate)->identifier.bv_val, "revocationDate"); if ((elmtLen0 != INDEFINITE_LEN) && (totalElmtsLen1 == elmtLen0)) seqDone = TRUE; else { tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if ((elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN) && (tagId1 == EOC_TAG_ID)) { BDEC_2ND_EOC_OCTET (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ) seqDone = TRUE; } } } else return -1; if ((!seqDone) && ((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentExtensions (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->crlEntryExtensions), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->crlEntryExtensions)->identifier.bv_val = (k->crlEntryExtensions)->id_buf; (k->crlEntryExtensions)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("crlEntryExtensions"); strcpy( (k->crlEntryExtensions)->identifier.bv_val, "crlEntryExtensions"); seqDone = TRUE; if (elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN) BDecEoc (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); else if (totalElmtsLen1 != elmtLen0) return -1; } if (!seqDone) return -1; if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq; (*bytesDecoded) += totalElmtsLen1; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* BDecTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*/ int GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq PARAMS (( mem_op,b, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { char* peek_head,*peek_head2; int i, strLen,strLen2, rc, old_mode = mode; ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq *k,*t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; *bytesDecoded = 0; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '{'){ Asn1Error("Missing { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "userCertificate", strlen("userCertificate") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentCertificateSerialNumber (mem_op, b, (&k->userCertificate), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (&k->userCertificate)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; (&k->userCertificate)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "revocationDate", strlen("revocationDate") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentTime (mem_op, b, (&k->revocationDate), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->revocationDate)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->revocationDate)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "crlEntryExtensions", strlen("crlEntryExtensions") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentExtensions (mem_op, b, (&k->crlEntryExtensions), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->crlEntryExtensions)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->crlEntryExtensions)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ) { Asn1Error("Error during Reading } in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '}'){ Asn1Error("Missing } in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* GDecTBSCertListSeqOfSeq*/ int MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; void* component1, *component2; AsnList *v1, *v2, t_list; if ( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule( oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr, csi_assert ); } v1 = &((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf*)csi_attr)->comp_list; v2 = &((ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf*)csi_assert)->comp_list; FOR_EACH_LIST_PAIR_ELMT(component1, component2, v1, v2) { if( MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq(oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)component1, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)component2) == LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE) { return LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; } } /* end of for */ AsnListFirst( v1 ); AsnListFirst( v2 ); if( (!component1 && component2) || (component1 && !component2)) return LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE; else return LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE; } /* BMatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfContent */ void* ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ( void* mem_op, ComponentReference* cr, ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf *comp ) { int count = 0; int total; AsnList *v = &comp->comp_list; ComponentInt *k; ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq *component; switch ( cr->cr_curr->ci_type ) { case LDAP_COMPREF_FROM_BEGINNING : count = cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_from_beginning; FOR_EACH_LIST_ELMT( component , v ) { if( --count == 0 ) { if( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return component; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ( mem_op, cr, component ); } } } break; case LDAP_COMPREF_FROM_END : total = AsnListCount ( v ); count = cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_from_end; count = total + count +1; FOR_EACH_LIST_ELMT ( component, v ) { if( --count == 0 ) { if( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return component; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ( mem_op, cr, component ); } } } break; case LDAP_COMPREF_ALL : return comp; case LDAP_COMPREF_COUNT : k = (ComponentInt*)CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentInt)); k->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); k->comp_desc->cd_tag = (-1); k->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentInt; k->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentInt; k->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)NULL; k->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_BASIC; k->comp_desc->cd_type_id = BASICTYPE_INTEGER; k->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentInt; k->value = AsnListCount(v); return k; default : return NULL; } } /* ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf */ int BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf PARAMS ((b, tagId0, elmtLen0, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ AsnTag tagId0 _AND_ AsnLen elmtLen0 _AND_ ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { int seqDone = FALSE; AsnLen totalElmtsLen1 = 0; AsnLen elmtLen1; AsnTag tagId1; int mandatoryElmtCount1 = 0; int old_mode = mode; int rc; ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf *k, *t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; AsnListInit(&k->comp_list,sizeof(ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq)); for (totalElmtsLen1 = 0; (totalElmtsLen1 < elmtLen0) || (elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN);) { ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq **tmpVar; tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if ((tagId1 == EOC_TAG_ID) && (elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN)) { BDEC_2ND_EOC_OCTET (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ) break; /* got EOC so can exit this SET OF/SEQ OF's for loop*/ } if ((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); tmpVar = (ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq**) CompAsnListAppend (mem_op,&k->comp_list); rc = BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, tmpVar, &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; } /* end of tag check if */ else /* wrong tag */ { Asn1Error ("Unexpected Tag\n"); return -1; } } /* end of for */ if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf; (*bytesDecoded) += totalElmtsLen1; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* BDecTBSCertListSeqOfContent */ int GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf PARAMS (( mem_op,b, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { char* peek_head,*peek_head2; int i, strLen,strLen2, rc, old_mode = mode; ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf *k,*t, c_temp; int ElmtsLen1; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; AsnListInit( &k->comp_list, sizeof( ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq ) ); *bytesDecoded = 0; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b, &peek_head, GSER_PEEK)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading { in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '{'){ Asn1Error("Missing { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } for (ElmtsLen1 = 0; ElmtsLen1 >= INDEFINITE_LEN; ElmtsLen1++) { ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq **tmpVar; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b, &peek_head, GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading{ in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head == '}') break; if( !(*peek_head == '{' || *peek_head ==',') ) { return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } tmpVar = (ComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq**) CompAsnListAppend (mem_op, &k->comp_list); if ( tmpVar == NULL ) { Asn1Error("Error during Reading{ in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } rc = GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOfSeq (mem_op, b, tmpVar, bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; } /* end of for */ if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentTBSCertListSeqOf) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* GDecTBSCertListSeqOfContent */ int MatchingComponentTBSCertList ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; if ( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule( oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr, csi_assert ); } rc = 1; if(COMPONENTNOT_NULL( ((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->version ) ) { rc = MatchingComponentVersion ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->version, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->version ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; } rc = MatchingComponentAlgorithmIdentifier ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->signature, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->signature ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; rc = MatchingComponentName ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->issuer, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->issuer ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; rc = MatchingComponentTime ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->thisUpdate, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->thisUpdate ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; if(COMPONENTNOT_NULL( ((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->nextUpdate ) ) { rc = MatchingComponentTime ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->nextUpdate, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->nextUpdate ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; } rc = MatchingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->revokedCertificates, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->revokedCertificates ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; if(COMPONENTNOT_NULL( ((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->crlExtensions ) ) { rc = MatchingComponentExtensions ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_attr)->crlExtensions, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentTBSCertList*)csi_assert)->crlExtensions ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; } return LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE; } /* BMatchingComponentTBSCertList */ void* ExtractingComponentTBSCertList ( void* mem_op, ComponentReference* cr, ComponentTBSCertList *comp ) { if ( ( comp->version->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->version->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->version->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->version; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentVersion ( mem_op, cr, comp->version ); } } if ( ( comp->signature->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->signature->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->signature->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->signature; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentAlgorithmIdentifier ( mem_op, cr, comp->signature ); } } if ( ( comp->issuer->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->issuer->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->issuer->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->issuer; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentName ( mem_op, cr, comp->issuer ); } } if ( ( comp->thisUpdate->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->thisUpdate->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->thisUpdate->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->thisUpdate; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTime ( mem_op, cr, comp->thisUpdate ); } } if ( ( comp->nextUpdate->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->nextUpdate->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->nextUpdate->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->nextUpdate; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTime ( mem_op, cr, comp->nextUpdate ); } } if ( ( comp->revokedCertificates->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->revokedCertificates->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->revokedCertificates->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->revokedCertificates; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTBSCertListSeqOf ( mem_op, cr, comp->revokedCertificates ); } } if ( ( comp->crlExtensions->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->crlExtensions->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->crlExtensions->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->crlExtensions; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentExtensions ( mem_op, cr, comp->crlExtensions ); } } return NULL; } /* ExtractingComponentTBSCertList */ int BDecComponentTBSCertList PARAMS ((b, tagId0, elmtLen0, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ AsnTag tagId0 _AND_ AsnLen elmtLen0 _AND_ ComponentTBSCertList **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { int seqDone = FALSE; AsnLen totalElmtsLen1 = 0; AsnLen elmtLen1; AsnTag tagId1; int mandatoryElmtCount1 = 0; AsnLen totalElmtsLen2 = 0; AsnLen elmtLen2; AsnTag tagId2; int old_mode = mode; int rc; ComponentTBSCertList *k, *t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, INTEGER_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentVersion (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->version), &totalElmtsLen1, DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->version)->identifier.bv_val = (k->version)->id_buf; (k->version)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("version"); strcpy( (k->version)->identifier.bv_val, "version"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentAlgorithmIdentifier (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->signature), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->signature)->identifier.bv_val = (k->signature)->id_buf; (k->signature)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("signature"); strcpy( (k->signature)->identifier.bv_val, "signature"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } else return -1; if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentName (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->issuer), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->issuer)->identifier.bv_val = (k->issuer)->id_buf; (k->issuer)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("issuer"); strcpy( (k->issuer)->identifier.bv_val, "issuer"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } else return -1; if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, UTCTIME_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, UTCTIME_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 ==MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, GENERALIZEDTIME_TAG_CODE))|| (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, GENERALIZEDTIME_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentTime (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->thisUpdate), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->thisUpdate)->identifier.bv_val = (k->thisUpdate)->id_buf; (k->thisUpdate)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("thisUpdate"); strcpy( (k->thisUpdate)->identifier.bv_val, "thisUpdate"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } else return -1; if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, UTCTIME_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, UTCTIME_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 ==MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, GENERALIZEDTIME_TAG_CODE))|| (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, GENERALIZEDTIME_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentTime (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->nextUpdate), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->nextUpdate)->identifier.bv_val = (k->nextUpdate)->id_buf; (k->nextUpdate)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("nextUpdate"); strcpy( (k->nextUpdate)->identifier.bv_val, "nextUpdate"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->revokedCertificates), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->revokedCertificates)->identifier.bv_val = (k->revokedCertificates)->id_buf; (k->revokedCertificates)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("revokedCertificates"); strcpy( (k->revokedCertificates)->identifier.bv_val, "revokedCertificates"); if ((elmtLen0 != INDEFINITE_LEN) && (totalElmtsLen1 == elmtLen0)) seqDone = TRUE; else { tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if ((elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN) && (tagId1 == EOC_TAG_ID)) { BDEC_2ND_EOC_OCTET (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ) seqDone = TRUE; } } } else return -1; if ((!seqDone) && ((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (CNTX, CONS, 0)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); tagId2 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if (tagId2 != MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)) { Asn1Error ("Unexpected Tag\n"); return -1; } elmtLen2 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentExtensions (mem_op, b, tagId2, elmtLen2, (&k->crlExtensions), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->crlExtensions)->identifier.bv_val = (k->crlExtensions)->id_buf; (k->crlExtensions)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("crlExtensions"); strcpy( (k->crlExtensions)->identifier.bv_val, "crlExtensions"); if (elmtLen1 == INDEFINITE_LEN) BDecEoc (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); seqDone = TRUE; if (elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN) BDecEoc (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); else if (totalElmtsLen1 != elmtLen0) return -1; } if (!seqDone) return -1; if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentTBSCertList*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentTBSCertList) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentTBSCertList ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentTBSCertList ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentTBSCertList; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentTBSCertList; (*bytesDecoded) += totalElmtsLen1; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* BDecTBSCertList*/ int GDecComponentTBSCertList PARAMS (( mem_op,b, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ ComponentTBSCertList **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { char* peek_head,*peek_head2; int i, strLen,strLen2, rc, old_mode = mode; ComponentTBSCertList *k,*t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; *bytesDecoded = 0; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '{'){ Asn1Error("Missing { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "version", strlen("version") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentVersion (mem_op, b, (&k->version), bytesDecoded, DEC_ALLOC_MODE_0 ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->version)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->version)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "signature", strlen("signature") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentAlgorithmIdentifier (mem_op, b, (&k->signature), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->signature)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->signature)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "issuer", strlen("issuer") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentName (mem_op, b, (&k->issuer), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->issuer)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->issuer)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "thisUpdate", strlen("thisUpdate") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentTime (mem_op, b, (&k->thisUpdate), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->thisUpdate)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->thisUpdate)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "nextUpdate", strlen("nextUpdate") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentTime (mem_op, b, (&k->nextUpdate), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->nextUpdate)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->nextUpdate)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "revokedCertificates", strlen("revokedCertificates") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentTBSCertListSeqOf (mem_op, b, (&k->revokedCertificates), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->revokedCertificates)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->revokedCertificates)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "crlExtensions", strlen("crlExtensions") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentExtensions (mem_op, b, (&k->crlExtensions), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->crlExtensions)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->crlExtensions)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ) { Asn1Error("Error during Reading } in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '}'){ Asn1Error("Missing } in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentTBSCertList*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentTBSCertList) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentTBSCertList ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentTBSCertList ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentTBSCertList; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentTBSCertList; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* GDecTBSCertList*/ int MatchingComponentCertificateList ( char* oid, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_attr, ComponentSyntaxInfo* csi_assert ) { int rc; MatchingRule* mr; if ( oid ) { mr = retrieve_matching_rule( oid, csi_attr->csi_comp_desc->cd_type_id); if ( mr ) return component_value_match( mr, csi_attr, csi_assert ); } rc = 1; rc = MatchingComponentTBSCertList ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentCertificateList*)csi_attr)->tbsCertList, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentCertificateList*)csi_assert)->tbsCertList ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; rc = MatchingComponentAlgorithmIdentifier ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentCertificateList*)csi_attr)->signatureAlgorithm, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)((ComponentCertificateList*)csi_assert)->signatureAlgorithm ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; rc = MatchingComponentBits ( oid, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)&((ComponentCertificateList*)csi_attr)->signature, (ComponentSyntaxInfo*)&((ComponentCertificateList*)csi_assert)->signature ); if ( rc != LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE ) return rc; return LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE; } /* BMatchingComponentCertificateList */ void* ExtractingComponentCertificateList ( void* mem_op, ComponentReference* cr, ComponentCertificateList *comp ) { if ( ( comp->tbsCertList->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->tbsCertList->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->tbsCertList->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->tbsCertList; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentTBSCertList ( mem_op, cr, comp->tbsCertList ); } } if ( ( comp->signatureAlgorithm->identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->signatureAlgorithm->identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->signatureAlgorithm->id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return comp->signatureAlgorithm; else { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return ExtractingComponentAlgorithmIdentifier ( mem_op, cr, comp->signatureAlgorithm ); } } if ( ( comp->signature.identifier.bv_val && strncmp(comp->signature.identifier.bv_val, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) || ( strncmp(comp->signature.id_buf, cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_val,cr->cr_curr->ci_val.ci_identifier.bv_len) == 0 ) ) { if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next == NULL ) return &comp->signature; else if ( cr->cr_curr->ci_next->ci_type == LDAP_COMPREF_CONTENT) { cr->cr_curr = cr->cr_curr->ci_next; return &comp->signature; } else { return NULL; } } return NULL; } /* ExtractingComponentCertificateList */ int BDecComponentCertificateList PARAMS ((b, tagId0, elmtLen0, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ AsnTag tagId0 _AND_ AsnLen elmtLen0 _AND_ ComponentCertificateList **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { int seqDone = FALSE; AsnLen totalElmtsLen1 = 0; AsnLen elmtLen1; AsnTag tagId1; int mandatoryElmtCount1 = 0; int old_mode = mode; int rc; ComponentCertificateList *k, *t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentTBSCertList (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->tbsCertList), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->tbsCertList)->identifier.bv_val = (k->tbsCertList)->id_buf; (k->tbsCertList)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("tbsCertList"); strcpy( (k->tbsCertList)->identifier.bv_val, "tbsCertList"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } else return -1; if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, SEQ_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentAlgorithmIdentifier (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->signatureAlgorithm), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (k->signatureAlgorithm)->identifier.bv_val = (k->signatureAlgorithm)->id_buf; (k->signatureAlgorithm)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("signatureAlgorithm"); strcpy( (k->signatureAlgorithm)->identifier.bv_val, "signatureAlgorithm"); tagId1 = BDecTag (b, &totalElmtsLen1); } else return -1; if (((tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, PRIM, BITSTRING_TAG_CODE)) || (tagId1 == MAKE_TAG_ID (UNIV, CONS, BITSTRING_TAG_CODE)))) { elmtLen1 = BDecLen (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); rc = BDecComponentBits (mem_op, b, tagId1, elmtLen1, (&k->signature), &totalElmtsLen1, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (&k->signature)->identifier.bv_val = (&k->signature)->id_buf; (&k->signature)->identifier.bv_len = strlen("signature"); strcpy( (&k->signature)->identifier.bv_val, "signature"); seqDone = TRUE; if (elmtLen0 == INDEFINITE_LEN) BDecEoc (b, &totalElmtsLen1 ); else if (totalElmtsLen1 != elmtLen0) return -1; } else return -1; if (!seqDone) return -1; if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentCertificateList*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentCertificateList) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentCertificateList ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentCertificateList ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentCertificateList; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentCertificateList; (*bytesDecoded) += totalElmtsLen1; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* BDecCertificateList*/ int GDecComponentCertificateList PARAMS (( mem_op,b, v, bytesDecoded, mode), void* mem_op _AND_ GenBuf * b _AND_ ComponentCertificateList **v _AND_ AsnLen *bytesDecoded _AND_ int mode) { char* peek_head,*peek_head2; int i, strLen,strLen2, rc, old_mode = mode; ComponentCertificateList *k,*t, c_temp; if ( !(mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { memset(&c_temp,0,sizeof(c_temp)); k = &c_temp; } else k = t = *v; mode = DEC_ALLOC_MODE_2; *bytesDecoded = 0; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '{'){ Asn1Error("Missing { in encoded data"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "tbsCertList", strlen("tbsCertList") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentTBSCertList (mem_op, b, (&k->tbsCertList), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->tbsCertList)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->tbsCertList)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "signatureAlgorithm", strlen("signatureAlgorithm") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentAlgorithmIdentifier (mem_op, b, (&k->signatureAlgorithm), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; ( k->signatureAlgorithm)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; ( k->signatureAlgorithm)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading , "); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != ','){ Asn1Error("Missing , in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ){ Asn1Error("Error during Reading identifier"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } } if ( strncmp( peek_head, "signature", strlen("signature") ) == 0 ) { rc = GDecComponentBits (mem_op, b, (&k->signature), bytesDecoded, mode); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return rc; (&k->signature)->identifier.bv_val = peek_head; (&k->signature)->identifier.bv_len = strLen; } if( !(strLen = LocateNextGSERToken(mem_op,b,&peek_head,GSER_NO_COPY)) ) { Asn1Error("Error during Reading } in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if(*peek_head != '}'){ Asn1Error("Missing } in encoding"); return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } if( !(old_mode & DEC_ALLOC_MODE_1) ) { *v = t = (ComponentCertificateList*) CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof(ComponentCertificateList) ); if ( !t ) return -1; *t = *k; } t->syntax = (Syntax*)NULL; t->comp_desc = CompAlloc( mem_op, sizeof( ComponentDesc ) ); if ( !t->comp_desc ) { free ( t ); return -1; } t->comp_desc->cd_ldap_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_encoder = (encoder_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_gser_decoder = (gser_decoder_func*)GDecComponentCertificateList ; t->comp_desc->cd_ber_decoder = (ber_decoder_func*)BDecComponentCertificateList ; t->comp_desc->cd_free = (comp_free_func*)NULL; t->comp_desc->cd_extract_i = (extract_component_from_id_func*)ExtractingComponentCertificateList; t->comp_desc->cd_type = ASN_COMPOSITE; t->comp_desc->cd_type_id = COMPOSITE_ASN1_TYPE; t->comp_desc->cd_all_match = (allcomponent_matching_func*)MatchingComponentCertificateList; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* GDecCertificateList*/