#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Kungliga Tekniska Hテカgskolan # (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. top_builddir="@top_builddir@" env_setup="@env_setup@" objdir="@objdir@" db_type=@db_type@ . ${env_setup} # If there is no useful db support compile in, disable test ${have_db} || exit 77 # Dont run this test in AFS, since it lacks support for AF_UNIX expr "X`/bin/pwd || pwd`" : "X/afs/.*" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null && exit 77 R=TEST.H5L.SE port=@port@ cache="FILE:${objdir}/cache.krb5" keytabfile=${objdir}/iprop.keytab keytab="FILE:${keytabfile}" kdc="${kdc} --addresses=localhost -P $port" kadmin="${kadmin} -r $R" kinit="${kinit} -c $cache ${afs_no_afslog}" slave_ver_from_master_old= slave_ver_from_master_new= slave_ver_old= slave_ver_new= get_iprop_ver () { min_change=${1:-1} slave_ver_from_master_new=`grep '^iprop/' iprop-stats | head -1 | awk '{print $3}'` slave_ver_new=`grep 'up-to-date with version:' iprop-slave-status | awk '{print $4}'` if [ -z "$slave_ver_from_master_new" -o -z "$slave_ver_new" ]; then return 1 fi if [ x"$slave_ver_from_master_new" != x"$slave_ver_new" ]; then return 1 fi if [ x"$slave_ver_from_master_old" != x ]; then change=`expr "$slave_ver_from_master_new" - "$slave_ver_from_master_old"` if [ "$change" -lt "$min_change" ]; then return 1 fi fi slave_ver_from_master_old=$slave_ver_from_master_new slave_ver_old=$slave_ver_new return 0 } waitsec=65 sleeptime=2 wait_for () { msg=$1 shift t=0 while ! "$@"; do sleep $sleeptime; t=`expr $t + $sleeptime` if [ $t -gt $waitsec ]; then echo "Waited too long for $msg" exit 1 fi done return 0 } check_pidfile_is_dead () { if test ! -f lt-${1}.pid -a ! -f ${1}.pid; then return 0 fi _pid=`cat lt-${1}.pid ${1}.pid 2>/dev/null` if [ -z "$_pid" ]; then return 0 fi if kill -0 $_pid 2>/dev/null; then return 1 fi return 0 } wait_for_slave () { wait_for "iprop versions to change and/or slave to catch up" get_iprop_ver "$@" } wait_for_master_down () { wait_for "master to exit" check_pidfile_is_dead ipropd-master } wait_for_slave_down () { wait_for "slave to exit" check_pidfile_is_dead ipropd-slave } KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5.conf" export KRB5_CONFIG rm -f ${keytabfile} rm -f current-db* rm -f current*.log rm -f out-* rm -f mkey.file* rm -f messages.log > messages.log echo Creating database ${kadmin} -l \ init \ --realm-max-ticket-life=1day \ --realm-max-renewable-life=1month \ ${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l add -p foo --use-defaults user@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l add --random-key --use-defaults iprop/localhost@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l ext -k ${keytab} iprop/localhost@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l add --random-key --use-defaults iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l ext -k ${keytab} iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@${R} || exit 1 echo foo > ${objdir}/foopassword echo "Test log recovery" ${kadmin} -l add --random-key --use-defaults recovtest@${R} || exit 1 # Test theory: save the log, make a change and save the record it # produced, restore the log, append to it the saved record, then get # Save the log cp current.log current.log.tmp ls -l current.log.tmp | awk '{print $5}' > tmp read sz < tmp # Make a change ${kadmin} -l mod -a requires-pre-auth recovtest@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l get recovtest@${R} | grep 'Attributes: requires-pre-auth$' > /dev/null || exit 1 # Save the resulting log record ls -l current.log | awk '{print $5}' > tmp read nsz < tmp rm tmp dd bs=1 if=current.log skip=$sz of=current.log.tmp.saved-record count=`expr $nsz - $sz` 2>/dev/null # Undo the change ${kadmin} -l mod -a -requires-pre-auth recovtest@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l get recovtest@${R} | grep 'Attributes:.$' > /dev/null || exit 1 # Restore the log cp current.log current.log.save mv current.log.tmp current.log # Append the saved record cat current.log.tmp.saved-record >> current.log rm current.log.tmp.saved-record # Check that we still see the principal as modified ${kadmin} -l get recovtest@${R} | grep 'Attributes: requires-pre-auth$' > /dev/null || exit 1 # -- foo ipds= ipdm= kdcpid= > iprop-stats rm -f iprop-slave-status ipropd_slave="${ipropd_slave} --status-file=iprop-slave-status" trap "echo 'killing ipropd s + m + kdc'; kill -9 \${ipdm} \${ipds} \${kdcpid} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; tail messages.log ; tail iprop-stats; exit 1;" EXIT echo Starting kdc ; > messages.log ${kdc} --detach --testing || { echo "kdc failed to start"; exit 1; } kdcpid=`getpid kdc` echo "starting master" ; > messages.log env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ ${ipropd_master} --hostname=localhost -k ${keytab} \ --database=${objdir}/current-db --detach || { echo "ipropd-master failed to start"; exit 1; } ipdm=`getpid ipropd-master` echo "starting slave" ; > messages.log env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${ipropd_slave} --hostname=slave.test.h5l.se -k ${keytab} --detach localhost || { echo "ipropd-slave failed to start"; exit 1; } ipds=`getpid ipropd-slave` sh ${wait_kdc} ipropd-slave messages.log 'slave status change: up-to-date' || exit 1 get_iprop_ver || exit 1 echo "checking slave is up" ${EGREP} 'iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@TEST.H5L.SE.*Up' iprop-stats >/dev/null || exit 1 ${EGREP} 'up-to-date with version' iprop-slave-status >/dev/null || { echo "slave to up to date" ; cat iprop-slave-status ; exit 1; } # ----------------- checking: pushing lives changes echo "Add host" ${kadmin} -l add --random-key --use-defaults host/foo@${R} || exit 1 wait_for_slave KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/foo@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 echo "Rollover host keys" ${kadmin} -l cpw -r --keepold host/foo@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l cpw -r --keepold host/foo@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l cpw -r --keepold host/foo@${R} || exit 1 wait_for_slave 3 KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/foo@${R} | \ ${EGREP} Keytypes: | cut -d: -f2 | tr ' ' ' ' | sed 's/^.*[[]\(.*\)[]].*$/\1/' | grep '[0-9]' | sort -nu | tr -d ' ' | ${EGREP} 1234 > /dev/null || exit 1 echo "Delete 3DES keys" ${kadmin} -l del_enctype host/foo@${R} des3-cbc-sha1 wait_for_slave KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/foo@${R} | \ ${EGREP} Keytypes: | cut -d: -f2 | tr ' ' ' ' | sed 's/^.*[[]\(.*\)[]].*$/\1/' | grep '[0-9]' | sort -nu | tr -d ' ' | ${EGREP} 1234 > /dev/null || exit 1 KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/foo@${R} | \ ${EGREP} 'Keytypes:.*des3-cbc-sha1' > /dev/null && exit 1 echo "Change policy host" ${kadmin} -l modify --policy=default host/foo@${R} || exit 1 wait_for_slave KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/foo@${R} > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || exit 1 echo "Rename host" ${kadmin} -l rename host/foo@${R} host/bar@${R} || exit 1 wait_for_slave KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/foo@${R} > /dev/null 2>/dev/null && exit 1 KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/bar@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 echo "Delete host" ${kadmin} -l delete host/bar@${R} || exit 1 wait_for_slave KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${kadmin} -l get host/bar@${R} > /dev/null 2>/dev/null && exit 1 # See note below in LMDB sanity checking echo "Re-add host" ${kadmin} -l add --random-key --use-defaults host/foo@${R} || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l add --random-key --use-defaults host/bar@${R} || exit 1 echo "kill slave and remove log and database" > iprop-stats sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-slave $ipds || exit 1 rm -f iprop-slave-status wait_for_slave_down ${EGREP} 'iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@TEST.H5L.SE.*Down' iprop-stats >/dev/null || exit 1 # ----------------- checking: slave is missing changes while down rm current.slave.log current-db.slave* || exit 1 echo "doing changes while slave is down" ${kadmin} -l cpw --random-password user@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 ${kadmin} -l cpw --random-password user@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 echo "Makeing a copy of the master log file" cp ${objdir}/current.log ${objdir}/current.log.tmp # ----------------- checking: checking that master and slaves resyncs echo "starting slave again" ; > messages.log > iprop-stats env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${ipropd_slave} --hostname=slave.test.h5l.se -k ${keytab} --detach localhost || { echo "ipropd-slave failed to start"; exit 1; } ipds=`getpid ipropd-slave` echo "checking slave is up again" wait_for "slave to start and connect to master" \ ${EGREP} 'iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@TEST.H5L.SE.*Up' iprop-stats >/dev/null wait_for_slave 2 ${EGREP} 'up-to-date with version' iprop-slave-status >/dev/null || { echo "slave not up to date" ; cat iprop-slave-status ; exit 1; } echo "checking for replay problems" ${EGREP} 'Entry already exists in database' messages.log && exit 1 echo "compare versions on master and slave logs (no lock)" KRB5_CONFIG=${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf \ ${iprop_log} last-version -n > slave-last.tmp ${iprop_log} last-version -n > master-last.tmp cmp master-last.tmp slave-last.tmp || exit 1 echo "kill slave and remove log and database" sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-slave $ipds || exit 1 wait_for_slave_down rm current.slave.log current-db.slave* || exit 1 > iprop-stats rm -f iprop-slave-status echo "starting slave" ; > messages.log env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${ipropd_slave} --hostname=slave.test.h5l.se -k ${keytab} --detach localhost || { echo "ipropd-slave failed to start"; exit 1; } ipds=`getpid ipropd-slave` wait_for_slave 0 echo "checking slave is up again" wait_for "slave to start and connect to master" \ ${EGREP} 'iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@TEST.H5L.SE.*Up' iprop-stats >/dev/null ${EGREP} 'up-to-date with version' iprop-slave-status >/dev/null || { echo "slave not up to date" ; cat iprop-slave-status ; exit 1; } echo "checking for replay problems" ${EGREP} 'Entry already exists in database' messages.log && exit 1 # ----------------- checking: checking live truncation of master log ${kadmin} -l cpw --random-password user@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 wait_for_slave echo "live truncate on master log" ${iprop_log} truncate -K 5 || exit 1 wait_for_slave 0 echo "Killing master and slave" sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-master $ipdm || exit 1 sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-slave $ipds || exit 1 rm -f iprop-slave-status wait_for_slave_down wait_for_master_down echo "compare versions on master and slave logs" KRB5_CONFIG=${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf \ ${iprop_log} last-version > slave-last.tmp ${iprop_log} last-version > master-last.tmp cmp master-last.tmp slave-last.tmp || exit 1 # ----------------- checking: master going backward > iprop-stats > messages.log echo "Going back to old version of the master log file" cp ${objdir}/current.log.tmp ${objdir}/current.log echo "starting master" ; > messages.log env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ ${ipropd_master} --hostname=localhost -k ${keytab} \ --database=${objdir}/current-db --detach || { echo "ipropd-master failed to start"; exit 1; } ipdm=`getpid ipropd-master` echo "starting slave" ; > messages.log env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ KRB5_CONFIG="${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf" \ ${ipropd_slave} --hostname=slave.test.h5l.se -k ${keytab} --detach localhost || { echo "ipropd-slave failed to start"; exit 1; } ipds=`getpid ipropd-slave` wait_for_slave -1 echo "checking slave is up again" wait_for "slave to start and connect to master" \ ${EGREP} 'iprop/slave.test.h5l.se@TEST.H5L.SE.*Up' iprop-stats >/dev/null ${EGREP} 'up-to-date with version' iprop-slave-status >/dev/null || { echo "slave to up to date" ; cat iprop-slave-status ; exit 1; } echo "checking for replay problems" ${EGREP} 'Entry already exists in database' messages.log && exit 1 echo "pushing one change" ${kadmin} -l cpw --random-password user@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 wait_for_slave echo "Killing master" sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-master $ipdm || exit 1 wait_for_master_down wait_for "slave to disconnect" \ ${EGREP} 'disconnected' iprop-slave-status >/dev/null if ! tail -30 messages.log | grep 'disconnected for server' > /dev/null; then echo "client didnt disconnect" exit 1 fi echo "probing for slave pid" kill -0 ${ipds} || { echo "slave no longer there"; exit 1; } > messages.log echo "Staring master again" ; > messages.log env ${HEIM_MALLOC_DEBUG} \ ${ipropd_master} --hostname=localhost -k ${keytab} \ --database=${objdir}/current-db --detach || { echo "ipropd-master failed to start"; exit 1; } ipdm=`getpid ipropd-master` echo "probing for slave pid" kill -0 ${ipds} || { echo "slave no longer there"; exit 1; } echo "pushing one change" ${kadmin} -l cpw --random-password user@${R} > /dev/null || exit 1 wait_for_slave echo "shutting down all services" leaked=false sh ${leaks_kill} kdc $kdcpid || leaked=true sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-master $ipdm || leaked=true sh ${leaks_kill} ipropd-slave $ipds || leaked=true rm -f iprop-slave-status trap "" EXIT $leaked && exit 1 echo "compare versions on master and slave logs" KRB5_CONFIG=${objdir}/krb5-slave.conf \ ${iprop_log} last-version > slave-last.tmp ${iprop_log} last-version > master-last.tmp cmp master-last.tmp slave-last.tmp || exit 1 if [ "$db_type" = lmdb ]; then # Sanity check that we have the same number of principals at the HDB # and LMDB levels. # # We should also do this for the sqlite backend, but that would # require a sqlite3(1) shell that is capable of opening our HDB # files. W echo "checking that principals in DB == entries in LMDB" princs=`${kadmin} -l list '*' | wc -l` entries=`mdb_stat -n current-db.mdb | grep 'Entries:' | awk '{print $2}'` [ "`expr 1 + "$princs"`" -eq "$entries" ] || exit 1 fi exit 0