/* * Copyright ツゥ 2008 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Soft- * ware"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright * notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Soft- * ware and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission * notice appear in supporting documentation. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- * ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY * RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN * THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSE- * QUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFOR- * MANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall * not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or * other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of * the copyright holder. * * Authors: * Kristian Hテクgsberg (krh@redhat.com) */ #ifdef HAVE_XORG_CONFIG_H #include <xorg-config.h> #endif #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xproto.h> #include <X11/extensions/dri2proto.h> #include <X11/extensions/xfixeswire.h> #include "dixstruct.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "xfixes.h" #include "dri2.h" #include "dri2int.h" #include "protocol-versions.h" /* The only xf86 includes */ #include "xf86Module.h" #include "xf86Extensions.h" static int DRI2EventBase; static Bool validDrawable(ClientPtr client, XID drawable, Mask access_mode, DrawablePtr *pDrawable, int *status) { *status = dixLookupDrawable(pDrawable, drawable, client, M_DRAWABLE_WINDOW | M_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP, access_mode); if (*status != Success) { client->errorValue = drawable; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int ProcDRI2QueryVersion(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2QueryVersionReq); xDRI2QueryVersionReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .majorVersion = dri2_major, .minorVersion = dri2_minor }; if (client->swapped) swaps(&stuff->length); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2QueryVersionReq); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); swapl(&rep.length); swapl(&rep.majorVersion); swapl(&rep.minorVersion); } WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2QueryVersionReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDRI2Connect(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2ConnectReq); xDRI2ConnectReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .driverNameLength = 0, .deviceNameLength = 0 }; DrawablePtr pDraw; int fd, status; const char *driverName; const char *deviceName; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2ConnectReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->window, DixGetAttrAccess, &pDraw, &status)) return status; if (!DRI2Connect(client, pDraw->pScreen, stuff->driverType, &fd, &driverName, &deviceName)) goto fail; rep.driverNameLength = strlen(driverName); rep.deviceNameLength = strlen(deviceName); rep.length = (rep.driverNameLength + 3) / 4 + (rep.deviceNameLength + 3) / 4; fail: WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2ConnectReply), &rep); WriteToClient(client, rep.driverNameLength, driverName); WriteToClient(client, rep.deviceNameLength, deviceName); return Success; } static int ProcDRI2Authenticate(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2AuthenticateReq); xDRI2AuthenticateReply rep; DrawablePtr pDraw; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2AuthenticateReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->window, DixGetAttrAccess, &pDraw, &status)) return status; rep = (xDRI2AuthenticateReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .authenticated = DRI2Authenticate(client, pDraw->pScreen, stuff->magic) }; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2AuthenticateReply), &rep); return Success; } static void DRI2InvalidateBuffersEvent(DrawablePtr pDraw, void *priv, XID id) { ClientPtr client = priv; xDRI2InvalidateBuffers event = { .type = DRI2EventBase + DRI2_InvalidateBuffers, .drawable = id }; WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *) &event); } static int ProcDRI2CreateDrawable(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2CreateDrawableReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2CreateDrawableReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixAddAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; status = DRI2CreateDrawable(client, pDrawable, stuff->drawable, DRI2InvalidateBuffersEvent, client); if (status != Success) return status; return Success; } static int ProcDRI2DestroyDrawable(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2DestroyDrawableReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2DestroyDrawableReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixRemoveAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; return Success; } static int send_buffers_reply(ClientPtr client, DrawablePtr pDrawable, DRI2BufferPtr * buffers, int count, int width, int height) { xDRI2GetBuffersReply rep; int skip = 0; int i; if (buffers == NULL) return BadAlloc; if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client. */ if (buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft) { skip++; continue; } } } rep = (xDRI2GetBuffersReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = (count - skip) * sizeof(xDRI2Buffer) / 4, .width = width, .height = height, .count = count - skip }; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2GetBuffersReply), &rep); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { xDRI2Buffer buffer; /* Do not send the real front buffer of a window to the client. */ if ((pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) && (buffers[i]->attachment == DRI2BufferFrontLeft)) { continue; } buffer.attachment = buffers[i]->attachment; buffer.name = buffers[i]->name; buffer.pitch = buffers[i]->pitch; buffer.cpp = buffers[i]->cpp; buffer.flags = buffers[i]->flags; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2Buffer), &buffer); } return Success; } static int ProcDRI2GetBuffers(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2GetBuffersReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; DRI2BufferPtr *buffers; int status, width, height, count; unsigned int *attachments; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq); /* stuff->count is a count of CARD32 attachments that follows */ if (stuff->count > (INT_MAX / sizeof(CARD32))) return BadLength; REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq, stuff->count * sizeof(CARD32)); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess | DixWriteAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; if (DRI2ThrottleClient(client, pDrawable)) return Success; attachments = (unsigned int *) &stuff[1]; buffers = DRI2GetBuffers(pDrawable, &width, &height, attachments, stuff->count, &count); return send_buffers_reply(client, pDrawable, buffers, count, width, height); } static int ProcDRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2GetBuffersReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; DRI2BufferPtr *buffers; int status, width, height, count; unsigned int *attachments; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq); /* stuff->count is a count of pairs of CARD32s (attachments & formats) that follows */ if (stuff->count > (INT_MAX / (2 * sizeof(CARD32)))) return BadLength; REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xDRI2GetBuffersReq, stuff->count * (2 * sizeof(CARD32))); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess | DixWriteAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; if (DRI2ThrottleClient(client, pDrawable)) return Success; attachments = (unsigned int *) &stuff[1]; buffers = DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(pDrawable, &width, &height, attachments, stuff->count, &count); return send_buffers_reply(client, pDrawable, buffers, count, width, height); } static int ProcDRI2CopyRegion(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2CopyRegionReq); xDRI2CopyRegionReply rep; DrawablePtr pDrawable; int status; RegionPtr pRegion; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2CopyRegionReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixWriteAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; VERIFY_REGION(pRegion, stuff->region, client, DixReadAccess); status = DRI2CopyRegion(pDrawable, pRegion, stuff->dest, stuff->src); if (status != Success) return status; /* CopyRegion needs to be a round trip to make sure the X server * queues the swap buffer rendering commands before the DRI client * continues rendering. The reply has a bitmask to signal the * presence of optional return values as well, but we're not using * that yet. */ rep = (xDRI2CopyRegionReply) { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0 }; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2CopyRegionReply), &rep); return Success; } static void load_swap_reply(xDRI2SwapBuffersReply * rep, CARD64 sbc) { rep->swap_hi = sbc >> 32; rep->swap_lo = sbc & 0xffffffff; } static CARD64 vals_to_card64(CARD32 lo, CARD32 hi) { return (CARD64) hi << 32 | lo; } static void DRI2SwapEvent(ClientPtr client, void *data, int type, CARD64 ust, CARD64 msc, CARD32 sbc) { DrawablePtr pDrawable = data; xDRI2BufferSwapComplete2 event = { .type = DRI2EventBase + DRI2_BufferSwapComplete, .event_type = type, .drawable = pDrawable->id, .ust_hi = (CARD64) ust >> 32, .ust_lo = ust & 0xffffffff, .msc_hi = (CARD64) msc >> 32, .msc_lo = msc & 0xffffffff, .sbc = sbc }; WriteEventsToClient(client, 1, (xEvent *) &event); } static int ProcDRI2SwapBuffers(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2SwapBuffersReq); xDRI2SwapBuffersReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0 }; DrawablePtr pDrawable; CARD64 target_msc, divisor, remainder, swap_target; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2SwapBuffersReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess | DixWriteAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; /* * Ensures an out of control client can't exhaust our swap queue, and * also orders swaps. */ if (DRI2ThrottleClient(client, pDrawable)) return Success; target_msc = vals_to_card64(stuff->target_msc_lo, stuff->target_msc_hi); divisor = vals_to_card64(stuff->divisor_lo, stuff->divisor_hi); remainder = vals_to_card64(stuff->remainder_lo, stuff->remainder_hi); status = DRI2SwapBuffers(client, pDrawable, target_msc, divisor, remainder, &swap_target, DRI2SwapEvent, pDrawable); if (status != Success) return BadDrawable; load_swap_reply(&rep, swap_target); WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2SwapBuffersReply), &rep); return Success; } static void load_msc_reply(xDRI2MSCReply * rep, CARD64 ust, CARD64 msc, CARD64 sbc) { rep->ust_hi = ust >> 32; rep->ust_lo = ust & 0xffffffff; rep->msc_hi = msc >> 32; rep->msc_lo = msc & 0xffffffff; rep->sbc_hi = sbc >> 32; rep->sbc_lo = sbc & 0xffffffff; } static int ProcDRI2GetMSC(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2GetMSCReq); xDRI2MSCReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0 }; DrawablePtr pDrawable; CARD64 ust, msc, sbc; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2GetMSCReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; status = DRI2GetMSC(pDrawable, &ust, &msc, &sbc); if (status != Success) return status; load_msc_reply(&rep, ust, msc, sbc); WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2MSCReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDRI2WaitMSC(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2WaitMSCReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; CARD64 target, divisor, remainder; int status; /* FIXME: in restart case, client may be gone at this point */ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2WaitMSCReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; target = vals_to_card64(stuff->target_msc_lo, stuff->target_msc_hi); divisor = vals_to_card64(stuff->divisor_lo, stuff->divisor_hi); remainder = vals_to_card64(stuff->remainder_lo, stuff->remainder_hi); status = DRI2WaitMSC(client, pDrawable, target, divisor, remainder); if (status != Success) return status; return Success; } int ProcDRI2WaitMSCReply(ClientPtr client, CARD64 ust, CARD64 msc, CARD64 sbc) { xDRI2MSCReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0 }; load_msc_reply(&rep, ust, msc, sbc); WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2MSCReply), &rep); return Success; } static int ProcDRI2SwapInterval(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2SwapIntervalReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; int status; /* FIXME: in restart case, client may be gone at this point */ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2SwapIntervalReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess | DixWriteAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; DRI2SwapInterval(pDrawable, stuff->interval); return Success; } static int ProcDRI2WaitSBC(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2WaitSBCReq); DrawablePtr pDrawable; CARD64 target; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2WaitSBCReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; target = vals_to_card64(stuff->target_sbc_lo, stuff->target_sbc_hi); status = DRI2WaitSBC(client, pDrawable, target); return status; } static int ProcDRI2GetParam(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2GetParamReq); xDRI2GetParamReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0 }; DrawablePtr pDrawable; CARD64 value; int status; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xDRI2GetParamReq); if (!validDrawable(client, stuff->drawable, DixReadAccess, &pDrawable, &status)) return status; status = DRI2GetParam(client, pDrawable, stuff->param, &rep.is_param_recognized, &value); rep.value_hi = value >> 32; rep.value_lo = value & 0xffffffff; if (status != Success) return status; WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2GetParamReply), &rep); return status; } static int ProcDRI2Dispatch(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); switch (stuff->data) { case X_DRI2QueryVersion: return ProcDRI2QueryVersion(client); } if (!client->local) return BadRequest; switch (stuff->data) { case X_DRI2Connect: return ProcDRI2Connect(client); case X_DRI2Authenticate: return ProcDRI2Authenticate(client); case X_DRI2CreateDrawable: return ProcDRI2CreateDrawable(client); case X_DRI2DestroyDrawable: return ProcDRI2DestroyDrawable(client); case X_DRI2GetBuffers: return ProcDRI2GetBuffers(client); case X_DRI2CopyRegion: return ProcDRI2CopyRegion(client); case X_DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat: return ProcDRI2GetBuffersWithFormat(client); case X_DRI2SwapBuffers: return ProcDRI2SwapBuffers(client); case X_DRI2GetMSC: return ProcDRI2GetMSC(client); case X_DRI2WaitMSC: return ProcDRI2WaitMSC(client); case X_DRI2WaitSBC: return ProcDRI2WaitSBC(client); case X_DRI2SwapInterval: return ProcDRI2SwapInterval(client); case X_DRI2GetParam: return ProcDRI2GetParam(client); default: return BadRequest; } } static int _X_COLD SProcDRI2Connect(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xDRI2ConnectReq); xDRI2ConnectReply rep = { .type = X_Reply, .sequenceNumber = client->sequence, .length = 0, .driverNameLength = 0, .deviceNameLength = 0 }; /* If the client is swapped, it's not local. Talk to the hand. */ swaps(&stuff->length); if (sizeof(*stuff) / 4 != client->req_len) return BadLength; swaps(&rep.sequenceNumber); WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xDRI2ConnectReply), &rep); return Success; } static int _X_COLD SProcDRI2Dispatch(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xReq); /* * Only local clients are allowed DRI access, but remote clients * still need these requests to find out cleanly. */ switch (stuff->data) { case X_DRI2QueryVersion: return ProcDRI2QueryVersion(client); case X_DRI2Connect: return SProcDRI2Connect(client); default: return BadRequest; } } void DRI2ExtensionInit(void) { ExtensionEntry *dri2Extension; #ifdef PANORAMIX if (!noPanoramiXExtension) return; #endif dri2Extension = AddExtension(DRI2_NAME, DRI2NumberEvents, DRI2NumberErrors, ProcDRI2Dispatch, SProcDRI2Dispatch, NULL, StandardMinorOpcode); DRI2EventBase = dri2Extension->eventBase; DRI2ModuleSetup(); }