/* * Copyright ツゥ 1999 Keith Packard * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Keith Packard not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. Keith Packard makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * KEITH PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL KEITH PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include <dix-config.h> #endif #include "kdrive.h" #include <mivalidate.h> #include <dixstruct.h> #include "privates.h" #ifdef RANDR #include <randrstr.h> #endif #include "glx_extinit.h" #ifdef XV #include "kxv.h" #endif #ifdef DPMSExtension #include "dpmsproc.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_EXECINFO_H #include <execinfo.h> #endif #if defined(CONFIG_UDEV) || defined(CONFIG_HAL) #include <hotplug.h> #endif /* This stub can be safely removed once we can * split input and GPU parts in hotplug.h et al. */ #include <systemd-logind.h> typedef struct _kdDepths { CARD8 depth; CARD8 bpp; } KdDepths; KdDepths kdDepths[] = { {1, 1}, {4, 4}, {8, 8}, {15, 16}, {16, 16}, {24, 32}, {32, 32} }; #define KD_DEFAULT_BUTTONS 5 DevPrivateKeyRec kdScreenPrivateKeyRec; static unsigned long kdGeneration; Bool kdEmulateMiddleButton; Bool kdRawPointerCoordinates; Bool kdDisableZaphod; static Bool kdEnabled; static int kdSubpixelOrder; static char *kdSwitchCmd; static DDXPointRec kdOrigin; Bool kdHasPointer = FALSE; Bool kdHasKbd = FALSE; const char *kdGlobalXkbRules = NULL; const char *kdGlobalXkbModel = NULL; const char *kdGlobalXkbLayout = NULL; const char *kdGlobalXkbVariant = NULL; const char *kdGlobalXkbOptions = NULL; void KdDisableScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); if (!pScreenPriv->enabled) return; if (!pScreenPriv->closed) SetRootClip(pScreen, ROOT_CLIP_NONE); KdDisableColormap(pScreen); if (!pScreenPriv->screen->dumb && pScreenPriv->card->cfuncs->disableAccel) (*pScreenPriv->card->cfuncs->disableAccel) (pScreen); pScreenPriv->enabled = FALSE; } static void KdDoSwitchCmd(const char *reason) { if (kdSwitchCmd) { char *command; int ret; if (asprintf(&command, "%s %s", kdSwitchCmd, reason) == -1) return; /* Ignore the return value from system; I'm not sure * there's anything more useful to be done when * it fails */ ret = system(command); (void) ret; free(command); } } static void KdSuspend(void) { KdCardInfo *card; KdScreenInfo *screen; if (kdEnabled) { for (card = kdCardInfo; card; card = card->next) { for (screen = card->screenList; screen; screen = screen->next) if (screen->mynum == card->selected && screen->pScreen) KdDisableScreen(screen->pScreen); } KdDisableInput(); KdDoSwitchCmd("suspend"); } } static void KdDisableScreens(void) { KdSuspend(); kdEnabled = FALSE; } Bool KdEnableScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); if (pScreenPriv->enabled) return TRUE; pScreenPriv->enabled = TRUE; pScreenPriv->dpmsState = KD_DPMS_NORMAL; pScreenPriv->card->selected = pScreenPriv->screen->mynum; if (!pScreenPriv->screen->dumb && pScreenPriv->card->cfuncs->enableAccel) (*pScreenPriv->card->cfuncs->enableAccel) (pScreen); KdEnableColormap(pScreen); SetRootClip(pScreen, ROOT_CLIP_FULL); return TRUE; } void ddxGiveUp(enum ExitCode error) { KdDisableScreens(); } static Bool kdDumbDriver; static Bool kdSoftCursor; const char * KdParseFindNext(const char *cur, const char *delim, char *save, char *last) { while (*cur && !strchr(delim, *cur)) { *save++ = *cur++; } *save = 0; *last = *cur; if (*cur) cur++; return cur; } Rotation KdAddRotation(Rotation a, Rotation b) { Rotation rotate = (a & RR_Rotate_All) * (b & RR_Rotate_All); Rotation reflect = (a & RR_Reflect_All) ^ (b & RR_Reflect_All); if (rotate > RR_Rotate_270) rotate /= (RR_Rotate_270 * RR_Rotate_90); return reflect | rotate; } Rotation KdSubRotation(Rotation a, Rotation b) { Rotation rotate = (a & RR_Rotate_All) * 16 / (b & RR_Rotate_All); Rotation reflect = (a & RR_Reflect_All) ^ (b & RR_Reflect_All); if (rotate > RR_Rotate_270) rotate /= (RR_Rotate_270 * RR_Rotate_90); return reflect | rotate; } void KdParseScreen(KdScreenInfo * screen, const char *arg) { char delim; char save[1024]; int i; int pixels, mm; screen->dumb = kdDumbDriver; screen->softCursor = kdSoftCursor; screen->origin = kdOrigin; screen->randr = RR_Rotate_0; screen->x = 0; screen->y = 0; screen->width = 0; screen->height = 0; screen->width_mm = 0; screen->height_mm = 0; screen->subpixel_order = kdSubpixelOrder; screen->rate = 0; screen->fb.depth = 0; if (!arg) return; if (strlen(arg) >= sizeof(save)) return; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "x/+@XY", save, &delim); if (!save[0]) return; pixels = atoi(save); mm = 0; if (delim == '/') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "x+@XY", save, &delim); if (!save[0]) return; mm = atoi(save); } if (i == 0) { screen->width = pixels; screen->width_mm = mm; } else { screen->height = pixels; screen->height_mm = mm; } if (delim != 'x' && delim != '+' && delim != '@' && delim != 'X' && delim != 'Y' && (delim != '\0' || i == 0)) return; } kdOrigin.x += screen->width; kdOrigin.y = 0; kdDumbDriver = FALSE; kdSoftCursor = FALSE; kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelUnknown; if (delim == '+') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "+@xXY", save, &delim); if (save[0]) screen->x = atoi(save); } if (delim == '+') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "@xXY", save, &delim); if (save[0]) screen->y = atoi(save); } if (delim == '@') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "xXY", save, &delim); if (save[0]) { int rotate = atoi(save); if (rotate < 45) screen->randr = RR_Rotate_0; else if (rotate < 135) screen->randr = RR_Rotate_90; else if (rotate < 225) screen->randr = RR_Rotate_180; else if (rotate < 315) screen->randr = RR_Rotate_270; else screen->randr = RR_Rotate_0; } } if (delim == 'X') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "xY", save, &delim); screen->randr |= RR_Reflect_X; } if (delim == 'Y') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "xY", save, &delim); screen->randr |= RR_Reflect_Y; } arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "x/,", save, &delim); if (save[0]) { screen->fb.depth = atoi(save); if (delim == '/') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "x,", save, &delim); if (save[0]) screen->fb.bitsPerPixel = atoi(save); } else screen->fb.bitsPerPixel = 0; } if (delim == 'x') { arg = KdParseFindNext(arg, "x", save, &delim); if (save[0]) screen->rate = atoi(save); } } static void KdParseRgba(char *rgba) { if (!strcmp(rgba, "rgb")) kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelHorizontalRGB; else if (!strcmp(rgba, "bgr")) kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelHorizontalBGR; else if (!strcmp(rgba, "vrgb")) kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelVerticalRGB; else if (!strcmp(rgba, "vbgr")) kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelVerticalBGR; else if (!strcmp(rgba, "none")) kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelNone; else kdSubpixelOrder = SubPixelUnknown; } void KdUseMsg(void) { ErrorF("\nTinyX Device Dependent Usage:\n"); ErrorF ("-screen WIDTH[/WIDTHMM]xHEIGHT[/HEIGHTMM][+[-]XOFFSET][+[-]YOFFSET][@ROTATION][X][Y][xDEPTH/BPP[xFREQ]] Specify screen characteristics\n"); ErrorF ("-rgba rgb/bgr/vrgb/vbgr/none Specify subpixel ordering for LCD panels\n"); ErrorF ("-mouse driver [,n,,options] Specify the pointer driver and its options (n is the number of buttons)\n"); ErrorF ("-keybd driver [,,options] Specify the keyboard driver and its options\n"); ErrorF("-xkb-rules Set default XkbRules value (can be overridden by -keybd options)\n"); ErrorF("-xkb-model Set default XkbModel value (can be overridden by -keybd options)\n"); ErrorF("-xkb-layout Set default XkbLayout value (can be overridden by -keybd options)\n"); ErrorF("-xkb-variant Set default XkbVariant value (can be overridden by -keybd options)\n"); ErrorF("-xkb-options Set default XkbOptions value (can be overridden by -keybd options)\n"); ErrorF("-zaphod Disable cursor screen switching\n"); ErrorF("-2button Emulate 3 button mouse\n"); ErrorF("-3button Disable 3 button mouse emulation\n"); ErrorF ("-rawcoord Don't transform pointer coordinates on rotation\n"); ErrorF("-dumb Disable hardware acceleration\n"); ErrorF("-softCursor Force software cursor\n"); ErrorF("-videoTest Start the server, pause momentarily and exit\n"); ErrorF ("-origin X,Y Locates the next screen in the the virtual screen (Xinerama)\n"); ErrorF("-switchCmd Command to execute on vt switch\n"); ErrorF ("vtxx Use virtual terminal xx instead of the next available\n"); } int KdProcessArgument(int argc, char **argv, int i) { KdCardInfo *card; KdScreenInfo *screen; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-screen")) { if ((i + 1) < argc) { card = KdCardInfoLast(); if (!card) { InitCard(0); card = KdCardInfoLast(); } if (card) { screen = KdScreenInfoAdd(card); KdParseScreen(screen, argv[i + 1]); } else ErrorF("No matching card found!\n"); } else UseMsg(); return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-zaphod")) { kdDisableZaphod = TRUE; return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-3button")) { kdEmulateMiddleButton = FALSE; return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-2button")) { kdEmulateMiddleButton = TRUE; return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-rawcoord")) { kdRawPointerCoordinates = 1; return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dumb")) { kdDumbDriver = TRUE; return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-softCursor")) { kdSoftCursor = TRUE; return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-origin")) { if ((i + 1) < argc) { char *x = argv[i + 1]; char *y = strchr(x, ','); if (x) kdOrigin.x = atoi(x); else kdOrigin.x = 0; if (y) kdOrigin.y = atoi(y + 1); else kdOrigin.y = 0; } else UseMsg(); return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-rgba")) { if ((i + 1) < argc) KdParseRgba(argv[i + 1]); else UseMsg(); return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-switchCmd")) { if ((i + 1) < argc) kdSwitchCmd = argv[i + 1]; else UseMsg(); return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xkb-rules")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { UseMsg(); FatalError("Missing argument for option -xkb-rules.\n"); } kdGlobalXkbRules = argv[i + 1]; return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xkb-model")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { UseMsg(); FatalError("Missing argument for option -xkb-model.\n"); } kdGlobalXkbModel = argv[i + 1]; return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xkb-layout")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { UseMsg(); FatalError("Missing argument for option -xkb-layout.\n"); } kdGlobalXkbLayout = argv[i + 1]; return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xkb-variant")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { UseMsg(); FatalError("Missing argument for option -xkb-variant.\n"); } kdGlobalXkbVariant = argv[i + 1]; return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xkb-options")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { UseMsg(); FatalError("Missing argument for option -xkb-options.\n"); } kdGlobalXkbOptions = argv[i + 1]; return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mouse") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-pointer")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) UseMsg(); KdAddConfigPointer(argv[i + 1]); kdHasPointer = TRUE; return 2; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-keybd")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) UseMsg(); KdAddConfigKeyboard(argv[i + 1]); kdHasKbd = TRUE; return 2; } return 0; } static Bool KdAllocatePrivates(ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdPrivScreenPtr pScreenPriv; if (kdGeneration != serverGeneration) kdGeneration = serverGeneration; if (!dixRegisterPrivateKey(&kdScreenPrivateKeyRec, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0)) return FALSE; pScreenPriv = calloc(1, sizeof(*pScreenPriv)); if (!pScreenPriv) return FALSE; KdSetScreenPriv(pScreen, pScreenPriv); return TRUE; } static Bool KdCreateScreenResources(ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); KdCardInfo *card = pScreenPriv->card; Bool ret; pScreen->CreateScreenResources = pScreenPriv->CreateScreenResources; if (pScreen->CreateScreenResources) ret = (*pScreen->CreateScreenResources) (pScreen); else ret = -1; pScreenPriv->CreateScreenResources = pScreen->CreateScreenResources; pScreen->CreateScreenResources = KdCreateScreenResources; if (ret && card->cfuncs->createRes) ret = (*card->cfuncs->createRes) (pScreen); return ret; } static Bool KdCloseScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); KdScreenInfo *screen = pScreenPriv->screen; KdCardInfo *card = pScreenPriv->card; Bool ret; if (card->cfuncs->closeScreen) (*card->cfuncs->closeScreen)(pScreen); pScreenPriv->closed = TRUE; pScreen->CloseScreen = pScreenPriv->CloseScreen; if (pScreen->CloseScreen) ret = (*pScreen->CloseScreen) (pScreen); else ret = TRUE; if (screen->mynum == card->selected) KdDisableScreen(pScreen); if (!pScreenPriv->screen->dumb && card->cfuncs->finiAccel) (*card->cfuncs->finiAccel) (pScreen); if (card->cfuncs->scrfini) (*card->cfuncs->scrfini) (screen); /* * Clean up card when last screen is closed, DIX closes them in * reverse order, thus we check for when the first in the list is closed */ if (screen == card->screenList) { if (card->cfuncs->cardfini) (*card->cfuncs->cardfini) (card); /* * Clean up OS when last card is closed */ if (card == kdCardInfo) { kdEnabled = FALSE; } } pScreenPriv->screen->pScreen = 0; free((void *) pScreenPriv); return ret; } static Bool KdSaveScreen(ScreenPtr pScreen, int on) { return FALSE; } static Bool KdCreateWindow(WindowPtr pWin) { #ifndef PHOENIX if (!pWin->parent) { KdScreenPriv(pWin->drawable.pScreen); if (!pScreenPriv->enabled) { RegionEmpty(&pWin->borderClip); RegionBreak(&pWin->clipList); } } #endif return fbCreateWindow(pWin); } void KdSetSubpixelOrder(ScreenPtr pScreen, Rotation randr) { KdScreenPriv(pScreen); KdScreenInfo *screen = pScreenPriv->screen; int subpixel_order = screen->subpixel_order; Rotation subpixel_dir; int i; static struct { int subpixel_order; Rotation direction; } orders[] = { {SubPixelHorizontalRGB, RR_Rotate_0}, {SubPixelHorizontalBGR, RR_Rotate_180}, {SubPixelVerticalRGB, RR_Rotate_270}, {SubPixelVerticalBGR, RR_Rotate_90}, }; static struct { int bit; int normal; int reflect; } reflects[] = { {RR_Reflect_X, SubPixelHorizontalRGB, SubPixelHorizontalBGR}, {RR_Reflect_X, SubPixelHorizontalBGR, SubPixelHorizontalRGB}, {RR_Reflect_Y, SubPixelVerticalRGB, SubPixelVerticalBGR}, {RR_Reflect_Y, SubPixelVerticalRGB, SubPixelVerticalRGB}, }; /* map subpixel to direction */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (orders[i].subpixel_order == subpixel_order) break; if (i < 4) { subpixel_dir = KdAddRotation(randr & RR_Rotate_All, orders[i].direction); /* map back to subpixel order */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (orders[i].direction & subpixel_dir) { subpixel_order = orders[i].subpixel_order; break; } /* reflect */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if ((randr & reflects[i].bit) && reflects[i].normal == subpixel_order) { subpixel_order = reflects[i].reflect; break; } } PictureSetSubpixelOrder(pScreen, subpixel_order); } /* Pass through AddScreen, which doesn't take any closure */ static KdScreenInfo *kdCurrentScreen; static Bool KdScreenInit(ScreenPtr pScreen, int argc, char **argv) { KdScreenInfo *screen = kdCurrentScreen; KdCardInfo *card = screen->card; KdPrivScreenPtr pScreenPriv; /* * note that screen->fb is set up for the nominal orientation * of the screen; that means if randr is rotated, the values * there should reflect a rotated frame buffer (or shadow). */ Bool rotated = (screen->randr & (RR_Rotate_90 | RR_Rotate_270)) != 0; int width, height, *width_mmp, *height_mmp; KdAllocatePrivates(pScreen); pScreenPriv = KdGetScreenPriv(pScreen); if (!rotated) { width = screen->width; height = screen->height; width_mmp = &screen->width_mm; height_mmp = &screen->height_mm; } else { width = screen->height; height = screen->width; width_mmp = &screen->height_mm; height_mmp = &screen->width_mm; } screen->pScreen = pScreen; pScreenPriv->screen = screen; pScreenPriv->card = card; pScreenPriv->bytesPerPixel = screen->fb.bitsPerPixel >> 3; pScreenPriv->dpmsState = KD_DPMS_NORMAL; pScreen->x = screen->origin.x; pScreen->y = screen->origin.y; if (!monitorResolution) monitorResolution = 75; /* * This is done in this order so that backing store wraps * our GC functions; fbFinishScreenInit initializes MI * backing store */ if (!fbSetupScreen(pScreen, screen->fb.frameBuffer, width, height, monitorResolution, monitorResolution, screen->fb.pixelStride, screen->fb.bitsPerPixel)) { return FALSE; } /* * Set colormap functions */ pScreen->InstallColormap = KdInstallColormap; pScreen->UninstallColormap = KdUninstallColormap; pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps = KdListInstalledColormaps; pScreen->StoreColors = KdStoreColors; pScreen->SaveScreen = KdSaveScreen; pScreen->CreateWindow = KdCreateWindow; if (!fbFinishScreenInit(pScreen, screen->fb.frameBuffer, width, height, monitorResolution, monitorResolution, screen->fb.pixelStride, screen->fb.bitsPerPixel)) { return FALSE; } /* * Fix screen sizes; for some reason mi takes dpi instead of mm. * Rounding errors are annoying */ if (*width_mmp) pScreen->mmWidth = *width_mmp; else *width_mmp = pScreen->mmWidth; if (*height_mmp) pScreen->mmHeight = *height_mmp; else *height_mmp = pScreen->mmHeight; /* * Plug in our own block/wakeup handlers. * miScreenInit installs NoopDDA in both places */ pScreen->BlockHandler = KdBlockHandler; pScreen->WakeupHandler = KdWakeupHandler; if (!fbPictureInit(pScreen, 0, 0)) return FALSE; if (card->cfuncs->initScreen) if (!(*card->cfuncs->initScreen) (pScreen)) return FALSE; if (!screen->dumb && card->cfuncs->initAccel) if (!(*card->cfuncs->initAccel) (pScreen)) screen->dumb = TRUE; if (card->cfuncs->finishInitScreen) if (!(*card->cfuncs->finishInitScreen) (pScreen)) return FALSE; /* * Wrap CloseScreen, the order now is: * KdCloseScreen * fbCloseScreen */ pScreenPriv->CloseScreen = pScreen->CloseScreen; pScreen->CloseScreen = KdCloseScreen; pScreenPriv->CreateScreenResources = pScreen->CreateScreenResources; pScreen->CreateScreenResources = KdCreateScreenResources; if (screen->softCursor || !card->cfuncs->initCursor || !(*card->cfuncs->initCursor) (pScreen)) { /* Use MI for cursor display and event queueing. */ screen->softCursor = TRUE; miDCInitialize(pScreen, &kdPointerScreenFuncs); } if (!fbCreateDefColormap(pScreen)) { return FALSE; } KdSetSubpixelOrder(pScreen, screen->randr); /* * Enable the hardware */ kdEnabled = TRUE; if (screen->mynum == card->selected) { pScreenPriv->enabled = TRUE; KdEnableColormap(pScreen); if (!screen->dumb && card->cfuncs->enableAccel) (*card->cfuncs->enableAccel) (pScreen); } return TRUE; } static void KdInitScreen(ScreenInfo * pScreenInfo, KdScreenInfo * screen, int argc, char **argv) { KdCardInfo *card = screen->card; if (!(*card->cfuncs->scrinit) (screen)) FatalError("Screen initialization failed!\n"); if (!card->cfuncs->initAccel) screen->dumb = TRUE; if (!card->cfuncs->initCursor) screen->softCursor = TRUE; } static Bool KdSetPixmapFormats(ScreenInfo * pScreenInfo) { CARD8 depthToBpp[33]; /* depth -> bpp map */ KdCardInfo *card; KdScreenInfo *screen; int i; int bpp; PixmapFormatRec *format; for (i = 1; i <= 32; i++) depthToBpp[i] = 0; /* * Generate mappings between bitsPerPixel and depth, * also ensure that all screens comply with protocol * restrictions on equivalent formats for the same * depth on different screens */ for (card = kdCardInfo; card; card = card->next) { for (screen = card->screenList; screen; screen = screen->next) { bpp = screen->fb.bitsPerPixel; if (bpp == 24) bpp = 32; if (!depthToBpp[screen->fb.depth]) depthToBpp[screen->fb.depth] = bpp; else if (depthToBpp[screen->fb.depth] != bpp) return FALSE; } } /* * Fill in additional formats */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(kdDepths); i++) if (!depthToBpp[kdDepths[i].depth]) depthToBpp[kdDepths[i].depth] = kdDepths[i].bpp; pScreenInfo->imageByteOrder = IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER; pScreenInfo->bitmapScanlineUnit = BITMAP_SCANLINE_UNIT; pScreenInfo->bitmapScanlinePad = BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD; pScreenInfo->bitmapBitOrder = BITMAP_BIT_ORDER; pScreenInfo->numPixmapFormats = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 32; i++) { if (depthToBpp[i]) { format = &pScreenInfo->formats[pScreenInfo->numPixmapFormats++]; format->depth = i; format->bitsPerPixel = depthToBpp[i]; format->scanlinePad = BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD; } } return TRUE; } static void KdAddScreen(ScreenInfo * pScreenInfo, KdScreenInfo * screen, int argc, char **argv) { int i; /* * Fill in fb visual type masks for this screen */ for (i = 0; i < pScreenInfo->numPixmapFormats; i++) { unsigned long visuals; Pixel rm, gm, bm; visuals = 0; rm = gm = bm = 0; if (pScreenInfo->formats[i].depth == screen->fb.depth) { visuals = screen->fb.visuals; rm = screen->fb.redMask; gm = screen->fb.greenMask; bm = screen->fb.blueMask; } fbSetVisualTypesAndMasks(pScreenInfo->formats[i].depth, visuals, 8, rm, gm, bm); } kdCurrentScreen = screen; AddScreen(KdScreenInit, argc, argv); } void KdInitOutput(ScreenInfo * pScreenInfo, int argc, char **argv) { KdCardInfo *card; KdScreenInfo *screen; if (!kdCardInfo) { InitCard(0); if (!(card = KdCardInfoLast())) FatalError("No matching cards found!\n"); screen = KdScreenInfoAdd(card); KdParseScreen(screen, 0); } /* * Initialize all of the screens for all of the cards */ for (card = kdCardInfo; card; card = card->next) { int ret = 1; if (card->cfuncs->cardinit) ret = (*card->cfuncs->cardinit) (card); if (ret) { for (screen = card->screenList; screen; screen = screen->next) KdInitScreen(pScreenInfo, screen, argc, argv); } } /* * Merge the various pixmap formats together, this can fail * when two screens share depth but not bitsPerPixel */ if (!KdSetPixmapFormats(pScreenInfo)) return; /* * Add all of the screens */ for (card = kdCardInfo; card; card = card->next) for (screen = card->screenList; screen; screen = screen->next) KdAddScreen(pScreenInfo, screen, argc, argv); xorgGlxCreateVendor(); #if defined(CONFIG_UDEV) || defined(CONFIG_HAL) if (SeatId) /* Enable input hot-plugging */ config_pre_init(); #endif } void OsVendorFatalError(const char *f, va_list args) { } /* These stubs can be safely removed once we can * split input and GPU parts in hotplug.h et al. */ #ifdef CONFIG_UDEV_KMS void NewGPUDeviceRequest(struct OdevAttributes *attribs) { } void DeleteGPUDeviceRequest(struct OdevAttributes *attribs) { } #endif #if defined(CONFIG_UDEV) || defined(CONFIG_HAL) struct xf86_platform_device * xf86_find_platform_device_by_devnum(int major, int minor) { return NULL; } #endif #ifdef SYSTEMD_LOGIND void systemd_logind_vtenter(void) { } void systemd_logind_release_fd(int major, int minor, int fd) { close(fd); } #endif