// Example for use of GNU gettext. // Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // This file is in the public domain. // // Source code of the C#/Forms program. using System; /* String, EventHandler */ using GNU.Gettext; /* GettextResourceManager */ using System.Diagnostics; /* Process */ using System.Threading; /* Thread */ using System.Drawing; /* Point, Size */ using System.Windows.Forms; /* Application, Form, Label, Button */ public class Hello { private static GettextResourceManager catalog = new GettextResourceManager("hello-csharp-forms"); class HelloWindow : Form { private int border; private Label label1; private Label label2; private Button ok; public HelloWindow () { border = 2; label1 = new Label(); label1.Text = catalog.GetString("Hello, world!"); label1.ClientSize = new Size(label1.PreferredWidth, label1.PreferredHeight); Controls.Add(label1); label2 = new Label(); label2.Text = String.Format( catalog.GetString("This program is running as process number {0}."), Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); label2.ClientSize = new Size(label2.PreferredWidth, label2.PreferredHeight); Controls.Add(label2); ok = new Button(); Label okLabel = new Label(); ok.Text = okLabel.Text = "OK"; ok.ClientSize = new Size(okLabel.PreferredWidth + 12, okLabel.PreferredHeight + 4); ok.Click += new EventHandler(Quit); Controls.Add(ok); Size total = ComputePreferredSizeWithoutBorder(); LayoutControls(total.Width, total.Height); ClientSize = new Size(border + total.Width + border, border + total.Height + border); } protected override void OnResize(EventArgs ev) { LayoutControls(ClientSize.Width - border - border, ClientSize.Height - border - border); base.OnResize(ev); } // Layout computation, part 1: The preferred size of this panel. private Size ComputePreferredSizeWithoutBorder () { int totalWidth = Math.Max(Math.Max(label1.PreferredWidth, label2.PreferredWidth), ok.Width); int totalHeight = label1.PreferredHeight + label2.PreferredHeight + 6 + ok.Height; return new Size(totalWidth, totalHeight); } // Layout computation, part 2: Determine where to put the sub-controls. private void LayoutControls (int totalWidth, int totalHeight) { label1.Location = new Point(border, border); label2.Location = new Point(border, border + label1.PreferredHeight); ok.Location = new Point(border + totalWidth - ok.Width, border + totalHeight - ok.Height); } private void Quit (Object sender, EventArgs ev) { Application.Exit(); } } public static void Main () { Application.Run(new HelloWindow()); } }