to be done:
-- key {}'s have to be handled 

-- zone allow-transfer xlates to what in NSD?

-- install process needs cleanup

-- document install/update process

-- performance: can this be improved?  translation ought to be able to
   go quicker, perhaps by only handling changes vs complete re-translation
   every time

-- license under MIT license and post to newly created

-- must handle 'control { ... }' settings?

-- look for all 'BOZO's

-- look for all 'FIXME's

-- return code checking is abysmal, if done at all

-- trap ctrl-C properly

-- verify BIND named.conf grammar details

-- verify NSD nsd.conf grammar details

-- report specifically what line of what file has an error for ALL errors

recently done:
-- can now report specifically what line of what file has an error and
   using it in some interesting places

-- refactored the parser (much more maintainable now)

-- acl_list: now set these up (as empty files) and copy them to the right

-- if scp does not require a password, and it is set to '' in the config
   file, then do not wait for the password prompt

-- can now specify multiple ip-addresses for use in nsd.conf (and to say
   which one to scp to when sync'ing using 'dest-ip' option)

-- zonec output again displayed when using 's64-sync --verbose'

-- search for bind2nsd.conf in '.', $HOME, _and_ /etc/bind2nsd

-- install config files, etc., in /etc/bind2nsd (passwd file, too)

-- clean up example bind2nsd.conf

-- set better config defaults

-- GENERATE commands in the zone data are now intercepted and converted
   to the desired text (since we don't handle $GENERATE and it _is_ a BIND
   specific tool).

-- Added in key xlation (i.e., 'key { ... }')

-- 'options { pid-file } => server: pidfile' is ignorable

-- handle options { recursive-clients nnn; }

-- do not scp when using 's64-sync --analyze-only'

-- handle allow-notify {}

-- handle also-notify {} in options {} and in server {} or per zone

-- create an 'nsd-sync' that works with any old NSD server on a remote
   machine (permutation of 's64-sync')