/* * File: ELFSourceFile.cpp * * Copyright (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. * See included license file for license details. */ #include "ELFSourceFile.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "GHSSecInfo.h" #include #include #include "string.h" //! The name of the toolset option. #define kToolsetOptionName "toolset" #define kGHSToolsetName "GHS" #define kGCCToolsetName "GCC" #define kGNUToolsetName "GNU" #define kADSToolsetName "ADS" //! Name of the option to control .secinfo action. #define kSecinfoClearOptionName "secinfoClear" #define kSecinfoDefaultName "DEFAULT" #define kSecinfoIgnoreName "IGNORE" #define kSecinfoROMName "ROM" #define kSecinfoCName "C" using namespace elftosb; ELFSourceFile::ELFSourceFile(const std::string & path) : SourceFile(path), m_toolset(kUnknownToolset), m_secinfoOption(kSecinfoDefault) { } ELFSourceFile::~ELFSourceFile() { } bool ELFSourceFile::isELFFile(std::istream & stream) { try { StELFFile elf(stream); return true; } catch (...) { return false; } } void ELFSourceFile::open() { // Read toolset option m_toolset = readToolsetOption(); // Read option and select default value m_secinfoOption = readSecinfoClearOption(); if (m_secinfoOption == kSecinfoDefault) { m_secinfoOption = kSecinfoCStartupClear; } // Open the stream SourceFile::open(); m_file = new StELFFile(*m_stream); // m_file->dumpSections(); // Set toolset in elf file object switch (m_toolset) { // default toolset is GHS case kGHSToolset: case kUnknownToolset: m_file->setELFVariant(eGHSVariant); break; case kGCCToolset: m_file->setELFVariant(eGCCVariant); break; case kADSToolset: m_file->setELFVariant(eARMVariant); break; } } void ELFSourceFile::close() { SourceFile::close(); m_file.safe_delete(); } elf_toolset_t ELFSourceFile::readToolsetOption() { do { const OptionContext * options = getOptions(); if (!options || !options->hasOption(kToolsetOptionName)) { break; } const Value * value = options->getOption(kToolsetOptionName); const StringValue * stringValue = dynamic_cast(value); if (!stringValue) { // Not a string value, warn the user. Log::log(Logger::WARNING, "invalid type for 'toolset' option\n"); break; } std::string toolsetName = *stringValue; // convert option value to uppercase std::transform(toolsetName.begin(), toolsetName.end(), toolsetName.begin(), toupper); if (toolsetName == kGHSToolsetName) { return kGHSToolset; } else if (toolsetName == kGCCToolsetName || toolsetName == kGNUToolsetName) { return kGCCToolset; } else if (toolsetName == kADSToolsetName) { return kADSToolset; } // Unrecognized option value, log a warning. Log::log(Logger::WARNING, "unrecognized value for 'toolset' option\n"); } while (0); return kUnknownToolset; } //! It is up to the caller to convert from kSecinfoDefault to the actual default //! value. secinfo_clear_t ELFSourceFile::readSecinfoClearOption() { do { const OptionContext * options = getOptions(); if (!options || !options->hasOption(kSecinfoClearOptionName)) { break; } const Value * value = options->getOption(kSecinfoClearOptionName); const StringValue * stringValue = dynamic_cast(value); if (!stringValue) { // Not a string value, warn the user. Log::log(Logger::WARNING, "invalid type for 'secinfoClear' option\n"); break; } std::string secinfoOption = *stringValue; // convert option value to uppercase std::transform(secinfoOption.begin(), secinfoOption.end(), secinfoOption.begin(), toupper); if (secinfoOption == kSecinfoDefaultName) { return kSecinfoDefault; } else if (secinfoOption == kSecinfoIgnoreName) { return kSecinfoIgnore; } else if (secinfoOption == kSecinfoROMName) { return kSecinfoROMClear; } else if (secinfoOption == kSecinfoCName) { return kSecinfoCStartupClear; } // Unrecognized option value, log a warning. Log::log(Logger::WARNING, "unrecognized value for 'secinfoClear' option\n"); } while (0); return kSecinfoDefault; } //! To create a data source for all sections of the ELF file, a WildcardMatcher //! is instantiated and passed to createDataSource(StringMatcher&). DataSource * ELFSourceFile::createDataSource() { WildcardMatcher matcher; return createDataSource(matcher); } DataSource * ELFSourceFile::createDataSource(StringMatcher & matcher) { assert(m_file); ELFDataSource * source = new ELFDataSource(m_file); source->setSecinfoOption(m_secinfoOption); Log::log(Logger::DEBUG2, "filtering sections of file: %s\n", getPath().c_str()); // We start at section 1 to skip the null section that is always first. unsigned index = 1; for (; index < m_file->getSectionCount(); ++index) { const Elf32_Shdr & header = m_file->getSectionAtIndex(index); std::string name = m_file->getSectionNameAtIndex(header.sh_name); // Ignore most section types if (!(header.sh_type == SHT_PROGBITS || header.sh_type == SHT_NOBITS)) { continue; } // Ignore sections that don't have the allocate flag set. if ((header.sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0) { continue; } if (matcher.match(name)) { Log::log(Logger::DEBUG2, "creating segment for section %s\n", name.c_str()); source->addSection(index); } else { Log::log(Logger::DEBUG2, "section %s did not match\n", name.c_str()); } } return source; } //! It is assumed that all ELF files have an entry point. //! bool ELFSourceFile::hasEntryPoint() { return true; } //! The StELFFile::getTypeOfSymbolAtIndex() method uses different methods of determining //! ARM/Thumb mode depending on the toolset. uint32_t ELFSourceFile::getEntryPointAddress() { uint32_t entryPoint = 0; // get entry point address const Elf32_Ehdr & header = m_file->getFileHeader(); // find symbol corresponding to entry point and determine if // it is arm or thumb mode unsigned symbolIndex = m_file->getIndexOfSymbolAtAddress(header.e_entry); if (symbolIndex != 0) { ARMSymbolType_t symbolType = m_file->getTypeOfSymbolAtIndex(symbolIndex); bool entryPointIsThumb = (symbolType == eThumbSymbol); const Elf32_Sym & symbol = m_file->getSymbolAtIndex(symbolIndex); std::string symbolName = m_file->getSymbolName(symbol); Log::log(Logger::DEBUG2, "Entry point is %s@0x%08x (%s)\n", symbolName.c_str(), symbol.st_value, entryPointIsThumb ? "Thumb" : "ARM"); // set entry point, setting the low bit if it is thumb mode entryPoint = header.e_entry + (entryPointIsThumb ? 1 : 0); } else { entryPoint = header.e_entry; } return entryPoint; } //! \return A DataTarget that describes the named section. //! \retval NULL There was no section with the requested name. DataTarget * ELFSourceFile::createDataTargetForSection(const std::string & section) { assert(m_file); unsigned index = m_file->getIndexOfSectionWithName(section); if (index == SHN_UNDEF) { return NULL; } const Elf32_Shdr & sectionHeader = m_file->getSectionAtIndex(index); uint32_t beginAddress = sectionHeader.sh_addr; uint32_t endAddress = beginAddress + sectionHeader.sh_size; ConstantDataTarget * target = new ConstantDataTarget(beginAddress, endAddress); return target; } //! \return A DataTarget instance pointing at the requested symbol. //! \retval NULL No symbol matching the requested name was found. DataTarget * ELFSourceFile::createDataTargetForSymbol(const std::string & symbol) { assert(m_file); unsigned symbolCount = m_file->getSymbolCount(); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < symbolCount; ++i) { const Elf32_Sym & symbolHeader = m_file->getSymbolAtIndex(i); std::string symbolName = m_file->getSymbolName(symbolHeader); if (symbolName == symbol) { ARMSymbolType_t symbolType = m_file->getTypeOfSymbolAtIndex(i); bool symbolIsThumb = (symbolType == eThumbSymbol); uint32_t beginAddress = symbolHeader.st_value + (symbolIsThumb ? 1 : 0); uint32_t endAddress = beginAddress + symbolHeader.st_size; ConstantDataTarget * target = new ConstantDataTarget(beginAddress, endAddress); return target; } } // didn't find a matching symbol return NULL; } bool ELFSourceFile::hasSymbol(const std::string & name) { Elf32_Sym symbol; return lookupSymbol(name, symbol); } uint32_t ELFSourceFile::getSymbolValue(const std::string & name) { unsigned symbolCount = m_file->getSymbolCount(); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < symbolCount; ++i) { const Elf32_Sym & symbolHeader = m_file->getSymbolAtIndex(i); std::string symbolName = m_file->getSymbolName(symbolHeader); if (symbolName == name) { // If the symbol is a function, then we check to see if it is Thumb code and set bit 0 if so. if (ELF32_ST_TYPE(symbolHeader.st_info) == STT_FUNC) { ARMSymbolType_t symbolType = m_file->getTypeOfSymbolAtIndex(i); bool symbolIsThumb = (symbolType == eThumbSymbol); return symbolHeader.st_value + (symbolIsThumb ? 1 : 0); } else { return symbolHeader.st_value; } } } // Couldn't find the symbol, so return 0. return 0; } unsigned ELFSourceFile::getSymbolSize(const std::string & name) { Elf32_Sym symbol; if (!lookupSymbol(name, symbol)) { return 0; } return symbol.st_size; } //! \param name The name of the symbol on which info is wanted. //! \param[out] info Upon succssful return this is filled in with the symbol's information. //! //! \retval true The symbol was found and \a info is valid. //! \retval false No symbol with \a name was found in the file. bool ELFSourceFile::lookupSymbol(const std::string & name, Elf32_Sym & info) { assert(m_file); unsigned symbolCount = m_file->getSymbolCount(); unsigned i; for (i=0; i < symbolCount; ++i) { const Elf32_Sym & symbol = m_file->getSymbolAtIndex(i); std::string thisSymbolName = m_file->getSymbolName(symbol); // Is this the symbol we're looking for? if (thisSymbolName == name) { info = symbol; return true; } } // Didn't file the symbol. return false; } ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::~ELFDataSource() { segment_vector_t::iterator it = m_segments.begin(); for (; it != m_segments.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } } //! Not all sections will actually result in a new segment being created. Only //! those sections whose type is #SHT_PROGBITS or #SHT_NOBITS will create //! a new segment. Also, only sections whose size is non-zero will actually //! create a segment. //! //! In addition to this, ELF files that have been marked as being created by //! the Green Hills Software toolset have an extra step. #SHT_NOBITS sections //! are looked up in the .secinfo section to determine if they really //! should be filled. If not in the .secinfo table, no segment will be //! created for the section. void ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::addSection(unsigned sectionIndex) { // get section info const Elf32_Shdr & section = m_elf->getSectionAtIndex(sectionIndex); if (section.sh_size == 0) { // empty section, so ignore it return; } // create the right segment subclass based on the section type DataSource::Segment * segment = NULL; if (section.sh_type == SHT_PROGBITS) { segment = new ProgBitsSegment(*this, m_elf, sectionIndex); } else if (section.sh_type == SHT_NOBITS) { // Always add NOBITS sections by default. bool addNobits = true; // For GHS ELF files, we use the secinfoClear option to figure out what to do. // If set to ignore, treat like a normal ELF file and always add. If set to // ROM, then only clear if the section is listed in .secinfo. Otherwise if set // to C startup, then let the C startup do all clearing. if (m_elf->ELFVariant() == eGHSVariant) { GHSSecInfo secinfo(m_elf); // If there isn't a .secinfo section present then use the normal ELF rules // and always add NOBITS sections. if (secinfo.hasSecinfo() && m_secinfoOption != kSecinfoIgnore) { switch (m_secinfoOption) { case kSecinfoROMClear: addNobits = secinfo.isSectionFilled(section); break; case kSecinfoCStartupClear: addNobits = false; break; } } } if (addNobits) { segment = new NoBitsSegment(*this, m_elf, sectionIndex); } else { std::string name = m_elf->getSectionNameAtIndex(section.sh_name); Log::log(Logger::DEBUG2, "..section %s is not filled\n", name.c_str()); } } // add segment if one was created if (segment) { m_segments.push_back(segment); } } ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::ProgBitsSegment::ProgBitsSegment(ELFDataSource & source, StELFFile * elf, unsigned index) : DataSource::Segment(source), m_elf(elf), m_sectionIndex(index) { } unsigned ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::ProgBitsSegment::getData(unsigned offset, unsigned maxBytes, uint8_t * buffer) { const Elf32_Shdr & section = m_elf->getSectionAtIndex(m_sectionIndex); uint8_t * data = m_elf->getSectionDataAtIndex(m_sectionIndex); assert(offset < section.sh_size); unsigned copyBytes = std::min(section.sh_size - offset, maxBytes); if (copyBytes) { memcpy(buffer, &data[offset], copyBytes); } return copyBytes; } unsigned ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::ProgBitsSegment::getLength() { const Elf32_Shdr & section = m_elf->getSectionAtIndex(m_sectionIndex); return section.sh_size; } uint32_t ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::ProgBitsSegment::getBaseAddress() { const Elf32_Shdr & section = m_elf->getSectionAtIndex(m_sectionIndex); return section.sh_addr; } ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::NoBitsSegment::NoBitsSegment(ELFDataSource & source, StELFFile * elf, unsigned index) : DataSource::PatternSegment(source), m_elf(elf), m_sectionIndex(index) { } unsigned ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::NoBitsSegment::getLength() { const Elf32_Shdr & section = m_elf->getSectionAtIndex(m_sectionIndex); return section.sh_size; } uint32_t ELFSourceFile::ELFDataSource::NoBitsSegment::getBaseAddress() { const Elf32_Shdr & section = m_elf->getSectionAtIndex(m_sectionIndex); return section.sh_addr; }