Package: acct
Description-md5: 59c271feb67ca780ce47c3f06fb5425e
Description-fi: GNU Accounting utilities for process and login accounting
 GNU Accounting Utilities is a set of utilities which reports and
 summarizes data about user connect times and process execution statistics.
 "Login accounting" provides summaries of system resource usage based on
 connect time, and "process accounting" provides summaries based on the
 commands executed on the system.
 'last' -komento on toimitettu sysvinit-paketissa eikテ、 sitテ、 ole tテ、ssテ、

Package: acpi-support
Description-md5: 3da3f1fdfeedd4b9182ff4fd508042a7
Description-fi: Komentojonoja ACPI-tapahtumien kテ、sittelyyn
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentojonoja, jotka reagoivat erilaisiin ACPI-
 tapahtumiin. Mukana on komentojonoja vain sellaisia tapahtumia varten,
 joita voidaan tukea jotakuinkin turvallisesti ja alustariippumattomasti.
  * Tunnistaa verkkovirran menetyksen ja saannin, kannen sulkemisen ja useiden
    erikoisnappien painamisen (Asus, IBM, Lenovo, Panasonic, Sony
    ja Toshiba kannettavissa tietokoneissa).
  * Laittaa tietokoneen valmiustilaan ja horrokseen, sekテ、 palauttaa sen.
    Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 lisテ、tuen sitテ、 vaativille laitteille.
  * Sテ、テ、tテ、テ、 nテ、ytテカn kirkkautta joissain kannettavissa tietokoneissa.

Package: acpid
Description-md5: 6a7c4e4695f570d8fbcaec667cdcfcfe
Description-fi: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon
 Nykyaikaiset tietokoneet tukevat Advanced Configuration and Power
 Interface (ACPI) -toimintoja, joiden avulla voi hallita virrankテ、yttテカテ、 ja
 tarkkailla akun ja asetusten tilannetta.
 ACPID is a completely flexible, totally extensible daemon for delivering
 ACPI events. It listens on netlink interface (or on the deprecated file
 /proc/acpi/event), and when an event occurs, executes programs to handle
 the event. The programs it executes are configured through a set of
 configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the

Package: adduser
Description-md5: 0e61515c925d932d3824e3dc6af2842b
Description-fi: Lisテ、テ、 ja poista kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja ryhmiテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komennot adduser ja deluser, joilla voi luoda
 kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 sekテ、 poistaa niitテ、.
  - 'adduser' luo uusia kテ、ytテ、jiテ、 ja ryhmiテ、 sekテ、 lisテ、テ、 nykyiset kテ、yttテ、jテ、t
    nykyisiin ryhmiin;
  - 'deluser' poistaa kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja ryhmiテ、 sekテ、 poistaa kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 annetusta
 Kテ、yttテ、jien luominen komennolla adduser on paljon helpompaa kuin niiden
 lisテ、テ、minen kテ、sin. Adduser valitsee sopivat UID- ja GID-arvot, luo
 kotihakemiston, kopioi oletuskテ、yttテ、jテ、n asetukset, asettaa automaattisesti
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、n salasanan ja nimen jne.
 Deluser-komennolla voi varmuuskopioida ja poistaa kテ、yttテ、jテ、n
 kotihakemistoja sekテ、 postijonoja, tai vaihtoehtoisesti kaikki kテ、yttテ、jテ、n
 omistamat tiedostot.
 Valinnainen skripti voidaan suorittaa joka komennon jテ、lkeen.

Package: aide
Description-md5: 5cf26f0af8c95254f9ec7920c1214cbe
Description-fi: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - pysyvテ、 binテ、テ、ri
 AIDE on hyテカkkテ、yksentunnistusjテ、rjestelmテ、 joka havaitsee paikallisen
 jテ、rjestelmテ、n tiedostojen muutokset. Se luo tietokannan tavallisista
 kテ、yttテ、ytymissテ、テ、nnテカistテ、, jotka se lテカytテ、テ、 asetustiedostosta. Kun tテ、mテ、
 tietokanta on kテ、ynnistetty, sitテ、 voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostojen yhtenテ、isyyden
 varmistamiseen. Sillテ、 on useita viestinvarmistusalgoritmeja (md5, sha1,
 rmd160, tiger, haval, jne), joita kテ、ytetテ、テ、n tarkistamaan tiedoston eheys.
 Lisテ、テ、 algoritmeja voidaan lisテ、tテ、 suhteellisen helposti. Kaikki yleiset
 tiedosto-ominaisuudet voidaan myテカs tarkistaa ristiriitaisuuksilta.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 pysyvテ、sti linkitetyn binテ、テ、rin

Package: aide-common
Description-md5: 7a8490e442a29581e6cca1b191be3f62
Description-fi: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Common files
 AIDE on hyテカkkテ、yksentunnistusjテ、rjestelmテ、 joka havaitsee paikallisen
 jテ、rjestelmテ、n tiedostojen muutokset. Se luo tietokannan tavallisista
 kテ、yttテ、ytymissテ、テ、nnテカistテ、, jotka se lテカytテ、テ、 asetustiedostosta. Kun tテ、mテ、
 tietokanta on kテ、ynnistetty, sitテ、 voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostojen yhtenテ、isyyden
 varmistamiseen. Sillテ、 on useita viestinvarmistusalgoritmeja (md5, sha1,
 rmd160, tiger, haval, jne), joita kテ、ytetテ、テ、n tarkistamaan tiedoston eheys.
 Lisテ、テ、 algoritmeja voidaan lisテ、tテ、 suhteellisen helposti. Kaikki yleiset
 tiedosto-ominaisuudet voidaan myテカs tarkistaa ristiriitaisuuksilta.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 yleiset ja asetustiedostot, joita tarvitaan ohjelman
 Todennテ、kテカisimmin haluat parannella asetustiedostoa (/etc/aide/aide.conf)
 tai pudotella omia asetusleikkeitテ、 asetushakemistoon

Package: aisleriot
Description-md5: e7f99df3aa92cf870d335784e155ec33
Description-fi: Gnomen pasianssipelikokoelma
 Tテ、mテ、 on yli kahdeksankymmenen eri pasianssikorttipelin kokoelma, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 suosittuja muunnoksia kuten hテ、mテ、hテ、kki, vapaakenttテ、, klondike,
 kolmetoista (pyramidi), yukon, canfield ja monia muita.

Package: alsa-base
Description-md5: 14d30d1beb8026b3d2636c32c5a92cca
Description-fi: ALSA-ajurin asetustiedostot
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 erilaisia asetustiedostoja ALSA-ajureille.
 Jotta ALSA toimisi tietyn テ、テ、nikortin sisテ、ltテ、vテ、ssテ、 jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、,
 kyseiselle kortille tテ、ytyy olla ytimessテ、 ALSA-ajuri. linux-image-paketin
 sisテ、ltテ、mテ、 Linux 2.6 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ALSA-ajurit kaikille tuetuille テ、テ、nikorteille
 ladattavien moduuleiden muodossa. Mukautettu alsa-modules-paketti voidaan
 luoda alsa-source-paketin sisテ、ltテ、mien lテ、hdekoodien avulla m-a-ohjelmaa
 (sisテ、ltyy module-assistant-pakettiin) kテ、yttテ、en. Luethan README.Debian-
 tiedoston saadaksesi lisテ、tietoja moduuleiden lataamisesta ja
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: alsa-topology-conf
Description-md5: 5b8bf095ff0102805ed804bd0ad47988
Description-fi: ALSA topology configuration files
 This package contains ALSA topology configuration files that can be used
 by libasound2 for specific audio hardware.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: alsa-ucm-conf
Description-md5: c57964a46d5e0c90f286d77124260cb7
Description-fi: ALSA Use Case Manager configuration files
 This package contains ALSA Use Case Manager configuration of audio
 input/output names and routing for specific audio hardware. They can be
 used with the alsaucm tool.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: alsa-utils
Description-md5: a4e555adf5e969eded25828df3763172
Description-fi: Tyテカkaluja ALSA:n konfigurointiin ja kテ、yttテ、miseen
 Included tools:
  - alsactl: advanced controls for ALSA sound drivers
  - alsaloop: create loopbacks between PCM capture and playback devices
  - alsamixer: curses mixer
  - alsaucm: alsa use case manager
  - amixer: command line mixer
  - amidi: read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI ports
  - aplay, arecord: command line playback and recording
  - aplaymidi, arecordmidi: command line MIDI playback and recording
  - aconnect, aseqnet, aseqdump: command line MIDI sequencer control
  - iecset: set or dump IEC958 status bits
  - speaker-test: speaker test tone generator
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: anacron
Description-md5: cd9f07726e1ee3bc93fcfdb799520070
Description-fi: cron-tyyppinen ohjelma, joka ei toimi ajalla
 Anacron (like "anac(h)ronistic") is a periodic command scheduler.  It
 executes commands at intervals specified in days.  Unlike cron, it does
 not assume that the system is running continuously.  It can therefore be
 used to control the execution of daily, weekly, and monthly jobs (or
 anything with a period of n days), on systems that don't run 24 hours a
 day.  When installed and configured properly, Anacron will make sure that
 the commands are run at the specified intervals as closely as machine
 uptime permits.
 This package is pre-configured to execute the daily jobs of the Debian
 system.  You should install this program if your system isn't powered on
 24 hours a day to make sure the maintenance jobs of other Debian packages
 are executed each day.

Package: app-install-data
Description-md5: f60778a916e4cfc34f4e6d08cae5fa94
Description-fi: Ubuntun ohjelmat (data-tiedostot)
 This package contains the Ubuntu specific application data and icons for
 software-center (and similar tools).

Package: app-install-data-partner
Description-md5: e9d7d86a1ed75f4133d63f90545e9dbe
Description-fi: Sovellusten asennus (tiedostoja kolmansien osapuolien ohjelmille tai varastoille)
 This package contains the data files for the partner applications and

Package: apport
Description-md5: c04626471654f9246cf5e28b560d262e
Description-fi: automatically generate crash reports for debugging
 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a
 problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook
 provided by the Ubuntu kernel.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa komentorivikテ、yttテカliittymテ、n kaatumisilmoitusten
 selaamiseen ja hallintaan. Tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカihin sinun kannattaisi harkita
 GTK+ tai Qt version asentamista (apport-gtk tai apport-kde).

Package: apport-gtk
Description-md5: 2f45e17d5bf22355d7921dba196ae6dd
Description-fi: GTK+ kテ、yttテカliittymテ、 apport-kaatumisilmoitusjテ、rjestelmテ、lle
 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a
 problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook
 provided by the Ubuntu kernel.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa GTK+ kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n kaatumisilmoitusten selaamiseen
 ja hallintaan.

Package: apport-retrace
Description-md5: 7608c287131a28c4611767ba61f02050
Description-fi: tyテカkaluja Apport-kaatumisraporttien uudelleenprosessointiin
 apport-retrace recombines an Apport crash report (either a file or a
 Launchpad bug) and debug symbol packages (.ddebs) into fully symbolic
 stack traces. This can optionally use a sandbox for installing debug
 symbol packages and doing the processing, so that entire process of
 retracing crashes can happen with normal user privileges without changing
 the system.
 You need to install gdb-multiarch if you want to be able to retrace crash
 reports which happened on a different architecture than the one you run
 apport-retrace on.

Package: apport-symptoms
Description-md5: 685dc189a71c0847d5bc525d477c0d11
Description-fi: symptom-skriptejテ、 apport-tyテカkalulle
 Apport on tyテカkalu, joka seuraa ohjelmia niiden kaatuessa. Se kerテ、テ、
 kaatumistilanteesta sekテ、 kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmテ、ympテ、ristテカstテ、 tietoja muodostaen
 niistテ、 raportin ja lテ、hettテ、テ、 sen standardimuodossa virheraporttien
 seurantapalvelimelle. Se antaa myテカs kテ、yttテ、jテ、lle mahdollisuuden ilmoittaa
 itse paketissa olevasta ongelmasta tai virhetilanteesta, samalla kerテ、ten
 mahdollisimman paljon tietoja tapahtumasta kuin mahdollista.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti lisテ、テ、 Apport-tyテカkaluun niin kutsuttuja "symptom"-skriptejテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 mahdollistaa sen, ettテ、 virhetilanteesta ilmoittavien kテ、yttテ、jien ei
 tarvitse arvata virhetilanteen aiheuttaneen paketin nimeテ、. Sen sijaan
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、t voivat ilmoittaa ongelmasta niiden oireiden perusteella (engl.
 symptom). Kテ、yttテ、jテ、 voi ilmoittaa ongelmasta interaktiivisen prosessin
 kautta esimerkiksi mainitsemalla raportissaan "ongelma テ、テ、nentoiston

Package: apt
Description-md5: 9fb97a88cb7383934ef963352b53b4a7
Description-fi: Komentoriviltテ、 kテ、ytettテ、vテ、 pakettienhallintaohjelma
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa komentorivityテカkaluja joita voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 pakettien
 etsimiseen, hallintaan ja informaation hakuun matalan tason pテ、テ、syllテ、
 kaikkiin libapt-pkg-kirjaston ominaisuuksiin.
 These include:
  * apt-get for retrieval of packages and information about them
    from authenticated sources and for installation, upgrade and
    removal of packages together with their dependencies
  * apt-cache for querying available information about installed
    as well as installable packages
  * apt-cdrom to use removable media as a source for packages
  * apt-config as an interface to the configuration settings
  * apt-key as an interface to manage authentication keys

Package: apt-listchanges
Description-md5: ff242d11e25a826706c61be7ebf92ad4
Description-fi: Paketin muutoshistorian ilmoitustyテカkalu
 Tテ、mテ、 tyテカkalu voi verrata paketin uudempaa versiota jo asennettuun
 pakettiin purkamalla asiaan kuuluvat merkinnテ、t Debianin changelog- ja
 NEWS-tiedostoista ja nテ、yttテ、mテ、llテ、 mikテ、 on muuttunut.
 Ohjelma voidaan suorittaa useille .deb-arkistoille kerrallaan ja saada
 nテ、in lista kaikista muutoksista, joita on saattanut tulla usean paketin
 asentamisesta tai pテ、ivittテ、misestテ、. Kun apt-listchanges on mテ、テ、ritetty APTin
 lisテ、osaksi se tekee vertaamisen automaattisesti pテ、ivityksen aikana.

Package: apt-utils
Description-md5: fa0295dc4e40dbbea6c84f614c570636
Description-fi: Pakettien hallintaan liittyviテ、 apuohjelmia
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 joitakin vテ、hemmテ、n kテ、ytettyjテ、 komentorivityテカkaluja
 pakettien hallintaan APTilla.
  * apt-extracttemplates is used by debconf to prompt for configuration
    questions before installation.
  * apt-ftparchive is used to create Packages and other index files
    needed to publish an archive of Debian packages
  * apt-sortpkgs is a Packages/Sources file normalizer.

Package: aptdaemon
Description-md5: 5ed476246aefb12d0c1b0deb4818778b
Description-fi: transaction based package management service
 Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g.
 refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing
 software packages.
 Tテ、llテ、 hetkellテ、 aptdaemoniin sisテ、ltyy seuraavat pテ、テ、ominaisuudet:
  - Programming language independent D-Bus interface, which allows one to
    write clients in several languages
  - Runs only if required (D-Bus activation)
  - Fine grained privilege management using PolicyKit, e.g. allowing all
    desktop user to query for updates without entering a password
  - Support for media changes during installation from DVD/CDROM
  - Support for debconf (Debian's package configuration system)
  - Support for attaching a terminal to the underlying dpkg call
 This package contains the aptd script and all the data files required to
 run the daemon. Moreover it contains the aptdcon script, which is a
 command line client for aptdaemon. The API is not stable yet.

Package: apturl
Description-md5: 0ff87045fbbd2d7c44b70b7ac3d409e1
Description-fi: asenna paketit kテ、yttテ、en apt -protokollaa - GTK+ kテ、yttテカympテ、ristテカ
 AptUrl on yksinkertainen graafinen ohjelma joka ottaa apt -tyyppisen www-
 merkkijonon (URL) komentoriviparametriksi, jテ、sentテ、テ、 sen ja suorittaa
 merkkijonon mテ、テ、rittテ、mテ、t operaatiot. Tテ、llテ、 tarkoitetaan, ettテ、 ohjelma
 asentaa merkityt paketit kテ、yttテ、jテ、n niin halutessa.
 This package contains the GTK+ frontend.

Package: apturl-common
Description-md5: 1a9a3582fbd6f80810cf5bf2bc1a5249
Description-fi: asenna paketit kテ、yttテ、en apt -protokollaa - common data
 AptUrl on yksinkertainen graafinen ohjelma joka ottaa apt -tyyppisen www-
 merkkijonon (URL) komentoriviparametriksi, jテ、sentテ、テ、 sen ja suorittaa
 merkkijonon mテ、テ、rittテ、mテ、t operaatiot. Tテ、llテ、 tarkoitetaan, ettテ、 ohjelma
 asentaa merkityt paketit kテ、yttテ、jテ、n niin halutessa.
 This package contains the common data shared between the frontends.

Package: archdetect-deb
Description-md5: 765a228bfe63c8b4154e609b8f7c1823
Description-fi: Jテ、rjestelmテ、arkkitehtuurin tunnistaja
 This package provides the 'archdetect' tool, which displays the current
 machine architecture and subarchitecture.  The architecture corresponds to
 that built into dpkg, and describes the CPU (and possibly kernel) types;
 the subarchitecture distinguishes machines with different boot
 arrangements that require special handling.
 This package would be called 'archdetect', but a udeb of that name already
 existed for use in the installer.

Package: aspell
Description-md5: 21dcab5448cba7f61ba8df4ace46f1af
Description-fi: GNU Aspell -oikolukija
 GNU Aspell on oikolukija, jota voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 yksinテ、テ、n tai yhdessテ、 jonkun
 muun ohjelman kanssa. Sen pテ、テ、ominaisuus on, ettテ、 se ehdottaa paljon
 parempia korjauksia sanoihin kuin mikテ、テ、n muu kielentarkistaja englannin
 kielellテ、, mukaanlukien Ispell ja Microsoft Word. Se on myテカs teknisesti
 edistyneempi kuin Ispell ja sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Ispelliin verrattuna
 lisテ、ominaisuuksia kuten sanakirjojen jaettu muisti ja henkilテカkohtaisten
 sanakirjojen テ、lykテ、s kテ、sittely silloin kuin enemmテ、n kuin yksi Aspell-
 prosessi on avoinna.
 Aspell korvaa Ispellin tテ、ysin.

Package: aspell-en
Description-md5: c94b13744f65f4d57e191f183fc7c9c9
Description-fi: englannin kielen sanakirja aspell-oikoluvulle
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 englannin kielen sanakirjan GNU Aspell -oikoluvulle.
 American, British, Canadian and Australian spellings are included.

Package: at
Description-md5: 97e204a9f4ad8c681dbd54ec7c505251
Description-fi: Viivテ、stetty tテカiden suoritus ja erテ、ajo
 At ja batch lukevat komentotulkkikomentoja vakiosyテカtteestテ、 ja tallentavat
 ne myテカhemmin suoritettaviksi.
  at    to run the job at a specified time
  batch to run the job when system load levels permit

Package: automake
Description-md5: cab2176975a43b42c86cd4289740737e
Description-fi: Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
 Automake on tyテカkalu, joka luo automaattisesti
 Automaken tavoitteena on siirtテ、テ、 Makefile-yllテ、pidon taakkaa yksittテ、iseltテ、
 GNU-yllテ、pitテ、jテ、ltテ、 Automake-yllテ、pitテ、jテ、lle.
 . on periaatteessa luettelo make-makromテ、テ、rityksiテ、
 (joiden seassa on satunnaisesti sテ、テ、ntテカjテ、). Luotu on
 yhteensopiva GNU:n Makefile-standardien kanssa.
 Automake 1.16 fails to work in a number of situations that Automake 1.11,
 and 1.15 did, so some previous versions are available as separate

Package: avahi-daemon
Description-md5: 13d651a25febc553220e03e75c6f4c7b
Description-fi: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon
 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It
 allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a
 local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug
 into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at
 and people to talk to.
 This package contains the Avahi Daemon which represents your machine on
 the network and allows other applications to publish and resolve mDNS/DNS-
 SD records.

Package: awstats
Description-md5: 13563117d747b5d1acdce35986df9f8a
Description-fi: tehokas ja monipuolinen web-palvelimen lokitietojen analysointityテカkalu
 Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a powerful web server logfile
 analyzer written in perl that shows you all your web statistics including
 visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines, keywords
 used to find your site, robots, broken links and more. Gives more detailed
 information and better graphical charts than webalizer, and is easier to
 use. Works with several web server log format as a CGI and/or from command
 line. Supports more than 30 languages.

Package: base-files
Description-md5: 6d16337f57b84c4747f56438355b2395
Description-fi: Debianin perusjテ、rjestelmテ、n sekalaisia tiedostoja
 Tテ、ssテ、 paketissa on Debian-jテ、rjestelmテ、n perustiedostohierarkia sekテ、 useita
 tテ、rkeitテ、 tiedostoja, kuten /etc/debian_version, /etc/host.conf,
 /etc/issue, /etc/motd ja /etc/profile, sekテ、 Debian-jテ、rjestelmissテ、
 yleisesti kテ、ytetyt lisenssitekstit.

Package: base-passwd
Description-md5: aad0cc52ee72b2469af5552851e49f03
Description-fi: Debianin perusjテ、rjestelmテ、n salasana/ryhmテ、-tiedostot
 Tテ、stテ、 paketista lテカytyvテ、t alkuperテ、iset /etc/passwd- ja /etc/group-
 tiedostot, jotka sisテ、ltテ、vテ、t Debianin varaamat kテ、yttテ、jテ、- ja ryhmテ、tunnukset,
 sekテ、 update-passwd-pテ、ivitysohjelma tiedostojen yllテ、pitoon.

Package: bash
Description-md5: 3522aa7b4374048d6450e348a5bb45d9
Description-fi: GNU Bourne Again SHell, komentotulkki
 Bash on sh-yhteensopiva komentotulkki, joka suorittaa vakiosyテカtteestテ、 tai
 tiedostosta luettuja komentoja. Bash sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs hyテカdyllisiテ、 Korn- ja
 C-komentotulkeista (ksh ja csh) perテ、isin olevia ominaisuuksia.
 Bash-komentotulkin on tarkoitus noudattaa IEEE POSIX Shell ja Tools
 -mテ、テ、ritelmテ、テ、 (IEEE Working Group 1003.2).
 Ian Macdonaldin tekemテ、 ohjelmoitava tテ、ydennyskoodi (Programmable
 Completion Code) on siirretty bash-completion-pakettiin.

Package: bash-completion
Description-md5: 00158d11d140744fbdcfdd08e81901ad
Description-fi: ohjelmoitava tテ、ydentテ、jテ、 bash-komentotulkille
 bash-tテ、ydennys laajentaa bashin tavanomaista tテ、ydennystoiminnallisuutta
 tarjotakseen monimutkaisia komentoja muutamalla napinpainalluksella. Tテ、mテ、
 projekti aloitettiin ohjelmoitavien tテ、ydennysrutiinien luomiseksi
 tavanomaisimpia Linux/UNIX-komentoja varten, jotta yllテ、pitテ、jien ja
 ohjelmoijien tarvitsisi kirjoittaa pテ、ivittテ、isessテ、 tyテカssテ、テ、n vテ、hemmテ、n.

Package: bash-doc
Description-md5: 232b3e580e9136f4e0c8f65a0c7a5b36
Description-fi: Documentation and examples for the GNU Bourne Again SHell
 Bash on sh-yhteensopiva komentotulkki, joka suorittaa vakiosyテカtteestテ、 tai
 tiedostosta luettuja komentoja. Bash sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs hyテカdyllisiテ、 Korn- ja
 C-komentotulkeista (ksh ja csh) perテ、isin olevia ominaisuuksia.
 This package contains the distributable documentation, all the examples
 and the main changelog.

Package: bc
Description-md5: b8da7e3f115e4c703a180cdb05aec611
Description-fi: GNU bc, rajattoman tarkka laskentakieli
 GNU bc on rajattoman tarkkaan laskentaan tarkoitettu interaktiivinen
 algebrallinen kieli, joka noudattaa POSIX 1003.2 -vedosstandardia,
 sisテ、ltテ、en myテカs useita laajennuksia kuten monimerkkiset muuttujanimet,
 "else"-lausekkeen sekテ、 tテ、ydelliset totuusarvolausekkeet. GNU bc ei
 tarvitse erillistテ、 GNU dc -ohjelmaa.

Package: bind9
Description-md5: 2cdf89d501b5ca6fe55e945de47cc047
Description-fi: Internet-nimipalvelin
 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND 9) implements an Internet domain
 name server.  BIND 9 is the most widely-used name server software on the
 Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium,
 Tテ、ssテ、 paketissa on palvelinohjelma ja siihen liittyvテ、t asetustiedostot.

Package: binutils
Description-md5: fde49b4cfeaad346a6e094f973da28d7
Description-fi: GNU-konekielikテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, linkittテ、jテ、 ja binテ、テ、riset apuohjelmat
 Tテ、ssテ、 paketissa olevat ohjelmat on tarkoitettu binテ、テ、ri- ja
 objektitiedostojen kテ、テ、ntテ、miseen, linkittテ、miseen ja muokkaamiseen. Ohjelmia
 voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 yhdessテ、 kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、n ja erilaisten kirjastojen kanssa
 ohjelmien kテ、テ、ntテ、miseen (rakentamiseen).

Package: bison-doc
Description-md5: fa66ecf8b2aadc0777e1c4b1847c3b77
Description-fi: Dokumentaatio Bison -jテ、sentelytyテカkalulle
 Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts a grammar
 description for an LALR(1) context-free grammar into a C program to parse
 that grammar.  Once you are proficient with Bison, you may use it to
 develop a wide range of language parsers, from those used in simple desk
 calculators to complex programming languages.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 PDF- ja tietodokumentaation Bison:lle

Package: bluez
Description-md5: ef25d6a9f4a57e78f32faa7b58ef4e59
Description-fi: Bluetooth-tyテカkalut ja -taustapalvelut
 This package contains tools and system daemons for using Bluetooth
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bluez-cups
Description-md5: 4e5f0a66844f2292ecbf023e856b77d4
Description-fi: Bluetooth-tulostinajuri CUPS-tulostusta varten
 This package contains a driver to let CUPS print to Bluetooth-connected
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bridge-utils
Description-md5: bc06a038a6315377cf0871ca4de79aac
Description-fi: Tyテカkalut Linuxin Ethernet-sillan hallintaan
 This package contains utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge
 in Linux. The Linux Ethernet bridge can be used for connecting multiple
 Ethernet devices together. The connecting is fully transparent: hosts
 connected to one Ethernet device see hosts connected to the other Ethernet
 devices directly.

Package: bsd-mailx
Description-md5: e80062c2ba1e87064c776affd111f9bb
Description-fi: Yksinkertainen sテ、hkテカpostiasiakasohjelma
 bsd-mailx on perinteinen ja yksinkertainen komentoriviltテ、 kテ、ytettテ、vテ、
 sテ、hkテカpostiasiakasohjelma. Vaikka et kテ、yttテ、isikテ、テ、n sitテ、, muut ohjelmat
 saattavat tarvita sitテ、.
 /usr/bin/mail -komento jonka tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa on hyvin yksinkertainen
 eikテ、 sisテ、llテ、 monia niistテ、 ominaisuuksista joita kehittyneemmテ、t
 sテ、hkテカpostiasiakasohjelmat tarjoavat.
 For example bsd-mailx DOES NOT support:
  - MIME           (i.e. no attachments, no UTF-8 or other charsets support);
  - SMTP protocol  (/usr/sbin/sendmail interface only is used);
  - POP3/IMAP      (bsd-mailx reads local mailboxes only);
  - maildir format (traditional mbox only format is supported).
 If the above features are needed, please consider installing another package providing similar /usr/bin/mail interface:
  - s-nail package,
  - or mailutils package.

Package: bsdmainutils
Description-md5: 156725110b9d8b7a144a6b1a40ed5446
Description-fi: Kokoelma FreeBSD-tyテカkaluohjelmia
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia pieniテ、 ohjelmia, joiden yleensテ、 odotetaan
 sisテ、ltyvテ、n BSD-tyylisiin Unix-jテ、rjestelmiin.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 seuraavat ohjelmat: banner (printerbanner), calendar,
 col, colcrt, colrm, column, from (bsd-from), hexdump (tai hd), look,
 lorder, ncal (tai cal), ul, and write (bsd-write).
 Aikaisemmin paketissa olleet whois- ja vacation-ohjelmat ovat nykyisin
 omissa paketeissaan. Myテカs tsort-ohjelma on siirretty tテ、stテ、 paketista

Package: bsdutils
Description-md5: 48257031d7f91a8655d15ca8e9e4e07d
Description-fi: perustyテカkalut 4.4BSD-Litestテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 vテ、himmテ、ismテ、テ、rテ、n BSD-tyテカkaluista, joita Debian-
 jテ、rjestelmテ、 tarvitsee: logger, renice, script, scriptreplay ja wall. Muut
 tavanomaiset BSD-tyテカkalut lテカytyvテ、t bsdmainutils-paketista.

Package: build-essential
Description-md5: 90ef0ef86cafda0bd16f746eb621d9da
Description-fi: Lista kテ、テ、ntテ、misen kannalta olennaisista paketeista
 Jos et aio kテ、テ、ntテ、テ、 Debian-paketteja, et tarvitse tテ、tテ、 pakettia. Dpkg:n
 versiosta 1.14.18 alkaen tテ、mテ、 paketti tarvitaan Debian-pakettien
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 listan paketeista, joita pidetテ、テ、n olennaisina
 Debian-pakettien kテ、テ、ntテ、miseen. Tテ、mテ、 paketti on myテカs riippuvainen kyseisen
 listan paketeista, jotta niiden asentaminen olisi helppoa.
 Jos sinulla on tテ、mテ、 paketti asennettuna, sinun tarvitsee asentaa
 ainoastaan paketin kテ、テ、nnテカnaikaiset riippuvuudet kテ、テ、ntテ、テ、ksesi tietyn
 paketin. Vastavuoroisesti voit jテ、ttテ、テ、 tテ、mテ、n paketin riippuvuudet pois
 listalta, kun suunnittelet oman pakettisi kテ、テ、nnテカnaikaisia riippuvuuksia.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti EI ole mテ、テ、ritelmテ、 kテ、テ、ntテ、misen kannalta olennaisista
 paketeista; varsinainen mテ、テ、ritelmテ、 lテカytyy Debianin kテ、ytテ、ntテカkテ、sikirjasta.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ainoastaan tiedottavan listan, jolta lテカytyy kaikki,
 mitテ、 useimmat tarvitsevat. Mutta jos tテ、mテ、 paketti ja kテ、sikirja ovat eri
 mieltテ、, kテ、sikirja on oikeassa.

Package: bzip2
Description-md5: 1e71313ce794d3de1e3bc63ac58885b5
Description-fi: korkealaatuinen lohko-jテ、rjestys tiedoston pakkaustyテカkalu
 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, data compressor.
 Bzip2 kテ、yttテ、テ、 pakkaamiseen Burrows-Wheelerin lohkojテ、rjestysalgoritmia ja
 Huffman-koodausta. Pakkaus on yleensテ、 huomattavasti parempi kuin
 perinteisellテ、 LZ77/LZ78-pohjaisella pakkausalgoritmilla ja saavuttaa PPM-
 tasoisen tehokkuuden.
 Bzip2-arkisto (.bz2) ei ole yhteensopiva sen edeltテ、jテ、n bzipin (.bz)

Package: bzip2-doc
Description-md5: 2cfb09927b68e01a771bb52d416c05ba
Description-fi: high-quality block-sorting file compressor - documentation
 This package contains the bzip2 user manual in HTML, PDF, PS and Texinfo
 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, data compressor.
 Bzip2 kテ、yttテ、テ、 pakkaamiseen Burrows-Wheelerin lohkojテ、rjestysalgoritmia ja
 Huffman-koodausta. Pakkaus on yleensテ、 huomattavasti parempi kuin
 perinteisellテ、 LZ77/LZ78-pohjaisella pakkausalgoritmilla ja saavuttaa PPM-
 tasoisen tehokkuuden.
 Bzip2-arkisto (.bz2) ei ole yhteensopiva sen edeltテ、jテ、n bzipin (.bz)

Package: ca-certificates
Description-md5: e867d2a359bea1800b5bff209fc65bd1
Description-fi: Yleiset SSL-juurivarmenteet
 Contains the certificate authorities shipped with Mozilla's browser to
 allow SSL-based applications to check for the authenticity of SSL
 Please note that Debian can neither confirm nor deny whether the
 certificate authorities whose certificates are included in this package
 have in any way been audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance.
 Full responsibility to assess them belongs to the local system

Package: cheese
Description-md5: d43e2962bb9e2e6472e35b9746fa32d9
Description-fi: Ohjelma hauskojen kuvien ja videoiden ottamiseen nettikamerallasi
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja

Package: cheese-common
Description-md5: bd8017d577dcb034b7c3327cc79fe310
Description-fi: Common files for the Cheese tool to take pictures and videos
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 yleiset tiedostot ja kテ、テ、nnテカkset eri kielille.

Package: clamav-base
Description-md5: 701912f0a2cc626b57570094858a5b1d
Description-fi: virustorjuntaohjelmisto UNIX:lle - peruspaketti
 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this
 software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The
 package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the
 clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a
 tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam
 package. The programs are based on libclamav, which can be used by other
 This package mainly manages the clamav system account. It is not really
 useful without the clamav or clamav-daemon package.

Package: clamav-docs
Description-md5: af78818bbdf8851b6358c15693a31419
Description-fi: virustorjuntaohjelmisto UNIX:lle - dokumentaatio
 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this
 software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The
 package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the
 clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a
 tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam
 package. The programs are based on libclamav, which can be used by other
 This package contains the documentation for the ClamAV suite.

Package: clamav-freshclam
Description-md5: 82c68e4f7c984e3d6bdc720ae842fca8
Description-fi: virustorjuntaohjelmisto UNIX:lle - virustietokannan pテ、ivitystyテカkalu
 Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus toolkit for Unix. The main purpose of this
 software is the integration with mail servers (attachment scanning). The
 package provides a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon in the
 clamav-daemon package, a command-line scanner in the clamav package, and a
 tool for automatic updating via the Internet in the clamav-freshclam
 package. The programs are based on libclamav, which can be used by other
 This package contains the freshclam program and scripts to automate virus
 database updating. It relies on an Internet connection, but can be run in
 a variety of ways to compensate for intermittent connections.

Package: cmake
Description-md5: 47b53839da906127970f1e8c870afc2d
Description-fi: Jテ、rjestelmテ、riippumaton, avoimen lテ、hdekoodin make-jテ、rjestelmテ、
 CMake-ohjelmaa kテ、ytetテ、テ、n sovelluksien kテ、テ、nnテカsprosessin kontrolloimiseen
 yksinkertaisten alusta- ja kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、riippumattomien asetustiedostojen
 avulla. CMake luo alkuperテ、isiテ、 makefile-tiedostoja ja tyテカtiloja joita
 voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 haluamassasi kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、ympテ、ristテカssテ、. CMake on melko
 edistynyt: on mahdollista tukea sellaisia monimutkaisia ympテ、ristテカjテ、 jotka
 vaativat jテ、rjestelmテ、n mテ、テ、ritystテ、, esiprosessorin- ja koodin luontia tai
 mallin instantiointia.
 CMake on Kitwaren kehittテ、mテ、 osana NLM Insight Segmentation and
 Registration Toolkit -projektia. ASCI VIEWS -projekti tarjosi myテカs tukea
 heidテ、n rinnakkaislaskentaympテ、ristテカnsテ、 puitteissa. Muita tukijoita ovat
 olleet avoimen lテ、hdekoodin ohjelmien -yhteisテカt kuten Insight, VTK, ja VXL.

Package: coreutils
Description-md5: d0d975dec3625409d24be1238cede238
Description-fi: GNU:n perusapuohjelmat
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jokaiseen kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmテ、テ、n odotusarvoisesti
 kuuluvat tiedosto-, komentorivi- ja tekstin manipulaatioapuohjelmat.
 Tarkalleen tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、: arch base64 basename cat chcon chgrp
 chmod chown chroot cksum comm cp csplit cut date dd df dir dircolors
 dirname du echo env expand expr factor false flock fmt fold groups head
 hostid id install join link ln logname ls md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod mktemp
 mv nice nl nohup nproc numfmt od paste pathchk pinky pr printenv printf
 ptx pwd readlink realpath rm rmdir runcon sha*sum seq shred sleep sort
 split stat stty sum sync tac tail tee test timeout touch tr true truncate
 tsort tty uname unexpand uniq unlink users vdir wc who whoami yes

Package: cpio
Description-md5: 5f492bf139a41f29fd2d6fcadf43606e
Description-fi: GNU cpio -- ohjelma pakattujen tiedostojen kテ、sittelyyn
 GNU cpio on ohjelma pakettien luomiseen ja purkamiseen, tai tiedostojen
 kopiointiin paikasta toiseen. Cpio ymmテ、rtテ、テ、 useita cpio-tiedostomuotoja ja
 pystyy lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan tar-tiedostoja.

Package: cpp
Description-md5: aa450f6a454bdd6b0d8d9862a9240255
Description-fi: GNU:n C-esikテ、sittelijテ、 (cpp)
 GNU C-esikテ、sittelijテ、 on makrokテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、
 automaattisesti ohjelmien muuttamiseen ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、ntテ、mistテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on erotettu gcc:stテ、 niitテ、 varten, jotka haluavat vain
 esikテ、sittelijテ、n, mutta eivテ、t kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、テ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 on riippuvuuspaketti, joka tuo oletuksena kテ、ytettテ、vテ、n GNU

Package: cpp-9
Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor
 Makrojen kテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、 automaattisesti
 muuntamaan ohjelmaa ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、nnテカstテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on erotettu gcc:stテ、 niitテ、 varten, jotka haluavat vain
 esikテ、sittelijテ、n, mutta eivテ、t kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、テ、.

Package: cpp-9-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor
 Makrojen kテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、 automaattisesti
 muuntamaan ohjelmaa ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、nnテカstテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on erotettu gcc:stテ、 niitテ、 varten, jotka haluavat vain
 esikテ、sittelijテ、n, mutta eivテ、t kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、テ、.
 This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture.

Package: cpp-9-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor
 Makrojen kテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、 automaattisesti
 muuntamaan ohjelmaa ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、nnテカstテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on erotettu gcc:stテ、 niitテ、 varten, jotka haluavat vain
 esikテ、sittelijテ、n, mutta eivテ、t kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、テ、.
 This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture.

Package: cpp-9-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 3c8dfbf0de7afc39cf0815e138362016
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor
 Makrojen kテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、 automaattisesti
 muuntamaan ohjelmaa ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、nnテカstテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on erotettu gcc:stテ、 niitテ、 varten, jotka haluavat vain
 esikテ、sittelijテ、n, mutta eivテ、t kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、テ、.
 This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64el architecture.

Package: cpp-9-s390x-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 2e6a70b0ab111b7a34a0b2e8733e266a
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor
 Makrojen kテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、 automaattisesti
 muuntamaan ohjelmaa ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、nnテカstテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on erotettu gcc:stテ、 niitテ、 varten, jotka haluavat vain
 esikテ、sittelijテ、n, mutta eivテ、t kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、テ、.
 This package contains preprocessor configured for s390x architecture.

Package: cpp-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 847bfa1f1fa8ea6c301d29042617b520
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the arm64 architecture
 GNU C-esikテ、sittelijテ、 on makrokテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、
 automaattisesti ohjelmien muuttamiseen ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、ntテ、mistテ、.
 This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
 require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for arm64
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
 the arm64 architecture.

Package: cpp-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 3ede27b920020c7d18e2f24cf4e4fb91
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the armhf architecture
 GNU C-esikテ、sittelijテ、 on makrokテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、
 automaattisesti ohjelmien muuttamiseen ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、ntテ、mistテ、.
 This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
 require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for armhf
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
 the armhf architecture.

Package: cpp-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 2e5c9173d04e923d48a3f7990f0cd11c
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the ppc64el architecture
 GNU C-esikテ、sittelijテ、 on makrokテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、
 automaattisesti ohjelmien muuttamiseen ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、ntテ、mistテ、.
 This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
 require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for ppc64el
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
 the ppc64el architecture.

Package: cpp-s390x-linux-gnu
Description-md5: dc03ec196671c21e740c0d0ed3eb42bc
Description-fi: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the s390x architecture
 GNU C-esikテ、sittelijテ、 on makrokテ、sittelijテ、, jota GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 kテ、yttテ、テ、
 automaattisesti ohjelmien muuttamiseen ennen varsinaista kテ、テ、ntテ、mistテ、.
 This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who
 require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for s390x
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for
 the s390x architecture.

Package: cron
Description-md5: 7384e614068d48b9ac2335cb05added3
Description-fi: Ajoituksen taustaprosessi
 Cron on taustaprosessi, joka ajaa ohjelmia tiettyinテ、 aikoina (esim. joka
 minuutti, pテ、ivテ、, viikko, tai kuukausi), sen mukaan miten crontab-
 tiedostossa on mテ、テ、ritelty. Oletuksena kテ、yttテ、jテ、 voi myテカs luoda omia
 crontab-taustaprosessejaan, jolloin suoritukset kテ、ynnistetテ、テ、n heidテ、n
 Komentojen tulosteet postitetaan yleensテ、 jテ、rjestelmテ、n yllテ、pitテ、jテ、lle (tai
 kyseiselle kテ、yttテ、jテ、lle), joten luultavasti kannattaa asentaa myテカs
 postijテ、rjestelmテ、, jotta nテ、iden viestien vastaanotto onnistuu.
 Tテ、mテ、 cron-paketti ei tarjoa mitテ、テ、n yllテ、pitotoimenpiteitテ、. Muut paketit,
 kuten checksecurity, tarjoavat yleisiテ、 jaksoittaisia toimenpiteitテ、.

Package: dash
Description-md5: 8d4d9c32c6b2b70328f7f774a0cc1248
Description-fi: POSIX-standardia noudattava komentotulkki
 Debian Almquist Shell (dash) on POSIX-standardia noudattava ashista
 johdettu komentotulkki.
 Dashia kテ、ytetテ、テ、n oletuksena Debian-jテ、rjestelmissテ、, koska se suorittaa
 komentosarjoja nopeammin kuin bash ja sillテ、 on vテ、hemmテ、n
 kirjastoriippuvuuksia (mikテ、 tekee siitテ、 vikasietoisemman).

Package: dbus
Description-md5: 8317e43242716ec7f7692a3ac5895e1c
Description-fi: yksinkertainen prosessien vテ、linen viestivテ、ylテ、 (taustaohjelma ja apuohjelmat)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 D-Bus tukee viestien yleislテ、hetystテ、 (broadcast), asynkronisia viestejテ、
 (vテ、hentテ、en viivettテ、), todennusta, ynnテ、 muuta. Se on suunniteltu kevyeksi -
 viestit lテ、hetetテ、テ、n binテ、テ、riprotokollalla, eikテ、 kテ、yttテ、en XML:テ、テ、. D-Bus tukee
 myテカs viestiensテ、 sitomista jテ、senfunktiokutsuihin, mutta se ei ole
 vテ、lttテ、mテ、tテカntテ、. Tテ、mテ、 tekee jテ、rjestelmテ、n kテ、yttテ、misestテ、 melko yksinkertaista.
 D-Bus:in mukana tulee muutamia valmiita sovituksia mm. GLib:lle,
 Pythonille, Qt:lle ja Javalle.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 D-Bus-taustaohjelman ja siihen liittyvテ、t
 Asiakaskirjasto on siirretty tテ、stテ、 paketista pakettiin libdbus-1-3.

Package: dbus-1-doc
Description-md5: 4ff746780e6dca0a27147236301ca4fd
Description-fi: simple interprocess messaging system (documentation)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package contains the API documentation for D-Bus, as well as the
 protocol specification.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: dbus-user-session
Description-md5: be4453093922af92deac14b4e8458a83
Description-fi: simple interprocess messaging system (systemd --user integration)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 On systemd systems, this package opts in to the session model in which a
 user's session starts the first time they log in, and does not end until
 all their login sessions have ended. This model merges all parallel non-
 graphical login sessions (text mode, ssh, cron, etc.), and up to one
 graphical session, into a single "user-session" or "super-session" within
 which all background D-Bus services are shared.
 Multiple graphical sessions per user are not currently supported in this
 mode; as a result, it is particularly suitable for gdm, which responds to
 requests to open a parallel graphical session by switching to the existing
 graphical session and unlocking it.
 To retain dbus' traditional session semantics, in which login sessions are
 artificially isolated from each other, remove this package and install
 dbus-x11 instead.
 See the dbus package description for more information about D-Bus in

Package: dbus-x11
Description-md5: 101d13ea029d06116b86761850faa2f3
Description-fi: simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package contains the dbus-launch utility which is necessary for
 packages using a D-Bus session bus.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: dc
Description-md5: df0fb5699f014e0d2bb4210971dadffa
Description-fi: GNU dc rajoittamattoman tarkka laskin kテ、テ、nteisellテ、 puolalaisella notaatiolla
 GNU dc on pテカytテ、laskin, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 kテ、テ、nteistテ、 puolalaista notaatiota ja
 jonka laskentatarkkuus on rajoittamaton. Omien makrojen mテ、テ、rittely ja
 kテ、yttテカ on myテカs mahdollista.
 Kテ、テ、nteistテ、 puolalaista notaatiota kテ、yttテ、vテ、 laskin tallentaa luvut pinoon.
 Luvun syテカttテ、minen lisテ、テ、 sen pinon pテ、テ、llimmテ、iseksi. Aritmeettiset toiminnot
 poimivat argumentit pinosta ja lisテ、テ、vテ、t tuloksen pinoon.

Package: debconf
Description-md5: 85b82bf406dfc9a635114f44ab7fb66d
Description-fi: Debianin kokoonpanonhallintajテ、rjestelmテ、
 Debconf on Debian-pakettien kokoonpanonhallintajテ、rjestelmテ、. Paketit
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t Debconfia kysymysten esittテ、miseen asennuksen aikana.

Package: debconf-i18n
Description-md5: 3f303f9083a6c63ddcfd70b4738cca54
Description-fi: tテ、ysi kansainvテ、listystuki debconfiin
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tテ、yden kansainvテ、listyksen debconfiin mukaan lukien
 kテ、テ、nnテカkset kaikille saatavilla oleville kielille, tuen kテ、テ、nnetyille
 debconf-mallinteille sekテ、 kunnon tuen monitavuisten merkistテカjen

Package: debianutils
Description-md5: ccafef5bb90a2453aecca96cbb772d23
Description-fi: Sekalaisia Debianin hyテカtyohjelmia
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 useita pieniテ、 apuohjelmia, joita kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 pテ、テ、sテ、テ、ntテカisesti vain Debian-pakettien asennusskriptit, vaikkakin niitテ、
 voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 suoraan.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 seuraavat ohjelmat: add-shell installkernel ischroot
 remove-shell run-parts savelog tempfile which

Package: dictd
Description-md5: 5442ec960cfda460694f725c1e289641
Description-fi: Sanakirjapalvelin
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 TCP-pohjaisen palvelimen, jonka avulla
 asiakasohjelmalla pテ、テ、see kテ、siksi sanakirjamテ、テ、ritelmiin, jotka tulevat
 luonnollisten kielten sanakirjatietokannoista.
 Dictd:n kanssa kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi on paketoitu monia sanakirjatietokantoja.
 Niistテ、 kerrotaan tiedostossa /usr/share/doc/dictd/README.Debian.gz.
 Hyテカdylliseen englannin kielen sanakirjapalvelimeen vaaditaan joko paketti
 dict-gcide tai dict-wn. Molempien asentamista suositellaan. Jos olet
 kiinnostunut tietokonesanastosta, on suositeltavaa asentaa ainakin dict-
 jargon, dict-foldoc tai dict-vera.
 Asiakasohjelma, dict, on erillisessテ、 paketissa ja tテ、ytyy olla asennettuna
 kaikilla tietokoneilla, joilta palvelinta halutaan kテ、yttテ、テ、.

Package: diffutils
Description-md5: 5cf0bc18e36aa2957e62b309d6aa34f9
Description-fi: Tiedostojen vertailuapuohjelmia
 Paketti diffutils sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ohjelmat diff, diff3, sdiff ja cmp.
 "diff" nテ、yttテ、テ、 erot kahden tiedoston tai kahden hakemiston vastaavien
 tiedostojen vテ、lillテ、. "cmp" nテ、yttテ、テ、 kohdat ja rivinumerot, joissa kaksi
 tiedostoa eroavat toisistaan. "cmp" voi myテカs nテ、yttテ、テ、 vierekkテ、in kaikki
 merkit, jotka kahdessa tiedostossa eroavat. "diff3" nテ、yttテ、テ、 erot kolmen
 tiedoston vテ、lillテ、. "sdiff" yhdistテ、テ、 kaksi tiedostoa vuorovaikutteisesti.
 Eroavuusjoukkoa, jonka "diff" tuottaa, voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 tekstitiedostojen
 (kuten ohjelmien lテ、hdekoodin) muutosten jakeluun muille ihmisille. Tテ、mテ、
 menetelmテ、 on erityisen hyテカdyllinen, kun muutokset ovat pieniテ、 verrattuna
 koko tiedostoihin. Kun "patch"-ohjelmalle annetaan "diff"-ohjelman antama
 tuloste, "patch" voi pテ、ivittテ、テ、 eli "paikata" tiedoston tai hakemiston.

Package: dmidecode
Description-md5: 266176aa2231f4b521210b81955e4d36
Description-fi: SMBIOS/DMI-tauludekooderi
 Dmidecode tuottaa tietoa tietokoneen laitteistosta kuten se on kuvailtu
 jテ、rjestelmテ、n BIOSissa SMBIOS/DMI -standardin mukaisesti.
 Tテ、mテ、 tieto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyypillisesti jテ、rjestelmテ、n (laitteen) valmistajan,
 mallin, sarjanumeron, BIOS-version, omaisuusmerkinnテ、n ja paljon muita
 tietoja erilaisista yksityiskohdista ja luotettavuudesta riippuen
 valmistajasta. Tテ、mテ、 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 usein myテカs CPU-pitimien (liitテ、ntテカjen),
 laajennuspaikkojen (esim. AGP, PCI, ISA), muistipaikkojen ja I/O-porttien
 listan (esim. sarja-, rinnakkais-, USB-portit) kテ、yttテカtilan.
 Pidテ、 mielessテ、, ettテ、 DMI-data on osoittautunut liian epテ、luotettavaksi,
 jotta siihen voisi tテ、ysin luottaa. Dmidecode ei selaa (skannaa) laitteita,
 se ainoastaan tuottaa sitテ、 tietoa jonka se saa BIOSista.

Package: dpkg
Description-md5: 2f156c6a30cc39895ad3487111e8c190
Description-fi: Debian-paketinhallintajテ、rjestelmテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa alemman tason kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n Debianin
 ohjelmapakettien asennukseen ja poistooon.
 Debian-pakettien kehitystyテカkalut voidaan asentaa paketissa dpkg-dev.

Package: dput
Description-md5: 38a3a147a28a4254cda217f0b7982b7c
Description-fi: Tyテカkalu Debian-pakettien lテ、hettテ、miseen
 Dput (dput) mahdollistaa yhden tai useamman Debian-paketin sijoittamisen
 arkistoon. Ohjelma sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs dcut-tyテカkalun komento-tiedoston luomiseen
 ja/tai lテ、hettテ、miseen Debian FTP-arkiston tiedostonlテ、hetysjonoon.
 Dput:ssa on testejテ、 joilla voidaan varmistaa ettテ、 paketti on
 sテ、テ、ntテカjenmukainen. On mahdollista suorittaa lintian ennen paketin
 lテ、hettテ、mistテ、. Voidaan myテカs toteuttaa dinstall testi-moodissa, kun
 oikeanlainen tiedostonlテ、hetys on tehty. Tテ、mテ、 on erittテ、in kテ、ytテ、nnテカllistテ、
 jotta voidaan nテ、hdテ、 lテ、pテ、iseekテカ tiedostonlテ、hetys dinstall-eheystarkastuksen
 seuraavalla kerralla.
 It is intended mainly for Debian maintainers only, although it can also be
 useful for people maintaining local APT repositories.

Package: dupload
Description-md5: d0f592a1f9f069d61a7cebd39c0b1792
Description-fi: Tyテカkalu Debian-pakettien lテ、hettテ、miseen
 dupload will automagically upload Debian packages to a remote host with a
 Debian upload queue. The default host is configurable, along with the
 upload method and a lot of other things. All uploads are logged.
 It is intended mainly for people maintaining Debian packages.

Package: e2fsprogs
Description-md5: 92d0fdf684262bbfa702eaea3f50b97e
Description-fi: ext2/ext3/ext4-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、tyテカkalut
 Ext2-, ext3- ja ext4-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat alkuperテ、isen ext-
 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、n (窶册xtended窶�, 窶冤aajennettu窶�) seuraajia. Ne ovat
 yleisimmin kテ、ytetyt tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、tyypit Debianissa ja muissa Linux-
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ohjelmia joilla luodaan, tarkistetaan ja yllテ、pidetテ、テ、n
 ext2/3/4-pohjaisia tiedostojテ、rjestelmiテ、. Se pitテ、テ、 sisテ、llテ、テ、n myテカs
 窶拊adblocks窶�-ohjelman, jolla virheelliset lohkot voi skannata kovalevyltテ、
 tai muista tallennusvテ、lineistテ、.

Package: ed
Description-md5: 10ab4f4d0d094d088419c432af89cf48
Description-fi: classic UNIX line editor
 ed on rivisuuntautunut tekstieditori. Sitテ、 kテ、ytetテ、テ、n tekstitiedostojen
 luomiseen, nテ、yttテ、miseen, muokkaamiseen ja muuhun kテ、sittelyyn.
 red on rajoitettu ed; se voi muokata tiedostoja vain nykyisessテ、
 tyテカhakemistossa eikテ、 voi suorittaa shell-komentoja.

Package: eject
Description-md5: 9a5f66fd7e4bca3deeb3357f3e927ab3
Description-fi: Poistaa cd:t ja kテ、yttテ、テ、 cd:n vaihtajia Linuxissa
 Tテ、mテ、 ohjelma poistaa CD-levyn asemasta (mikテ、li asema tukee CDROMEJECT-
 ioctl:テ、). Ohjelma sallii myテカs ottaa kテ、yttテカテカn automaattisen cd-levyn
 poistamisen asemasta.
 Eject mahdollistaa myテカs aktiivisen levyn vaihtamisen tuetuilla ATAPI/IDE
 Voidaan myテカs kテ、yttテ、テ、 ulkoisten massamuistien, kuten digitaalikameroiden ja
 kannettavien musiikkisoittimien pois kytkemiseen.

Package: eog
Description-md5: a17b1b698fda7b280b8e85d7b08c5d27
Description-fi: Gnomen silmテ、 -kuvienkatseluohjelma
 eog, eli Gnomen silmテ、 on yksinkertainen kuvienkatseluohjelma Gnome-
 tyテカpテカydテ、lle, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 gdk-pixbuf-kirjastoa. Se pテ、rjテ、テ、 suurienkin
 kuvien kanssa, ja toteuttaa zoomin sekテ、 vierityksen vakiona sテ、ilyvテ、llテ、
 muistintarpeella. Sen tavoitteita ovat yksinkertaisuus ja yhteensopivuus
 standardien kanssa.

Package: evince
Description-md5: 531974388dc5701b9dbc2f5d96f92ec6
Description-fi: Asiakirjojen lukuohjelma (postscript, PDF)
 Evince is a simple multi-page document viewer.  It can display and print
 PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DjVu, DVI, Portable
 Document Format (PDF) and XML Paper Specification (XPS) files. When
 supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text
 to the clipboard, hypertext navigation, and table-of-contents bookmarks.

Package: exim4
Description-md5: 458592f74d76e446735736c1d55ce615
Description-fi: metapaketti helpottamaan Exim MTA (v4) -sテ、hkテカpostipalvelimen asentamista
 Exim (v4) on sテ、hkテカpostin vテ、lityspalvelin (ns. mail transport agent, MTA).
 exim4 on metapaketti, jolla on riippuvuudet exim4-perusasennuksen
 tarvitsemiin komponentteihin.
 Debianin exim4-paketeilla on oma web-sivu
 sekテ、 usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-lista. Debian-pakettien asetuksista
 lテカytyy kuvaus tiedostosta /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs tietoa tavasta, jolla Debianin binテ、テ、ripaketit on luotu.
 Kattava alkuperテ、isdokumentaatio lテカytyy tiedostosta
 /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. Debconfin avulla tehdyn asetusten
 luonnin voi toistaa vakioympテ、ristテカssテ、 komennolla dpkg-reconfigure
 exim4-config. Eximin Debian-kテ、yttテ、jille on postituslista pkg- Debianiin liittyvテ、t kysymykset tulee
 kysyテ、 siellテ、 ja alkuperテ、ispaketin exim-users-postituslistalla tulee
 esittテ、テ、 vain sellaisia kysymyksiテ、, jotka eivテ、t liity Debianiin. Exim- ja
 Debian-postituslistalle liittyminen tapahtuu web-sivulla

Package: exim4-base
Description-md5: ab23a802a5e7dee33641329abf2b6565
Description-fi: Sテ、hkテカpostin vテ、lityspalvelimen Exim (v4) tukitiedostot
 Exim (v4) on sテ、hkテカpostin vテ、lityspalvelin (ns. mail transport agent, MTA).
 exim4-base -paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tukitiedostot, joita kaikki
 exim4-taustaprosessipaketit tarvitsevat. Taustaprosessin sisテ、ltテ、vテ、t
 pakettivaihtoehdot ovat:
 Jos kテ、テ、nnテ、t exim4:n lテ、hdekoodipaketista paikallisesti, voit myテカs koostaa
 exim4-daemon-custom -paketin, johon on rテ、テ、tテ、lテカity haluamasi ominaisuudet.
 Debianin exim4-paketeilla on oma web-sivu
 sekテ、 usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-lista. Debian-pakettien asetuksista
 lテカytyy kuvaus tiedostosta /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs tietoa tavasta, jolla Debianin binテ、テ、ripaketit on luotu.
 Kattava alkuperテ、isdokumentaatio lテカytyy tiedostosta
 /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. Debconfin avulla tehdyn asetusten
 luonnin voi toistaa vakioympテ、ristテカssテ、 komennolla dpkg-reconfigure
 exim4-config. Eximin Debian-kテ、yttテ、jille on postituslista pkg- Debianiin liittyvテ、t kysymykset tulee
 kysyテ、 siellテ、 ja alkuperテ、ispaketin exim-users-postituslistalla tulee
 esittテ、テ、 vain sellaisia kysymyksiテ、, jotka eivテ、t liity Debianiin. Exim- ja
 Debian-postituslistalle liittyminen tapahtuu web-sivulla

Package: exim4-config
Description-md5: 32395c972fcf7f5014c06bce8ee1c59a
Description-fi: configuration for the Exim MTA (v4)
 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. exim4-config provides the
 configuration for the exim4 daemon packages. The configuration framework
 has been split off the main package to allow sites to replace the
 configuration scheme with their own without having to change the actual
 exim4 packages.
 Sites with special configuration needs (having a lot of identically
 configured machines for example) can use this to distribute their own
 custom configuration via the packaging system, using the magic available
 with dpkg's conffile handling, without having to do local changes on all
 of these machines.
 Debianin exim4-paketeilla on oma web-sivu
 sekテ、 usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-lista. Debian-pakettien asetuksista
 lテカytyy kuvaus tiedostosta /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs tietoa tavasta, jolla Debianin binテ、テ、ripaketit on luotu.
 Kattava alkuperテ、isdokumentaatio lテカytyy tiedostosta
 /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. Debconfin avulla tehdyn asetusten
 luonnin voi toistaa vakioympテ、ristテカssテ、 komennolla dpkg-reconfigure
 exim4-config. Eximin Debian-kテ、yttテ、jille on postituslista pkg- Debianiin liittyvテ、t kysymykset tulee
 kysyテ、 siellテ、 ja alkuperテ、ispaketin exim-users-postituslistalla tulee
 esittテ、テ、 vain sellaisia kysymyksiテ、, jotka eivテ、t liity Debianiin. Exim- ja
 Debian-postituslistalle liittyminen tapahtuu web-sivulla

Package: exim4-daemon-heavy
Description-md5: 29c4b395a92bdc12932f151c3643a602
Description-fi: Exim MTA (v4) daemon with extended features, including exiscan-acl
 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. This package contains the exim4
 daemon with extended features. In addition to the features already
 supported by exim4-daemon-light, exim4-daemon-heavy includes LDAP, sqlite,
 PostgreSQL and MySQL data lookups, SASL and SPA SMTP authentication,
 embedded Perl interpreter, and the content scanning extension (formerly
 known as "exiscan-acl") for integration of virus scanners and
 Debianin exim4-paketeilla on oma web-sivu
 sekテ、 usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-lista. Debian-pakettien asetuksista
 lテカytyy kuvaus tiedostosta /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs tietoa tavasta, jolla Debianin binテ、テ、ripaketit on luotu.
 Kattava alkuperテ、isdokumentaatio lテカytyy tiedostosta
 /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. Debconfin avulla tehdyn asetusten
 luonnin voi toistaa vakioympテ、ristテカssテ、 komennolla dpkg-reconfigure
 exim4-config. Eximin Debian-kテ、yttテ、jille on postituslista pkg- Debianiin liittyvテ、t kysymykset tulee
 kysyテ、 siellテ、 ja alkuperテ、ispaketin exim-users-postituslistalla tulee
 esittテ、テ、 vain sellaisia kysymyksiテ、, jotka eivテ、t liity Debianiin. Exim- ja
 Debian-postituslistalle liittyminen tapahtuu web-sivulla

Package: exim4-daemon-light
Description-md5: 3f5190a801cb3e11718c951f768c4d54
Description-fi: lightweight Exim MTA (v4) daemon
 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. This package contains the exim4
 daemon with only basic features enabled. It works well with the standard
 setups that are provided by Debian and includes support for TLS encryption
 and the dlopen patch to allow dynamic loading of a local_scan function.
 Debianin exim4-paketeilla on oma web-sivu
 sekテ、 usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-lista. Debian-pakettien asetuksista
 lテカytyy kuvaus tiedostosta /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs tietoa tavasta, jolla Debianin binテ、テ、ripaketit on luotu.
 Kattava alkuperテ、isdokumentaatio lテカytyy tiedostosta
 /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. Debconfin avulla tehdyn asetusten
 luonnin voi toistaa vakioympテ、ristテカssテ、 komennolla dpkg-reconfigure
 exim4-config. Eximin Debian-kテ、yttテ、jille on postituslista pkg- Debianiin liittyvテ、t kysymykset tulee
 kysyテ、 siellテ、 ja alkuperテ、ispaketin exim-users-postituslistalla tulee
 esittテ、テ、 vain sellaisia kysymyksiテ、, jotka eivテ、t liity Debianiin. Exim- ja
 Debian-postituslistalle liittyminen tapahtuu web-sivulla

Package: exim4-dev
Description-md5: d5a123381ab67fa02f35533169e299d5
Description-fi: header files for the Exim MTA (v4) packages
 Exim (v4) is a mail transport agent. This package contains header files
 that can be used to compile code that is then dynamically linked to exim's
 local_scan interface.
 Debianin exim4-paketeilla on oma web-sivu
 sekテ、 usein kysyttyjen kysymysten FAQ-lista. Debian-pakettien asetuksista
 lテカytyy kuvaus tiedostosta /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs tietoa tavasta, jolla Debianin binテ、テ、ripaketit on luotu.
 Kattava alkuperテ、isdokumentaatio lテカytyy tiedostosta
 /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/spec.txt.gz. Debconfin avulla tehdyn asetusten
 luonnin voi toistaa vakioympテ、ristテカssテ、 komennolla dpkg-reconfigure
 exim4-config. Eximin Debian-kテ、yttテ、jille on postituslista pkg- Debianiin liittyvテ、t kysymykset tulee
 kysyテ、 siellテ、 ja alkuperテ、ispaketin exim-users-postituslistalla tulee
 esittテ、テ、 vain sellaisia kysymyksiテ、, jotka eivテ、t liity Debianiin. Exim- ja
 Debian-postituslistalle liittyminen tapahtuu web-sivulla

Package: file-roller
Description-md5: 38d3e4bf80de5287311da5585810d3db
Description-fi: Gnomen arkistonkテ、sittelyohjelma
 Tiedostokテ、テ、rin on arkistonkテ、sittelyohjelma Gnome-tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカlle. Sen
 avulla voit:
  * Create and modify archives.
  * View the content of an archive.
  * View a file contained in an archive.
  * Extract files from the archive.
 File-roller supports the following formats:
  * Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with
    gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2),
    compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo),
    lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz)
  * Zip archives (.zip)
  * Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war)
  * 7z archives (.7z)
  * iso9660 CD images (.iso)
  * Lha archives (.lzh)
  * Archiver archives (.ar)
  * Comic book archives (.cbz)
  * Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2),
    compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz)
 File-roller can extract following formats:
  * Cabinet archives (.cab)
  * Debian binary packages (.deb)
  * Xar archives (.xar)
 Tiedostokテ、テ、rin ei tee toimenpiteitテ、 itse, vaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 tavanomaisia

Package: findutils
Description-md5: ad1a783819241ffdf3ff5f37a676af59
Description-fi: Apuohjelmia tiedostojen etsintテ、テ、n - find, xargs
 GNU findutils -paketti tarjoaa apuohjelmia tiedostojen etsimiseen eri
 hakuehtojen perusteella sekテ、 monenlaisten toimenpiteiden suorittamiseen
 lテカydetyille tiedostoille. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ohjelmat find ja xargs.
 locate-ohjelma on irrotettu omaan pakettiinsa.

Package: firefox
Description-md5: 46b619f510631c4693dc09c1a3778a55
Description-fi: Turvallinen ja helppokテ、yttテカinen selain Mozillalta
 Firefox mahdollistaa selailun turvallisesti ja helposti. Tuttu
 kテ、yttテカliittymテ、, tehokkaat suojaukset verkon haittoja vastaan ja integroitu
 haku tarjoavat ensiluokkaisen selauskokemuksen.

Package: firefox-dbg
Description-md5: 2937d9d7faa9d066b938045bc076f879
Description-fi: Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla - debug symbols
 Firefox mahdollistaa selailun turvallisesti ja helposti. Tuttu
 kテ、yttテカliittymテ、, tehokkaat suojaukset verkon haittoja vastaan ja integroitu
 haku tarjoavat ensiluokkaisen selauskokemuksen.
 This package contains the debugging symbols for the Firefox web browser

Package: firefox-locale-fi
Description-md5: 845195bd76d02590d0c2a74ed1b5c5f2
Description-fi: Suomen kielipaketti Firefoxia varten
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 suomenkieliset kテ、テ、nnテカkset ja hakulisテ、osat Firefoxiin

Package: foomatic-db-compressed-ppds
Description-md5: fb3b03f43036d62b4dc6ed630144d256
Description-fi: OpenPrinting printer support - Compressed PPDs derived from the database
 Foomatic on tulostusjテ、rjestelmテ、, joka on suunniteltu helpottamaan yleisten
 tulostimien asentamista Debianissa (ja muissa kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmissテ、). Se
 tarjoaa "liiman" taustatulostusohjaimen (kuten CUPS tai lpr) ja
 varsinaisen tulostimen vテ、lille kertoen tietokoneellesi miten tulostimelle
 lテ、hetettyjテ、 tiedostoja kテ、sitellテ、テ、n.
 This package contains all PPD files which can be generated from the
 Foomatic database as one small compressed archive. This reduces the disk
 space consumption compared to the Foomatic XML database vastly and in
 addition makes listing of all available PPDs and extracting the needed PPD
 much faster than using the Foomatic XML database.

Package: ftp
Description-md5: ce93e483dfc5fef0655f73f364b3c01c
Description-fi: Perinteinen FTP-asiakasohjelma
 Ftp on kテ、yttテ、jテ、rajapinta ARPANETin standardille
 tiedostonsiirtoprotokollalle. Ohjelman avulla kテ、yttテ、jテ、 voi siirtテ、テ、
 tiedostoja toiseen verkkosijaintiin tai hakea tiedostoja toisesta

Package: g++
Description-md5: 4d44b18774ae5123b7c3f70d940cf655
Description-fi: GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tuo oletuksena kテ、ytettテ、vテ、n GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、n.

Package: g++-9
Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c
Description-fi: GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、

Package: g++-9-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: a7f8482a0c83b82b8aaf4e0cb957d5d0
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for arm64 architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm64 architecture.

Package: g++-9-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 466636539965b105eeffa2a5b48e2850
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armhf architecture.

Package: g++-9-multilib
Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the
 non-default multilib architecture(s).

Package: g++-9-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 9d3a342fa9bb1664c1a3228fb97d3eae
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for ppc64el architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture.

Package: g++-9-s390x-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 6504513b0451939eb03345282ca3aacc
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for s390x architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x architecture.

Package: g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 841ad5010180ab9999db8cd40c9e8de4
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler for the arm64 architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler
 for the arm64 architecture.

Package: g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: cc94df779520efff25831739f24599b6
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler for the armhf architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler
 for the armhf architecture.

Package: g++-multilib
Description-md5: 13fdd3cac1ee1ffe86b871f781067316
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler (multilib files)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 A dependency package on architectures with multilib support; the package
 contains dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s).

Package: g++-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 9edb59095912e6cf500ea0092f60122a
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler for the ppc64el architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler
 for the ppc64el architecture.

Package: g++-s390x-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 611e82003e6b39e22236bec4046da2b9
Description-fi: GNU C++ compiler for the s390x architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C++ -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, melko alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler
 for the s390x architecture.

Package: gawk
Description-md5: 0dce81fe543994c3caea814e2777732e
Description-fi: GNU awk, etsintテ、- ja kテ、sittelykieli
 Awk-ohjelmalla voit valita tiedostosta haluamasi tietueet ja kテ、sitellテ、
 Gawk on GNU-projektin toteutus AWK-ohjelmointikielestテ、. Se pitテ、ytyy POSIX
 1003.2 Command Language and Utilities -standardin mテ、テ、rittelyissテ、. Tテ、mテ、
 versio puolestaan perustuu kielen kuvaukseen teoksessa "The AWK
 Programming Language", tekijテカinテ、 Aho, Kernighan ja Weinberger. Siihen on
 myテカs lisテ、tty ominaisuuksia System V Release 4 UNIX -jテ、rjestelmテ、n awk-
 versiosta. Gawk tarjoaa myテカs uudemmat Bell Labs awk -laajennukset ja
 joitain GNU-laajennuksia.

Package: gcc
Description-md5: c7efd71c7c651a9ac8b2adf36b137790
Description-fi: GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 on riippuvuuspaketti, joka tuo oletuksena kテ、ytettテ、vテ、n GNU C

Package: gcc-10-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-fi: GCC, GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelma (peruspaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelmaan (GCC) kuuluvat kirjastot ja
 eri kielten yhteiset tiedostot.

Package: gcc-9
Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698
Description-fi: GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、

Package: gcc-9-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 6605467979c7b4a27b8a1c6ed7aabd06
Description-fi: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for arm64 architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C cross-compiler for arm64 architecture.

Package: gcc-9-aarch64-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-fi: GCC, GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelma (peruspaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelmaan (GCC) kuuluvat kirjastot ja
 eri kielten yhteiset tiedostot.

Package: gcc-9-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 81e320f4fe3cb20f4878142f5988397e
Description-fi: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for armhf architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C cross-compiler for armhf architecture.

Package: gcc-9-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-fi: GCC, GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelma (peruspaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelmaan (GCC) kuuluvat kirjastot ja
 eri kielten yhteiset tiedostot.

Package: gcc-9-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-fi: GCC, GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelma (peruspaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelmaan (GCC) kuuluvat kirjastot ja
 eri kielten yhteiset tiedostot.

Package: gcc-9-multilib
Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e
Description-fi: GNU C compiler (multilib support)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the
 non-default multilib architecture(s).

Package: gcc-9-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 02948f686f57b7661fd57acbd2976475
Description-fi: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for ppc64el architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture.

Package: gcc-9-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-fi: GCC, GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelma (peruspaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelmaan (GCC) kuuluvat kirjastot ja
 eri kielten yhteiset tiedostot.

Package: gcc-9-s390x-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 7061b5561490b87818d8a46702f2fd78
Description-fi: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for s390x architecture)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This package contains C cross-compiler for s390x architecture.

Package: gcc-9-s390x-linux-gnu-base
Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d
Description-fi: GCC, GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelma (peruspaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、kokoelmaan (GCC) kuuluvat kirjastot ja
 eri kielten yhteiset tiedostot.

Package: gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 69df476a1d2ab9184e2d806ac537e77d
Description-fi: GNU C compiler for the arm64 architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler
 for the arm64 architecture.

Package: gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
Description-md5: 341bee5927aa97cd38931c348b808c55
Description-fi: GNU C compiler for the armhf architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler
 for the armhf architecture.

Package: gcc-doc
Description-md5: af77f0c56a32a74fc629f4cd7c91d2da
Description-fi: GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jien dokumentaatio (gcc, gobjc, g++)
 Documentation for the GNU compilers in info format (dependency package).

Package: gcc-multilib
Description-md5: 2d7198d97e45eb764af5065748ccb88f
Description-fi: GNU C compiler (multilib files)
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 A dependency package on architectures with multilib support; the package
 contains dependencies for the non-default multilib architecture(s).

Package: gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 1df9b59dd3526c77f2a01a78470f8faa
Description-fi: GNU C compiler for the ppc64el architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler
 for the ppc64el architecture.

Package: gcc-s390x-linux-gnu
Description-md5: 0e9bad3b62304d1f54438e18e774f9bd
Description-fi: GNU C compiler for the s390x architecture
 Tテ、mテ、 on GNU C -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、, jokseenkin alustariippumaton optimoiva kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、
 This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler
 for the s390x architecture.

Package: gdm3
Description-md5: 9be0fb38ba2581f623b79242c9c7918d
Description-fi: GNOME-tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカn kirjautumisikkuna
 GDM provides the equivalent of a "login:" prompt for X displays: it asks
 for a login and starts graphical sessions.
 It supports multiple seats and switching between multiple users.
 The greeter is based on the GNOME libraries and applications, and its look
 and design are the same as those of a GNOME session.

Package: gedit
Description-md5: 5091aaf6659e6bf7ca9b32695a59f9cd
Description-fi: GNOME-tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカn virallinen tekstieditori
 Gedit hallitsee useimmat perinteiset tekstinmuokkaustoiminnot. Lisテ、ksi
 siinテ、 on ominaisuuksia, joita kevyissテ、 muokkaimissa ei yleensテ、 ole. Gedit
 on graafinen ohjelma, jolla voi muokata useita tekstitiedostoja yhdessテ、
 ikkunassa vテ、lilehtien avulla (ns. MDI-kテ、yttテカliittymテ、).
 Gedit tukee kansainvテ、listテ、 tekstiテ、, sillテ、 se kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostoja
 muokattaessa Unicode UTF-8 -merkistテカテ、. Ohjelman keskeisiテ、 ominaisuuksia
 ovat syntaksin vテ、rikoodaus, automaattinen sisennys ja tulostuksen sekテ、 sen
 esikatselun tuki.
 Gedit on laajennettavissa liitテ、nnテ、isten avulla. Liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、 on mm.
 oikolukua, tiedostojen vertailua, CVS-muutoslokien lukemista ja
 sisennystasojen muuttamista varten.

Package: gedit-common
Description-md5: 193111e3506c371cfc98afccfffed3c0
Description-fi: GNOME-tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカn virallinen tekstieditori (tukitiedostot)
 Gedit hallitsee useimmat perinteiset tekstinmuokkaustoiminnot. Lisテ、ksi
 siinテ、 on ominaisuuksia, joita kevyissテ、 muokkaimissa ei yleensテ、 ole.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Geditin arkkitehtuuririippumattomat tukitiedostot.

Package: gedit-dev
Description-md5: 3432b77a961b8bf02ccb1564908edf94
Description-fi: official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment (development files)
 Gedit hallitsee useimmat perinteiset tekstinmuokkaustoiminnot. Lisテ、ksi
 siinテ、 on ominaisuuksia, joita kevyissテ、 muokkaimissa ei yleensテ、 ole. Gedit
 on graafinen ohjelma, jolla voi muokata useita tekstitiedostoja yhdessテ、
 ikkunassa vテ、lilehtien avulla (ns. MDI-kテ、yttテカliittymテ、).
 Gedit tukee kansainvテ、listテ、 tekstiテ、, sillテ、 se kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostoja
 muokattaessa Unicode UTF-8 -merkistテカテ、. Ohjelman keskeisiテ、 ominaisuuksia
 ovat syntaksin vテ、rikoodaus, automaattinen sisennys ja tulostuksen sekテ、 sen
 esikatselun tuki.
 Gedit on laajennettavissa liitテ、nnテ、isten avulla. Liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、 on mm.
 oikolukua, tiedostojen vertailua, CVS-muutoslokien lukemista ja
 sisennystasojen muuttamista varten.
 This package is required to build plugins for gedit.

Package: gettext-base
Description-md5: 6c8ed1da584066e0871910b60d931f43
Description-fi: GNU:n monikielisyyden apuohjelmat perusjテ、rjestelmテ、テ、 varten
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gettext- ja ngettext-ohjelmat, jotka tarjoavat
 muiden pakettien shelli-skripteille monikielisyystuen.

Package: gfortran-9-doc
Description-md5: 17a01a9ada93e104865a01e6615e2401
Description-fi: GNU Fortran -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、n dokumentaatio (gfortran)
 Documentation for the GNU Fortran compiler in info format.

Package: gfortran-doc
Description-md5: 6855bbffb1ede02166da131963e7fd83
Description-fi: GNU Fortran -kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、n dokumentaatio (gfortran)
 Documentation for the GNU Fortran compiler in info format (dependency

Package: gir1.2-cheese-3.0
Description-md5: 6bb6f1733150d36f15c99ff4d977005b
Description-fi: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - gir bindings
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 This package can be used by other packages using the GIRepository format
 to generate dynamic bindings.

Package: gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0
Description-md5: 3d52c64e6869be4dd2250690fc8d724f
Description-fi: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base library
 This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer Plugins Base
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate
 dynamic bindings.

Package: gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0
Description-md5: 690d41f7ae6f89096e0ae65e4d4ffe68
Description-fi: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer library
 This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer streaming media
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate
 dynamic bindings.

Package: gnome-bluetooth
Description-md5: 415232e02184f13dffe1ac4e51f07fa7
Description-fi: Gnomen Bluetooth-tyテカkalut
 This package contains tools for managing and manipulating Bluetooth
 devices using the GNOME desktop.

Package: gnome-disk-utility
Description-md5: 8bbfe121f73fcddf9e0a9c15f0e8afd8
Description-fi: Hallitse ja muokkaa levyasemia
 GNOME Disks is a tool to manage disk drives and media:
  * Format and partition drives.
  * Mount and unmount partitions.
  * Query S.M.A.R.T. attributes.
 It utilizes udisks.

Package: gnome-mahjongg
Description-md5: adc178a2d2b4ff75c015f3907a755657
Description-fi: Klassinen itテ、mainen laattapeli Gnomelle
 Tテ、mテ、 on yhden pelaajan versio klassisesta itテ、maisesta laattapelistテ、,
 Aloitat viidellテ、 kerroksella laattoja, jotka ovat pテ、テ、llekkテ、in niin ettテ、
 jotkut laatat peittテ、vテ、t toisia. Mahjonggin tavoite on poistaa kaikki
 laatat kuviosta lテカytテ、mテ、llテ、 pareja, jotka ovat yhtテ、lテ、iset.

Package: gnome-power-manager
Description-md5: 1ece6a08127f01c856017ac9675775b5
Description-fi: Gnome-tyテカpテカydテ、n virranhallintatyテカkalut
 GNOME Power Manager is a session daemon for the GNOME desktop that takes
 care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions
 accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and
 only show some settings important to the user.
 GNOME power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug
 events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power
 saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all
 integrated to other components of the GNOME desktop.

Package: gnome-sudoku
Description-md5: 36f1efc2746ddf39c8f11ff90893cc96
Description-fi: Sudoku-pulmapeli Gnomelle
 Tテ、mテ、 on ohjelma suositun sudoku-pulmapelin pelaamiseen. Sudokussa
 tテ、ytetテ、テ、n 9x9 kokoinen ruudukko numeroilla.
 Sen ominaisuuksiin kuuluvat automaattinen sudokun generointi, pelien
 tallentaminen ja jatkaminen, huomautukset, kirjanpito, ja monet muut.

Package: gnome-terminal
Description-md5: c385379e72ae70e0ca5a4dee09859951
Description-fi: Gnomen komentorivisovellus
 GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:
  - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment.
  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm
 Gnomen pテ、テ、te tukee vテ、lilehtiテ、 (monen pテ、テ、teikkunan auki pitテ、mistテ、 yhtテ、
 aikaa) ja profiilien kテ、yttテカテ、.

Package: gnupg
Description-md5: 2421c574774486effdededa540cfb1c7
Description-fi: GNU yksityisyysvahti (privacy guard) - vapaa PGP:n korvike
 GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage. It can be
 used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures. It includes an
 advanced key management facility and is compliant with the proposed
 OpenPGP Internet standard as described in RFC4880.
 This package contains the full suite of GnuPG tools for cryptographic
 communications and data storage.

Package: gnupg-l10n
Description-md5: 7fad035451f503be001479931e85b925
Description-fi: GNU privacy guard - localization files
 GnuPG on GNU:n tyテカkalu turvalliseen viestintテ、テ、n ja tiedon sテ、ilテカntテ、テ、n. Sitテ、
 voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 tietojen salakirjoitukseen ja sテ、hkテカisten allekirjoitusten
 luomiseen. GnuPG sisテ、ltテ、テ、 kehittyneet avaintenhallintatoiminnot ja se on
 yhteensopiva ehdotetun OpenPGP-Internet-standardin RFC 4880:n kanssa.
 This package contains the translation files for the use of GnuPG in non-
 English locales.

Package: gnupg-utils
Description-md5: e668452bd037f231e404937c9a963ac3
Description-fi: GNU privacy guard - utility programs
 GnuPG on GNU-tyテカkalu turvalliseen viestintテ、テ、n ja tiedon tallentamiseen.
 This package contains several useful utilities for manipulating OpenPGP
 data and other related cryptographic elements.  It includes:
  * addgnupghome -- create .gnupg home directories
  * applygnupgdefaults -- run gpgconf --apply-defaults for all users
  * gpgcompose -- an experimental tool for constructing arbitrary
                  sequences of OpenPGP packets (e.g. for testing)
  * gpgparsemail -- parse an e-mail message into annotated format
  * gpgsplit -- split a sequence of OpenPGP packets into files
  * gpgtar -- encrypt or sign files in an archive
  * kbxutil -- list, export, import Keybox data
  * lspgpot -- convert PGP ownertrust values to GnuPG
  * migrate-pubring-from-classic-gpg -- use only "modern" formats
  * symcryptrun -- use simple symmetric encryption tool in GnuPG framework
  * watchgnupg -- watch socket-based logs

Package: gparted
Description-md5: 1caa85feb72cd19af74db3487848870c
Description-fi: Gnomen levyosioiden muokkain
 GParted kテ、yttテ、テ、 libparted-kirjastoa levyjen ja osiointitaulujen lukemista
 ja muokkausta varten. Ohjelmassa on useita valinnaisia tyテカkaluja
 sellaisten tiedostojテ、rjestelmien kテ、sittelyyn, joita libparted-kirjasto ei

Package: gparted-common
Description-md5: 8897121522406d93fc1db73f22b92ca4
Description-fi: GNOME partition editor -- common data
 GParted kテ、yttテ、テ、 libparted-kirjastoa levyjen ja osiointitaulujen lukemista
 ja muokkausta varten. Ohjelmassa on useita valinnaisia tyテカkaluja
 sellaisten tiedostojテ、rjestelmien kテ、sittelyyn, joita libparted-kirjasto ei
 This package contains architecture-independent data, such as documentation
 and help, icons, and application metadata.

Package: gpgconf
Description-md5: a54470fd043c15b13d18d29306678637
Description-fi: GNU privacy guard - core configuration utilities
 GnuPG on GNU-tyテカkalu turvalliseen viestintテ、テ、n ja tiedon tallentamiseen.
 This package contains core utilities used by different tools in the suite
 offered by GnuPG.  It can be used to programmatically edit config files
 for tools in the GnuPG suite, to launch or terminate per-user daemons (if
 installed), etc.

Package: gpgv
Description-md5: 4ea8f4f4d6a0a387a4a3aeba3e6cc888
Description-fi: GNU yksityisyyden vartija - allekirjoituksen vahvistustyテカkalu
 GnuPG on GNU-tyテカkalu turvalliseen viestintテ、テ、n ja tiedon tallentamiseen.
 gpgv is actually a stripped-down version of gpg which is only able to
 check signatures. It is somewhat smaller than the fully-blown gpg and uses
 a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make
 the signature are valid. There are no configuration files and only a few
 options are implemented.

Package: gpsd
Description-md5: c27e4861a82769d7dbf1f60e97926430
Description-fi: GPS-taustaprosessi
 Gpsd-taustaprosessi voi tarkkailla yhtテ、 tai useampaa isテ、ntテ、koneeseen
 yhdistettyテ、 GPS-laitetta tehden sensorien paikka- ja liiketiedot
 saataville TCP-portin 2947 vテ、lityksellテ、.
 Gpsd:n avulla useat GPS-asiakasohjelmat voivat jakaa laitteen kテ、ytテカn ilman
 kilpailua tai tietojen menettテ、mistテ、. Gpsd vastaa kyselyihin muodossa joka
 on huomattavasti helpompaa jテ、sentテ、テ、 kuin eri laitteiden tuottamat

Package: grep
Description-md5: f9188c5583d41955f3b3fe60b9d445f1
Description-fi: GNU grep, egrep ja fgrep
 "grep" on tyテカkalu tekstin etsintテ、テ、n tiedostoista. Sitテ、 voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 sekテ、
 komentoriviltテ、 ettテ、 skripteistテ、. Vaikka et itse kテ、yttテ、isi ohjelmaa, muut
 paketit todennテ、kテカisesti kテ、yttテ、vテ、t.
 GNU-perheen grep-ohjelmat ovat mahdollisesti "lテ、nnen nopeimmat
 greppaajat". GNU grep perustuu nopeaan deterministiseen vertaajaan (noin
 kaksi kertaa niin nopea kuin Unixin tavallinen egrep), johon on liitetty
 vakiotekstin Boyer-Moore-Gosper -haku, joka poistaa kategorisesti
 sopimattomat tekstiosuudet tテ、ydestテ、 regexp-vertailusta. Lopputuloksena on
 yleensテ、 moninkertaisesti tavallista Unixin greppiテ、 tai egreppiテ、 nopeampi
 haku. (Taakse viittaavat lausekkeet ovat kuitenkin hitaampia.)

Package: groff-base
Description-md5: 106eb90e9251712205de3a823876b349
Description-fi: GNU troff -tekstinmuotoilujテ、rjestelmテ、 (perusosat)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 perinteiset UN*Xin tekstinmuotoilutyテカkalut troff,
 nroff, tbl, eqn ja pic.  Nテ、mテ、 tyテカkalut yhdessテ、 man-db-paketin kanssa ovat
 vテ、lttテ、mテ、ttテカmiテ、 manuaalisivujen katseluun.
 groff-base on riisuttu paketti, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 vテ、lttテ、mテ、ttテカmテ、t komponentit
 manuaalisivujen lukemiseen ASCII-, Latin-1- ja UTF-8-muodossa sekテ、
 PostScript-laitteen (groffin oletus).  Tテ、yden groff-asennuksen (normaalin
 joukon laitteita, fontteja, makroja ja dokumentaation) haluavien
 kテ、yttテ、jien tテ、ytyy asentaa groff-paketti.

Package: gstreamer1.0-alsa
Description-md5: 339f038172c486f3cef220df0c0e5ac4
Description-fi: GStreamer plugin for ALSA
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GStreamer plugin for the ALSA library.  ALSA is
 the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.

Package: gstreamer1.0-doc
Description-md5: 2274936f9039765c43e33252ae21527d
Description-fi: GStreamer core documentation and manuals
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains documentation for core libraries and elements as well as:
  * the GStreamer Manual
  * the GStreamer Plugin Writers Guide
  * Various API docs

Package: gstreamer1.0-gl
Description-md5: bf297887fc963973c7834f126d83e02d
Description-fi: GStreamer plugins for GL
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GStreamer plugins for GL.

Package: gstreamer1.0-gtk3
Description-md5: c79f4ede217ec8cc138bb67e7e775fde
Description-fi: GStreamer plugin for GTK+3
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GStreamer plugin for GTK+3.

Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
Description-md5: 73eb82d2de7fe71e4455e1742423e3e3
Description-fi: GStreamer-liitテ、nnテ、iset "base"-valikoimasta
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GStreamer-liitテ、nnテ、iset "base"-valikoimasta, johon
 kuuluu olennaisia, laadultaan esimerkillisiテ、 elementtejテ、.

Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps
Description-md5: 72cc51baa52c95f36129fb0f74a62970
Description-fi: GStreamer helper programs from the "base" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains helper programs from the "base" set, an essential
 exemplary set of elements.

Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-dbg
Description-md5: b7d3c79dd3992a2b1b542fa636eec13a
Description-fi: GStreamer-liitテ、nnテ、iset "base"-valikoimasta
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
 primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
 somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
 /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.

Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-doc
Description-md5: aaf86bd34d894dca484623ae59419aad
Description-fi: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "base" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains documentation for plugins from the "base" set, an
 essential exemplary set of elements.

Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
Description-md5: 5af11b405c70a6a41fff183475cb6042
Description-fi: GStreamer plugins from the "good" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GStreamer plugins from the "good" set, a set of
 good-quality plug-ins under the LGPL license.

Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-doc
Description-md5: 39674248e63796a3ad344a5d7425ad8f
Description-fi: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "good" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains documentation for plugins from the "good" set, a set
 of good-quality plug-ins under the LGPL license.

Package: gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
Description-md5: b4aa98329fafbb54ea588de42c256d78
Description-fi: GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio, a sound server
 for POSIX and WIN32 systems.

Package: gstreamer1.0-tools
Description-md5: 909df9df4ba32a53040e4e54751c1cfa
Description-fi: Tyテカkaluja Gstreamerin kanssa kテ、ytettテ、viksi
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains versioned command-line tools for GStreamer.

Package: gstreamer1.0-x
Description-md5: f30e1dbce14d6ece228c6b4e6dfdfdbd
Description-fi: GStreamer plugins for X11 and Pango
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GStreamer plugins for X11 video output, both for
 standard Xlib support and for the Xv extension, as well as the plugin for
 Pango-based text rendering and overlay.

Package: gvfs
Description-md5: 61f453207c2ab18880315d27f13ee0fb
Description-fi: Ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、 - GIO-moduuli
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GIO-moduulin, joka antaa sovellusten kテ、yttテ、テ、 gvfs-

Package: gvfs-backends
Description-md5: a52c33f1997ced7de25b843669700b48
Description-fi: userspace virtual filesystem - backends
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 This package contains the afc, afp, archive, cdda, dav, dnssd, ftp,
 gphoto2, http, mtp, network, sftp, smb and smb-browse backends.

Package: gvfs-bin
Description-md5: cb1a2f401db91243eeddca0c157828dc
Description-fi: userspace virtual filesystem - deprecated command-line tools
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 This package contains deprecated command-line tools such as gvfs-copy and
 gvfs-rename. Please use the gio(1) tool in the libglib2.0-bin package

Package: gvfs-common
Description-md5: 9572165fd324aff77138e36127f7d629
Description-fi: userspace virtual filesystem - common data files
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 This package contains the data files and translations used by all gvfs

Package: gvfs-daemons
Description-md5: 3ce59381bd6888364e59f20a23789369
Description-fi: userspace virtual filesystem - servers
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 This package contains the gvfs server and the minimal set of backends.

Package: gvfs-fuse
Description-md5: e8ae435dfe556826602d3a021208211e
Description-fi: userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 This package contains the gvfs-fuse server that exports gvfs mounts to all
 applications using FUSE.

Package: gvfs-libs
Description-md5: 6558598d97ea2bbb18ca95c90e7c0683
Description-fi: userspace virtual filesystem - private libraries
 Gvfs on ytimen ulkopuolisen muistialueen nテ、ennテ、istiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、,
 jossa liitokset ovat erillisiテ、 prosesseja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan
 D-Busilla. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 gio-moduulin, joka lisテ、テ、 saumattoman tuen gvfs:lle
 kaikille sovelluksille, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t gio-rajapintaa. Lisテ、ksi se tukee
 gvfs-liitosten nテ、yttテ、mistテ、 sovelluksille, jotka eivテ、t kテ、ytテ、 gioa, fusea
 This package contains private libraries with common functions between the
 daemons and the GIO module.

Package: gzip
Description-md5: 100720c9e2c6508f1a1f3731537b38e5
Description-fi: GNU:n pakkaustyテカkalut
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 yleisesti kテ、ytetyt GNU:n tiedostonpakkausohjelmat,
 joita myテカs Debian kテ、yttテ、テ、. Ohjelmat kテ、sittelevテ、t tavallisesti tiedostoja,
 joiden nimet loppuvat pテ、テ、tteeseen ".gz", mutta osaavat purkaa myテカs
 "compress"-ohjelman tekemiテ、 ".Z"-tiedostoja.

Package: hostname
Description-md5: a5a22acc3c69a7f40f07f1a8dfc93af1
Description-fi: tyテカkalu verkko- ja toimialuenimen asettamiseen/nテ、yttテ、miseen
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa komentoja, joilla voidaan nテ、yttテ、テ、 jテ、rjestelmテ、n
 nimipalvelunimi tai nテ、yttテ、テ、/asettaa isテ、ntテ、nimi tai NIS-toimialuenimi.

Package: hplip
Description-md5: d0f235dee296936ac63dbe1c1e9b59f7
Description-fi: HP:n Linux-tulostus- ja kuvitusjテ、rjestelmテ、 (HPLIP)
 The HP Linux Printing and Imaging System provides full support for
 printing on most HP SFP (single function peripheral) inkjets and many
 LaserJets, and for scanning, sending faxes and for photo-card access on
 most HP MFP (multi-function peripheral) printers.
 HPLIP is composed of:
  * System services to handle communications with the printers
  * HP CUPS backend driver (hp:) with bi-directional communication with
    HP printers (provides printer status feedback to CUPS and enhanced
    HPIJS functionality such as 4-side full-bleed printing support)
  * HP CUPS backend driver for sending faxes (hpfax:)
  * hpcups CUPS Raster driver to turn rasterized input from the CUPS
    filter chain into the printer's native format (PCL, LIDIL, ...).
    (hpcups is shipped in a separate package)
  * HPIJS Ghostscript IJS driver to rasterize output from PostScript(tm)
    files or from any other input format supported by Ghostscript, and
    also for PostScript(tm) to fax conversion support
    (HPIJS is shipped in a separate package)
  * Command line utilities to perform printer maintenance, such as
    ink-level monitoring or pen cleaning and calibration
  * GUI and command line utility to download data from the photo card
    interfaces in MFP devices
  * GUI and command line utilities to interface with the fax functions
  * A GUI toolbox to access all these functions in a friendly way
  * HPAIO SANE backend (hpaio) for flatbed and Automatic Document Feeder
    (ADF) scanning using MFP devices
 USB and JetDirect (network) devices are supported.

Package: humanity-icon-theme
Description-md5: 75b3fa4ecc35cdc4c2e608df830504f6
Description-fi: Humanity-kuvaketeema
 Humanity and Humanity Dark are nice and well polished icon themes for the
 GNOME desktop.

Package: info
Description-md5: 98475bbce3804b8961f7886328b1baea
Description-fi: Itsenテ、inen GNU Info -asiakirjaselain
 Info-tiedostomuoto on sテ、hkテカisten asiakirjojen helposti kテ、siteltテ、vテ、 kuvaus.
 GNU Info sallii Info-dokumenttien, joita on esimerkiksi hakemistossa
 /usr/share/info, katselun.
 Suuri osa Debian-ohjelmistojen sテ、hkテカisistテ、 ohjeista on Info-tiedostoina,
 joten todennテ、kテカisesti asiakirjaselain kannattaa asentaa.

Package: init-system-helpers
Description-md5: facafbf6c4b9fd95c34e95938629ecef
Description-fi: Aputyテカkaluja kaikille init-jテ、rjestelmille
 This package contains helper tools that are necessary for switching
 between the various init systems that Debian contains (e. g. sysvinit or
 systemd). An example is deb-systemd-helper, a script that enables systemd
 unit files without depending on a running systemd.
 It also includes the "service", "invoke-rc.d", and "update-rc.d" scripts
 which provide an abstraction for enabling, disabling, starting, and
 stopping services for all supported Debian init systems as specified by
 the policy.
 Vaikka tテ、tテ、 pakettia yllテ、pitテ、テ、 pkg-systemd-maintainers, se ei liity
 ainoastaan systemd:hen. Muiden init-jテ、rjestelmien yllテ、pitテ、jテ、t ovat
 tervetulleita sisテ、llyttテ、mテ、テ、n aputyテカkalujaan tテ、hテ、n pakettiin.

Package: install-info
Description-md5: 1fc51f7aec70d7bdeff2e1bf59b3ebbc
Description-fi: Hallitse info-muotoisia asennettuja ohjeita
 Tyテカkalu install-info luo hakemiston kaikista info-muodossa asennetuista
 ohjeista saattaen ne info-lukijoiden kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi.

Package: iproute2
Description-md5: d10cc46ca4a9e5489b7d2c879fcfba17
Description-fi: verkko- ja liikenteenhallintatyテカkalut
 Iproute2 on kokoelma verkko- ja liikenteenhallintatyテカkaluohjelmia.
 Nテ、mテ、 tyテカkalut viestivテ、t Linux-ytimen kanssa (rt)netlink-rajapinnan kautta
 ja tarjoavat kehittyneet ominaisuudet, joita ei ole kテ、ytettテ、vissテ、
 vanhemmissa net-tools-komennoissa 窶拱fconfig窶� ja 窶搜oute窶�.

Package: iproute2-doc
Description-md5: 04b627412e2f9e6b31ebbbedd1b39794
Description-fi: networking and traffic control tools - documentation
 Iproute2 on kokoelma verkko- ja liikenteenhallintatyテカkaluohjelmia.
 This package contains the documentation for iproute.

Package: iptables
Description-md5: 36afb86c9baa5ee22ce73b982a9e4bf0
Description-fi: Yllテ、pitotyテカkaluja pakettisuodatuksen ja osoitteenmuunnoksen (NAT) hallintaan
 The iptables/xtables framework has been replaced by nftables. You should
 consider migrating now.
 iptables is the userspace command line program used to configure the Linux
 packet filtering and NAT ruleset. It is targeted towards systems and
 networks administrators.
 This package contains several different utilities, the most important
 iptables-nft, iptables-nft-save, iptables-nft-restore (nft-based version)
 iptables-legacy, iptables-legacy-save, iptables-legacy-restore (legacy
 ip6tables-nft, ip6tables-nft-save, ip6tables-nft-restore (nft-based
 ip6tables-legacy, ip6tables-legacy-save, ip6tables-legacy-restore (legacy
 arptables-nft, arptables-nft-save, arptables-nft-restore (nft-based
 ebtables-nft, ebtables-nft-save, ebtables-nft-restore (nft-based version)

Package: iputils-ping
Description-md5: d70a0a65fee86f2e5c78f759703e9922
Description-fi: Tyテカkalut verkkokoneiden saavutettavuuden tarkistamiseen
 Ping-komento lテ、hettテ、テ、 ICMP ECHO_REQUEST -paketteja toiselle koneelle
 verkossa selvittテ、en, saadaanko koneeseen yhteyttテ、 verkon lテ、pi.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ping6-apuvテ、lineen, joka tukee IPv6-verkkoyhteyksiテ、.

Package: irssi
Description-md5: f222734d8d370d75bf620389270c0ade
Description-fi: Konsolipohjainen IRC-asiakasohjelma
 Irssi on pテ、テ、tteessテ、 kテ、ytettテ、vテ、 IRC-asiakasohjelma UNIX-jテ、rjestelmille.
 Irssi tukee liitテ、nnテ、isten avulla myテカs SILC- ja ICB-yhteyskテ、ytテ、ntテカjテ、.
 Features include:
  * Autologging
  * Formats and themes
  * Configurable keybindings
  * Paste detection
  * Perl scripting
  * Irssi-proxy
  * Transparent upgrading
  * Recode support

Package: irssi-dev
Description-md5: 48f02dc7e9ee186db7d00968bfcaaf49
Description-fi: terminal based IRC client - development files
 Irssi on pテ、テ、tteessテ、 kテ、ytettテ、vテ、 IRC-asiakasohjelma UNIX-jテ、rjestelmille.
 Irssi tukee liitテ、nnテ、isten avulla myテカs SILC- ja ICB-yhteyskテ、ytテ、ntテカjテ、.
 Features include:
  * Autologging
  * Formats and themes
  * Configurable keybindings
  * Paste detection
  * Perl scripting
  * Irssi-proxy
  * Transparent upgrading
  * Recode support
 This package includes the development files for the irssi client.

Package: isc-dhcp-client
Description-md5: 849016b34f878b96cbdf66cb6a0cc650
Description-fi: DHCP-ohjelma IP-osoitteen automaattiseen mテ、テ、rittテ、miseen
 Tテ、mテ、 on Internet Software Consortiumin DHCP-asiakasohjelma.
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on yhteyskテ、ytテ、ntテカ kuten BOOTP.
 Dhcpd sisテ、ltテ、テ、 suuren osan bootpd-toiminnallisuudesta. DHCP antaa
 asiakaskoneille IP-osoitteita "vuokralle" ja voi automaattisesti asettaa
 niiden verkkoasetukset. Jos koneesi tarvitsee DHCP:tテ、, kuten suurten
 verkkojen tyテカasemat, pテカytテ、koneet tai kaapelimodeemiin liitetyt
 tietokoneet, asenna tテ、mテ、 tai joku muu DHCP-asiakasohjelma.
 Lisテ、tietoja lテカytyy paketista isc-dhcp-common.

Package: jfsutils
Description-md5: 000fe2ee7a32dfc069be2f44381d781f
Description-fi: apuohjelmia JFS-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、n hallintaan
 Utilities for managing IBM's Journaled File System (JFS) under Linux.
 IBM's journaled file system technology, currently used in IBM enterprise
 servers, is designed for high-throughput server environments, key to
 running intranet and other high-performance e-business file servers.
 The following utilities are available:
  * fsck.jfs - initiate replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and
    repair a JFS formatted device.
  * logdump - dump a JFS formatted device's journal log.
  * logredo - "replay" a JFS formatted device's journal log.
  * mkfs.jfs - create a JFS formatted partition.
  * xchkdmp - dump the contents of a JFS fsck log file created with
  * xchklog - extract a log from the JFS fsck workspace into a file.
  * xpeek - shell-type JFS file system editor.

Package: keyutils
Description-md5: 2d8745863e4f147ac2e1dded0b9fa058
Description-fi: Apuohjelmia Linuxin avaimenhallintaan
 Keyutils on kokoelma apuohjelmia ytimen avaimen sテ、ilytys -valmiuden
 hallinnointiin. Tテ、tテ、 valmiutta voivat kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、t,
 lohkolaitteet ja vastaavat saadakseen ja sテ、ilyttテ、テ、kseen valtuutus- ja
 salakirjoitusavaimet turvallisten toimintojen suorittamista varten.

Package: kmod
Description-md5: 0cd8f9566ff621a593309a12fd64999f
Description-fi: Tyテカkaluja Linux-ytimen moduulien hallintaan
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 joukon ohjelmia Linux-ytimen moduulien lataamiseen,
 lisテ、テ、miseen ja poistamiseen. Se korvaa module-init-tools-paketin.

Package: krb5-doc
Description-md5: 019f063fa3a2221f5019a253e0acb9bc
Description-fi: documentation for MIT Kerberos
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the installation, administrator, and user reference
 manuals for MIT Kerberos and the man pages for the MIT Kerberos
 configuration files.

Package: krb5-locales
Description-md5: 21d19741f2f6e9424950c8f1a6d5cab0
Description-fi: internationalization support for MIT Kerberos
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 kansainvテ、listetyt viestit MIT-Kerberokselle.

Package: krb5-multidev
Description-md5: f39b0ef69fd49cdc81c78fd16595779e
Description-fi: development files for MIT Kerberos without Heimdal conflict
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 Most users wishing to build applications against MIT Kerberos should
 install libkrb5-dev.  However, that package conflicts with heimdal-dev.
 This package installs libraries and headers in /usr/include/mit-krb5 and
 /usr/lib/mit-krb5 and can be installed along side heimdal-multidev, which
 provides the same facilities for Heimdal.

Package: language-pack-fi
Description-md5: 5a3181df23020923606c71d3f11f2400
Description-fi: Kテ、テ、nnテカspテ、ivitykset suomen kielelle
 Kテ、テ、nnテカstietopテ、ivitykset kaikille suomenkielisille tuetuille paketeille
 language-pack-fi-base provides the bulk of translation data and is updated
 only seldom. This package provides frequent translation updates.

Package: language-pack-fi-base
Description-md5: 69649dcd35128b8bab70b6a7c3423916
Description-fi: Kテ、テ、nnテカkset suomen kielelle
 Kテ、テ、nnテカstiedot kaikille suomenkielisille tuetuille paketeille
 This package provides the bulk of translation data and is updated only
 seldom. language-pack-fi provides frequent translation updates, so you
 should install this as well.

Package: language-pack-gnome-fi
Description-md5: 04748a1b6c60eb8cb3ed435bc40e6c63
Description-fi: Gnome-kテ、テ、nnテカspテ、ivitykset suomen kielelle
 Kテ、テ、nnテカstietopテ、ivitykset kaikille tuetuille suomenkielisille Gnome-
 language-pack-gnome-fi-base provides the bulk of translation data and is
 updated only seldom. This package provides frequent translation updates.

Package: language-pack-gnome-fi-base
Description-md5: fc10ffbbd8a598c55917993acbe77a9b
Description-fi: Gnome-kテ、テ、nnテカkset suomen kielelle
 Translation data for all supported GNOME packages for: Finnish
 This package provides the bulk of translation data and is updated only
 seldom. language-pack-gnome-fi provides frequent translation updates, so
 you should install this as well.

Package: less
Description-md5: a2c2d2eff1fb9762b71faf7540cf8dce
Description-fi: Tiedostonsivutusohjelma, vastaava kuin more
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa "lessin", tiedoston sivuttajan (muistia sテ、テ、stテ、vテ、n
 apuohjelman tekstin nテ、yttテ、miseen ruutu kerrallaan). Less-sivuttajassa on
 paljon enemmテ、n ominaisuuksia kuin perussivuttaja "moressa". Less on osa
 GNU-projektia ja sitテ、 pidetテ、テ、n yleisesti standardisivuttajana UNIX-
 Paketissa on myテカs mukana yksinkertainen "lessecho"-apuohjelma sen
 varmistamiseksi, ettテ、 argumentit joissa on vテ、lilyテカntejテ、 tulevat
 siteeratuiksi oikein. "lesskey"-apuohjelma taas on vakioitujen (kuten vi)
 nテ、ppテ、inyhdistelmien muokkaamiseen, ja "lesspipe" suodatin tietyille
 annetuille tiedostotyypeille, kuten .doc tai .txt.gz.

Package: lib32gcc-s1
Description-md5: a31c67d540f86442c895f2663cb4d5c9
Description-fi: GCC support library (32 bit Version)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.

Package: lib32ncurses-dev
Description-md5: bac3e7f3ca63651fa01fb109ba48a2bd
Description-fi: developer's libraries for ncurses (32-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32ncurses6
Description-md5: 8c6342a7f12cb0debbe6158b1b61a805
Description-fi: shared libraries for terminal handling (32-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot, joita tarvitaan ohjelmissa, jotka
 on kテ、テ、nnetty ncurses-ympテ、ristテカテカn.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32ncursesw6
Description-md5: 1128887e431e21c11b633fc3998f93db
Description-fi: shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support) (32-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot sellaisten ohjelmien ajamiseen, jotka on
 kテ、テ、nnetty ncursesw:llテ、. Ncursesw sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tuen leveille merkeille.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib32readline-dev
Description-md5: 668df0fb60b54c6018797f8b7e97a1eb
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (32-bit)
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: lib32readline8
Description-md5: 4803b78bfa952422311277cc70d77bea
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (32-bit)
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: lib32stdc++-9-dev
Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: lib32stdc++6
Description-md5: 2124b81bef171d19a7c047c58ae7058f
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.

Package: lib32tinfo6
Description-md5: 66317228486310575adb7d0605bca630
Description-fi: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling (32-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.
 This package supports the 32-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: libapt-pkg6.0
Description-md5: eaacd63db236f47bdcc19e3bea7026a7
Description-fi: pakettienhallinnan ajonaikainen kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto tarjoaa yleisen toiminnallisuuden pakettien etsimiseen ja
 hallintaan kuten myテカs tietoa paketeista. Korkeamman tason
 pakettienhallintasovellukset voivat tukeutua tテ、hテ、n kirjastoon.
 This includes:
  * retrieval of information about packages from multiple sources
  * retrieval of packages and all dependent packages
    needed to satisfy a request either through an internal
    solver or by interfacing with an external one
  * authenticating the sources and validating the retrieved data
  * installation and removal of packages in the system
  * providing different transports to retrieve data over cdrom, ftp,
    http(s), rsh as well as an interface to add more transports like
    tor+http(s) (apt-transport-tor).

Package: libasound2
Description-md5: f80c24ce80b76f9116fc6c7d1a8aa34b
Description-fi: shared library for ALSA applications
 This package contains the ALSA library and its standard plugins, as well
 as the required configuration files.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libasound2-data
Description-md5: 41f916f1c1cbcf480b3b7fe38fbcef23
Description-fi: Configuration files and profiles for ALSA drivers
 This package contains configuration files for ALSA drivers.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libasound2-dev
Description-md5: 6049c8294e480247b4c02744f09d51fe
Description-fi: shared library for ALSA applications -- development files
 This package contains files required for developing software that makes
 use of libasound2, the ALSA library.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libasound2-doc
Description-md5: 73dfd0644e1f116cf7c39ae3f4f19a1f
Description-fi: documentation for user-space ALSA application programming
 This package contains the HTML documentation for the ALSA library, which
 describes the development API for user-space applications that want to use
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libasound2-plugins
Description-md5: d5c7c8a00460bf9dc4d137b2036d2d1e
Description-fi: ALSA library additional plugins
 This package contains plugins for the ALSA library that are not included
 in the main libasound2 package.
 The following plugins are included, among other:
   - a52: S16 to A52 stream converter
   - jack: play or capture via JACK
   - oss: run native ALSA apps on OSS drivers
   - pulse: play or capture via Pulse Audio
   - lavcrate, samplerate and speexrate: rate converters
   - upmix and vdownmix: convert from/to 2 and 4/6 channel streams
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libatopology-dev
Description-md5: 8b563948f0e5c358d56ca81fe9b46396
Description-fi: shared library for handling ALSA topology -- development files
 This package contains files required for developing software that makes
 use of libatopology2, the ALSA topology library.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libatopology2
Description-md5: fa3e8ef096b843719268f3d51920e44f
Description-fi: shared library for handling ALSA topology definitions
 This package contains the ALSA topology library.
 ALSA tarkoittaa Advanced Linux Sound Architecturea, edistynyt Linux-

Package: libattr1
Description-md5: d4aef101ff5430158eae72e808000f6c
Description-fi: extended attribute handling - shared library
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen ympテ、ristテカn, jota laajennettuja tiedosto-
 ominaisuuksia kテ、yttテ、vテ、t ohjelmat tarvitsevat.

Package: libbind-export-dev
Description-md5: a05e1255c8f5132e4039267975293e0e
Description-fi: Development files for the exported BIND libraries
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers development files for the exported BIND libraries.

Package: libbind9-161
Description-md5: 29eb09ddc694703c77f94b42a079fe3f
Description-fi: BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the libbind9 shared library used by BIND's daemons
 and clients.

Package: libboost-atomic1.71-dev
Description-md5: 1aa2477e97733797bec0d32670d4e90e
Description-fi: atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Boost.Atomic is a library that provides atomic data types and operations
 on these data types, as well as memory ordering constraints required for
 coordinating multiple threads through atomic variables. It implements the
 interface as defined by the C++11 standard, but makes this feature
 available for platforms lacking system/compiler support for this
 particular C++11 feature.
 Users of this library should already be familiar with concurrency in
 general, as well as elementary concepts such as "mutual exclusion".
 The implementation makes use of processor-specific instructions where
 possible (via inline assembler, platform libraries or compiler
 intrinsics), and falls back to "emulating" atomic operations through

Package: libboost-atomic1.71.0
Description-md5: 1aa2477e97733797bec0d32670d4e90e
Description-fi: atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Boost.Atomic is a library that provides atomic data types and operations
 on these data types, as well as memory ordering constraints required for
 coordinating multiple threads through atomic variables. It implements the
 interface as defined by the C++11 standard, but makes this feature
 available for platforms lacking system/compiler support for this
 particular C++11 feature.
 Users of this library should already be familiar with concurrency in
 general, as well as elementary concepts such as "mutual exclusion".
 The implementation makes use of processor-specific instructions where
 possible (via inline assembler, platform libraries or compiler
 intrinsics), and falls back to "emulating" atomic operations through

Package: libboost-chrono1.71-dev
Description-md5: 885c86b3701dab9982f79d2dcc83515c
Description-fi: C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost.Chrono library provides:
  * A means to represent time durations: managed by the generic
  duration class . Examples of time durations include days, minutes, seconds and nanoseconds, which can be represented with a fixed number of clock ticks per unit. All of these units of time duration are united with a generic interface by the duration facility.
  * A type for representing points in time: time_point. A time_point
  represents an epoch plus or minus a duration. The library leaves epochs unspecified. A time_point is associated with a clock.
  * Several clocks, some of which may not be available on a
  particular platform: system_clock, steady_clock and high_resolution_clock. A clock is a pairing of a time_point and duration, and a function which returns a time_point representing now.
 To make the timing facilities more generally useful, Boost.Chrono provides
 a number of clocks that are thin wrappers around the operating system's
 time APIs, thereby allowing the extraction of wall clock time, user CPU
 time, system CPU time spent by the process:
  * process_real_cpu_clock, captures wall clock CPU time spent by the
  current process.
  * process_user_cpu_clock, captures user-CPU time
  spent by the current process.
  * process_system_cpu_clock, captures
  system-CPU time spent by the current process.
  * A tuple-like class
  process_cpu_clock, that captures real, user-CPU, and system-CPU process times together.
  * A thread_clock thread steady clock giving
  the time spent by the current thread (when supported by a platform).
 Lastly, Boost.Chrono includes typeof registration for duration and
 time_point to permit using emulated auto with C++03 compilers.

Package: libboost-chrono1.71.0
Description-md5: 48bd785e2e56a406e6dbf1b5ba8ce77e
Description-fi: C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost.Chrono library provides:
  * A means to represent time durations: managed by the generic duration
    class.Examples of time durations include days, minutes, seconds and
    nanoseconds, which can be represented with a fixed number of clock
    ticks per unit. All of these units of time duration are united with
    a generic interface by the duration facility.
  * A type for representing points in time: time_point. A time_point
    represents an epoch plus or minus a duration. The library leaves
    epochs unspecified. A time_point is associated with a clock.
  * Several clocks, some of which may not be available on a particular
    platform: system_clock, steady_clock and high_resolution_clock. A
    clock is a pairing of a time_point and duration, and a function
    which returns a time_point representing now.
 To make the timing facilities more generally useful, Boost.Chrono provides
 a number of clocks that are thin wrappers around the operating system's
 time APIs, thereby allowing the extraction of wall clock time, user CPU
 time, system CPU time spent by the process:
  * process_real_cpu_clock, captures wall clock CPU time spent by the
    current process.
  * process_user_cpu_clock, captures user-CPU time spent by the current
  * process_system_cpu_clock, captures system-CPU time spent by the
    current process.
  * a tuple-like class process_cpu_clock, that captures real, user-CPU,
    and system-CPU process times together.
  * a thread_clock thread steady clock giving the time spent by the
    current thread (when supported by a platform).
 Lastly, Boost.Chrono includes typeof registration for duration and
 time_point to permit using emulated auto with C++03 compilers.

Package: libboost-context1.71.0
Description-md5: 509bcb267a10afdee403415de2d077bd
Description-fi: provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Boost.Context is a foundational library that provides a sort of
 cooperative multitasking on a single thread. By providing an abstraction
 of the current execution state in the current thread, including the stack
 (with local variables) and stack pointer, all registers and CPU flags, and
 the instruction pointer, a fcontext_t instance represents a specific point
 in the application's execution path. This is useful for building higher-
 level abstractions, like coroutines, cooperative threads (userland
 threads) or an equivalent to C# keyword yield in C++.

Package: libboost-date-time1.71-dev
Description-md5: fca468edfa68f3723647bff7a2ed63c3
Description-fi: set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 These libraries are intended to make programming with dates and times
 almost as simple and natural as programming with strings and integers.

Package: libboost-date-time1.71.0
Description-md5: fca468edfa68f3723647bff7a2ed63c3
Description-fi: set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 These libraries are intended to make programming with dates and times
 almost as simple and natural as programming with strings and integers.

Package: libboost-filesystem-dev
Description-md5: 04f58b4b88473b96bfe2925d920aa1db
Description-fi: filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++ (default version)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and
 manipulate paths, files, and directories.  The goal is to facilitate
 portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Boost version (currently 1.71).

Package: libboost-filesystem1.71-dev
Description-md5: 2491b00e1306a35046eca365dc71ba1d
Description-fi: filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and
 manipulate paths, files, and directories.  The goal is to facilitate
 portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.

Package: libboost-filesystem1.71.0
Description-md5: 2491b00e1306a35046eca365dc71ba1d
Description-fi: filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and
 manipulate paths, files, and directories.  The goal is to facilitate
 portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.

Package: libboost-iostreams1.71.0
Description-md5: 3c388d3a296c3c5ceb93d6073902d96e
Description-fi: Boost.Iostreams -kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Boost.Iostreams on kokoelma konsepteja sekテ、 joukko mallineita, jotka
 muuttavat nテ、iden konseptien mallit C++:n vakiokirjaston tietovirroiksi ja

Package: libboost-locale1.71.0
Description-md5: 38eb5c1dcd3b37527a010d985b7c8018
Description-fi: C++ facilities for localization
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Boost.Locale gives powerful tools for development of cross platform
 localized software - the software that talks to user in its language.
  * Correct case conversion, case folding and normalization.
  * Collation (sorting), including support for 4 Unicode collation
  * Date, time, timezone and calendar manipulations, formatting
  and parsing, including transparent support for calendars other than Gregorian.
  * Boundary analysis for characters, words, sentences and
  * Number formatting, spelling and parsing.
  * Monetary formatting and parsing.
  * Powerful message formatting (string translation) including
  support for plural forms, using GNU catalogs.
  * Character set conversion.
  * Transparent support for 8-bit character sets like Latin1
  * Support for char and wchar_t
  * Experimental support for C++0x char16_t and char32_t strings and streams.

Package: libboost-program-options-dev
Description-md5: f0ecd5f1f958b5921843ae139c0b9d11
Description-fi: program options library for C++ (default version)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Library to let program developers obtain program options, that is (name,
 value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as command line
 and config file.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Boost version (currently 1.71).

Package: libboost-program-options1.71-dev
Description-md5: 9ab9e15257fa51221c16c7f0a9e40597
Description-fi: program options library for C++
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Library to let program developers obtain program options, that is (name,
 value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as command line
 and config file.

Package: libboost-program-options1.71.0
Description-md5: 9ab9e15257fa51221c16c7f0a9e40597
Description-fi: program options library for C++
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Library to let program developers obtain program options, that is (name,
 value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as command line
 and config file.

Package: libboost-python1.71.0
Description-md5: 1fd3f0310a5498412ebe02c4766ff0b1
Description-fi: Boost.Python Library
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++
 library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the
 C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++
 design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++ classes in
 any way in order to use them with Boost.Python.  The system should simply
 "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into Python. The major features
 of Boost.Python include support for: Subclassing extension types in
 Python, Overriding virtual functions in Python, Member function
 Overloading, Automatic wrapping of numeric operators among others.
 One of the python interpreter packages is required to use the created

Package: libboost-system-dev
Description-md5: 4be1b073b79df8b3b3979e639903ee60
Description-fi: Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost System library provides simple, light-weight error_code objects
 that encapsulate system-specific error code values, yet also provide
 access to more abstract and portable error conditions via error_condition
 objects. Because error_code objects can represent errors from sources
 other than the operating system, including user-defined sources, each
 error_code and error_condition has an associated error_category.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Boost version (currently 1.71).

Package: libboost-system1.71-dev
Description-md5: 1197eb2ee52a77c28d5e31e8e74c41eb
Description-fi: Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost System library provides simple, light-weight error_code objects
 that encapsulate system-specific error code values, yet also provide
 access to more abstract and portable error conditions via error_condition
 objects. Because error_code objects can represent errors from sources
 other than the operating system, including user-defined sources, each
 error_code and error_condition has an associated error_category.

Package: libboost-system1.71.0
Description-md5: 1197eb2ee52a77c28d5e31e8e74c41eb
Description-fi: Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 The Boost System library provides simple, light-weight error_code objects
 that encapsulate system-specific error code values, yet also provide
 access to more abstract and portable error conditions via error_condition
 objects. Because error_code objects can represent errors from sources
 other than the operating system, including user-defined sources, each
 error_code and error_condition has an associated error_category.

Package: libboost-thread-dev
Description-md5: 486fa8813f3d5cd06a1f053370ecede4
Description-fi: portable C++ multi-threading (default version)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Toolkit for writing C++ programs that execute as multiple, asynchronous,
 independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its own machine state
 including program instruction counter and registers.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Boost version (currently 1.71).

Package: libboost-thread1.71-dev
Description-md5: d19954bb99722597efd2b9b392158287
Description-fi: portable C++ multi-threading
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Toolkit for writing C++ programs that execute as multiple, asynchronous,
 independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its own machine state
 including program instruction counter and registers.

Package: libboost-thread1.71.0
Description-md5: d19954bb99722597efd2b9b392158287
Description-fi: portable C++ multi-threading
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa Boost C++ -kirjastojen kokoelmaa.
 Toolkit for writing C++ programs that execute as multiple, asynchronous,
 independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its own machine state
 including program instruction counter and registers.

Package: libbz2-1.0
Description-md5: 88cb63f2e4d8cedcf07307314fc3c3d3
Description-fi: high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - runtime
 This package contains libbzip2 which is used by the bzip2 compressor.
 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, data compressor.
 Bzip2 kテ、yttテ、テ、 pakkaamiseen Burrows-Wheelerin lohkojテ、rjestysalgoritmia ja
 Huffman-koodausta. Pakkaus on yleensテ、 huomattavasti parempi kuin
 perinteisellテ、 LZ77/LZ78-pohjaisella pakkausalgoritmilla ja saavuttaa PPM-
 tasoisen tehokkuuden.
 Bzip2-arkisto (.bz2) ei ole yhteensopiva sen edeltテ、jテ、n bzipin (.bz)

Package: libbz2-dev
Description-md5: 29019be384cd4282e28fdd9912de5585
Description-fi: high-quality block-sorting file compressor library - development
 Static libraries and include files for the bzip2 compressor library.
 bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, data compressor.
 Bzip2 kテ、yttテ、テ、 pakkaamiseen Burrows-Wheelerin lohkojテ、rjestysalgoritmia ja
 Huffman-koodausta. Pakkaus on yleensテ、 huomattavasti parempi kuin
 perinteisellテ、 LZ77/LZ78-pohjaisella pakkausalgoritmilla ja saavuttaa PPM-
 tasoisen tehokkuuden.
 Bzip2-arkisto (.bz2) ei ole yhteensopiva sen edeltテ、jテ、n bzipin (.bz)

Package: libc-bin
Description-md5: 7625903821514b57277d1bae69ec3c1a
Description-fi: GNU C -kirjasto: Apuohjelmat
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 GNU C -kirjastoon liittyviテ、 apuohjelmia.
  * catchsegv: catch segmentation faults in programs
  * getconf: query system configuration variables
  * getent: get entries from administrative databases
  * iconv, iconvconfig: convert between character encodings
  * ldd, ldconfig: print/configure shared library dependencies
  * locale, localedef: show/generate locale definitions
  * tzselect, zdump, zic: select/dump/compile time zones

Package: libc6
Description-md5: fc3001b0b90a1c8e6690b283a619d57f
Description-fi: GNU-C-kirjasto: jaetut kirjastot
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 standardikirjastot, joita lテ、hes kaikki ohjelmat jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut versiot standardi-C-kirjastosta,
 standardimatematiikkakirjastosta ja monista muista.

Package: libc6-arm64-cross
Description-md5: b266351f0a5ff19b39a85a1e2ab438d7
Description-fi: GNU C Library: Shared libraries (for cross-compiling)
 This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 standardikirjastot, joita lテ、hes kaikki ohjelmat jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut versiot standardi-C-kirjastosta,
 standardimatematiikkakirjastosta ja monista muista.

Package: libc6-armhf-cross
Description-md5: b266351f0a5ff19b39a85a1e2ab438d7
Description-fi: GNU C Library: Shared libraries (for cross-compiling)
 This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 standardikirjastot, joita lテ、hes kaikki ohjelmat jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut versiot standardi-C-kirjastosta,
 standardimatematiikkakirjastosta ja monista muista.

Package: libc6-ppc64el-cross
Description-md5: b266351f0a5ff19b39a85a1e2ab438d7
Description-fi: GNU C Library: Shared libraries (for cross-compiling)
 This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 standardikirjastot, joita lテ、hes kaikki ohjelmat jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut versiot standardi-C-kirjastosta,
 standardimatematiikkakirjastosta ja monista muista.

Package: libc6-s390x-cross
Description-md5: b266351f0a5ff19b39a85a1e2ab438d7
Description-fi: GNU C Library: Shared libraries (for cross-compiling)
 This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling.
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 standardikirjastot, joita lテ、hes kaikki ohjelmat jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut versiot standardi-C-kirjastosta,
 standardimatematiikkakirjastosta ja monista muista.

Package: libcairo2
Description-md5: e2ef28df05b26dc2de1ac1f3a201f234
Description-fi: Cairo 2D vector graphics library
 Cairo is a multi-platform library providing anti-aliased vector-based
 rendering for multiple target backends. Paths consist of line segments and
 cubic splines and can be rendered at any width with various join and cap
 styles. All colors may be specified with optional translucence
 (opacity/alpha) and combined using the extended Porter/Duff compositing
 algebra as found in the X Render Extension.
 Cairo exports a stateful rendering API similar in spirit to the path
 construction, text, and painting operators of PostScript, (with the
 significant addition of translucence in the imaging model). When complete,
 the API is intended to support the complete imaging model of PDF 1.4.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libcairomm-1.0-1v5
Description-md5: 9c233d1a7e5d4352725228498d10f142
Description-fi: C++ wrappers for Cairo (shared libraries)
 cairomm provides C++ bindings for the Cairo graphics library, a multi-
 platform library providing anti-aliased vector-based rendering for
 multiple target backends.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libcheese-dev
Description-md5: 97bf1923e096fe62cf8744df6670dd07
Description-fi: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base dev
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 This package contains the base development headers.

Package: libcheese-doc
Description-md5: e7e5a84dea3e28141102c32189f08a96
Description-fi: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - documentation
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libcheese-gtk-dev
Description-md5: e13b89c841b34de912019e4e459cd320
Description-fi: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets dev
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 This package contains the GTK+ development headers.

Package: libcheese-gtk25
Description-md5: 8bb60b9097c6aeb14d65a7555ae93d33
Description-fi: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 This package contains the GTK+ shared library.

Package: libcheese8
Description-md5: e56ab6b768d752b78de0633ed49e3dc4
Description-fi: tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base library
 Muikku on nettikameraohjelma, joka tukee sekテ、 kuvien ettテ、 videoiden
 ottamista. Muikun ansiosta kuvien ottaminen itsestテ、si, ystテ、vistテ、si,
 lemmikeistテ、 ja kaikesta muusta mitテ、 sitten keksitkin on helppoa ja
 hauskaa. Muikussa on myテカs useita erikoistehosteita, jotka elテ、vテカittテ、vテ、t
 kuvia ja videoitasi. Muikusta lテカytyy myテカs muun muassa ajastin ja
 This package contains the base shared library.

Package: libcolord-gtk1
Description-md5: 18ea10b42bc3121465590ff2f1ce4e3f
Description-fi: GTK+ convenience library for interacting with colord
 colord is a system service that makes it easy to manage, install and
 generate colour profiles to accurately colour manage input and output
 This is a GTK+ convenience library for interacting with colord. It is
 useful for both applications which need colour management and applications
 that wish to perform colour calibration.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaiset kirjastot.

Package: libcom-err2
Description-md5: 5611f795c9947cfb9a2980a01506a1b9
Description-fi: yleinen virheenkuvauskirjasto
 Libcomerr on yritys luoda yleinen virheenkテ、sittelymekanismi. Sillテ、 on
 tarkoitus kテ、sitellテ、 kaikkein yleisintテ、 muotoa olevia virheitテ、 tavalla,
 jossa ei ole yleensテ、 kテ、ytettyjen mekanismien tavanomaisia ongelmia.

Package: libcroco3
Description-md5: f77093d47da59d05dfec832709bee0eb
Description-fi: Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit
 Services provided by Libcroco
  * A parser module that provides
    o A SAC like API. SAC stands for Simple API for CSS. SAC is an event driven
      API which resembles SAX in the xml world.
    o A CSSOM like API. CSSOM stands for Cascading Style Sheet Object Model.
    The libcroco parser implements the CSS Level 2 specification, the CSS
    forward compatibility rules and the CSS cascading rules.
  * A CSS2 selection engine
    Given an xml element node (that obviously comes from an xml document) and
    a stylesheet cascade, the Libcroco selection engine can evaluate the css
    selectors of the cascade and return the style properties associated to
    the xml element node.
    Note that the xml manipulation toolkit used by the libcroco selection
    engine at the moment is libxml2.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libdbus-1-3
Description-md5: 394b84dd0007d22bc4bb591ca6b5fa31
Description-fi: simple interprocess messaging system (library)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 D-Bus tukee viestien yleislテ、hetystテ、 (broadcast), asynkronisia viestejテ、
 (vテ、hentテ、en viivettテ、), todennusta, ynnテ、 muuta. Se on suunniteltu kevyeksi -
 viestit lテ、hetetテ、テ、n binテ、テ、riprotokollalla, eikテ、 kテ、yttテ、en XML:テ、テ、. D-Bus tukee
 myテカs viestiensテ、 sitomista jテ、senfunktiokutsuihin, mutta se ei ole
 vテ、lttテ、mテ、tテカntテ、. Tテ、mテ、 tekee jテ、rjestelmテ、n kテ、yttテ、misestテ、 melko yksinkertaista.
 D-Bus:in mukana tulee muutamia valmiita sovituksia mm. GLib:lle,
 Pythonille, Qt:lle ja Javalle.
 Taustaprosessi lテカytyy dbus-paketista.

Package: libdbus-1-dev
Description-md5: 59e71e7e764b950dc1184788af416a7e
Description-fi: simple interprocess messaging system (development headers)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: libdbus-glib-1-2
Description-md5: 28eacf00f989fe89eb70a8ec4b4e2839
Description-fi: deprecated library for D-Bus IPC
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package provides a deprecated GLib-based shared library for
 applications using the GLib interface to D-Bus. New code should use GDBus,
 part of GLib, instead.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: libdbus-glib-1-dev
Description-md5: 1b5f21584b4355c1c5487eb630d25eca
Description-fi: deprecated library for D-Bus IPC (development files)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package provides development files for a deprecated GLib-based D-Bus
 library. New code should use GDBus, part of GLib, instead.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: libdbus-glib-1-dev-bin
Description-md5: 7fb40b0f96770019974dc1100143a62a
Description-fi: deprecated library for D-Bus IPC (development tools)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package is an implementation detail of libdbus-glib-1-dev and should
 not be depended on directly. It provides the dbus-binding-tool, used to
 generate code for a deprecated GLib-based D-Bus library. New code should
 use GDBus, part of GLib, instead.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: libdbus-glib-1-doc
Description-md5: 6cae37c1a6fa37e1f5b45c6a2c10fcb8
Description-fi: deprecated library for D-Bus IPC (API documentation)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package provides the HTML documentation for dbus-glib, a deprecated
 GLib-based D-Bus library. New code should use GDBus, part of GLib,
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: libdevmapper1.02.1
Description-md5: 20966f6bb804eef3609ec2e2db69378f
Description-fi: Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
 The Linux Kernel Device Mapper is the LVM (Linux Logical Volume
 Management) Team's implementation of a minimalistic kernel-space driver
 that handles volume management, while keeping knowledge of the underlying
 device layout in user-space.  This makes it useful for not only LVM, but
 software raid, and other drivers that create "virtual" block devices.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 (kテ、yttテ、jテ、tilan) jaetun kirjaston laiteyhdistテ、jテ、n
 kテ、yttテ、miseen; se mahdollistaa laiteyhdistテ、jテ、n kテ、ytテカn siistin ja
 johdonmukaisen rajapinnan kautta (toisin kuin ytimen ioctl:ien kautta

Package: libdns-export1109
Description-md5: 52d527bf4a46771b661269a614c3c1eb
Description-fi: Exported DNS Shared Library
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the exported libdns shared library.

Package: libdns1109
Description-md5: fadbc60724c646c80c4b57d45d5e5161
Description-fi: BIND:in kテ、yttテ、mテ、 jaettu DNS-kirjasto
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 BIND:in taustasovellusten ja asiakasohjelmien kテ、yttテ、mテ、n
 jaetun libdns-kirjaston.

Package: libdvbv5-0
Description-md5: 23dbf191284bd79365740c49929cc746
Description-fi: Libraries to control, scan and zap on Digital TV channels
 This library provides functions to work with DVB devices that implement
 the DVB v5 API.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libedit2
Description-md5: 16f9b7e3d0830d8027f7f78c9be66a88
Description-fi: BSD rivieditori- ja historiakirjastot
 Command line editor library provides generic line editing, history, and
 tokenization functions.
 It slightly resembles GNU readline.

Package: libenchant-2-2
Description-md5: 376c35f65a2fde728d882fde534aa99e
Description-fi: Wrapper library for various spell checker engines (runtime libs)
 Enchant is a generic spell checking library which uses existing spell
 checker engines such as ispell, aspell and myspell as its backends.
 Enchant steps in to provide uniformity and conformity on top of these
 libraries, and implement certain features that may be lacking in any
 individual provider library.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetun kirjaston ja muut enchant-liitテ、nnテ、iset paitsi

Package: libenchant-2-voikko
Description-md5: 6ba31c01c5eaf63c081ad274d913fe07
Description-fi: Voikko-oikolukija - libenchant-liitテ、nnテ、inen
 Voikko on suomen kielen oikoluku- ja tavutusohjelma, joka perustuu
 Malagaan ja Suomi-Malagaan.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 libenchant-liitテ、nnテ、isen, joka mahdollistaa Voikon
 kテ、yttテ、misen kaikissa enchant-kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vissテ、 ohjelmistoissa, mukaan
 lukien Abiwordissa.

Package: libexpat1
Description-md5: 969a775adb36dbfb73b9d7ef67f13bd6
Description-fi: C-kirjasto XML-jテ、sentテ、miseen - ajonaikainen kirjasto
 This package contains the runtime, shared library of expat, the C library
 for parsing XML. Expat is a stream-oriented parser in which an application
 registers handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document
 (like start tags).

Package: libext2fs-dev
Description-md5: 6c413fbf2fbe007c87112b744560fc94
Description-fi: ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries - headers and static libraries
 Ext2-, ext3- ja ext4-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat alkuperテ、isen ext-
 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、n (窶册xtended窶�, 窶冤aajennettu窶�) seuraajia. Ne ovat
 yleisimmin kテ、ytetyt tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、tyypit Debianissa ja muissa Linux-
 This package contains the development environment for the ext2fs and e2p

Package: libext2fs2
Description-md5: ba4f61a3e0b238831f03143cbdce696e
Description-fi: ext2/ext3/ext4 tiedostojテ、rjestelmien jテ、rjestelmテ、kirjastot
 Ext2-, ext3- ja ext4-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat alkuperテ、isen ext-
 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、n (窶册xtended窶�, 窶冤aajennettu窶�) seuraajia. Ne ovat
 yleisimmin kテ、ytetyt tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、tyypit Debianissa ja muissa Linux-
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa tarvittavat ext2fs- ja e2p-kirjastot sovelluksille,
 jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t suoraan ext-tiedostojテ、rjestelmiテ、. Ohjelmiin, jotka
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t libext2fs-kirjastoa kuuluvat e2fsck, mke2fs ja tune2fs.
 Ohjelmiin, jotka kテ、yttテ、vテ、t libe2p-kirjastoa kuuluvat dumpe2fs, chattr ja

Package: libflac++-dev
Description-md5: 587748b0cbc64da87e6a3c66a716974c
Description-fi: Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ development library
 FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) on vapaa hテ、viテカtテカn テ、テ、nikoodekki.
 Yksinkertaistaen voidaa sanoa, ettテ、 FLAC on kuten MP3, mutta ei heikennテ、
 テ、テ、nen laatua. FLAC-projekti koostuu seuraavista osista:
  * The stream format
  * libFLAC, which implements a reference encoder, stream decoder, and file
  * flac, which is a command-line wrapper around libFLAC to encode and decode
    .flac files
  * Input plugins for various music players (Winamp, XMMS, and more in the
 This package contains the development library libFLAC++.

Package: libflac++6v5
Description-md5: 3e16a4b738821651b2d456b30ceedb19
Description-fi: Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime library
 FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) on vapaa hテ、viテカtテカn テ、テ、nikoodekki.
 Yksinkertaistaen voidaa sanoa, ettテ、 FLAC on kuten MP3, mutta ei heikennテ、
 テ、テ、nen laatua. FLAC-projekti koostuu seuraavista osista:
  * The stream format
  * libFLAC, which implements a reference encoder, stream decoder, and file
  * flac, which is a command-line wrapper around libFLAC to encode and decode
    .flac files
  * Input plugins for various music players (Winamp, XMMS, and more in the
 This package contains the runtime library libFLAC++.

Package: libflac-dev
Description-md5: cee7b37a9102c16f614988533407b6e9
Description-fi: Free Lossless Audio Codec - C development library
 FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) on vapaa hテ、viテカtテカn テ、テ、nikoodekki.
 Yksinkertaistaen voidaa sanoa, ettテ、 FLAC on kuten MP3, mutta ei heikennテ、
 テ、テ、nen laatua. FLAC-projekti koostuu seuraavista osista:
  * The stream format
  * libFLAC, which implements a reference encoder, stream decoder, and file
  * flac, which is a command-line wrapper around libFLAC to encode and decode
    .flac files
  * Input plugins for various music players (Winamp, XMMS, and more in the
 This package contains the development library libFLAC.

Package: libflac-doc
Description-md5: 0c0d8036449a3363599955cce1a15a27
Description-fi: Free Lossless Audio Codec - library documentation
 FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) on vapaa hテ、viテカtテカn テ、テ、nikoodekki.
 Yksinkertaistaen voidaa sanoa, ettテ、 FLAC on kuten MP3, mutta ei heikennテ、
 テ、テ、nen laatua. FLAC-projekti koostuu seuraavista osista:
  * The stream format
  * libFLAC, which implements a reference encoder, stream decoder, and file
  * flac, which is a command-line wrapper around libFLAC to encode and decode
    .flac files
  * Input plugins for various music players (Winamp, XMMS, and more in the
 This package contains the API documentation for all the FLAC libraries.

Package: libflac8
Description-md5: f4e8094378ea7f3b5f74adc1e78593b6
Description-fi: Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library
 FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) on vapaa hテ、viテカtテカn テ、テ、nikoodekki.
 Yksinkertaistaen voidaa sanoa, ettテ、 FLAC on kuten MP3, mutta ei heikennテ、
 テ、テ、nen laatua. FLAC-projekti koostuu seuraavista osista:
  * The stream format
  * libFLAC, which implements a reference encoder, stream decoder, and file
  * flac, which is a command-line wrapper around libFLAC to encode and decode
    .flac files
  * Input plugins for various music players (Winamp, XMMS, and more in the
 This package contains the runtime library libFLAC.

Package: libfontenc-dev
Description-md5: 37a55bd1ad8c6306a02543c3bd4d426c
Description-fi: X11 font encoding library (development headers)
 libfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and
 deal with different encodings of fonts.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libfontenc1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfontenc1
Description-md5: 7b4f6c27df2fd0d1bc06021e797d04f6
Description-fi: X11 font encoding library
 libfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and
 deal with different encodings of fonts.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfontenc1-dbg
Description-md5: 3ac1b00bf4fd929c54e9c45f1bb650f4
Description-fi: X11 font encoding library (debug package)
 libfontenc is a library which helps font libraries portably determine and
 deal with different encodings of fonts.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libfontenc1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfreetype6
Description-md5: a1e3ee2cc4e84cd6907bcd99545e0796
Description-fi: FreeType 2 -kirjasinpiirturi, jaetut kirjastotiedostot
 The FreeType project is a team of volunteers who develop free, portable
 and high-quality software solutions for digital typography. They
 specifically target embedded systems and focus on providing small,
 efficient and ubiquitous products.
 The FreeType 2 library is their new software font engine.  It has been designed to provide the following important features:
  * A universal and simple API to manage font files
  * Support for several font formats through loadable modules
  * High-quality anti-aliasing
  * High portability & performance
 Supported font formats include:
  * TrueType files (.ttf) and collections (.ttc)
  * Type 1 font files both in ASCII (.pfa) or binary (.pfb) format
  * Type 1 Multiple Master fonts.  The FreeType 2 API also provides
    routines to manage design instances easily
  * Type 1 CID-keyed fonts
  * OpenType/CFF (.otf) fonts
  * CFF/Type 2 fonts
  * Adobe CEF fonts (.cef), used to embed fonts in SVG documents with
    the Adobe SVG viewer plugin.
  * Windows FNT/FON bitmap fonts
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tiedostot, joita FreeType 2 -kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 ohjelmat tarvitsevat toimiakseen.

Package: libfribidi0
Description-md5: 61cf20beb4c9c8cddf96f40bdc83fbb0
Description-fi: Vapaan lテ、hdekoodin toteutus Unicode BiDi -algoritmista
 FriBiDi is a BiDi algorithm implementation for Hebrew and/or Arabic
 languages. This package contains the shared libraries.

Package: libfs-dev
Description-md5: 8afa50cb2254f0d5b40ef30959e297da
Description-fi: X11 Font Services library (development headers)
 libFS, the Font Services library, provides various functions useful to X11
 font servers, and clients connecting to font servers.  It is not used
 outside of these implementations.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libfs6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfs6
Description-md5: bc296d2b3e22926a5940397b64e85665
Description-fi: X11 Font Services library
 libFS, the Font Services library, provides various functions useful to X11
 font servers, and clients connecting to font servers.  It is not used
 outside of these implementations.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libfs6-dbg
Description-md5: 4adf63290da4ca2067cfdbd7d8c74262
Description-fi: X11 Font Services library (debug package)
 libFS, the Font Services library, provides various functions useful to X11
 font servers, and clients connecting to font servers.  It is not used
 outside of thse implementations.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libfs6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libgcc-s1
Description-md5: bbd60d723e97d8e06c04228ee4c76f10
Description-fi: GCC:n apukirjasto
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.

Package: libgcc-s1-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 30f5e940c21e92b2411b37b0a95424d1
Description-fi: GCC support library (arm64)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.
 This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libgcc-s1-armhf-cross
Description-md5: ddfd6d748c065dc8fa2a5a0e14e971c9
Description-fi: GCC support library (armhf)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.
 This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libgcc-s1-ppc64el-cross
Description-md5: afcfa605b0f63aa529a832a3cb480a86
Description-fi: GCC support library (ppc64el)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.
 This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libgcc-s1-s390x-cross
Description-md5: 7d651d554ddf8fc473fd6d6feda218a1
Description-fi: GCC support library (s390x)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.
 This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libgcrypt20
Description-md5: e8ab63c6be1944ea9efde5248663f053
Description-fi: LPGL-salauskirjasto - ajonaikainen kirjasto
 libgcrypt contains cryptographic functions.  Many important free ciphers,
 hash algorithms and public key signing algorithms have been implemented:
 Arcfour, Blowfish, CAST5, DES, AES, Twofish, Serpent, rfc2268 (rc2), SEED,
 Poly1305, Camellia, ChaCha20, IDEA, Salsa, Blake-2, CRC, MD2, MD4, MD5,
 RIPE-MD160, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384,
 SHA3-512, SHAKE128, SHAKE256, Tiger, Whirlpool, DSA, DSA2, ElGamal, RSA,
 ECC (Curve25519, sec256k1, GOST R 34.10-2001 and GOST R 34.10-2012, etc.)

Package: libgdata22
Description-md5: 2206a13104622d0ae3e6b435b0e80fc0
Description-fi: Library for accessing GData webservices - shared libraries
 libgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using
 the GData protocol 窶� most notably, Google's services. It provides APIs to
 access the common Google services, and has full asynchronous support.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libgdbm-compat-dev
Description-md5: 40745f51d658310f9f5418464ca03494
Description-fi: GNU dbm database routines (legacy support development files)
 GNU dbm (gdbm) on tietokantafunktiokirjasto, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 hajautusta ja
 toimii kuten standardi UNIXin "dbm".
 Tavallista kテ、yttテカテ、 gdbm:lle on tallentaa avain/arvopareja tiedostoon,
 tarjoten pysyvテ、n "sanakirjan" abstraktiin tietotyyppiin (Abstract Data
 Type), tai "hajautuksen" kuten perl-ohjelmoijat sanovat.
 This package includes development files, required to build old programs,
 that use legacy 'dbm' interface. For new programs, please use modern
 interface, provided by libgdbm6 and libgdbm-dev.

Package: libgdbm-compat4
Description-md5: 622374ea7997805f56daf5e40b41ff73
Description-fi: GNU dbm database routines (legacy support runtime version)
 GNU dbm (gdbm) on tietokantafunktiokirjasto, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 hajautusta ja
 toimii kuten standardi UNIXin "dbm".
 Tavallista kテ、yttテカテ、 gdbm:lle on tallentaa avain/arvopareja tiedostoon,
 tarjoten pysyvテ、n "sanakirjan" abstraktiin tietotyyppiin (Abstract Data
 Type), tai "hajautuksen" kuten perl-ohjelmoijat sanovat.
 This package includes library files, required to run old programs, that
 use legacy 'dbm' interface. For new programs, please use modern interface,
 provided by libgdbm6 and libgdbm-dev.

Package: libgdbm-dev
Description-md5: 320ed985d8b655d925021b5b8d1ae2a1
Description-fi: GNU dbm database routines (development files)
 GNU dbm (gdbm) on tietokantafunktiokirjasto, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 hajautusta ja
 toimii kuten standardi UNIXin "dbm".
 Tavallista kテ、yttテカテ、 gdbm:lle on tallentaa avain/arvopareja tiedostoon,
 tarjoten pysyvテ、n "sanakirjan" abstraktiin tietotyyppiin (Abstract Data
 Type), tai "hajautuksen" kuten perl-ohjelmoijat sanovat.
 Note, that to build old programs, that use legacy 'dbm' interface, you
 have to install libgdbm-compat-dev binary package.

Package: libgdbm6
Description-md5: 24b8412dee6fcbfee343c973abac1e5a
Description-fi: GNU dbm database routines (runtime version)
 GNU dbm (gdbm) on tietokantafunktiokirjasto, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 hajautusta ja
 toimii kuten standardi UNIXin "dbm".
 Tavallista kテ、yttテカテ、 gdbm:lle on tallentaa avain/arvopareja tiedostoon,
 tarjoten pysyvテ、n "sanakirjan" abstraktiin tietotyyppiin (Abstract Data
 Type), tai "hajautuksen" kuten perl-ohjelmoijat sanovat.

Package: libgee-0.8-2
Description-md5: c5be4b68b75f5b2635ffa082a8e1e1e8
Description-fi: GObject based collection and utility library
 libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and
 classes for commonly used data structures.
 libgee provides the following interfaces:
  * Traversable
    - Iterable
         + Collection
           # List
             * BidirList
           # Set
             * SortedSet
               - BidirSortedSet
           # MultiSet
           # Queue
             * Deque
         + Map
           # SortedMap
             * BidirSortedMap
    - Iterator
         + BidirIterator
           # BidirListIterator
         + ListIterator
           # BidirListIterator
  * MultiMap
  * Future
 The ArrayList, ArrauQueue, ConcurrentLinkedList, ConcurrentSet, HashSet,
 HashMap, HashMultiSet, HashMultiMap, LinkedList, PriorityQueue, Promise,
 TreeSet, TreeMap, TreeMultiSet, and TreeMultiMap classes provide a
 reasonable sample implementation of those interfaces. In addition, a set
 of abstract classes are provided to ease the implementation of new
 Around that, the API provides means to retrieve read-only views, efficient
 sort algorithms, simple, bi-directional or index-based mutable iterators
 depending on the collection type.
 libgee is written in Vala and can be used like any GObject-based C
 library. It's planned to provide bindings for further languages.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libgexiv2-doc
Description-md5: 793114cd33ae700723f5c34df4564c5b
Description-fi: GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library - documentation
 gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library. It makes the
 basic features of Exiv2 available to GNOME applications.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libglib2.0-0
Description-md5: f44de6293be1aa02cd13d73f591580a9
Description-fi: GLib library of C routines
 glib-kirjasto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia hyテカdyllisiテ、 C-rutiineja, kuten puu-,
 hajautustaulu-, lista- ja merkkijonorutiinit. Se on hyテカdyllinen,
 yleiskテ、yttテカinen kirjasto kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi projekteissa kuten GTK+, GIMP ja
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libglib2.0-bin
Description-md5: b999624c61f8058d0201077f097c87ed
Description-fi: Programs for the GLib library
 glib-kirjasto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia hyテカdyllisiテ、 C-rutiineja, kuten puu-,
 hajautustaulu-, lista- ja merkkijonorutiinit. Se on hyテカdyllinen,
 yleiskテ、yttテカinen kirjasto kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi projekteissa kuten GTK+, GIMP ja
 This package contains the program files which is used for the libraries
 and others.

Package: libglib2.0-data
Description-md5: e30141317e2f372da30c78d06ac076ee
Description-fi: Common files for GLib library
 glib-kirjasto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia hyテカdyllisiテ、 C-rutiineja, kuten puu-,
 hajautustaulu-, lista- ja merkkijonorutiinit. Se on hyテカdyllinen,
 yleiskテ、yttテカinen kirjasto kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi projekteissa kuten GTK+, GIMP ja
 This package is needed for the runtime libraries to display messages in
 languages other than English.

Package: libglib2.0-dev
Description-md5: f3b30cd579da1a2abb60728e46bbfb91
Description-fi: Development files for the GLib library
 glib-kirjasto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia hyテカdyllisiテ、 C-rutiineja, kuten puu-,
 hajautustaulu-, lista- ja merkkijonorutiinit. Se on hyテカdyllinen,
 yleiskテ、yttテカinen kirjasto kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi projekteissa kuten GTK+, GIMP ja
 This package is needed to compile programs against libglib2.0-0, as only
 it includes the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for
 GObject-Introspection metadata for this library can be found in the
 libgirepository1.0-dev package.

Package: libglib2.0-dev-bin
Description-md5: 716eb6847e618429b0a0a90ab6fd146a
Description-fi: Development utilities for the GLib library
 glib-kirjasto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia hyテカdyllisiテ、 C-rutiineja, kuten puu-,
 hajautustaulu-, lista- ja merkkijonorutiinit. Se on hyテカdyllinen,
 yleiskテ、yttテカinen kirjasto kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi projekteissa kuten GTK+, GIMP ja
 This package is needed to compile programs against libglib2.0-0. It
 contains development utilities typically run during compilation and should
 not be installed directly. Use libglib2.0-dev instead.

Package: libglib2.0-doc
Description-md5: bdb9aa53f83dabd5dab7d58c0e8cd803
Description-fi: Documentation files for the GLib library
 glib-kirjasto sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia hyテカdyllisiテ、 C-rutiineja, kuten puu-,
 hajautustaulu-, lista- ja merkkijonorutiinit. Se on hyテカdyllinen,
 yleiskテ、yttテカinen kirjasto kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi projekteissa kuten GTK+, GIMP ja
 This package contains the HTML documentation for the GLib library in
 /usr/share/doc/libglib2.0-doc/ .

Package: libgpm-dev
Description-md5: eefc2308cd62c7d7bd58bea18a9ce9ac
Description-fi: General Purpose Mouse - development files
 Paketti tarjoaa kirjaston, joka kテ、sittelee hiiren pyyntテカjテ、 ja vie ne
 ohjelmille. Lisテ、tietoja lテカydテ、t gpm-paketin kuvauksesta.
 This package contains the development files.

Package: libgpm2
Description-md5: e77c023597910bf799fb8eb6602823ce
Description-fi: Yleiskテ、yttテカinen hiiri - jaetut kirjastot
 Paketti tarjoaa kirjaston, joka kテ、sittelee hiiren pyyntテカjテ、 ja vie ne
 ohjelmille. Lisテ、tietoja lテカydテ、t gpm-paketin kuvauksesta.

Package: libgps-dev
Description-md5: 134afa388f50f3672fe1aadaffd3e556
Description-fi: Global Positioning System - development files
 Gpsd-taustaprosessi voi tarkkailla yhtテ、 tai useampaa isテ、ntテ、koneeseen
 yhdistettyテ、 GPS-laitetta tehden sensorien paikka- ja liiketiedot
 saataville TCP-portin 2947 vテ、lityksellテ、.
 This package contains the header and development files needed to build
 programs and packages using libgps.

Package: libgps26
Description-md5: dc7f47fc942723b517c23aead9afc361
Description-fi: Global Positioning System - library
 Gpsd-taustaprosessi voi tarkkailla yhtテ、 tai useampaa isテ、ntテ、koneeseen
 yhdistettyテ、 GPS-laitetta tehden sensorien paikka- ja liiketiedot
 saataville TCP-portin 2947 vテ、lityksellテ、.
 This package provides libgps, a C service library for querying GPS
 devices. It supports both a low-level interface, which communicates
 directly with the device to which the GPS is connected, and a high-level
 interface, which goes through gpsd and is intended for concurrent use by
 several applications.

Package: libgraphene-doc
Description-md5: 9ca30e33247a9b3b079e868165e5b804
Description-fi: library of graphic data types (documentation)
 Graphene provides a small set of mathematical types needed to implement
 graphic libraries that deal with 2D and 3D transformations and
 This library provides types and their relative API; it does not deal with
 windowing system surfaces, drawing, scene graphs, or input.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libgrilo-0.3-0
Description-md5: be58932fe1205b23d35dcb109c7fa845
Description-fi: Framework for discovering and browsing media - Shared libraries
 Grilo is a framework focused on making media discovery and browsing easy
 for application developers.
 More precisely, Grilo provides:
   * A single, high-level API that abstracts the differences among
     various media content providers, allowing application developers
     to integrate content from various services and sources easily.
   * A collection of plugins for accessing content from various media
     providers. Developers can share efforts and code by writing
     plugins for the framework that are application agnostic.
   * A flexible API that allows plugin developers to write plugins of
     various kinds.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libgspell-1-doc
Description-md5: 2f83e7fda66960cdd16aa2b0ddcb9ecb
Description-fi: spell-checking library for GTK+ applications - documentation
 gspell provides a flexible API to add spell checking to a GTK+ application. It features:
  * GObject wrappers around Enchant
  * An inline spell checker for GtkTextView (enhanced version of GtkSpell)
  * A spell checker dialog for GtkTextView
  * Support of the no-spell-check tag defined by GtkSourceView
  * Language choosers (button and dialog)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libgssapi-krb5-2
Description-md5: 2dd7fe357b29d0ba6727171c01f0301c
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - krb5 GSS-API Mechanism
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the runtime library for the MIT Kerberos
 implementation of GSS-API used by applications and Kerberos clients.

Package: libgssrpc4
Description-md5: f18b3ce27893cc2b96de6c617dc25d94
Description-fi: MIT Kerberosin ajonaikaiset kirjastot - GSS:n sisテ、ltテ、vテ、 ONCRPC
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 RPC-kirjaston jota Kerberos-hallintaohjelmat ja
 mahdollisesti muutkin ohjelmat kテ、yttテ、vテ、t.

Package: libgstreamer-gl1.0-0
Description-md5: 91854c9a804af0893eda4cef0fa8ed83
Description-fi: GStreamer GL libraries
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the GL library.

Package: libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0
Description-md5: 1f83d48f1815b1413bf5322dc753ba59
Description-fi: GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains libraries from the "base" set, an essential
 exemplary set of elements.

Package: libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
Description-md5: 0acc042058e8c9e8d17fbca59836d2a0
Description-fi: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "base" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains development files for GStreamer libraries from the
 "base" set, an essential exemplary set of elements.

Package: libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-0
Description-md5: 99c064697a600533c69cdc00ad0f48ac
Description-fi: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "good" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains shared GStreamer libraries from the "good" set. The
 API is not guaranteed to be stable.

Package: libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev
Description-md5: d5b042b5551683fe8cf1d03a80a7c168
Description-fi: GStreamer development files for libraries from the "good" set
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains development files for GStreamer libraries from the
 "good" set. The API is not guaranteed to be stable.

Package: libgstreamer1.0-0
Description-md5: f08b5d59945781d0a8d4897e45d5a847
Description-fi: Core GStreamer libraries and elements
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains the core library and elements.

Package: libgstreamer1.0-0-dbg
Description-md5: eca1cd2ce224cc45fde385a4110da4ae
Description-fi: Core GStreamer libraries and elements
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided
 primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it
 somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in
 /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb.

Package: libgstreamer1.0-dev
Description-md5: de1692260510350a48f76ec91eae40a9
Description-fi: GStreamer core development files
 GStreamer on mediavirtojen kテ、sittelyyn suunniteltu kehys, joka perustuu
 mediadataa kテ、sitteleviin suodatinkaavioihin. Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 sovellukset voivat tehdテ、 mitテ、 tahansa tosiaikaisesta テ、テ、nenkテ、sittelystテ、
 videon toistamiseen ja muuhun median kテ、sittelyyn. Sen liitテ、nnテ、isiin
 perustuva arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa uusien datatyyppien tai
 kテ、sittelyominaisuuksien lisテ、テ、misen asentamalla uusia liitテ、nnテ、isiテ、.
 This package contains development files for the core library and elements.

Package: libgtk-3-0
Description-md5: 02e4be37fe9843eb98242e33800e4fb6
Description-fi: GTK graphical user interface library
 GTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
 Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK is suitable for projects ranging
 from small one-off tools to complete application suites.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libgtk2.0-0
Description-md5: f3264372ea888336f19aee954ea0a0fc
Description-fi: GTK graphical user interface library - old version
 GTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
 Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK is suitable for projects ranging
 from small one-off tools to complete application suites.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libharfbuzz0b
Description-md5: c01a2a5a6349f465ee349884ac4d8667
Description-fi: OpenType text shaping engine (shared library)
 HarfBuzz is an implementation of the OpenType Layout engine (aka layout
 engine) and the script-specific logic (aka shaping engine).
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libhx28
Description-md5: 250f5abedae6b7911e18842967f70d98
Description-fi: C library providing queue, tree, I/O and utility functions
 a C library (with some C++ bindings available) that provides data
 structures and functions commonly needed, such as maps, deques, linked
 lists, string formatting and autoresizing, option and config file parsing,
 type checking casts and more.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libice-dev
Description-md5: 9ef50bcec7f1e713478c714843229850
Description-fi: X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Inter-Client Exchange
 library, which allows for communication of data between X clients.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libice6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libice6
Description-md5: ded12730167b4fabe6c8013534c7804a
Description-fi: X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Inter-Client Exchange
 library, which allows for communication of data between X clients.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libice6-dbg
Description-md5: 6a9cec31d306fb92fa732f4fcd6abc9c
Description-fi: X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 Inter-Client Exchange
 library, which allows for communication of data between X clients.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libice6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libidn2-0
Description-md5: 6db3016f9ad1788327b1e04cd1c8616e
Description-fi: Internationalized domain names (IDNA2008/TR46) library
 Libidn2 implements the revised algorithm for internationalized domain
 names called IDNA2008/TR46.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaiset kirjastot.

Package: libirs-export161
Description-md5: 7e57fb542b884102b27905ba45de52ac
Description-fi: Exported IRS Shared Library
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the exported libirs shared library.

Package: libirs161
Description-md5: ae6663842399469aa3234854fdad284b
Description-fi: BIND:in kテ、yttテ、mテ、 jaettu DNS-kirjasto
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the libirs shared library used by BIND's daemons and

Package: libisc-export1105
Description-md5: cd6e16cd398bc2214c99d8500959c204
Description-fi: Exported ISC Shared Library
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the exported libisc shared library.

Package: libisc1105
Description-md5: 538f08c974b457d9907e201f70a51533
Description-fi: BINDin kテ、yttテ、mテ、 jaettu ISC-kirjasto
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the libisc shared library used by BIND's daemons and

Package: libisccc-export161
Description-md5: c7785673bc5b2dfed3c5bcee1452c16c
Description-fi: Command Channel Library used by BIND
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the libisccc shared library used by BIND's daemons
 and clients, particularly rndc.

Package: libisccc161
Description-md5: c7785673bc5b2dfed3c5bcee1452c16c
Description-fi: Command Channel Library used by BIND
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the libisccc shared library used by BIND's daemons
 and clients, particularly rndc.

Package: libisccfg-export163
Description-md5: b188c8f9eedec4b6c04d1dd6d0169cf4
Description-fi: Exported ISC CFG Shared Library
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the exported libisccfg shared library.

Package: libisccfg163
Description-md5: d214b6bf2b32d3830998548c9fa53da4
Description-fi: Config File Handling Library used by BIND
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the libisccfg shared library used by BIND's daemons
 and clients to read and write ISC-style configuration files like
 named.conf and rndc.conf.

Package: libixion-doc
Description-md5: 42420dff0fd5ee38da2d367f37d9c997
Description-fi: general purpose formula parser & interpreter library -- documentation
 Ixion is a general purpose formula parser & interpreter that can calculate
 multiple named targets, or 窶彡ells窶�.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libjack-jackd2-0
Description-md5: f4743a9e2f04ed05673483cd1fe0eb38
Description-fi: JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
 JACK is a low-latency sound server, allowing multiple applications to
 connect to one audio device, and to share audio between themselves.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18
Description-md5: 530afdab7b5d77de15b97dd5c98157d9
Description-fi: JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK
 JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the
 following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt),
 baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput
 optimizing JIT (FTL).
 This build comes from the GTK port of WebKit (API version 4.0).
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libjson-c-dev
Description-md5: 001edc84a96e6fae1bdabba649265f74
Description-fi: JSON manipulation library - development files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto mahdollistaa JSON-kohteen helpon rakentamisen C:llテ、,
 tulostaa se JSON-muodossa ja jテ、lleen jテ、sentテ、テ、 JSON-muotoinen merkkijono
 takaisin C:n kuvaukseen JSON-kohteesta.
 The development headers for compiling programs that use libjson-c are
 provided by this package.

Package: libjson-c-doc
Description-md5: f6161e4b0b31f974b052bc6d10f3eafc
Description-fi: JSON manipulation library - documentation files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto mahdollistaa JSON-kohteen helpon rakentamisen C:llテ、,
 tulostaa se JSON-muodossa ja jテ、lleen jテ、sentテ、テ、 JSON-muotoinen merkkijono
 takaisin C:n kuvaukseen JSON-kohteesta.
 The documentation for libjson-c is provided by this package.

Package: libjson-c4
Description-md5: ac049068ef755540cdb41614a65accbf
Description-fi: JSON kテ、sittelykirjasto - jaettu kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto mahdollistaa JSON-kohteen helpon rakentamisen C:llテ、,
 tulostaa se JSON-muodossa ja jテ、lleen jテ、sentテ、テ、 JSON-muotoinen merkkijono
 takaisin C:n kuvaukseen JSON-kohteesta.

Package: libk5crypto3
Description-md5: 4b107bcb8481fee0b8b11744a386a6b0
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Crypto Library
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the runtime cryptography libraries used by
 applications and Kerberos clients.

Package: libkadm5clnt-mit11
Description-md5: 8b2bac04328bfaffc8a1b6b57144cc9b
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Administration Clients
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the runtime library used by clients of the Kerberos
 administration protocol.

Package: libkadm5srv-mit11
Description-md5: 34bc9a3bc5f24d8493ce16a753dc317d
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - KDC and Admin Server
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the runtime library used by Kerberos administrative

Package: libkdb5-9
Description-md5: 339dba7d5a44f05699e73cc493c3def3
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Kerberos database
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the internal Kerberos database libraries.

Package: libkeyutils-dev
Description-md5: 778cf76cde69933bd711c1050360f519
Description-fi: Linux Key Management Utilities (development)
 Keyutils on kokoelma apuohjelmia ytimen avaimen sテ、ilytys -valmiuden
 hallinnointiin. Tテ、tテ、 valmiutta voivat kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、t,
 lohkolaitteet ja vastaavat saadakseen ja sテ、ilyttテ、テ、kseen valtuutus- ja
 salakirjoitusavaimet turvallisten toimintojen suorittamista varten.
 This package contains the development files.

Package: libkeyutils1
Description-md5: 5c4d88a0a818e5ef897f2a9fa5c3ac2d
Description-fi: Linux Key Management Utilities (library)
 Keyutils on kokoelma apuohjelmia ytimen avaimen sテ、ilytys -valmiuden
 hallinnointiin. Tテ、tテ、 valmiutta voivat kテ、yttテ、テ、 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、t,
 lohkolaitteet ja vastaavat saadakseen ja sテ、ilyttテ、テ、kseen valtuutus- ja
 salakirjoitusavaimet turvallisten toimintojen suorittamista varten.
 This package provides a wrapper library for the key management facility
 system calls.

Package: libkmod2
Description-md5: e60216aabe72168f06218f037958581e
Description-fi: libkmod jaettu kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 jaettu kirjasto tarjoaa ohjelmointirajapinnan ydinmoduulien
 lisテ、ykseen, poistamiseen ja listaukseen.

Package: libkrad0
Description-md5: 2d2f7517dcfd02118262a7f5e45301dd
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - RADIUS library
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the internal support library for RADIUS

Package: libkrb5-3
Description-md5: 07bb931a85fb24c6a0ef0f62a94bb26c
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the runtime library for the main Kerberos v5 API
 used by applications and Kerberos clients.

Package: libkrb5-dbg
Description-md5: 943dd1af23ccc316b4f620ded24f9212
Description-fi: debugging files for MIT Kerberos
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the debugging information for the MIT Kerberos
 libraries.  Install this package if you need to trace problems inside the
 MIT Kerberos libraries with a debugger.

Package: libkrb5-dev
Description-md5: 2f88a00ff06db459d4a3aee80c1e2778
Description-fi: headers and development libraries for MIT Kerberos
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains the symlinks, headers, and development libraries
 needed to compile and link programs that use the Kerberos libraries.

Package: libkrb5support0
Description-md5: 4f3abf66dd7bfd20406fc400a05b0693
Description-fi: MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Support library
 Kerberos on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla todennetaan kテ、yttテ、jiテ、 ja palveluita
 verkossa. Kerberos on luotettu kolmannen osapuolen palvelu. Se tarkoittaa,
 ettテ、 verkossa on kolmas osapuoli (Kerberos-palvelin), johon jokainen
 osanottaja (kテ、yttテ、jテ、 tai palvelu, usein sanotaan toimeksiantaja) luottaa.
 Tテ、mテ、 on MIT:n toteutus Kerberos V5:stテ、.
 This package contains an internal runtime support library used by other
 Kerberos libraries.

Package: libldap-2.4-2
Description-md5: 198db781f85a21d6d3c302c304d6e0fb
Description-fi: OpenLDAP-kirjastot
 Nテ、mテ、 ovat OpenLDAP:in (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) ajonaikaisia
 kirjastoja palvelimille ja asiakkaille.

Package: liblocale-gettext-perl
Description-md5: 0a002213d8a0ad34a0f605e0204c21ee
Description-fi: Libc -funktioita kテ、yttテ、vテ、 moduuli kansainvテ、listテ、miseen Perlissテ、
 The Locale::gettext module permits access from perl to the gettext()
 family of functions for retrieving message strings from databases
 constructed to internationalize software.
 Se tarjoaa funktiot gettext(), dgettext(), dcgettext(), textdomain(),
 bindtextdomain(), bind_textdomain_codeset(), ngettext(), dcngettext() ja

Package: liblockfile-bin
Description-md5: 5092b0e0777cd0836ff80770762ad2eb
Description-fi: Tukiohjelmat ja komentorivityテカkalut liblockfilelle
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tukiohjelmat liblockfile-kirjastolle sekテ、

Package: liblwres161
Description-md5: 6c5041f39bdcc8de6092f4354d6f893b
Description-fi: Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
 BIND:in (The Berkeley Internet Name Domain) avulla toteutetaan Internetin
 aluenimipalvelimet. BIND on Internetin laajimmin kテ、ytetty
 nimipalvelinohjelmisto, ja se on Internet Software Consortiumin
 ( tukema.
 This package delivers the liblwres shared library used by BIND's daemons
 and clients.

Package: liblzma-dev
Description-md5: d19d3f899b3a1d8a68ae0473ad3f9283
Description-fi: XZ-format compression library - development files
 XZ on Lempel-Ziv/Markov-chain pakkausalgoritmien seuraaja, joka vaatii
 paljon muistia, mutta pakkaa tehokkaasti (usein tehokkaammin kuin bzip2)
 ja nopeasti. Purkaminen on helppoa.
 The native format of liblzma is XZ; it also supports raw (headerless)
 streams and the older LZMA format used by lzma. (For 7-Zip's related
 format, use the p7zip package instead.) This package provides the
 development library needed to build programs using liblzma.

Package: liblzma5
Description-md5: 0ceca09eb4ab99863be3578fa55e7d2b
Description-fi: XZ-tiedostomuodon pakkauskirjasto
 XZ on Lempel-Ziv/Markov-chain pakkausalgoritmien seuraaja, joka vaatii
 paljon muistia, mutta pakkaa tehokkaasti (usein tehokkaammin kuin bzip2)
 ja nopeasti. Purkaminen on helppoa.
 Liblzma:n natiivimuoto on XZ; se tukee myテカs raakoja (otsakkeettomia)
 virtauksia ja vanhempaa lzman kテ、yttテ、mテ、テ、 LZMA-tiedostomuotoa. (7-Zip
 -ohjelman tiedostomuotoon kテ、ytetテ、テ、n tテ、mテ、n sijasta p7zip-pakettia.)

Package: libmagic1
Description-md5: 7c626dcc59dd225f2ce4a3522fed96e2
Description-fi: Recognize the type of data in a file using "magic" numbers - library
 Tテ、tテ、 kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、en voidaan selvittテ、テ、 tiedostojen tyyppi "maagisten"
 numeroiden testien avulla. Kirjasto toteuttaa "file"-komennon

Package: libmediaart-doc
Description-md5: 0db24f0444c84c159a861134369ba1c1
Description-fi: media art extraction and cache management library - documentation
 Libmediaart is a library tasked with managing, extracting and handling
 media art caches.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libmount1
Description-md5: 7e446c44302ff94779f1434f2e05d553
Description-fi: laitteiden liittテ、miskirjasto
 This device mounting library is used by mount and umount helpers.

Package: libncurses-dev
Description-md5: 38da502b304ea3ed5ff1e12d072d14a8
Description-fi: developer's libraries for ncurses
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.

Package: libncurses6
Description-md5: 599cbbcff16d09b3b4643d84f37643fd
Description-fi: jaetut kirjastot pテ、テ、tteen hallintaan
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot, joita tarvitaan ohjelmissa, jotka
 on kテ、テ、nnetty ncurses-ympテ、ristテカテカn.

Package: libncursesw6
Description-md5: 1a69a793355bf1fff9186f00b71dd14a
Description-fi: jaetut kirjastot pテ、テ、tteen kテ、sittelyyn (leveiden merkkien tuki)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot sellaisten ohjelmien ajamiseen, jotka on
 kテ、テ、nnetty ncursesw:llテ、. Ncursesw sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tuen leveille merkeille.

Package: libnewt0.52
Description-md5: cfc4271054d35387b5e0576f9d7af19a
Description-fi: Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit (newt) - teksti-ikkunointia slang-kirjaston avulla
 Teksti-ikkunointiin tarkoitettu tyテカkalupakki, joka perustuu slang-
 kirjastoon. Newtin avulla vテ、ritekstitilassa toimivat sovellukset saavat
 kテ、yttテカテカnsテ、 pinottavat ikkunat, painikkeet, valintaruudut,
 valintapainikkeet, listat, syテカtekentテ、t, nimiテカt ja nテ、yttテカtekstit. Newt
 tukee myテカs vierityspalkkeja. Ikkunoihin voi liittテ、テ、 lomakkeita, millテ、
 saadaan aikaan lisテ、テ、 toiminnallisuutta. Paketissa on jaettu kirjasto
 newtin avulla rakennetuille ohjelmille.

Package: libofficebean-java
Description-md5: 85c5f7e2644c60de1cc22169b31b5afc
Description-fi: A generic Java Bean wrapper for LibreOffice components
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the Java library for the the LibreOffice Office Bean
 for embedding LibreOffice in custom Java applications.

Package: liborcus-doc
Description-md5: c8ca59a302383cb14911f9b1818bfe71
Description-fi: library for processing spreadsheet documents - documentation
 Orcus is a library that provides a collection of standalone file
 processing filters.  It is currently focused on providing filters for
 spreadsheet documents, but filters for other productivity application
 types (such as wordprocessor and presentation) are in consideration.
 The library currently includes filters for xlsx, ods, csv, and generic XML
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libp11-kit0
Description-md5: 35d0359f0f7422b8380df1a478394459
Description-fi: library for loading and coordinating access to PKCS#11 modules - runtime
 The p11-kit library provides a way to load and enumerate Public-Key
 Cryptography Standard #11 modules, along with a standard configuration
 setup for installing PKCS#11 modules so that they're discoverable. It also
 solves problems with coordinating the use of PKCS#11 by different
 components or libraries living in the same process.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetun kirjaston jota sovellukset tarvitsevat
 PKCS#11-moduulien lataamiseen ja pテ、テ、syyn niihin.

Package: libpam-modules
Description-md5: 234b9429528430ead853cc8bbe97ffb4
Description-fi: Kytkettテ、vテ、t varmennusmoduulit PAMiin
 This package completes the set of modules for PAM. It includes the module as well as some specialty modules.

Package: libpam-modules-bin
Description-md5: 25d278fc7450d5202a9a137f71302e58
Description-fi: Kytkettテ、vテ、t varmennusmoduulit PAMiin - avustavat binテ、テ、rit
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 avustavat binテ、テ、rit, joita kテ、ytetテ、テ、n standardissa
 PAM-moduulien kokoelmassa libpam-modules -paketissa.

Package: libpam-runtime
Description-md5: bc15ddbf92ee7965a8588141c54bb5a1
Description-fi: Ajonaikainen tuki PAM -kirjastolle
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 asetustiedostot ja -kansiot, joita tarvitaan todentamiseen
 Debianissa. Tテ、mテ、 paketti on tarpeen lテ、hes kaikissa asennuksissa.

Package: libpam0g
Description-md5: af00a40029e1e1d2ad04c042c3b18095
Description-fi: Liitettテ、vテ、 todennusmoduulikirjasto (PAM library)
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetun Linux-PAM-kirjaston (PAM = Pluggable Authentication
 Modules), jonka avulla jテ、rjestelmテ、n yllテ、pitテ、jテ、 voi valita, miten
 ohjelmistot todentavat kテ、yttテ、jiテ、. Toisin sanoen PAM-yhteensopivaa ohjelmaa
 ei tarvitse kirjoittaa ja kテ、テ、ntテ、テ、 uudelleen, jos halutaan vaihtaa sen
 kテ、yttテ、mテ、テ、 todennusmekanismia. Koko todennusjテ、rjestelmテ、 voidaan uusia
 tテ、ydellisesti ilman, ettテ、 itse sovelluksiin tarvitsee koskea.

Package: libpango-1.0-0
Description-md5: e707c4d451a8db4e75f943851824d37d
Description-fi: Layout and rendering of internationalized text
 Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on
 internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is
 needed. however, most of the work on Pango-1.0 was done using the GTK+
 widget toolkit as a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font
 handling for GTK+-2.0.
 Pango is designed to be modular; the core Pango layout can be used with four different font backends:
  - Core X windowing system fonts
  - Client-side fonts on X using the Xft library
  - Direct rendering of scalable fonts using the FreeType library
  - Native fonts on Microsoft backends
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libpangocairo-1.0-0
Description-md5: e707c4d451a8db4e75f943851824d37d
Description-fi: Layout and rendering of internationalized text
 Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on
 internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is
 needed. however, most of the work on Pango-1.0 was done using the GTK+
 widget toolkit as a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font
 handling for GTK+-2.0.
 Pango is designed to be modular; the core Pango layout can be used with four different font backends:
  - Core X windowing system fonts
  - Client-side fonts on X using the Xft library
  - Direct rendering of scalable fonts using the FreeType library
  - Native fonts on Microsoft backends
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libpangoft2-1.0-0
Description-md5: e707c4d451a8db4e75f943851824d37d
Description-fi: Layout and rendering of internationalized text
 Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on
 internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is
 needed. however, most of the work on Pango-1.0 was done using the GTK+
 widget toolkit as a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font
 handling for GTK+-2.0.
 Pango is designed to be modular; the core Pango layout can be used with four different font backends:
  - Core X windowing system fonts
  - Client-side fonts on X using the Xft library
  - Direct rendering of scalable fonts using the FreeType library
  - Native fonts on Microsoft backends
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libpangoxft-1.0-0
Description-md5: e707c4d451a8db4e75f943851824d37d
Description-fi: Layout and rendering of internationalized text
 Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on
 internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is
 needed. however, most of the work on Pango-1.0 was done using the GTK+
 widget toolkit as a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font
 handling for GTK+-2.0.
 Pango is designed to be modular; the core Pango layout can be used with four different font backends:
  - Core X windowing system fonts
  - Client-side fonts on X using the Xft library
  - Direct rendering of scalable fonts using the FreeType library
  - Native fonts on Microsoft backends
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libpcap-dev
Description-md5: 10078daf2f68ccb78a8fc1970d8c94f5
Description-fi: development library for libpcap (transitional package)
 Tyhjテ、 paketti pテ、ivitysten helpottamiseksi, voidaan poistaa turvallisesti.

Package: libpci3
Description-md5: cdf141af2a0724cff95006bdfa1a4a56
Description-fi: PCI utilities (shared library)
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 libpci:n jaetut kirjastotiedostot.
 Libpci-kirjasto tarjoaa eri alustoille helposti sovitettavan kirjaston
 PCI-vテ、ylテ、テ、n liitettyjen laitteiden asetusrekisterien kテ、sittelyyn.

Package: libpcre16-3
Description-md5: be8b8329f82082a417b66cc91e3d4008
Description-fi: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 16 bit runtime files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto toteuttaa funktiot, jotka tarjoavat sテ、テ、nnテカllisten
 lausekkeiden kテ、yttテ、misen. Niiden syntaksi ja semantiikka on tehty
 vastaamaan Perl 5:tテ、 mahdollisimman paljon
 This package contains the 16 bit runtime library.

Package: libpcre3
Description-md5: 554ac784f7314cb2c59649814e330d34
Description-fi: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto toteuttaa funktiot, jotka tarjoavat sテ、テ、nnテカllisten
 lausekkeiden kテ、yttテ、misen. Niiden syntaksi ja semantiikka on tehty
 vastaamaan Perl 5:tテ、 mahdollisimman paljon
 New packages should use the newer pcre2 packages, and existing packages
 should migrate to pcre2.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaiset kirjastot.

Package: libpcre3-dbg
Description-md5: 878217a56a99f11cfb622d848f557b35
Description-fi: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - debug symbols
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto toteuttaa funktiot, jotka tarjoavat sテ、テ、nnテカllisten
 lausekkeiden kテ、yttテ、misen. Niiden syntaksi ja semantiikka on tehty
 vastaamaan Perl 5:tテ、 mahdollisimman paljon
 This package contains the debug symbols,

Package: libpcre3-dev
Description-md5: eebe4f9bfa07d216beb413924dacf563
Description-fi: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - development files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto toteuttaa funktiot, jotka tarjoavat sテ、テ、nnテカllisten
 lausekkeiden kテ、yttテ、misen. Niiden syntaksi ja semantiikka on tehty
 vastaamaan Perl 5:tテ、 mahdollisimman paljon
 New packages should use the newer pcre2 packages, and existing packages
 should migrate to pcre2.
 This package contains the development files, including headers, static
 libraries, and documentation.

Package: libpcre32-3
Description-md5: 513dbc2885a757a7de02e0b075be9588
Description-fi: Old Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - 32 bit runtime files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto toteuttaa funktiot, jotka tarjoavat sテ、テ、nnテカllisten
 lausekkeiden kテ、yttテ、misen. Niiden syntaksi ja semantiikka on tehty
 vastaamaan Perl 5:tテ、 mahdollisimman paljon
 This package contains the 32 bit runtime library.

Package: libpipeline-dev
Description-md5: 482d54e799c08b4e62a4c3986b14a752
Description-fi: Unix process pipeline manipulation library (development files)
 Tテ、mテ、 on C-kirjasto putkitettujen prosessien ajamiseen ja asettamiseen.
 Tテ、mテ、n kirjaston kテ、yttテ、misellテ、 ei tarvitse huomioida komentotulkin
 jテ、sentelyテ、 mikテ、 on usein hテ、iriテカaltista ja turvatonta.
 This package contains files needed for developing with libpipeline.

Package: libpipeline1
Description-md5: 8b5f1e1bfe24dc8604ead49f420aee80
Description-fi: Unix process pipeline manipulation library
 Tテ、mテ、 on C-kirjasto putkitettujen prosessien ajamiseen ja asettamiseen.
 Tテ、mテ、n kirjaston kテ、yttテ、misellテ、 ei tarvitse huomioida komentotulkin
 jテ、sentelyテ、 mikテ、 on usein hテ、iriテカaltista ja turvatonta.

Package: libplymouth5
Description-md5: 29e2ed45f3e127c38b58dae52061cc33
Description-fi: graphical boot animation and logger - shared libraries
 Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even
 before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot
 animation while the boot process happens in the background.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libpng-dev
Description-md5: 45b416ab6d5ce75a17d9b8dc7d29bbf2
Description-fi: PNG library - development (version 1.6)
 Libpng on kirjasto, joka toteuttaa rajapinnan PNG (Portable Network
 Graphics) -tiedostojen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen.
 This package contains the header and development files needed to build
 programs and packages using libpng.

Package: libpng-tools
Description-md5: 5abac1e7b840725c0d559fdff5a3de36
Description-fi: PNG library - tools (version 1.6)
 Libpng on kirjasto, joka toteuttaa rajapinnan PNG (Portable Network
 Graphics) -tiedostojen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen.
 This package contains a program to interact with libpng from the command

Package: libpng16-16
Description-md5: d5a985e94f8651ba49089e3bee0eb18f
Description-fi: PNG library - runtime (version 1.6)
 Libpng on kirjasto, joka toteuttaa rajapinnan PNG (Portable Network
 Graphics) -tiedostojen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaiset tiedostot, joita tarvitaan libpng:tテ、
 kテ、yttテ、vien ohjelmien kテ、yttテ、miseen.

Package: libpopt-dev
Description-md5: ace33b20a6121b7b5a6c26940bbab356
Description-fi: lib for parsing cmdline parameters - development files
 Popt on saanut runsaasti vaikutteita funktioilta getopt() ja
 getopt_long(), mutta se sallii tehokkaamman tavan argumenttien
 laajentamiseen. Se osaa jテ、sentテ、テ、 rajattoman argv[]-tyylisen taulukon ja
 automaattisesti asettaa muuttujat vastaamaan komentoriviargumentteja.
 Lisテ、ksi se komentoriviargumenttien aliasoinnin asetustiedoston avulla sekテ、
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyテカkalun rajaittamattomien merkkijonojen jテ、sentテ、misen
 argv[]-taulukoihin kテ、yttテ、en komentorivityyppisiテ、 sテ、テ、ntテカjテ、.
 This package contains the popt static library and header file.

Package: libpopt0
Description-md5: 1bc14780a06cc6b9a0c726cd091c6d96
Description-fi: kirjasto komentoriviparametrien jテ、sentテ、miseen
 Popt on saanut runsaasti vaikutteita funktioilta getopt() ja
 getopt_long(), mutta se sallii tehokkaamman tavan argumenttien
 laajentamiseen. Se osaa jテ、sentテ、テ、 rajattoman argv[]-tyylisen taulukon ja
 automaattisesti asettaa muuttujat vastaamaan komentoriviargumentteja.
 Lisテ、ksi se komentoriviargumenttien aliasoinnin asetustiedoston avulla sekテ、
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyテカkalun rajaittamattomien merkkijonojen jテ、sentテ、misen
 argv[]-taulukoihin kテ、yttテ、en komentorivityyppisiテ、 sテ、テ、ntテカjテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen kirjaston ja maa-asetukset.

Package: libprocps-dev
Description-md5: c56d4abfd4ec994d5057fac741fac18b
Description-fi: Kirjasto /proc-jテ、rjestelmテ、n prosessitietojen kテ、yttテ、miseksi
 These are the header files for libproc. Some packages using libproc to
 access process information from /proc need these to compile.

Package: libprocps8
Description-md5: b045ca4f14733c5441c2830741e9cb4e
Description-fi: Kirjasto /proc-jテ、rjestelmテ、n prosessitietojen kテ、yttテ、miseksi
 Libprocps-kirjaston avulla kテ、ytetテ、テ、n /proc-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、n
 This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs
 compiled with libprocps.

Package: libpsl5
Description-md5: 737acdacc0f014d042db24cf175d47b8
Description-fi: Library for Public Suffix List (shared libraries)
 Libpsl allows checking domains against the Public Suffix List. It can be
 used to avoid privacy-leaking 'super-cookies', 'super domain'
 certificates, for domain highlighting purposes sorting domain lists by
 site and more.
 Please see for more detailed information.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaiset kirjastot.

Package: libpulse-dev
Description-md5: a36e2b24ab289ab86564c79e92c8e87f
Description-fi: PulseAudio client development headers and libraries
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 Headers and libraries for developing applications that access a PulseAudio
 sound server via PulseAudio's native interface.

Package: libpulse-mainloop-glib0
Description-md5: 1a4eb06cccc1a1ac1118b667f0c37ed7
Description-fi: PulseAudio client libraries (glib support)
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 Client libraries used by applications that access a PulseAudio sound
 server via PulseAudio's native interface.
 This package adds support for glib2 client applications.

Package: libpulse0
Description-md5: 35e72b270b48ab0d62d3de88ca26f71b
Description-fi: PulseAudio client libraries
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 Client libraries used by applications that access a PulseAudio sound
 server via PulseAudio's native interface.

Package: libpulsedsp
Description-md5: 4d14e4e65420d03adc0822289f18a007
Description-fi: PulseAudio OSS pre-load library
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 This package provides the pre-load library used to redirect applications
 using OSS through pulseaudio.

Package: libpython3-stdlib
Description-md5: 6c1cceeeaa25414388fa2227c3a214fe
Description-fi: interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version)
 Python, korkean abstraktiotason vuorovaikutteinen olio-ohjelmointikieli,
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 laajan luokkakirjaston monilla mausteilla verkko-ohjelmointiin,
 jテ、rjestelmテ、yllテ、pitoon, テ、テ、niin ja grafiikkaan.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Python 3 version (currently v3.8).

Package: libreadline-dev
Description-md5: 3793ef1d4c2c0318abafe0980aadcd30
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, development files
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.
 This package contains development files.

Package: libreadline-gplv2-dev
Description-md5: 786f654ffd88ea529a702d7fd1429e0e
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, development files
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.
 This package contains as well the readline documentation in info format.

Package: libreadline5
Description-md5: 02109af5819248ca867891090079f329
Description-fi: GNU:n readline- ja historiakirjastot, ajonaikaiset kirjastot.
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: libreadline5-dbg
Description-md5: f10032a711167543f997c2cb1de91ac4
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, debugging libraries
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: libreadline8
Description-md5: 02109af5819248ca867891090079f329
Description-fi: GNU:n readline- ja historiakirjastot, ajonaikaiset kirjastot.
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: libreoffice-base-core
Description-md5: 00dfbbe7bf584af5cd6d0ee0f5695390
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- shared library
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains common libraries of LibreOffice Base used by Base,
 Writer and Calc.
 If you need full Base functionality (or actual database drivers), please
 install libreoffice-base (and/or libreoffice-base-drivers and/o

Package: libreoffice-calc
Description-md5: e809bbd7f91acfd0d9ad0f8fd5ed86a3
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- spreadsheet
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the spreadsheet component for LibreOffice.

Package: libreoffice-common
Description-md5: 304f06193ef91a740410572ff1db7174
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- arch-independent files
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the architecture-independent files of LibreOffice.

Package: libreoffice-core
Description-md5: 5464d9229de42a41fda16d9993e11570
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- arch-dependent files
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the architecture-dependent core files of
 LibreOffice.  See the libreoffice package for more information.

Package: libreoffice-dev
Description-md5: c1c0518dd783fa332121536abc2dc952
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- SDK -- architecture-dependent parts
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the (architecture-dependent) files needed to build
 plugins/add-ons for LibreOffice (build tools, libraries, arch-dependent
 includes, ...).
 It also contains the gengal and ui-previewer utilities.

Package: libreoffice-dev-common
Description-md5: 8e2f47a3629807507c30bffdf52c61ba
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- SDK -- architecture-independent parts
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the (architecture-independent) files needed to build
 plugins/add-ons for LibreOffice (includes, IDL files, ...)

Package: libreoffice-dev-doc
Description-md5: b4ecfbc8a8e236404d92fb39cd9ea14f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- SDK documentation
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the documentation of the LibreOffice SDK:
  * C++/Java API reference
  * IDL reference
  * C++/Java/Basic examples

Package: libreoffice-draw
Description-md5: 48e37fe8495cb12961b923bb0b0f970f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- drawing
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the drawing component for LibreOffice.

Package: libreoffice-gnome
Description-md5: c468d8fd91ddd9ba3bc4401d295be6e1
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- GNOME integration
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the GIO support.
 You can extend the functionality of this by installing these packages:
  * libreoffice-evolution: Evolution addressbook support
  * evolution

Package: libreoffice-gtk3
Description-md5: 146f765cda9a463edbf2032242a5150f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- GTK+ 3 integration
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the Gtk plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with
 Gtk+ 3 and Gtk/GNOMEish print dialog when running under GNOME.

Package: libreoffice-help-ca
Description-md5: d6b57c84305eb2009f0f7cca49b022f1
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Catalan help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Catalan.

Package: libreoffice-help-common
Description-md5: bb2508f2324a7b651c019aba6b2c24e9
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- common files for LibreOffice help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the common files (e.g. language-independent, media)
 files for the LibreOffice Help.

Package: libreoffice-help-cs
Description-md5: ac7fea7c0a197c7b356a8223d94347ea
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Czech help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Czech.

Package: libreoffice-help-da
Description-md5: 2eeb5c9d61409db9416d1bf688280d6e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Danish help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Danish.

Package: libreoffice-help-de
Description-md5: 446e337ad4cf957e780c2996c41e0163
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- German help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in German.

Package: libreoffice-help-dz
Description-md5: 831cde2511d5df0e50fca4f9545adb3b
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Dzongkha help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Dzongkha.

Package: libreoffice-help-el
Description-md5: 27db60f82a9a1414b51ea5e553a7b9e8
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Greek help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Greek.

Package: libreoffice-help-en-gb
Description-md5: 6843fecfa30da7d8c3e384c4f92747ac
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- English_british help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in English_british.

Package: libreoffice-help-en-us
Description-md5: 887d1c3089d4c0e44d0b26ed6ffd9193
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- English_american help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in English_american.

Package: libreoffice-help-es
Description-md5: 3b17681533c31b51304225ad41bc4cc9
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Spanish help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Spanish.

Package: libreoffice-help-et
Description-md5: ee9a1b4e728ba5dd900173bfee1a731c
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Estonian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Estonian.

Package: libreoffice-help-eu
Description-md5: 173b0972f7f0a78d8c52cb5f5045e57e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Basque help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Basque.

Package: libreoffice-help-fi
Description-md5: 07a9aa483488050f6541179d8987d975
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Finnish help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 LibreOfficen suomenkieliset ohjeet.

Package: libreoffice-help-fr
Description-md5: 3f39cd0f487b1234b3b028700174aea6
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- French help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in French.

Package: libreoffice-help-gl
Description-md5: 373bae22071a7f0286ed9ec163a95c9f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Galician help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Galician.

Package: libreoffice-help-hi
Description-md5: 2086330d67240d859330eccd8a050d0d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Hindi help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Hindi.

Package: libreoffice-help-hu
Description-md5: 61ae09c1e4ead0c3a139c61b39f763a8
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Hungarian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Hungarian.

Package: libreoffice-help-id
Description-md5: efd54faf7a13796ca988f291361d13f7
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Indonesian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Indonesian.

Package: libreoffice-help-it
Description-md5: 68017996bf772a95a5138d70db294b80
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Italian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Italian.

Package: libreoffice-help-ja
Description-md5: 202a13f334a5b4d912a0c725a68309d3
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Japanese help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Japanese.

Package: libreoffice-help-km
Description-md5: 85075447fb80af12955c4e01c4a316c5
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Khmer help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Khmer.

Package: libreoffice-help-ko
Description-md5: d879d29f7f222fa7b6ad3b86112dcbec
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Korean help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Korean.

Package: libreoffice-help-nl
Description-md5: 39207c43a1ac830972c4637d2d15402a
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Dutch help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Dutch.

Package: libreoffice-help-om
Description-md5: 71d9bb0e518d702c88916fc4bcbd3fcb
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Oromo help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Oromo.

Package: libreoffice-help-pl
Description-md5: 1ecec6865a123ab7b50509708fbd986b
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Polish help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Polish.

Package: libreoffice-help-pt
Description-md5: a995efbac2b786bee5de0e56d3a97215
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Portuguese help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Portuguese.

Package: libreoffice-help-pt-br
Description-md5: ef429612095b5aa3dc738547af704ccb
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Portuguese_brazilian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Portuguese_brazilian.

Package: libreoffice-help-ru
Description-md5: 26ff97e5963f7a1cdb5ca84a587aad70
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Russian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Russian.

Package: libreoffice-help-sk
Description-md5: d26e95b5d6c285b41315b083c88099d0
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Slovak help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Slovak.

Package: libreoffice-help-sl
Description-md5: 0b685103983bbccf5f421b1c697576d2
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Slovenian help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Slovenian.

Package: libreoffice-help-sv
Description-md5: 0f3bdd564c5f61573a0a4a42f4b54fbc
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Swedish help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Swedish.

Package: libreoffice-help-tr
Description-md5: 0e69dac1381ab919682ec9c47de5194e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Turkish help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Turkish.

Package: libreoffice-help-vi
Description-md5: e38510b2855a269b0484915b84687e41
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Vietnamese help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Vietnamese.

Package: libreoffice-help-zh-cn
Description-md5: 2aa55f3147e53b54fe485b32ed13386f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Chinese_simplified help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Chinese_simplified.

Package: libreoffice-help-zh-tw
Description-md5: ee9697d616e7c4173187caaaecafb1b2
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Chinese_traditional help
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the help of LibreOffice in Chinese_traditional.

Package: libreoffice-impress
Description-md5: 472668fa8a618a3bed701d2301185f86
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- presentation
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the presentation component for LibreOffice.

Package: libreoffice-java-common
Description-md5: 9b905cfcc13278c04580172f90e74120
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- arch-independent Java support files
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the architecture-independent files of the Java
 support for LibreOffice (Java classes, scripts, config snippets).

Package: libreoffice-l10n-af
Description-md5: 25408426f5cceacb5ad931a04f17c27e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Afrikaans language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Afrikaans. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-am
Description-md5: c82c66da2760f49995d4e8690d0f9536
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Amharic language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Amharic. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ar
Description-md5: 587caaeee146ae2e8c3996cb98f27e14
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Arabic language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Arabic. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-as
Description-md5: 4ac2e69fa5a27abf0c1dea94b43a4a7a
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Assamese language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Assamese. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ast
Description-md5: e881b8766739626fc2bfe3be78a504b6
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Asturian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Asturian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-be
Description-md5: 4e120b250b345e0e6dc4ca4cf4767d2b
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Belarusian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Belarusian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-bg
Description-md5: 1e2ff5cea5d0d31b2fadc412f6046e12
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Bulgarian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Bulgarian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-bn
Description-md5: 00d1921e153b39622cb04e7f66795716
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Bengali language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Bengali. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-br
Description-md5: d16cf29a1d2c4c4ed7016afa029144be
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Breton language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Breton. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-bs
Description-md5: 7fc91db4c49442d4457804a807e892f1
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Bosnian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Bosnian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ca
Description-md5: a91b06d5c0057582f16109658e9ac2f8
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Catalan language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Catalan. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-cs
Description-md5: afead2a0313d84ddc897a8641a06a05e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Czech language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Czech. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-cy
Description-md5: 05accff0a8db25ee2b5bbfa42b627da5
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Welsh language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Welsh. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-da
Description-md5: 3baa4ced7ad5463e2aeedc011515df6f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Danish language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Danish. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-de
Description-md5: 9100dc24d96f8d761ed9e9a72aaae56d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- German language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in German. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-dz
Description-md5: ea22c1cbc51379d92908e5e9e9fd316d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Dzongkha language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Dzongkha. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-el
Description-md5: 4f78a8507785668c597339f89484e181
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Greek language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Greek. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-en-gb
Description-md5: 2175d49557a4317b25abdfef0508de34
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- English_british language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in English_british.
 It contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-en-za
Description-md5: c94234e62f754742485de331d5cce167
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- English_southafrican language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in
 English_southafrican. It contains the user interface, the templates and
 the autotext features. (please note that not all this is available for all
 possible languages). You can switch user interface language using the
 locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-eo
Description-md5: ceec53900ab8424d55b41ca9805f4477
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Esperanto language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Esperanto. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-es
Description-md5: 9ca224f2e6cdf51887ac42db8c56be1b
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Spanish language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Spanish. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-et
Description-md5: 48b61d8af6c926ad0fc569a88eff07f2
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Estonian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Estonian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-eu
Description-md5: a9ce34217df35bf42f382c34b328939c
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Basque language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Basque. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-fa
Description-md5: 6fb22f6ccd00a52dcb073d05bdb131d9
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Farsi language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Farsi. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-fi
Description-md5: 3706653bf050d85e2b88029ab6b8043d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Finnish language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Finnish. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-fr
Description-md5: be373ab6133f4822f55949baa3af6fb6
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- French language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in French. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ga
Description-md5: 45ee5e619b80d12047c3db358a95ece6
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Gaelic language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Gaelic. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-gd
Description-md5: 18113968ce7e8c22cc31b05613ac922a
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Scottish_gaelic language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Scottish_gaelic.
 It contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-gl
Description-md5: 91aaf32f09c1b953e8cf6a0878954eea
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Galician language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Galician. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-gu
Description-md5: d33d0bf909d9ce8566c829e9e8c7958d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Gujarati language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Gujarati. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-gug
Description-md5: 8a60db7a8c323661ed589467da797a53
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Guarani language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Guarani. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-he
Description-md5: 162257c4fc07447259f3f6ba8311eab8
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Hebrew language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Hebrew. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-hi
Description-md5: c0f9f00435657eaf48161db67ec8e03d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Hindi language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Hindi. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-hr
Description-md5: c1f7ed74f344f50c39b1b97d22d34b76
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Croatian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Croatian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-hu
Description-md5: 03faefa7ee83b9dbc4ee7a082d63744e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Hungarian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Hungarian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-id
Description-md5: 831b063ee510059ca4447efa18a337a8
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Indonesian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Indonesian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-in
Description-md5: 36e2a96a1e51778367a7324914492a84
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Indic language packages
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package is a metapackage installing l10n packages for all available
 indic languages.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-is
Description-md5: 867a82757a25dc87440a74fb74e46369
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Icelandic language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Icelandic. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-it
Description-md5: e9939e05ca7fe3ecb840f7f3d6192e35
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Italian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Italian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ja
Description-md5: 711d02c365f10214733d3d63a55bf474
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Japanese language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Japanese. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ka
Description-md5: 1efb8e2732132342f73ee09022329760
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Georgian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Georgian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-kk
Description-md5: 0f55a645c29d349c14ae394b15a44300
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Kazakh language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Kazakh. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-km
Description-md5: 8bbe73d4befdfd439c3cbc8ee6b1fcb9
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Khmer language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Khmer. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-kmr
Description-md5: b118604d13c95984ec63f0e9fea14884
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Kurmanji language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Kurmanji. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-kn
Description-md5: 5c250ecb97123c4ac162dfd656bbe62e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Kannada language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Kannada. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ko
Description-md5: 959045aad72889d15ef474977f2b76c4
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Korean language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Korean. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-lt
Description-md5: 034b11c582987c822f6f0f155d0a2dca
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Lithuanian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Lithuanian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-lv
Description-md5: 5590d50c683679292cf935268a635351
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Latvian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Latvian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-mk
Description-md5: 14c69c972f6eb55814e005281db272c1
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Macedonian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Macedonian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ml
Description-md5: 60f657487ccd35990900a2b5e69a0ece
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Malayalam language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Malayalam. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-mn
Description-md5: 4025564fcb7aef1ac127f7d38a7d89a3
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Mongolian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Mongolian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-mr
Description-md5: 8222f55840ec7b6dfe5f1d5507393b3c
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Marathi language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Marathi. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-nb
Description-md5: 0fabf8e37a5701350d1b10c4e7e6afed
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Norwegian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Norwegian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ne
Description-md5: b943bce9f69b671bef2b0962294dd15e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Nepalese language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Nepalese. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-nl
Description-md5: 070320c4fffa196cb47074884ecf5d04
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Dutch language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Dutch. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-nn
Description-md5: bbdb9d7bd3b045feb8b26450f0b1e84d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Norwegian_nynorsk language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in
 Norwegian_nynorsk. It contains the user interface, the templates and the
 autotext features. (please note that not all this is available for all
 possible languages). You can switch user interface language using the
 locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-nr
Description-md5: 43bc32c188cfe5924ea7f2995a36995d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Ndebele language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Ndebele. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-nso
Description-md5: 12301064896f2feae77bfb9b19df2b41
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Northern_sotho language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Northern_sotho.
 It contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-oc
Description-md5: 33ddfe08a196f8f66e1a8e27f2d010cc
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Occitan language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Occitan. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-om
Description-md5: b0d2c1a766f405e3832badc1c8a5b242
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Oromo language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Oromo. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-or
Description-md5: aca394fbe45768c0d7262fd88c98ebd1
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Odia language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Odia. It contains
 the user interface, the templates and the autotext features. (please note
 that not all this is available for all possible languages). You can switch
 user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-pa-in
Description-md5: 257cf2122f7b0d44fd1c044bf69204bb
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Punjabi language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Punjabi. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-pl
Description-md5: af3855564491f6adf7a5d23e57e3d07f
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Polish language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Polish. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-pt
Description-md5: 3ebb2c295967229068d690bf4004b6e4
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Portuguese language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Portuguese. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-pt-br
Description-md5: bca2f0a66f444a733b61ca3bb45846ca
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Portuguese_brazilian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in
 Portuguese_brazilian. It contains the user interface, the templates and
 the autotext features. (please note that not all this is available for all
 possible languages). You can switch user interface language using the
 locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ro
Description-md5: e4018d28105361bb391246001caccf0c
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Romanian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Romanian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ru
Description-md5: 58787e12e170fc436c645c007bfdc3a3
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Russian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Russian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-rw
Description-md5: 567e17f0373585af19cb698b7c5680e9
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Kinarwanda language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Kinarwanda. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-si
Description-md5: 1f61af11cbbfd06c45ff93fd66708f91
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Sinhala language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Sinhala. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-sk
Description-md5: 1769b72d83c3ab6d8bc16b3fda5f0a67
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Slovak language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Slovak. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-sl
Description-md5: cb73e143fff5a545b5d0d0878593a2f5
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Slovenian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Slovenian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-sr
Description-md5: a5246257fe1a7bc6da50c1903b447187
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Serbian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Serbian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ss
Description-md5: b3cd9971feec09abdc68c846c96340a6
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Swazi language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Swazi. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-st
Description-md5: 3eddf8b8a781fcc8d00658fd683751c6
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Southern_sotho language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Southern_sotho.
 It contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-sv
Description-md5: 94e08d9ebf4885b6a199a8604f8e4623
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Swedish language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Swedish. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-szl
Description-md5: 042319a52566380faa02b485ca055ca0
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Upper_silesian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Upper_silesian.
 It contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ta
Description-md5: f1a39c06a2dd67a9a2480ae41bbfcff0
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Tamil language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Tamil. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-te
Description-md5: 61e424cfb84420f8dc211c66f1b3a533
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Telugu language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Telugu. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-tg
Description-md5: 20867b7b1d2eafbaca5ff6af5b2d57c9
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Tajik language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Tajik. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-th
Description-md5: 94a998c14aeff6049d9b90810598f1dd
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Thai language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Thai. It contains
 the user interface, the templates and the autotext features. (please note
 that not all this is available for all possible languages). You can switch
 user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-tn
Description-md5: 7da81d27f41218d11fbd8aabceec792c
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Tswana language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Tswana. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-tr
Description-md5: df7d8cde01531055398d2aa9010f77bc
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Turkish language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Turkish. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ts
Description-md5: 29ca3694d6ba2d256e546fdcdc5b65bb
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Tsonga language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Tsonga. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ug
Description-md5: ca1d8cb61ea8620dc7ff4ea41c7dfe12
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Uighur language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Uighur. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-uk
Description-md5: 6f386a310674737ccb0fc8c3aaefc90e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Ukrainian language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Ukrainian. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-uz
Description-md5: a7da1f6ae1fcdfa64f696aed12dc759d
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Uzbek language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Uzbek. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-ve
Description-md5: 7bb286307dfd6105c62d2c54772e83fd
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Venda language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Venda. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-vi
Description-md5: baa160c324599bd2156dca97789a430a
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Vietnamese language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Vietnamese. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-xh
Description-md5: 6124cc72bfc02b25a2a78aaa09e77b01
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Xhosa language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Xhosa. It
 contains the user interface, the templates and the autotext features.
 (please note that not all this is available for all possible languages).
 You can switch user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-za
Description-md5: 88b25d0aaf8864e6f6b3862a477db0fe
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- South African language packages
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package is a metapackage installing l10n packages for all 11 South
 African languages.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-zh-cn
Description-md5: b8e748f9a21ee8996147f93a46daa148
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Chinese_simplified language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in
 Chinese_simplified. It contains the user interface, the templates and the
 autotext features. (please note that not all this is available for all
 possible languages). You can switch user interface language using the
 locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-zh-tw
Description-md5: 166e08e5f36a4b8b8968bda48d5eb24e
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Chinese_traditional language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in
 Chinese_traditional. It contains the user interface, the templates and the
 autotext features. (please note that not all this is available for all
 possible languages). You can switch user interface language using the
 locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-l10n-zu
Description-md5: 1826bfebd2ace6bb52d52081479ab115
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Zulu language package
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the localization of LibreOffice in Zulu. It contains
 the user interface, the templates and the autotext features. (please note
 that not all this is available for all possible languages). You can switch
 user interface language using the locales system.
 Spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesauri and help are not
 included in this package. There are some available in separate packages
 (myspell-*, hyphen-*, mythes-*, libreoffice-help-*)
 If you just want to be able to spellcheck etc. in other languages, you can
 install extra dictionaries/hyphenation patterns/thesauri independently of
 the language packs.

Package: libreoffice-math
Description-md5: 66f3b39e514cc02ac689ec67f6ed274a
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- equation editor
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the equation editor component for LibreOffice.

Package: libreoffice-officebean
Description-md5: 5a0da32be18d6e992e247ea879287e8b
Description-fi: transitional package for libofficebean-java
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package formerly contained binaries for the the LibreOffice Office
 Bean for embedding LibreOffice in custom Java applications.
 This has now been merged into libofficebean-java so this package can
 safely be removed.

Package: libreoffice-pdfimport
Description-md5: 7fece5c04e7014b850ca76b355ae3bd9
Description-fi: transitional package for PDF Import component for LibreOffice
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package formerly contained a component enabling LibreOffice to import
 PDF Documents. This now has been merged back into the "main" packages and
 this package thus can be safely removed once installed.

Package: libreoffice-style-breeze
Description-md5: b3a725e09462ccaec72c3b8bb964827b
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Breeze symbol style
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the "breeze" symbol style, default style for KDE 5.

Package: libreoffice-style-colibre
Description-md5: 32f69eb782a3e2c24c14038e98222fbe
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- colibre symbol style
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the "colibre" symbol style - a icon theme which
 follow Microsoft(R) Offices color scheme.

Package: libreoffice-style-elementary
Description-md5: d68f25478a11b022507c9a7afef86095
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Elementary symbol style
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the "elementary" symbol style, default style for

Package: libreoffice-style-tango
Description-md5: 1015651a577d2ea75eea2d0a6cf9e6ce
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- Tango symbol style
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the "tango" symbol style.

Package: libreoffice-voikko
Description-md5: 35322c6ea2a519660d5284a6e2a4e188
Description-fi: Oikolukija, kieliopin tarkistin ja tavuttaja LibreOfficelle
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 libreoffice-voikon, joka on usealla kielellテ、 toimiva
 oikoluku-, kieliopin tarkistus- ja tavutuslaajennus LibreOfficelle. Se
 kテ、yttテ、テ、 libvoikkoa kaikkiin kielitieteellisiin toimintoihin.
 Riippuen libvoikko-kirjaston asetuksista, oikoluku toimii useilla
 kielillテ、. Tテ、llテ、 hetkellテ、 muut ominaisuudet toimivat vain suomen kielellテ、.
 HUOMAUTUS: Tavallisesti oikeinkirjoituksen ja kieliopin tarkastaminen sekテ、
 tavutus tulisi automaattisesti olla aktivoituna tテ、mテ、n paketin asennuksen
 jテ、lkeen. Mikテ、li nテ、in ei ole, mene LibreOfficen "Kirjoituksen
 aputyテカkalut"-asetuksiin ja aktivoi Voikko-komponentit kテ、sin.

Package: libreoffice-writer
Description-md5: 7ddf1a7be67dc22b315f212f564325e8
Description-fi: office productivity suite -- word processor
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the wordprocessor component for LibreOffice.

Package: libruby2.7
Description-md5: 30659f1432a2602b994287b347691e6a
Description-fi: Libraries necessary to run Ruby 2.7
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 This package includes the 'libruby-2.7' library, necessary to run Ruby
 2.7. (API version 2.7.0)

Package: libsane
Description-md5: 2f46c9804313fd609f2868bde7d36408
Description-fi: API library for scanners
 SANE tulee sanoista "Scanner Access Now Easy" (Nyt skannerin kテ、yttテカ on
 helppoa). Se on standardinmukainen sovellusrajapinta (API) jonka kautta
 voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 mitテ、 hyvテ、nsテ、 rasterikuvan lukulaitetta (esimerkiksi
 tasokuvanlukijaa, kテ、sikuvanlukijaa, video- tai still-kameraa,
 ruutukaappaajia ja niin edelleen). SANE-standardi ja sen kehityksestテ、
 kテ、ytテ、vテ、 keskustelu ovat avoimia kaikille. Lテ、hdekoodi tukee useita
 kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmiテ、: GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 sekテ、 monet Unix-jテ、rjestelmテ、t.
 Se on kテ、ytettテ、vissテ、 GNU General Public License -lisenssillテ、 (mutta myテカs
 kaupalliset sovellukset ja taustajテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat tervetulleita).
 Graphical frontends for sane are available in the packages sane and xsane.
 Command line frontend scanimage, saned and sane-find-scanner are available
 in the sane-utils package.

Package: libsane-common
Description-md5: 31f95687fe5e5d491a4cdaa5bfc6e2b9
Description-fi: API library for scanners -- documentation and support files
 SANE tulee sanoista "Scanner Access Now Easy" (Nyt skannerin kテ、yttテカ on
 helppoa). Se on standardinmukainen sovellusrajapinta (API) jonka kautta
 voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 mitテ、 hyvテ、nsテ、 rasterikuvan lukulaitetta (esimerkiksi
 tasokuvanlukijaa, kテ、sikuvanlukijaa, video- tai still-kameraa,
 ruutukaappaajia ja niin edelleen). SANE-standardi ja sen kehityksestテ、
 kテ、ytテ、vテ、 keskustelu ovat avoimia kaikille. Lテ、hdekoodi tukee useita
 kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmiテ、: GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 sekテ、 monet Unix-jテ、rjestelmテ、t.
 Se on kテ、ytettテ、vissテ、 GNU General Public License -lisenssillテ、 (mutta myテカs
 kaupalliset sovellukset ja taustajテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat tervetulleita).
 This package includes documentation for libsane, such as the man pages and
 list of supported scanners, and support files (i18n data).

Package: libsane-dev
Description-md5: e6830c8c64fd71c7d57f14514612572c
Description-fi: API development library for scanners [development files]
 SANE tulee sanoista "Scanner Access Now Easy" (Nyt skannerin kテ、yttテカ on
 helppoa). Se on standardinmukainen sovellusrajapinta (API) jonka kautta
 voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 mitテ、 hyvテ、nsテ、 rasterikuvan lukulaitetta (esimerkiksi
 tasokuvanlukijaa, kテ、sikuvanlukijaa, video- tai still-kameraa,
 ruutukaappaajia ja niin edelleen). SANE-standardi ja sen kehityksestテ、
 kテ、ytテ、vテ、 keskustelu ovat avoimia kaikille. Lテ、hdekoodi tukee useita
 kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmiテ、: GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 sekテ、 monet Unix-jテ、rjestelmテ、t.
 Se on kテ、ytettテ、vissテ、 GNU General Public License -lisenssillテ、 (mutta myテカs
 kaupalliset sovellukset ja taustajテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat tervetulleita).
 This package contains the files needed to build your applications using

Package: libselinux1
Description-md5: 90f6e1cb06c527bc3fc11ec6f969c59c
Description-fi: Jaetut ajonaikaiset SELinux-kirjastot
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa jaetut kirjastot turvallisuudeltaan parannetulle
 (Security-enhanced) Linuxille, joka tarjoaa rajapintoja (esim.
 kirjastotoimintoja SELinux kernelin ohjelmointirajapinnoille kuten
 getcon() ja muita tukitoimintoja kuten getseuserbyname()) SELinux:a
 hyテカdyntテ、ville ohjelmistoille. SELinux on paikkaus Linux-ytimeen ja
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia tyテカkaluja Linuxin turvallisuuden parantamiseksi sekテ、 pテ、テ、syn
 rajoittamiseksi. SELinux-ydin sisテ、ltテ、テ、 uusia arkkitehtuurisia
 komponentteja, jotka ovat alunperin suunniteltu parantamaan Flask-
 kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmテ、n turvallisuutta. Nテ、mテ、 komponentit tarjoavat yleisen tuen
 monenlaisille valinnaisille pテ、テ、syn rajoittamispolitiikoille, mukaan lukien
 sellaisia jotka pohjautuvat ajatukseen tyypin pakottamisesta,
 rooliperusteiseen pテ、テ、syn rajoittamiseen sekテ、 monitasoiseen
 libselinux1 tarjoaa rajapinnan SELinux-ohjelmille prosessien ja
 tiedostojen turvallisuusmテ、テ、reiden asettamiseksi ja kysymiseksi. Lisテ、ksi se
 mahdollistaa toimintaperiaatepテ、テ、tテカsten kyselyt. Jokainen ohjelma, joka
 kテ、yttテ、テ、 SELinux APIa tarvitsee tテ、mテ、n paketin. libselinux saattaa kテ、yttテ、テ、
 tarvittaessa jaettua libsepol kirjastoa (esim. kun pテ、ivitetテ、テ、n alaspテ、in
 kテ、ytテ、ntテカjテ、 vanhempaan versioon jota kernel tukee) muokatessaan binテ、テ、risiテ、
 kテ、ytテ、ntテカjテ、 latauksen aikana.

Package: libsensors-config
Description-md5: de095966ea2f42eaf8f0a3b1ec6bf389
Description-fi: lm-sensors configuration files
 Lm-sensors on Linux-laitteiston tilan seurantaan tarkoitettu paketti. Se
 kertoo tietoja lテ、mpテカtilasta, jテ、nnitteestテ、 ja tuulettimen
 pyテカrintテ、nopeudesta. Ohjelma toimii useimpien uusien jテ、rjestelmien kanssa.
 This library is only functional with a Linux kernel, it is provided on
 non-Linux systems for portability reasons only.
 This package contains the configuration files.

Package: libsensors4-dev
Description-md5: 2d7502f42006b64593f9e8c68d5d3f57
Description-fi: lm-sensors development kit
 Lm-sensors on Linux-laitteiston tilan seurantaan tarkoitettu paketti. Se
 kertoo tietoja lテ、mpテカtilasta, jテ、nnitteestテ、 ja tuulettimen
 pyテカrintテ、nopeudesta. Ohjelma toimii useimpien uusien jテ、rjestelmien kanssa.
 This library is only functional with a Linux kernel, it is provided on
 non-Linux systems for portability reasons only.
 This package contains the static library and header files used in

Package: libsensors5
Description-md5: 369bc8769ec74bda1a1726b61f1c8e49
Description-fi: library to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
 Lm-sensors on Linux-laitteiston tilan seurantaan tarkoitettu paketti. Se
 kertoo tietoja lテ、mpテカtilasta, jテ、nnitteestテ、 ja tuulettimen
 pyテカrintテ、nopeudesta. Ohjelma toimii useimpien uusien jテ、rjestelmien kanssa.
 This library is only functional with a Linux kernel, it is provided on
 non-Linux systems for portability reasons only.
 This package contains a shared library for querying lm-sensors.

Package: libsepol1
Description-md5: d569fae7efa3328b3d40879b104d9a63
Description-fi: SELinux-kirjasto binテ、テ、rimuotoisten kテ、ytテ、ntテカjen kテ、sittelyyn
 Security Enhanced Linux on Linux-ytimen sekテ、 siihen liittyvien joidenkin
 apuohjelmien pテ、ivitys, jolla lisテ、tテ、テ、n Linux-jテ、rjestelmテ、テ、n pakollinen
 pテ、テ、synvalvonta (Mandatory Access Control). Security Enhanced Linux -ydin
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 uusia arkkitehtuurikomponentteja, jotka alkujaan kehitettiin
 Flask-kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmテ、n tietoturvallisuutta parantamaan. Nテ、mテ、 komponentit
 mahdollistavat pakollisen pテ、テ、synvalvonnan kテ、ytテ、ntテカjen toteuttamisen ja
 valvomisen. Kテ、ytテ、nnテカt voivat pohjautua esimerkiksi Type Enforcementツョ,
 roolipohjainen pテ、テ、synvalvonta (Role-based Access Control) tai monitasoinen
 tietoturva (Multi-level Security) -toimintamalleihin.
 libsepol tuottaa ohjelmointirajapinnan, jolla voidaan muokata SELinuxin
 binテ、テ、rimuotoisia kテ、ytテ、ntテカjテ、. Kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t checkpolicy-
 kテ、ytテ、ntテカkテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、 ja muut vastaavat tyテカkalut, sekテ、 load_policy, jonka on
 suoritettava binテ、テ、rimuotoisille kテ、ytテ、nnテカille muunnoksia esimerkiksi
 totuusarvoisten asetusten muokkausta varten.

Package: libsigc++-2.0-0v5
Description-md5: 0f629177a6b7e6200b446de8a0a45992
Description-fi: Signaalikehys tyypin korjauksella C++:lle - ajonaikainen kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto tarjoaa tテ、yden takaisinkutsujテ、rjestelmテ、n kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi
 kテ、yttテカliittymテ、elementtikirjastoissa, abstrakteissa rajapinnoissa ja
 yleisesti ohjelmoinnissa. Se kykenee yhdistテ、mテ、テ、n abstraktin takaisinkutsun
 luokkamenetelmテ、テ、n, funktioon tai funktio-objektiin ja sisテ、ltテ、テ、
 sovitinluokkia erilaisten takaisinkutsujen yhdistテ、miseen.
 Nテ、mテ、 ovat ajonaikaiset tiedostot libsigc++:lle. Pakettia tarvitaan vain
 jos haluat ajaa ohjelmia jotka ovat siitテ、 riippuvaisia.

Package: libsigc++-2.0-dev
Description-md5: 2fc5e630cb35c41ccaccff38822cd939
Description-fi: type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - development files
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto tarjoaa tテ、yden takaisinkutsujテ、rjestelmテ、n kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi
 kテ、yttテカliittymテ、elementtikirjastoissa, abstrakteissa rajapinnoissa ja
 yleisesti ohjelmoinnissa. Se kykenee yhdistテ、mテ、テ、n abstraktin takaisinkutsun
 luokkamenetelmテ、テ、n, funktioon tai funktio-objektiin ja sisテ、ltテ、テ、
 sovitinluokkia erilaisten takaisinkutsujen yhdistテ、miseen.
 These are the development files for libsigc++, needed only if you wish to
 write software which uses it.

Package: libsigc++-2.0-doc
Description-md5: 66182e93dcf0771a483485fd7d8542bc
Description-fi: type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - reference documentation
 Tテ、mテ、 kirjasto tarjoaa tテ、yden takaisinkutsujテ、rjestelmテ、n kテ、ytettテ、vテ、ksi
 kテ、yttテカliittymテ、elementtikirjastoissa, abstrakteissa rajapinnoissa ja
 yleisesti ohjelmoinnissa. Se kykenee yhdistテ、mテ、テ、n abstraktin takaisinkutsun
 luokkamenetelmテ、テ、n, funktioon tai funktio-objektiin ja sisテ、ltテ、テ、
 sovitinluokkia erilaisten takaisinkutsujen yhdistテ、miseen.
 This package contains the reference documentation for libsigc++, needed
 only if you wish to write software which uses it.

Package: libslang2
Description-md5: 63cf6009be68fe5fb7a6729e8527359d
Description-fi: S-Lang ohjelmointikirjasto - suoritettava
 S-Lang on C-ohjelmoijan kirjasto, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 toimintoja kehittyneiden,
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、ystテ、vテ、llisten ja alustariippumattomien sovellusten nopeaan
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 vain jaetun kirjaston* sekテ、 kirjaston
 tekijテ、noikeustiedot. Tテ、tテ、 tarvitsevat vain kirjastoa kテ、yttテ、vテ、t ohjelmistot
 (esim. jed ja slrn). Suunniteltaessa kehittテ、mistテ、 S-Lang-kirjastoa
 kテ、yttテ、en, tarvitset lisテ、ksi -dev-paketin.

Package: libslang2-dev
Description-md5: 9978b57decbe8c7b64fa0e4fd3c9cf8b
Description-fi: S-Lang programming library, development version
 S-Lang on C-ohjelmoijan kirjasto, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 toimintoja kehittyneiden,
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、ystテ、vテ、llisten ja alustariippumattomien sovellusten nopeaan
 The S-Lang library includes the following:
  * Low level tty input routines for reading single characters at a time.
  * Keymap routines for defining keys and manipulating multiple keymaps.
  * A high-level key processing interface (SLkp) for
    handling function and arrow keys.
  * High level screen management routines for manipulating both
    monochrome and color terminals. These routines are very
    efficient. (SLsmg)
  * Low level terminal-independent routines for manipulating the display
    of a terminal. (SLtt)
  * Routines for reading single line input with line editing and recall
    capabilities. (SLrline)
  * Searching functions: both ordinary searches and regular expression
    searches. (SLsearch)
  * An embedded stack-based language interpreter with a C-like syntax.

Package: libsmartcols1
Description-md5: d5382f0223188fc45ed69f879488c198
Description-fi: テ�lykテ、s kirjasto tulosteen sarakkeiden jテ、rjestelyyn
 This smart column output alignment library is used by fdisk utilities.

Package: libsqlite3-0
Description-md5: 701b171ca60f3c96227ee4783a35419c
Description-fi: SQLite 3 (jaettu kirjasto)
 SQLite on C-kirjasto, joka toteuttaa SQL-tietokantamoottorin. Ohjelmat,
 jotka linkittテ、vテ、t SQLite-kirjaston kanssa, voivat saada SQL-
 tietokantayhteyden ilman erillisen RDBMS-prosessin ajamista.

Package: libsqlite3-dev
Description-md5: 6387c6fc4f6fed646a1e0a793253786e
Description-fi: SQLite 3 development files
 SQLite on C-kirjasto, joka toteuttaa SQL-tietokantamoottorin. Ohjelmat,
 jotka linkittテ、vテ、t SQLite-kirjaston kanssa, voivat saada SQL-
 tietokantayhteyden ilman erillisen RDBMS-prosessin ajamista.
 This package contains the development files (headers, static libraries)

Package: libss2
Description-md5: d3d9f89af5755a413e24d2dc0cb7df81
Description-fi: Komentorivikテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jテ、senninkirjasto
 Libss tarjoaa yksinkertaisen komentorivijテ、sentimen, joka hyvテ、ksyy
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、n syテカtteen, jテ、sentテ、テ、 komennon argv-argumenttivektoriksi, ja sitten
 lテ、hettテ、テ、 sen kテ、sittelytoiminnolle.
 Libss oli alunperin Multicsin SubSystem-kirjaston inspiroima.

Package: libssl-dev
Description-md5: 27044468897c45b271f879c7c6e135fe
Description-fi: Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa OpenSSL-projektin SSL- ja TLS-kryptograafisten
 protokollien toteutusta turvalliseen yhteydenpitoon Internetissテ、.
 It contains development libraries, header files, and manpages for libssl
 and libcrypto.

Package: libssl-doc
Description-md5: 863c8f0d45ab34415ebc295c04753c98
Description-fi: Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development documentation
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa OpenSSL-projektin SSL- ja TLS-kryptograafisten
 protokollien toteutusta turvalliseen yhteydenpitoon Internetissテ、.
 It contains manpages and demo files for libssl and libcrypto.

Package: libssl1.1
Description-md5: 88547c6206c7fbc4fcc7d09ce100d210
Description-fi: Secure Sockets Layer -tyテカkalupakki - jaetut kirjastot
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa OpenSSL-projektin SSL- ja TLS-kryptograafisten
 protokollien toteutusta turvalliseen yhteydenpitoon Internetissテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 tarjoaa jaetut libssl- ja libcrypto-kirjastot.

Package: libstdc++-9-dev
Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: libstdc++-9-dev-arm64-cross
Description-md5: b3cf592d4bba33e3b225bbffa19ad85f
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (arm64)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++-9-dev-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 5c94411e364c10e6c08261a0a964d7c8
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (armhf)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++-9-dev-ppc64el-cross
Description-md5: 813d263957e8d32c052437fddcfd908e
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (ppc64el)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++-9-dev-s390x-cross
Description-md5: 2e07343add09b92b671f67aa5b4d02b8
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (s390x)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++6
Description-md5: 724ab84919e0e220afb960e36463914d
Description-fi: GNU standardi C++ -kirjasto, versio 3
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: libstdc++6-arm64-cross
Description-md5: 273206a5eff82dce70c2ec7e21f24331
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (arm64)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++6-armhf-cross
Description-md5: 29799fad64bd0a4edebdfa94e68524a2
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (armhf)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++6-ppc64el-cross
Description-md5: 80e494cee802c3add0788db6c6260365
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (ppc64el)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libstdc++6-s390x-cross
Description-md5: 3124ed676d265dad1471e7aaff0bb093
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (s390x)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.
 This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross-
 compile environment.

Package: libtasn1-6
Description-md5: 535058cbce5722d1c5d399c0854dd71f
Description-fi: Kテ、sittele ASN.1-rakenteita (ajonaikainen)
 Manage ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures. The main features of this library are:
   * on-line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any C code
     file generation.
   * off-line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation
     containing an array.
   * DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding
   * no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaiset kirjastot.

Package: libtext-charwidth-perl
Description-md5: 30483f9a76c70cf6313cecc3a60f2a13
Description-fi: kertoo merkkien nテ、yttテカleveyden pテ、テ、tteellテ、
 Text::CharWidth permits one to get the display widths of characters and
 strings on the terminal, using wcwidth() and wcswidth() from libc.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 funktiot mbwidth(), mbswidth() ja mblen().

Package: libtext-iconv-perl
Description-md5: 10c6fd1eca31671f3487b084467ed3f5
Description-fi: module to convert between character sets in Perl
 XPG4:n iconv()-funktioperhe mテ、テ、rittテ、テ、 API:n merkistテカjen vテ、lisiin
 muunnoksiin (esim. UTF-8-koodauksesta Latin1-koodaukseen tai EBCDIC-
 merkistテカstテ、 ASCII-merkistテカテカn). Ne sisテ、ltyvテ、t libc6:een.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti mahdollistaa funktioiden kテ、ytテカn Perlistテ、 Text::Iconv-paketin

Package: libtext-wrapi18n-perl
Description-md5: 6444c64be001648094335df7a6b952d0
Description-fi: kansainvテ、listetty korvaaja Text::Wrap-muotoilijalle
 The Text::WrapI18N module is a substitution for Text::Wrap, supporting
 multibyte characters such as UTF-8, EUC-JP, and GB2312, fullwidth
 characters such as east Asian characters, combining characters such as
 diacritical marks and Thai, and languages which don't use whitespaces
 between words such as Chinese and Japanese.
 Moduuli tarjoaa funktion wrap().

Package: libtinfo6
Description-md5: f681846d99e5156a0882bb53c35d3244
Description-fi: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.

Package: libudev1
Description-md5: ace5b83d7b48187416c90173a93255b6
Description-fi: libudev jaettu kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 jaettu kirjasto tarjoaa ohjelmille pテ、テ、syn udev laitteiden tietoihin.

Package: libunoil-java
Description-md5: 7c2c0d413355578369cf5a73ae07b764
Description-fi: LibreOffice UNO runtime environment -- UNO interface library
 LibreOffice on tテ、ydellisin ominaisuuksin varustettu toimisto-
 ohjelmistokokoelma, joka kelpaa lテ、hes suoraan Microsoft(R) Officen
 This package contains the precompiled Java interfaces of the LibreOffice

Package: libusb-0.1-4
Description-md5: 2dcfdc1b1a0fdb8e8f86496cec6f9062
Description-fi: kテ、yttテ、jテ、tilan USB-ohjelmointikirjasto
 Kirjasto USB-sovellusten ohjelmointiin, ilman ettテ、 tarvitaan tietoa Linux-
 ytimen sisテ、isestテ、 toiminnasta.
 This package contains what you need to run programs that use this library.

Package: libusb-1.0-0
Description-md5: 2dcfdc1b1a0fdb8e8f86496cec6f9062
Description-fi: kテ、yttテ、jテ、tilan USB-ohjelmointikirjasto
 Kirjasto USB-sovellusten ohjelmointiin, ilman ettテ、 tarvitaan tietoa Linux-
 ytimen sisテ、isestテ、 toiminnasta.
 This package contains what you need to run programs that use this library.

Package: libusb-1.0-0-dev
Description-md5: 07c28a16589d7bc7f4eda04968bb1f5a
Description-fi: userspace USB programming library development files
 Kirjasto USB-sovellusten ohjelmointiin, ilman ettテ、 tarvitaan tietoa Linux-
 ytimen sisテ、isestテ、 toiminnasta.
 This package contains what you need for compiling sources that use this
 library in your own code.

Package: libusb-1.0-doc
Description-md5: 82949d8bf4827404203382fc14d3c4b0
Description-fi: documentation for userspace USB programming
 Kirjasto USB-sovellusten ohjelmointiin, ilman ettテ、 tarvitaan tietoa Linux-
 ytimen sisテ、isestテ、 toiminnasta.
 This package contains the libusb 1.0 API reference manual in HTML format.

Package: libusb-dev
Description-md5: 07c28a16589d7bc7f4eda04968bb1f5a
Description-fi: userspace USB programming library development files
 Kirjasto USB-sovellusten ohjelmointiin, ilman ettテ、 tarvitaan tietoa Linux-
 ytimen sisテ、isestテ、 toiminnasta.
 This package contains what you need for compiling sources that use this
 library in your own code.

Package: libuuid1
Description-md5: f31dd3d34d42a99fedd60c9fb7d79469
Description-fi: Universaalin yksilテカidyn tunnuksen (UUID) kirjasto
 The libuuid library generates and parses 128-bit Universally Unique IDs
 (UUIDs). A UUID is an identifier that is unique within the space of all
 such identifiers across both space and time. It can be used for multiple
 purposes, from tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime to
 reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network.
 Lisテ、テ、 tietoa RFC 4122.

Package: libv4l-0
Description-md5: 51ed604a5803d8a2ecaa5742927e357e
Description-fi: Collection of video4linux support libraries
 libv4l is a collection of libraries which adds a thin abstraction layer on
 top of video4linux2 devices. The purpose of this (thin) layer is to make
 it easy for application writers to support a wide variety of devices
 without having to write separate code for different devices in the same
 class. libv4l consists of 3 different libraries: libv4lconvert, libv4l1
 and libv4l2.
 libv4l1 offers the (deprecated) v4l1 API on top of v4l2 devices,
 independent of the drivers for those devices supporting v4l1 compatibility
 (which many v4l2 drivers do not).
 libv4l2 offers the v4l2 API on top of v4l2 devices, while adding for the
 application transparent libv4lconvert conversion where necessary.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libvoikko-dev
Description-md5: 796da2e8d2fad015742b56c77797d845
Description-fi: Kehitystiedostot libvoikolle
 Libvoikko on kirjasto, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyテカkaluja luonnollisten kielten
 kテ、sittelyyn. Sen pテ、テ、mテ、テ、rテ、nテ、 on tarjota tukea kielille, joita muut olemassa
 olevat vapaat kielitieteelliset tyテカkalut eivテ、t tテ、ydellisesti tue.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tiedostot, joita tarvitaan Voikkoa kテ、yttテ、vien
 sovellusten rakentamiseen ja kehittテ、miseen.

Package: libvoikko1
Description-md5: 37209a2de536667582747112611de7e1
Description-fi: Library of free natural language processing tools
 Libvoikko on kirjasto, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyテカkaluja luonnollisten kielten
 kテ、sittelyyn. Sen pテ、テ、mテ、テ、rテ、nテ、 on tarjota tukea kielille, joita muut olemassa
 olevat vapaat kielitieteelliset tyテカkalut eivテ、t tテ、ydellisesti tue.
 The library supports multiple backends, of which VFST and HFST are enabled
 in the default build:
  - VFST: Finite state transducer format used for Finnish morphology
    and as an experimental language independent backend.
  - HFST (Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology): Supports ZHFST
    speller archives for various languages.
  - Experimental backends: Weighted VFST and Lttoolbox.
 Libvoikko provides spell checking, hyphenation, grammar checking and
 morphological analysis for Finnish language. Spell checking is supported
 for other languages through the HFST backend.
 This package contains the shared library.

Package: libvpx6
Description-md5: 9cee3076e27a3ba8414aeb5e611c4e9f
Description-fi: VP8 and VP9 video codec (shared library)
 VP8 and VP9 are open video codecs, originally developed by On2 and
 released as open source by Google Inc. They are the successor of the VP3
 codec, on which the Theora codec was based.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: libwpg-doc
Description-md5: a6f61b64752c48618b0247e67b1f00a2
Description-fi: WordPerfect graphics import/convert library (documentation)
 Libwpg is a collection of library and tools to work with graphics in WPG
 (WordPerfect Graphics) format. WPG is the format used among others in
 Corel software, such as WordPerfect(tm) and Presentations(tm).
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libwps-doc
Description-md5: c5684ba17506cb29b62fac571ccaa40b
Description-fi: Works text file format import filter library (documentation)
 libwps is a library (for use by word processors, for example) for
 importing the Microsoft Works word processor file format. As of November
 2006, the project is new, but it imports Works format versions 2, 3, 4,
 and 8 with some formatting. Support for Works formats version 2000 (aka 5)
 is coming soon.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: libwrap0
Description-md5: 398b420d625f5f15bad603d35ce5acb9
Description-fi: Wietse Veneman TCP-kテ、テ、rijテ、tyテカkalut
 Wietse Veneman verkkovalvoja, tunnetaan myテカs nimillテ、 TCPD tai LOG_TCP.
 Nテ、mテ、 ohjelmat kirjaavat sisテ、テ、ntulevista telnet-, ftp-, rsh-, rlogin-,
 finger- ja muista pyynnテカistテ、 asiakkaan verkkonimen lokitiedostoon.
 Security options are:
  - access control per host, domain and/or service;
  - detection of host name spoofing or host address spoofing;
  - booby traps to implement an early-warning system.

Package: libwrap0-dev
Description-md5: f53a3d19bcd15b4fdd53b720ab2cb8b8
Description-fi: Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library, development files
 Wietse Veneman verkkovalvoja, tunnetaan myテカs nimillテ、 TCPD tai LOG_TCP.
 Nテ、mテ、 ohjelmat kirjaavat sisテ、テ、ntulevista telnet-, ftp-, rsh-, rlogin-,
 finger- ja muista pyynnテカistテ、 asiakkaan verkkonimen lokitiedostoon.
 Security options are:
  - access control per host, domain and/or service;
  - detection of host name spoofing or host address spoofing;
  - booby traps to implement an early-warning system.

Package: libx11-6
Description-md5: 9424e772882c71617e4e93cd79865005
Description-fi: X11 asiakkaan kirjasto
 This package provides a client interface to the X Window System, otherwise
 known as 'Xlib'.  It provides a complete API for the basic functions of
 the window system.
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 Tテ、mテ、 moduuli sijaitsee osoitteessa:

Package: libx11-data
Description-md5: a7c759b250e2455db4bb6424264d0f72
Description-fi: X11 asiakkaan kirjasto
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 kotoistustiedostot libx11:lle.
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 Tテ、mテ、 moduuli sijaitsee osoitteessa:

Package: libx11-dev
Description-md5: 0f75e83e8745f3430d89215e0a04295a
Description-fi: X11 client-side library (development headers)
 This package provides a client interface to the X Window System, otherwise
 known as 'Xlib'.  It provides a complete API for the basic functions of
 the window system.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libx11-6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 Tテ、mテ、 moduuli sijaitsee osoitteessa:

Package: libx11-doc
Description-md5: 1e72f92ba6413ee2f40071c05e0de9ff
Description-fi: X11 client-side library (development documentation)
 This package provides a client interface to the X Window System, otherwise
 known as 'Xlib'.  It provides a complete API for the basic functions of
 the window system.
 This package contains supplemental documentation for the library found in
 libx11-6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 Tテ、mテ、 moduuli sijaitsee osoitteessa:

Package: libx11-xcb-dev
Description-md5: 4c91bf605a9aa5f7f12144c80cfe65c6
Description-fi: Xlib/XCB interface library (development headers)
 libX11-xcb provides functions needed by clients which take advantage of
 Xlib/XCB to mix calls to both Xlib and XCB over the same X connection.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libx11-xcb1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 More information about XCB can be found at:
 Tテ、mテ、 moduuli sijaitsee osoitteessa:

Package: libx11-xcb1
Description-md5: 9f6421696e6d79f04f2b0e238449cc8f
Description-fi: Xlib/XCB interface library
 libX11-xcb provides functions needed by clients which take advantage of
 Xlib/XCB to mix calls to both Xlib and XCB over the same X connection.
 More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:>
 More information about XCB can be found at:
 Tテ、mテ、 moduuli sijaitsee osoitteessa:

Package: libx32gcc-s1
Description-md5: 23c4abc6ef9d972b6f047316897bf30d
Description-fi: GCC support library (x32)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.

Package: libx32stdc++-9-dev
Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: libx32stdc++6
Description-md5: f336833aedca4cda1d9923ce79172164
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (x32)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: libxau-dev
Description-md5: 04276f062fd9ff5b762f3c05def85957
Description-fi: X11 authorisation library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 authorisation
 handling, which controls authorisation for X connections, both client-side
 and server-side.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxau6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxau6
Description-md5: 5d4196d3a9c1e5b2896d2005497ee01a
Description-fi: X11 authorisation library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 authorisation
 handling, which controls authorisation for X connections, both client-side
 and server-side.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxau6-dbg
Description-md5: 275206dd5253001a6f95eafe6ef40cbc
Description-fi: X11 authorisation library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 authorisation
 handling, which controls authorisation for X connections, both client-side
 and server-side.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxau6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxaw7
Description-md5: 49f109a358b04da355ae580c460a93fb
Description-fi: X11 Athena Widget library
 libXaw7 provides the second version of Xaw, the Athena Widgets toolkit,
 which is largely used by legacy X applications.  This version is the most
 common version, as version 6 is considered deprecated, and version 8,
 which adds Xprint support, is unsupported and not widely used. In general,
 use of a more modern toolkit such as GTK+ is recommended.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxaw7-dbg
Description-md5: fa723f692956b2c93033f3d8af134ce5
Description-fi: X11 Athena Widget library (debug package)
 libXaw7 provides the second version of Xaw, the Athena Widgets toolkit,
 which is largely used by legacy X applications.  This version is the most
 common version, as version 6 is considered deprecated, and version 8,
 which adds Xprint support, is unsupported and not widely used. In general,
 use of a more modern toolkit such as GTK+ is recommended.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxaw7.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxaw7-dev
Description-md5: 230eb3d94c45258e33cead01b09def30
Description-fi: X11 Athena Widget library (development headers)
 libXaw7 provides the second version of Xaw, the Athena Widgets toolkit,
 which is largely used by legacy X applications.  This version is the most
 common version, as version 6 is considered deprecated, and version 8,
 which adds Xprint support, is unsupported and not widely used. In general,
 use of a more modern toolkit such as GTK+ is recommended.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxaw7.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxcb-composite0
Description-md5: ca6c0d9f4192a4dde52dc2f30e6369fd
Description-fi: X C Binding, composite extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-composite, the composite extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-composite0-dev
Description-md5: 00cb00ef9dc567135da248f123b87ed8
Description-fi: X C Binding, composite extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-composite, the composite extension for the X C
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-damage0
Description-md5: f28e63129125663e1b4c5ea313ae297c
Description-fi: X C Binding, damage extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-damage, the damage extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-damage0-dev
Description-md5: 5f289d21c087ffdfbbb63eb2f6d88403
Description-fi: X C Binding, damage extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-damage, the damage extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-doc
Description-md5: b97e9d64bda009574d40e0d8fa415c72
Description-fi: X C Binding, development documentation
 This package contains the development documentation for libxcb, the X C
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-dpms0
Description-md5: 4fde6e6df699f9548c8b8e6d5aa613f6
Description-fi: X C Binding, dpms extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-dpms, the dpms extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-dpms0-dev
Description-md5: 35fb1c0c538b8e0d45ff1eac3ff582b6
Description-fi: X C Binding, dpms extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-dpms, the dpms extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-dri2-0
Description-md5: 7b21058ae591306ca66f2da8f8c45aab
Description-fi: X C Binding, dri2 extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-dri2, the dri2 extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-dri2-0-dev
Description-md5: aa14a85bcea2f923ff44e959546b453b
Description-fi: X C Binding, dri2 extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-dri2, the dri2 extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-dri3-0
Description-md5: 4b1f92c077a799ce104181ba731ec6fc
Description-fi: X C Binding, dri3 extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-dri3, the dri3 extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-dri3-dev
Description-md5: 33ae3689c9b1906b35ea79665207c886
Description-fi: X C Binding, dri3 extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-dri3, the dri3 extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-glx0
Description-md5: 3169b2c3295bfe9c0729ea9f922b2d4a
Description-fi: X C Binding, glx extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-glx, the glx extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-glx0-dev
Description-md5: 8975e77fba16c6ff127815b1b670a06e
Description-fi: X C Binding, glx extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-glx, the glx extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-present-dev
Description-md5: 55dfd51e536b0ce79a88fefa0b7a9b6a
Description-fi: X C Binding, present extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-present, the present extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-present0
Description-md5: 334193719fba9c74610c458784b19b1b
Description-fi: X C Binding, present extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-present, the present extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-randr0
Description-md5: adb389382ef0d8f0e2a3de70afef6284
Description-fi: X C Binding, randr extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-randr, the randr extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-randr0-dev
Description-md5: 735c3a5ffbdf9ace5c373fa9bf38ed5d
Description-fi: X C Binding, randr extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-randr, the randr extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-record0
Description-md5: e5ccbdc38847f1aebd02f7d94bbbc0e8
Description-fi: X C Binding, record extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-record, the record extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-record0-dev
Description-md5: d338f3303260833eb2daa5c12752e042
Description-fi: X C Binding, record extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-record, the record extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-render0
Description-md5: c5db612729adbe8a95b5f304a1c0e60b
Description-fi: X C Binding, render extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-render, the render extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-render0-dev
Description-md5: 350c71a11fce197bfdd81f2173c8c47b
Description-fi: X C Binding, render extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-render, the render extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-res0
Description-md5: c2c5e369cff7cefe91babaa7de5630ba
Description-fi: X C Binding, res extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-res, the res extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-res0-dev
Description-md5: b8990ae7ad0bbd27401ec98cc1c75776
Description-fi: X C Binding, res extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-res, the res extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-screensaver0
Description-md5: d620ae3f5335aff882ca4074641853c3
Description-fi: X C Binding, screensaver extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-screensaver, the screensaver extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-screensaver0-dev
Description-md5: 83a3b0eb371cf2409490ba29edcb3eaa
Description-fi: X C Binding, screensaver extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-screensaver, the screensaver extension for the X C
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-shape0
Description-md5: 4f8fcf227f71242b2923bb3614ad97a2
Description-fi: X C Binding, shape extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-shape, the shape extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-shape0-dev
Description-md5: b59fd5bacbd9b3280320ec83bb3f452c
Description-fi: X C Binding, shape extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-shape, the shape extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-shm0
Description-md5: efe15210cc4fe778d9092348500e1a77
Description-fi: X C Binding, shm extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-shm, the shm extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-shm0-dev
Description-md5: 6f179a331f00f73798b8c2cabed1a88f
Description-fi: X C Binding, shm extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-shm, the shm extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-sync-dev
Description-md5: 1e0ff61d663c39e76f3de4c84c3f7899
Description-fi: X C Binding, sync extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-sync, the sync extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-sync1
Description-md5: d5360e0f01127bfda17c79337e504a3f
Description-fi: X C Binding, sync extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-sync, the sync extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xf86dri0
Description-md5: f6b61b1dd5cbcdd3b35b95162a6d84e0
Description-fi: X C Binding, xf86dri extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xf86dri, the xf86dri extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xf86dri0-dev
Description-md5: 2d530540e9eef50abce24dce665eaee7
Description-fi: X C Binding, xf86dri extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xf86dri, the xf86dri extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xfixes0
Description-md5: 94f24b982ab532c251f90293506a8fed
Description-fi: X C Binding, xfixes extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xfixes, the xfixes extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xfixes0-dev
Description-md5: 18efd390c63351b408b2ffb0163f2cf5
Description-fi: X C Binding, xfixes extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xfixes, the xfixes extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xinerama0
Description-md5: f2a52133eab163b52a83f8199011810e
Description-fi: X C Binding, xinerama extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xinerama, the xinerama extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xinerama0-dev
Description-md5: a48583621fb78aeb3c0f4cc202892fd8
Description-fi: X C Binding, xinerama extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xinerama, the xinerama extension for the X C
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xinput-dev
Description-md5: 3e7daeaac61c07e6eaa1c3a8a9508c19
Description-fi: X C Binding, xinput extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xinput, the xinput extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xinput0
Description-md5: a21d071cb9edd396b7e5e3746305cc41
Description-fi: X C Binding, xinput extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xinput, the xinput extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xkb-dev
Description-md5: db3d11c316407d51ed8e7ccbc9b0e2ac
Description-fi: X C Binding, XKEYBOARD extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xkb, the XKEYBOARD extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xkb1
Description-md5: 265aa28a89cf5ce7330ef13f8d25ed2c
Description-fi: X C Binding, XKEYBOARD extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xkb, the XKEYBOARD extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xtest0
Description-md5: 12d78ef68913f742e8054ee9ba8eceac
Description-fi: X C Binding, xtest extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xtest, the xtest extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xtest0-dev
Description-md5: fb44118f335dc050b5f88616743eda8e
Description-fi: X C Binding, xtest extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xtest, the xtest extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xv0
Description-md5: ed2134a19c1b37c3eec9621d2c3f1395
Description-fi: X C Binding, xv extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xv, the xv extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xv0-dev
Description-md5: c45791601a14485adf21a51b301cc152
Description-fi: X C Binding, xv extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xv, the xv extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xvmc0
Description-md5: 722aaaca48e4d073cb75a56a36af7a4b
Description-fi: X C Binding, xvmc extension
 This package contains the library files needed to run software using
 libxcb-xvmc, the xvmc extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb-xvmc0-dev
Description-md5: e12e77e95ad1c28e751ed3b79abe2c81
Description-fi: X C Binding, xvmc extension, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb-xvmc, the xvmc extension for the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb1
Description-md5: 93568dcb3007e5182147ac40c36650aa
Description-fi: X C sidonta (binding)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 kirjastotiedostot sellaisille suoritettaville
 ohjelmille jotka tarvitsevat libxcb:tテ、, X C sidontaa (binding).
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcb1-dev
Description-md5: d028a849d89f18ec7440c6d77483cbe1
Description-fi: X C Binding, development files
 This package contains the header and library files needed to build
 software using libxcb, the X C Binding.
 XCB-kirjasto tarjoaa rajapinnan X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、n (X Window System)
 yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカlle ja se on suunniteltu korvaamaan Xlib-rajapinta. XCB
 tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna Xlib-rajapintaan:
  * Size: small library and lower memory footprint
  * Latency hiding: batch several requests and wait for the replies later
  * Direct protocol access: one-to-one mapping between interface and protocol
  * Thread support: access XCB from multiple threads, with no explicit locking
  * Easy creation of new extensions: automatically generates interface from
    machine-parsable protocol descriptions

Package: libxcomposite-dev
Description-md5: 6c12b730c4bb5b17bd24b60d9a59a12d
Description-fi: X11 Composite extension library (development headers)
 libXcomposite provides an X Window System client interface to the
 Composite extension to the X protocol.
 The Composite extension allows clients called compositing managers to
 control the final drawing of the screen.  Rendering is done into an off-
 screen buffer.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxcomposite1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxcomposite1
Description-md5: 49720e84dd5a26f4429db537758dcedc
Description-fi: X11 Composite extension library
 libXcomposite provides an X Window System client interface to the
 Composite extension to the X protocol.
 The Composite extension allows clients called compositing managers to
 control the final drawing of the screen.  Rendering is done into an off-
 screen buffer.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxcomposite1-dbg
Description-md5: 346deefe74d809a3e6b860b8fd8386b2
Description-fi: X11 Composite extension library (debug package)
 libXcomposite provides an X Window System client interface to the
 Composite extension to the X protocol.
 The Composite extension allows clients called compositing managers to
 control the final drawing of the screen.  Rendering is done into an off-
 screen buffer.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxcomposite1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdamage-dev
Description-md5: f6757e2a643233758976bf0152b926d7
Description-fi: X11 damaged region extension library (development headers)
 libXdamage provides an X Window System client interface to the DAMAGE
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Damage extension provides for notification of when on-screen regions
 have been 'damaged' (altered).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxdamage1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdamage1
Description-md5: 98dd17ab9089c578805725bd9bce8f95
Description-fi: X11 damaged region extension library
 libXdamage provides an X Window System client interface to the DAMAGE
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Damage extension provides for notification of when on-screen regions
 have been 'damaged' (altered).
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdmcp-dev
Description-md5: 13e87615e8ea7f62524dd6a205d82e68
Description-fi: X11 authorisation library (development headers)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 display manager
 control protocol library, which allows for remote logins to display
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxdmcp6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdmcp6
Description-md5: 79e282811de3a2440672d104fd07bead
Description-fi: X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 display manager
 control protocol library, which allows for remote logins to display
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxdmcp6-dbg
Description-md5: cea8ee1de40a7ba778f5152a991680b0
Description-fi: X11 authorisation library (debug package)
 This package provides the main interface to the X11 display manager
 control protocol library, which allows for remote logins to display
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxdmcp6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext-dev
Description-md5: 9d497aabe7a8734879a278b8413e69c6
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous extensions library (development headers)
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxext6. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext-doc
Description-md5: 0600a78601f1d6561cda356efeda64d5
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous extensions library (documentation)
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 This package contains the documentation for the included protocol
 extension libraries. Non-developers likely have little use for this
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext6
Description-md5: 5c72cf7a13b0990666898813406a2a89
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous extension library
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxext6-dbg
Description-md5: a9d12f89d8fa4962191a46fc5214d873
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous extensions library (debug package)
 libXext provides an X Window System client interface to several extensions
 to the X protocol.
 The supported protocol extensions are:
  - DOUBLE-BUFFER (DBE), the Double Buffer extension;
  - DPMS, the VESA Display Power Management System extension;
  - Extended-Visual-Information (EVI), an extension for gathering extra
    information about the X server's visuals;
  - LBX, the Low Bandwidth X extension;
  - MIT-SHM, the MIT X client/server shared memory extension;
  - MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, a miscellaneous extension by MIT;
  - Multi-Buffering, the multi-buffering and stereo display extension;
  - SECURITY, the X security extension;
  - SHAPE, the non-rectangular shaped window extension;
  - SYNC, the X synchronization extension;
  - TOG-CUP, the Open Group's Colormap Utilization extension;
  - XC-APPGROUP, the X Consortium's Application Group extension;
  - XC-MISC, the X Consortium's resource ID querying extension;
  - XTEST, the X test extension (this is one of two client-side
    implementations; the other is in the libXtst library, provided by the
    libxtst6 package);
 libXext also provides a small set of utility functions to aid authors of
 client APIs for X protocol extensions.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxext6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxinerama-dev
Description-md5: 2efd4db97130bfd4a9ddc036f4e668d9
Description-fi: X11 Xinerama extension library (development headers)
 libXinerama provides an X Window System client interface to the XINERAMA
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Xinerama (also known as panoramiX) extension allows for multiple
 screens attached to a single display to be treated as belonging together,
 and to give desktop applications a better idea of the monitor layout.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxinerama1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxinerama1
Description-md5: 8af4527c5c1d4c9cfadc619f456cc56d
Description-fi: X11 Xinerama extension library
 libXinerama provides an X Window System client interface to the XINERAMA
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Xinerama (also known as panoramiX) extension allows for multiple
 screens attached to a single display to be treated as belonging together,
 and to give desktop applications a better idea of the monitor layout.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbcommon-dev
Description-md5: ef653ec7ae2c3cecbf4869d7f5fe0694
Description-fi: library interface to the XKB compiler - development files
 xkbcommon is a library to handle keyboard descriptions, including loading
 them from disk, parsing them and handling their state. It's mainly meant
 for client toolkits, window systems, and other system applications;
 currently that includes Wayland, kmscon, GTK+, Clutter, and more.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxkbcommon0. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbcommon-doc
Description-md5: c2443fb4ade0b0d28830113cb301c0f6
Description-fi: library interface to the XKB compiler - documentation
 xkbcommon is a library to handle keyboard descriptions, including loading
 them from disk, parsing them and handling their state. It's mainly meant
 for client toolkits, window systems, and other system applications;
 currently that includes Wayland, kmscon, GTK+, Clutter, and more.
 This package contains the documentation files for the library found in
 libxkbcommon0. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbcommon-x11-0
Description-md5: 2be59c31381cd21c6a93029b61d195d6
Description-fi: library to create keymaps with the XKB X11 protocol
 This package provides an add-on library called xkbcommon-x11, to support
 creating keymaps with the XKB X11 protocol, by querying the X server
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbcommon-x11-dev
Description-md5: 4fcb4c4142b8c9a3b86ff1e0db90ab3f
Description-fi: library to create keymaps with the XKB X11 protocol - development files
 This package provides an add-on library called xkbcommon-x11, to support
 creating keymaps with the XKB X11 protocol, by querying the X server
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxkbcommon-x11-0. Non-developers likely have little use for this
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbcommon0
Description-md5: 3856681f1fd5bf4962445465a50b2086
Description-fi: library interface to the XKB compiler - shared library
 This package provides a library to handle keyboard descriptions, including
 loading them from disk, parsing them and handling their state. It's mainly
 meant for client toolkits, window systems, and other system applications;
 currently that includes Wayland, kmscon, GTK+, Clutter, and more.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbfile-dev
Description-md5: ad5f62c86814066bcc2cca88f1feb02d
Description-fi: X11 keyboard file manipulation library (development headers)
 libxkbfile provides an interface to read and manipulate description files
 for XKB, the X11 keyboard configuration extension.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxkbfile1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxkbfile1
Description-md5: e5bd1e08d32d2a15bb15debcd9ebca0d
Description-fi: X11 keyboard file manipulation library
 libxkbfile provides an interface to read and manipulate description files
 for XKB, the X11 keyboard configuration extension.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxml2
Description-md5: 6771e66f557fa0f71e6955303e1d8f8d
Description-fi: XML-kirjasto Gnomelle
 XML on metakieli, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella kuvauskieliテ、.
 Sテ、テ、nnテカllinen kuvauskieli mテ、テ、rittelee tavan kuvata tietyn tyyppisissテ、
 asiakirjoissa (esim. HTML) olevaa tietoa. XML mahdollistaa kuvauskielen
 mテ、テ、rittelemisen monen tyyppisille asiakirjoille. Se voi tehdテ、 tテ、mテ、n, koska
 se on kirjoitettu SGML:llテ、, joka on kansainvテ、linen standardoitu metakieli
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 kirjaston, joka tarjoaa laajan API:n tテ、llaisten XML-
 datatiedostojen kテ、sittelyyn.

Package: libxml2-dev
Description-md5: 3fc5da551079ce5d27e8aae047e7a888
Description-fi: Development files for the GNOME XML library
 XML on metakieli, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella kuvauskieliテ、.
 Sテ、テ、nnテカllinen kuvauskieli mテ、テ、rittelee tavan kuvata tietyn tyyppisissテ、
 asiakirjoissa (esim. HTML) olevaa tietoa. XML mahdollistaa kuvauskielen
 mテ、テ、rittelemisen monen tyyppisille asiakirjoille. Se voi tehdテ、 tテ、mテ、n, koska
 se on kirjoitettu SGML:llテ、, joka on kansainvテ、linen standardoitu metakieli
 Install this package if you wish to develop your own programs using the
 GNOME XML library.

Package: libxml2-doc
Description-md5: 5a090ab419791c5777762dc26465ac3b
Description-fi: Documentation for the GNOME XML library
 XML on metakieli, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella kuvauskieliテ、.
 Sテ、テ、nnテカllinen kuvauskieli mテ、テ、rittelee tavan kuvata tietyn tyyppisissテ、
 asiakirjoissa (esim. HTML) olevaa tietoa. XML mahdollistaa kuvauskielen
 mテ、テ、rittelemisen monen tyyppisille asiakirjoille. Se voi tehdテ、 tテ、mテ、n, koska
 se on kirjoitettu SGML:llテ、, joka on kansainvテ、linen standardoitu metakieli
 This package contains general information about the GNOME XML library and
 more specific API references.

Package: libxml2-utils
Description-md5: eb24a32e7f02ae9cc4d9ada525dc1964
Description-fi: XML utilities
 XML on metakieli, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella kuvauskieliテ、.
 Sテ、テ、nnテカllinen kuvauskieli mテ、テ、rittelee tavan kuvata tietyn tyyppisissテ、
 asiakirjoissa (esim. HTML) olevaa tietoa. XML mahdollistaa kuvauskielen
 mテ、テ、rittelemisen monen tyyppisille asiakirjoille. Se voi tehdテ、 tテ、mテ、n, koska
 se on kirjoitettu SGML:llテ、, joka on kansainvテ、linen standardoitu metakieli
 This package provides xmllint, a tool for validating and reformatting XML
 documents, and xmlcatalog, a tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML
 catalog files.

Package: libxmu-dev
Description-md5: 1535c013b63a4134a8f998fbc83b84eb
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous utility library (development headers)
 libXmu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for X
 libraries to use.  libXmuu is a lighter-weight version that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information, see libxmuu1.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxmu6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu-headers
Description-md5: a50fe5fa06a21984619f3b9e9d32391a
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous utility library headers
 libXmu and libXmuu are miscellaneous utility libraries for X library
 developers to abstract some common functions.  This package provides the
 headers for both libraries (as libXmuu is a subset of libXmu), and is
 depended upon by both.  For more information, please see libxmu-dev or
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu6
Description-md5: 5399b16d918a060136eb6d6a5cfda654
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous utility library
 libXmu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for X
 libraries to use.  libXmuu is a lighter-weight version that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information, see libxmuu1.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmu6-dbg
Description-md5: 74842649756d66458d661751633517ad
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous utility library (debug package)
 libXmu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for X
 libraries to use.  libXmuu is a lighter-weight version that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information, see libxmuu1.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxmu6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmuu-dev
Description-md5: 82e532669f63dcf82d16c33a3969f937
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library (development headers)
 libXmuu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for
 X libraries to use.  It is a lighter version of libXmu that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information on libXmu, see libxmu6.
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxmuu1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmuu1
Description-md5: 9bbd97bf046baafb7d73b980536d719d
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
 libXmuu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for
 X libraries to use.  It is a lighter version of libXmu that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information on libXmu, see libxmu6.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxmuu1-dbg
Description-md5: e4dcd200da39b15800208107b9ab2361
Description-fi: X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library (debug package)
 libXmuu provides a set of miscellaneous utility convenience functions for
 X libraries to use.  It is a lighter version of libXmu that does not
 depend on libXt or libXext; for more information on libXmu, see libxmu6.
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxmuu1.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxres-dev
Description-md5: 70ec3c2d202b5b75e237d25e6d833401
Description-fi: X11 Resource extension library (development headers)
 libXRes provides an X Window System client interface to the Resource
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Resource extension allows for X clients to see and monitor the X
 resource usage of various clients (pixmaps, et al).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxres1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxres1
Description-md5: d9399de89592de94c1d00cfcb2c850b3
Description-fi: X11 Resource extension library
 libXRes provides an X Window System client interface to the Resource
 extension to the X protocol.
 The Resource extension allows for X clients to see and monitor the X
 resource usage of various clients (pixmaps, et al).
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxt-dev
Description-md5: 4672adcea184032fd66fe6c6e5ca9f00
Description-fi: X11 toolkit intrinsics library (development headers)
 libXt provides the X Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon
 which other toolkits are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits,
 including the Athena widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxt6.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxt6
Description-md5: c3abc4b8f3ebe1d7b7494d4013fd7976
Description-fi: X11 toolkit intrinsics library
 libXt provides the X Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon
 which other toolkits are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits,
 including the Athena widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxt6-dbg
Description-md5: 6f1684f08fb3fbea27569764cab49561
Description-fi: X11 toolkit intrinsics library (debug package)
 libXt provides the X Toolkit Intrinsics, an abstract widget library upon
 which other toolkits are based.  Xt is the basis for many toolkits,
 including the Athena widgets (Xaw), and LessTif (a Motif implementation).
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in libxt6.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxtables12
Description-md5: 63e15790bf391d02773381b5b6259745
Description-fi: netfilter stables -kirjasto
 The iptables/xtables framework has been replaced by nftables. You should
 consider migrating now.
 This package contains the user-space interface to the Netfilter xtables
 kernel framework.

Package: libxxf86dga-dev
Description-md5: e02dc131e7ff39b6aafdad14aa6d7780
Description-fi: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library (development headers)
 libXxf86dga provides the XFree86-DGA extension, which allows direct
 graphics access to a framebuffer-like region, and also allows relative
 mouse reporting, et al.  It is mainly used by games and emulators for
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxxf86dga1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86dga1
Description-md5: 3b4c06b89aa50ec8ff9dfdeca065cd4a
Description-fi: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library
 libXxf86dga provides the XFree86-DGA extension, which allows direct
 graphics access to a framebuffer-like region, and also allows relative
 mouse reporting, et al.  It is mainly used by games and emulators for
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86dga1-dbg
Description-md5: c3ae464978269f65057391632499fe73
Description-fi: X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library (debug package)
 libXxf86dga provides the XFree86-DGA extension, which allows direct
 graphics access to a framebuffer-like region, and also allows relative
 mouse reporting, et al.  It is mainly used by games and emulators for
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxxf86dga1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86vm-dev
Description-md5: f248dc7c5a7842ef87d8528ab4f9bb7b
Description-fi: X11 XFree86 video mode extension library (development headers)
 libXxf86vm provides an interface to the XFree86-VidModeExtension
 extension, which allows client applications to get and set video mode
 timings in extensive detail.  It is used by the xvidtune program in
 This package contains the development headers for the library found in
 libxxf86vm1.  Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86vm1
Description-md5: b174fdb3bc0f1361c3d5865a48ffdd70
Description-fi: X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
 libXxf86vm provides an interface to the XFree86-VidModeExtension
 extension, which allows client applications to get and set video mode
 timings in extensive detail.  It is used by the xvidtune program in
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libxxf86vm1-dbg
Description-md5: c96802621cfbd8042ea5b726670991cc
Description-fi: X11 XFree86 video mode extension library (debug package)
 libXxf86vm provides an interface to the XFree86-VidModeExtension
 extension, which allows client applications to get and set video mode
 timings in extensive detail.  It is used by the xvidtune program in
 This package contains the debug versions of the library found in
 libxxf86vm1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This module can be found at

Package: libyajl-doc
Description-md5: d8f6d590b0bed9fd2a2b91f8f93166d8
Description-fi: Yet Another JSON Library - library documentation
 A small, fast library for parsing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).  It
 supports incremental parsing from a stream and leaves data representation
 to higher level code.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: lintian
Description-md5: 02ad0e4d10b7d745cef7cf0ebbd9e04c
Description-fi: Debian-pakettien tarkastaja
 Lintian analysoi Debian-paketteja ja ilmoittaa virheistテ、 tai
 menettelytavan rikkomuksista. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 automaattisen tarkistuksen
 monille Debianin menettelytapoihin liittyviin nテ、kテカkohtiin ja tarkistuksia
 yleisiin virheisiin.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on hyテカdyllinen kaikille niille, jotka haluavat tarkistaa
 Debian-pakettien sopivuuden Debianin menettelytapoihin. Jokaisen Debian-
 kehittテ、jテ、n tulisi tarkistaa pakettinsa tテ、llテ、 tyテカkalulla ennen paketin
 lテ、hettテ、mistテ、 arkistoon.
 This version of Lintian is calibrated for Debian Policy version 4.5.0.

Package: linux-base
Description-md5: 441643227abc8006d7ae05aa2312ff51
Description-fi: Linux-kテ、ynnistyskuvan perustapaketti
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tiedostot ja tukiskriptit kaikille Linux-

Package: login
Description-md5: 78ac96cb774b9146397717a29f70b14b
Description-fi: jテ、rjestelmテ、n kirjautumistyテカkalut
 This package provides some required infrastructure for logins and for changing effective user or group IDs, including:
  * login, the program that invokes a user shell on a virtual terminal;
  * nologin, a dummy shell for disabled user accounts;
  * su, a basic tool for executing commands as root or another user.

Package: logrotate
Description-md5: bb73169bb75b2b8a2fda1453d214416d
Description-fi: Lokien kierrテ、tysapuohjelma
 logrotate-apuohjelma on tarkoitettu yksinkertaistamaan lokitiedostojen
 hallintaa jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、, joka tuottaa paljon lokeja. Logrotate pystyy
 automaattisesti kierrテ、ttテ、mテ、テ、n, pakkaamaan, poistamaan ja postittamaan
 lokitiedostoja. Logrotate voidaan sテ、テ、tテ、テ、 kテ、sittelemテ、テ、n lokitiedostoa
 pテ、ivittテ、in, viikoittain, kuukausittain tai kun lokitiedosto kasvaa tietyn
 kokoiseksi. Tavallisesti logrotate ajetaan pテ、ivittテ、isenテ、 cron-tehtテ、vテ、nテ、.

Package: lsb-base
Description-md5: 097c50ae4dc8b22ec551f0128089a56c
Description-fi: Linux-standardipohjan kテ、ynnistysskriptitoiminnot
 Linux-standardipohja (Linux Standard Base, LSB,
 on standardoitu ydinjテ、rjestelmテ、, johon kolmannen osapuolen Linux-
 sovellukset voivat tukeutua.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 kテ、ynnistysfunktioiden kirjaston, jota muiden
 pakettien kテ、ynnistysskriptit voivat kテ、yttテ、テ、 lokikirjaukseen ja muihin

Package: lsb-invalid-mta
Description-md5: 33de1113b88f03d989868cbc67ba462c
Description-fi: Linux Standard Base sendmail dummy
 Linux-standardipohja (Linux Standard Base, LSB,
 on standardoitu ydinjテ、rjestelmテ、, johon kolmannen osapuolen Linux-
 sovellukset voivat tukeutua.
 This package contains nothing else than a fake /usr/sbin/sendmail command
 to fulfill the LSB's requirement of providing this command without
 requiring an MTA to get installed, which once introduces a daemon which
 can cause security problems and second, users get asked questions about
 how they want their MTA configured when in reality they simply wanted to
 install a desktop application or a printer driver, but the dependency on
 LSB compliance pulls in an MTA with the installation.
 The LSB requirement on /usr/sbin/sendmail comes from old times where Linux
 and Unix machines had all fixed IPs and did server tasks in data centers.
 Today's typical desktop Linux machines do not do local e-mail any more as
 users use external e-mail services.
 The /usr/sbin/sendmail always exits with exit status -1 (255) and sends a
 warning message to stderr, so that if a program actually tries to send
 e-mail via the sendmail command the user gets note.

Package: lsb-release
Description-md5: 65ec3e346c054b77b914b6a1d4e5fb15
Description-fi: Linux Standard Base version reporting utility
 Linux-standardipohja (Linux Standard Base, LSB,
 on standardoitu ydinjテ、rjestelmテ、, johon kolmannen osapuolen Linux-
 sovellukset voivat tukeutua.
 The lsb-release command is a simple tool to help identify the Linux
 distribution being used and its compliance with the Linux Standard Base.
 LSB conformance will not be reported unless the required metapackages are
 While it is intended for use by LSB packages, this command may also be
 useful for programmatically distinguishing between a pure Debian
 installation and derived distributions.

Package: lsof
Description-md5: df6eff5e3fcd44e35327c894b54c92a3
Description-fi: utility to list open files
 Lsof on Unixille tarkoitettu diagnostiikkaohjelma. Sen nimi tulee sanoista
 "LiSt Open Files", ja sen se tekeekin - listaa auki olevat tiedostot. Se
 listaa tiedot kaikista jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、 ajettavien prosessien auki olevista

Package: ltrace
Description-md5: ff2cc28bbc4f3ce119d059af641ea073
Description-fi: Seuraa ajonaikaisia dynaamisia kirjastokutsuja
 ltrace on debuggausohjelma, joka suorittaa annetun komennon, kunnes se
 loppuu. Komennon suorituksen aikana ltrace ottaa kiinni ja tallentaa
 suoritetun prosessin tekemテ、t dynaamiset kirjastokutsut sekテ、 prosessin
 vastaanottamat signaalit. ltrace voi myテカs vastaanottaa ja tulostaa
 ohjelman suorittamat jテ、rjestelmテ、kutsut.
 Seurattavan ohjelman ei tarvitse olla kテ、テ、nnetty seurantaa varten, joten
 ltracea voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 myテカs ohjelmiin, joiden lテ、hdekoodeja ei ole saatavilla.
 ltrace tulisi asentaa, jos tarvitaan yllテ、pitotyテカkalua prosessien
 suorituksen seuraamiseen.

Package: m4
Description-md5: 4d2d2315ae3e9465f92825939c8db872
Description-fi: makroprosessointikieli
 GNU "m4" on perinteisen UNIX-makroprosessorin toteutus. Se on pテ、テ、asiassa
 SVR4-yhteensopiva, vaikka siinテ、 on joitain laajennuksia (kuten yli 9
 paikkaparametrin vテ、litys makroihin). "m4":ssテ、 on myテカs sisテ、テ、nrakennettuja
 funktioita tiedostojen liittテ、miseen, shell-komentojen ajamiseen,
 laskutoimitusten suorittamiseen jne. Autoconf tarvitsee GNU "m4":n
 "configure"-skriptien laatimiseen, mutta ei niiden ajamiseen.

Package: manpages
Description-md5: 3cdba21ee451777db03e5edc1ef4caa3
Description-fi: Ohjeet GNU/Linuxin kテ、yttテカテカn
 This package contains GNU/Linux manual pages for these sections:
  4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd).
  5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system
      files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs).
  7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc.
      (e.g. nroff, ascii).
 Osiot 1,6 ja 8 ovat perテ、isin vastaavilta sovelluksilta. Tテ、mテ、 paketti
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 vain man intro -sivun.
 Man-sivut kuvaavat monien jテ、rjestelmテ、tiedostojen syntaksin.

Package: mawk
Description-md5: 05965bfcd1a2333e963d9f1945d161fc
Description-fi: Pattern scanning and text processing language
 Mawk tulkkaa AWK-ohjelmointikieltテ、. AWK-kieli on hyテカdyllinen
 datatiedostojen kテ、sittelyssテ、, tekstin haussa ja prosessoinnissa sekテ、
 algoritmien luonnostelussa ja kokeilussa. Mawk on uusi awk, eli se
 toteuttaa AWK-kielen niin kuin se mテ、テ、ritellテ、テ、n kirjassa Aho, Kernighan ja
 Weinberger, "The AWK Programming Language", Addison-Wesley Publishing,
 1988. (Tテ、stテ、 eteenpテ、in: "AWK-kirja".) Mawk on POSIX 1003.2 (luonnos 11.3)
 -mテ、テ、ritelmテ、n mukainen toteutus AWK-kielestテ、, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 muutamia
 ominaisuuksia, joita AWK-kirjassa ei ole mainittu. Nテ、iden lisテ、ksi mawkissa
 on vielテ、 muutama laajennus.
 Mawk on pienempi ja paljon nopeampi kuin gawk. Sillテ、 on joitain
 kテ、テ、nnettテ、essテ、 mテ、テ、ritettyjテ、 rajoituksia, kuten NF = 32767 ja sprintf-
 puskuri = 1020.

Package: mime-support
Description-md5: 6a960d88790635886bd17b629c708b8c
Description-fi: MIME-tiedostot "mime.types" ja "mailcap" sekテ、 tukiohjelmat
 Koska nテ、itテ、 tiedostoja kテ、yttテ、vテ、t kaikki MIME-yhteensopivat ohjelmat, ne on
 siirretty omaan pakettiinsa, johon muut voivat asettaa riippuvuuden.
 Muut paketit lisテ、テ、vテ、t itsensテ、 katselimiksi/editoreiksi/muokkaimiksi/jne
 kutsumalla annettua "update-mime"-ohjelmaa.
 Lisテ、ksi komennot "see", "edit", "compose" ja "print" vastaavasti
 nテ、yttテ、vテ、t, muokkaavat, luovat ja tulostavat minkテ、 tahansa tiedoston
 valitsemalla ohjelman mime.types- ja mailcap-tiedostoiden tietueiden

Package: mlocate
Description-md5: 34e9c00f37885dbcdfb61296f24c84df
Description-fi: etsi nopeasti tiedostoja nimen mukaan
 mlocate on uusi toteutus locatesta, joka on tyテカkalu tiedostojen
 etsimiseen. Tiedostoja voi etsiテ、 tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、stテ、 nimen perusteella
 kテ、yttテ、mテ、llテ、 joko hakusanoja tai sテ、テ、nnテカllisiテ、 lausekkeita. Toisin kuin muut
 tyテカkalut, kuten find, locate kテ、yttテ、テ、 aiemmin tehtyテ、 tietokantaa haun
 suorittamiseen, mahdollistaen paremman suorituskyvyn. Cron pテ、ivittテ、テ、
 sテ、テ、nnテカllisesti tテ、tテ、 tietokantaa.
 Locatesta on tehty useita toteutuksia: alkuperテ、inen GNU:n findutils,
 slocate ja mlocate. Mlocaten etuja ovat:
  * it indexes all the filesystem, but results of a search will only
    include files that the user running locate has access to. It does
    this by updating the database as root, but making it unreadable for
    normal users, who can only access it via the locate binary. slocate
    does this as well, but not the original locate.
  * instead of re-reading all the contents of all directories each time
    the database is updated, mlocate keeps timestamp information in its
    database and can know if the contents of a directory changed without
    reading them again. This makes updates much faster and less demanding
    on the hard drive. This feature is only found in mlocate.
 Mlocate muuttaa asennuksen yhteydessテ、 /usr/bin/locate binテ、テ、rin osoittamaan
 mlocatea vaihtoehtomekanismin (alternatives) kautta. Asennuksen jテ、lkeen
 saatat haluta suorittaa /etc/cron.daily/mlocate manuaalisesti luodaksesi
 tietokannan, muuten mlocate ei toimi ennen kuin sen skripti suoritetaan
 cron:ista (koska mlocate ei kテ、ytテ、 samaa tietokantaa kuin perinteinen
 locate). Haluat myテカs todennテ、kテカisesti poistaa locate-paketin, koska muuten
 tietokoneellasi on kaksi erilaista sテ、テ、nnテカllisesti pテ、ivittyvテ、テ、 tietokantaa.

Package: mount
Description-md5: 90e187380786a435bb9c85b37afa2c5f
Description-fi: tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 seuraavat tyテカkalut: mount(8), swapon(8), swapoff(8)
 ja losetup(8).

Package: mtr-tiny
Description-md5: 1bfbca08bdef8b364895eace26dac3e1
Description-fi: Koko ruudun ncurses-pohjainen traceroute-tyテカkalu
 mtr yhdistテ、テ、 traceroute- ja ping-ohjelmien toiminnallisuuden yhteen
 As mtr starts, it investigates the network connection between the host mtr
 runs on and a user-specified destination host.  After it determines the
 address of each network hop between the machines, it sends a sequence of
 ICMP ECHO requests to each one to determine the quality of the link to
 each machine.  As it does this, it prints running statistics about each
 mtr-tiny on kテ、テ、nnetty ilman X-tukea, jolloin levytilaa sテ、テ、styy.

Package: mutt
Description-md5: 14c29b7cb02b614c08865f8fb8a0ac39
Description-fi: Tekstipohjainen sテ、hkテカpostiohjelma, joka tukee MIME-, GPG- ja PGP-ominaisuuksia sekテ、 viestien sテ、ikeistystテ、
 Mutt on monipuolinen tekstipohjainen sテ、hkテカpostiohjelma. Tテ、rkeimpiテ、
 ominaisuuksia ovat:
  * MIME support (including RFC1522 encoding/decoding of 8-bit message
    headers and UTF-8 support).
  * PGP/MIME support (RFC 2015).
  * Advanced IMAP client supporting SSL encryption and SASL authentication.
  * POP3 support.
  * ESMTP support.
  * Message threading (both strict and non-strict).
  * Keybindings are configurable, default keybindings are much like ELM;
    Mush and PINE-like ones are provided as examples.
  * Handles MMDF, MH and Maildir in addition to regular mbox format.
  * Messages may be (indefinitely) postponed.
  * Colour support.
  * Highly configurable through easy but powerful rc file.
  * Support for compressed mailboxes.
  * An optional Sidebar.

Package: nano
Description-md5: af29527665aea4297c3c5acbb24cf1fa
Description-fi: pieni ja ystテ、vテ、llinen Picosta vaikutteita saanut tekstieditori
 GNU nano on helppokテ、yttテカinen tekstieditori, joka alunperin suunniteltiin
 korvaamaan Pico, ncurses-pohjainen editori epテ、vapaasta Pine-
 sテ、hkテカpostipaketista (nykyテ、テ、n Apache-lisensoitu nimellテ、 Alpine).
 However, GNU nano also implements many features missing in Pico, including:
  - undo/redo
  - line numbering
  - syntax coloring
  - soft-wrapping of overlong lines
  - selecting text by holding Shift
  - interactive search and replace (with regular expression support)
  - a go-to line (and column) command
  - support for multiple file buffers
  - auto-indentation
  - tab completion of filenames and search terms
  - toggling features while running
  - and full internationalization support

Package: nautilus
Description-md5: 8693b52221189e04902040440bd7d428
Description-fi: Tiedostonhallinta ja graafinen kテ、yttテカliittymテ、 Gnome-tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカテカn
 Nautilus is the official file manager for the GNOME desktop. It allows one
 to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated
 with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the GNOME
 desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
 Useita kuvakekokoelmia ja eri tiedostotyyppien katseluun tarvittavia
 lisテ、osia on saatavilla erillisinテ、 paketteina.

Package: nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal
Description-md5: 50c7939faa3af14d1b31cd393715dd4e
Description-fi: GNOME terminal emulator application - Nautilus extension
 GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:
  - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment.
  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm
 Gnomen pテ、テ、te tukee vテ、lilehtiテ、 (monen pテ、テ、teikkunan auki pitテ、mistテ、 yhtテ、
 aikaa) ja profiilien kテ、yttテカテ、.
 This package contains the extension for Nautilus, the GNOME Files app.

Package: ncurses-base
Description-md5: 2cbef17322c0de7f007682de54ca0d4a
Description-fi: peruspテ、テ、tekuvaukset
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tavallisimpien pテ、テ、tetyyppien terminfo-
 pテ、テ、tekuvaustiedostot, mukaan lukien ansi, dumb, linux, rxvt, screen, sun,
 vt100, vt102, vt220, vt52, ja xterm.

Package: ncurses-bin
Description-md5: 682ee2624c08c54a53ecaefd778a4d86
Description-fi: pテ、テ、tteeseen liittyviテ、 ohjelmia ja manuaalisivuja
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ohjelmat terminfo-tietokannan ja yksittテ、isten
 terminfo-pテ、テ、tekuvausten muokkaamiseen. Lisテ、ksi se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ohjelmia mm.
 pテ、テ、tteen alkutilan palauttamiseen.

Package: ncurses-doc
Description-md5: 4967594fdf42e5e326a6d1be21322eb0
Description-fi: developer's guide and documentation for ncurses
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains an introduction to writing programs with ncurses a
 guide to the internals of the ncurses library.  It also includes the
 libraries' man pages.
 Non-developers likely have little use for this package.

Package: ncurses-examples
Description-md5: 9636435dbca7946bfd1b9d0a5f71adc9
Description-fi: test programs and examples for ncurses
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains programs demonstrating the possibilities of ncurses
 and testing the library. The examples include an analog/digital clock and
 several classic programs such as solitaire, battleships, a knight's tour
 on a chess board, the towers of Hanoi and several others.

Package: ncurses-term
Description-md5: 4b4085015cb669f69f4316436f2a2f6a
Description-fi: additional terminal type definitions
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains all of the numerous terminal definitions not found
 in the ncurses-base package.

Package: net-tools
Description-md5: 08f345ee19e62d4fd85e960d3a061a33
Description-fi: NET-3-verkkotyテカkalupakki
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tテ、rkeテ、t Linux-ytimen verkkoalijテ、rjestelmテ、n
 hallintaan kテ、ytettテ、vテ、t tyテカkalut. Nテ、itテ、 ovat arp, ifconfig, netstat, rarp,
 nameif ja route. Tテ、ssテ、 paketissa on myテカs tiettyihin verkko-
 laitteistotyyppeihin liittyviテ、 (plipconfig, slattach, mii-tool) sekテ、 IP:n
 kehittyneiden puolten hallintaan tarkoitettuja (iptunnel, ipmaddr)
 Alkuperテ、isten kehittテ、jien paketissa on lisテ、ksi "hostname" kumppaneineen.
 Ne eivテ、t sisテ、lly tテ、hテ、n pakettiin, koska niille on omat "hostname*.deb"-

Package: netbase
Description-md5: 0067051a6900632d08b20b289ccd8331
Description-fi: TCP/IP-verkkojen perusjテ、rjestelmテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa TCP/IP-verkkojen vテ、lttテ、mテ、ttテカmテ、n
 In particular, it supplies common name-to-number mappings in
 /etc/services, /etc/rpc, /etc/protocols and /etc/ethertypes.

Package: netcat-openbsd
Description-md5: a496fe77780d0b39750c43d6b6259b00
Description-fi: TCP/IP-versio Sveitsin armeijan linkkuveitsestテ、
 A simple Unix utility which reads and writes data across network
 connections using TCP or UDP protocol.  It is designed to be a reliable
 "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other
 programs and scripts. At the same time it is a feature-rich network
 debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of
 connection you would need and has several interesting built-in
 This package contains the OpenBSD rewrite of netcat, including support for
 IPv6, proxies, and Unix sockets.

Package: nfs-common
Description-md5: c2f5fd5a7d525f1cc35fbb49cc8628fd
Description-fi: Yhteiset NFS-tukitiedostot asiakas- ja palvelinsovelluksiin
 Kテ、ytテ、 tテ、tテ、 pakettia jokaisessa tietokoneessa, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 NFS-asiakas-
 tai palvelinsovellusta. Paketissa on mukana ohjelmat: lockd, statd,
 showmount, nfsstat, gssd, idmapd ja mount.nfs.

Package: nvidia-settings
Description-md5: 9bb7c34dc84550e6fff415c0eb0eda37
Description-fi: NVIDIA-grafiikka-ajurien hallintatyテカkalu
 The nvidia-settings utility is a tool for configuring the NVIDIA Linux
 graphics driver.  It operates by communicating with the NVIDIA X driver,
 querying and updating state as appropriate.  This communication is done
 with the NV-CONTROL X extension.
 Values such as brightness and gamma, XVideo attributes, temperature, and
 OpenGL settings can be queried and configured via nvidia-settings.

Package: openjdk-11-dbg
Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8
Description-fi: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols)
 OpenJDK on kehitysympテ、ristテカ Java-ohjelmointikielillテ、 tehtテ、vien
 sovellusten, sovelmien ja komponenttien kehittテ、miseen.
 This package contains the debugging symbols.

Package: openjdk-11-doc
Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643
Description-fi: OpenJDK-kehitysympテ、ristテカ (JDK) - dokumentaatio
 OpenJDK on kehitysympテ、ristテカ Java-ohjelmointikielillテ、 tehtテ、vien
 sovellusten, sovelmien ja komponenttien kehittテ、miseen.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: openjdk-11-jdk
Description-md5: b9e7f4837238c34971e4a8b72ab7d045
Description-fi: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
 OpenJDK on kehitysympテ、ristテカ Java-ohjelmointikielillテ、 tehtテ、vien
 sovellusten, sovelmien ja komponenttien kehittテ、miseen.

Package: openjdk-11-jdk-headless
Description-md5: 494a52f34d707a832270d6d51a78f511
Description-fi: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)
 OpenJDK on kehitysympテ、ristテカ Java-ohjelmointikielillテ、 tehtテ、vien
 sovellusten, sovelmien ja komponenttien kehittテ、miseen.

Package: openjdk-11-source
Description-md5: 5e4d8bbb398daa24b05478a4a3be42bf
Description-fi: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) source files
 OpenJDK on kehitysympテ、ristテカ Java-ohjelmointikielillテ、 tehtテ、vien
 sovellusten, sovelmien ja komponenttien kehittテ、miseen.
 This package contains the Java programming language source files (
 for all classes that make up the Java core API.

Package: openssh-client
Description-md5: 8cde3280ebad71c16b3e8c661dae6c6d
Description-fi: suojattu komentotulkki (SSH Secure Shell Client), sovellus turvallisiin yhteyksiin etテ、koneisiin
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on alustariippumaton versio OpenSSH:sta, joka on avoin
 toteutus IETF:n secsh-tyテカryhmテ、n mテ、テ、rittelemテ、stテ、 "Secure Shell"
 Ssh (suojattu komentotulkki) on ohjelma, jolla kirjaudutaan etテ、koneeseen
 ja jonka avulla etテ、koneella voi suorittaa komentoja. Se tarjoaa
 turvallisen ja salatun yhteyden kahden epテ、luotettavan isテ、nnテ、n vテ、lille
 turvattomassa verkossa. X11-yhteyden ja minkテ、 tahansa TCP/IP-portin
 ohjaaminen turvallisen vテ、ylテ、n kautta on mahdollista. Sen avulla tarjotaan
 ohjelmille turvallinen keskusteluvテ、ylテ、.
 Paketin mukana tulee:
  - ssh-, scp- ja sftp-asiakasohjelmat
  - ssh-agentti
  - ssh-add (kテ、tevテ、 tapa julkisella avaimella tunnistautumiseen)
  - ssh-keygen, ssh-keyscan, ssh-copy-id ja ssh-argv0 -tyテカkalut.
 Joissain maissa voi olla laitonta kテ、yttテ、テ、 mitテ、テ、n salausta ilman
 ssh korvaa turvattomat rsh, rcp ja rlogin ohjelmat, jotka ovat
 vanhentuneita useimpiin kテ、yttテカtarkoituksiin.

Package: openssh-server
Description-md5: 842cc998cae371b9d8106c1696373919
Description-fi: secure shell server (ssh) -palvelin, turvalliseen yhteyteen etテ、koneista
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on alustariippumaton versio OpenSSH:sta, joka on avoin
 toteutus IETF:n secsh-tyテカryhmテ、n mテ、テ、rittelemテ、stテ、 "Secure Shell"
 Ssh (suojattu komentotulkki) on ohjelma, jolla kirjaudutaan etテ、koneeseen
 ja jonka avulla etテ、koneella voi suorittaa komentoja. Se tarjoaa
 turvallisen ja salatun yhteyden kahden epテ、luotettavan isテ、nnテ、n vテ、lille
 turvattomassa verkossa. X11-yhteyden ja minkテ、 tahansa TCP/IP-portin
 ohjaaminen turvallisen vテ、ylテ、n kautta on mahdollista. Sen avulla tarjotaan
 ohjelmille turvallinen keskusteluvテ、ylテ、.
 Tテ、ssテ、 paketissa on sshd-palvelin.
 Joissain maissa voi olla laitonta kテ、yttテ、テ、 mitテ、テ、n salausta ilman
 sshd korvaa turvattoman rshd-ohjelman, joka on moniin tarkoituksiin
 auttamattoman vanhentunut.

Package: openssh-sftp-server
Description-md5: b9a6d4f71758c154615deaec42e8415d
Description-fi: secure shell (SSH) sftp server module, for SFTP access from remote machines
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on alustariippumaton versio OpenSSH:sta, joka on avoin
 toteutus IETF:n secsh-tyテカryhmテ、n mテ、テ、rittelemテ、stテ、 "Secure Shell"
 Ssh (suojattu komentotulkki) on ohjelma, jolla kirjaudutaan etテ、koneeseen
 ja jonka avulla etテ、koneella voi suorittaa komentoja. Se tarjoaa
 turvallisen ja salatun yhteyden kahden epテ、luotettavan isテ、nnテ、n vテ、lille
 turvattomassa verkossa. X11-yhteyden ja minkテ、 tahansa TCP/IP-portin
 ohjaaminen turvallisen vテ、ylテ、n kautta on mahdollista. Sen avulla tarjotaan
 ohjelmille turvallinen keskusteluvテ、ylテ、.
 This package provides the SFTP server module for the SSH server. It is
 needed if you want to access your SSH server with SFTP. The SFTP server
 module also works with other SSH daemons like dropbear.
 OpenSSH's sftp and sftp-server implement revision 3 of the SSH filexfer
 protocol described in:
 Newer versions of the draft will not be supported, though some features
 are individually implemented as extensions.

Package: openssl
Description-md5: 9b6de2bb6e1d9016aeb0f00bcf6617bd
Description-fi: Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti on osa OpenSSL-projektin SSL- ja TLS-kryptograafisten
 protokollien toteutusta turvalliseen yhteydenpitoon Internetissテ、.
 It contains the general-purpose command line binary /usr/bin/openssl, useful for cryptographic operations such as:
  * creating RSA, DH, and DSA key parameters;
  * creating X.509 certificates, CSRs, and CRLs;
  * calculating message digests;
  * encrypting and decrypting with ciphers;
  * testing SSL/TLS clients and servers;
  * handling S/MIME signed or encrypted mail.

Package: passwd
Description-md5: 5bbd70e421ed3367a8299e53bd7afed4
Description-fi: muuta ja hallitse salasana- ja ryhmテ、tietoja
 Tテ、hテ、n pakettiin sisテ、ltyvテ、t passwd, chsh, chfn ja monia muita ohjelmia,
 joilla hallitaan salasana- ja ryhmテ、tietoja.
 Varjosalasanat ovat tuettuja. Katso /usr/share/doc/passwd/README.Debian

Package: patch
Description-md5: d56076980d5ce0f54f9dd685e6ca0ce7
Description-fi: Paikkaa alkuperテ、isen tiedoston paikkaustiedostolla (patch)
 Patch ottaa paikkaustiedoston (patch), joka voi sisテ、ltテ、テ、 mitテ、 tahansa
 diff-ohjelman tuottamasta neljテ、stテ、 eri muodosta, ja tekee nテ、mテ、 muutokset
 alkuperテ、iseen tiedostoon tuottaen paikatun version.

Package: pciutils
Description-md5: 2bcf99ab1ff1c7c9d93e8d7b4b480e4b
Description-fi: PCI utilities
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 erilaisia apuohjelmia PCI-vテ、ylテ、テ、n kytkettyjen
 laitteiden tarkasteluun ja sテ、テ、tテカテカn.

Package: perl
Description-md5: 603cb1e5fe66da8106c364f4e9b84082
Description-fi: Larry Wallin kieli tekstitiedostojen analysointia ja raportointia varten
 Perl on paljoon kykenevテ、, monilla ominaisuuksilla varustettu
 ohjelmointikieli, jota on kehitetty jo yli 20 vuotta. Perl 5 toimii yli
 100 alustalla kannettavista laitteista keskustietokoneisiin. Perl soveltuu
 niin nopeaan prototyyppimallinnukseen kuin suuren mittakaavan
 Perl 5 tukee montaa ohjelmointitapaa, kuten proseduraalista,
 funktionaalista ja olio-ohjelmointia. Tテ、mテ、n lisテ、ksi Perliテ、 tukee
 jatkuvasti kasvava joukko uudelleenkテ、ytettテ、viテ、 ja kehitystテ、 nopeuttavia
 moduuleja. Esimerkkejテ、 moduuleista ovat web-kehitysalustat,
 tietokantaintegraatio, verkkoliikenneprotokollat ja tiedon salaus. Perl
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 C- ja C++-rajapinnat omien laajennoksien kehittテ、miseen.

Package: perl-base
Description-md5: b7506bd054cd8d1b908b3c18f119c88e
Description-fi: minimaalinen Perl-jテ、rjestelmテ、
 Perl on komentojonokieli jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n monissa jテ、rjestelmテ、n
 komentojonoissa ja apuohjelmissa.
 This package provides a Perl interpreter and the small subset of the
 standard run-time library required to perform basic tasks. For a full Perl
 installation, install "perl" (and its dependencies, "perl-modules-5.30"
 and "perl-doc").

Package: perl-modules-5.30
Description-md5: 3b2b7c94831bbc3e0857d4c3000b2aa0
Description-fi: Tテ、rkeitテ、 perl-moduuleita
 Arkkitehtuuririippumattomia moduuleja Perlille. Nテ、mテ、 moduulit ovat osa
 Perliテ、 ja pakollisia jos paketti "perl" on asennettuna.
 Note that this package only exists to save archive space and should be
 considered an internal implementation detail of the `perl' package. Other
 packages should not depend on `perl-modules-5.30' directly, they should
 use `perl' (which depends on `perl-modules-5.30') instead.

Package: pkg-config
Description-md5: 5622d544b680cd37e49d3435959207a2
Description-fi: kテ、テ、nnテカs- ja linkityskirjastojen lippujen hallinta
 Pkg-config on jテ、rjestelmテ、, jolla hallinnoidaan automaken ja autoconfin
 kテ、テ、nnテカs- ja linkityskirjastojen lippuja.
 Yhテ、 useampien kirjastojen mukana toimitetaan ".pc"-tiedostoja, joita
 hyテカdynnetテ、テ、n pkg-config(1)-ohjelmalla. Tiedostot mahdollistavat kyselyt
 tarvittavista kテ、テ、nnテカs- ja linkityskirjastojen lipuista.

Package: printer-driver-gutenprint
Description-md5: 5f4c29079db880e202fde946549381ae
Description-fi: tulostinajurit CUPS:ia varten
 This package includes a CUPS driver based on Gutenprint.
 The CUPS drivers contain all of the files needed to support photo-quality
 printing on any printer supported by Gutenprint.  You can find out more
 about the Common UNIX Printing System ("CUPS"), an IPP-based printing
 system for UNIX/Linux, at:
 Gutenprint is the print facility for the GIMP, and in addition a suite of
 drivers that may be used with common UNIX spooling systems using
 GhostScript or CUPS.  These drivers provide printing quality for
 UNIX/Linux on a par with proprietary vendor-supplied drivers in many
 cases, and can be used for many of the most demanding printing tasks.
 Gutenprint was formerly known as Gimp-Print.

Package: procmail
Description-md5: 5fe1752f436b234d8c33cb0e7484299f
Description-fi: Monipuolinen sテ、hkテカpostimuunnin
 Tテ、tテ、 voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 luomaan postipalvelimia sekテ、 postilistoja, luokittelemaan
 tulevat sテ、hkテカpostit erillisiin kansiohin/tiedostoihin (erittテ、in kテ、tevテ、
 tilattaessa yhtテ、 tai useampaa postilistaa tai postien priorisointiin),
 esikテ、sittelemテ、テ、n postisi, kテ、ynnistテ、mテ、テ、n ohjelmia postin saapuessa (esim.
 soittamaan erilaisia テ、テ、niテ、 tyテカasemalla postin tyypin mukaan) tai
 valikoidusti edelleenlテ、hettテ、mテ、テ、n saapuvia posteja automaattisesti.

Package: procps
Description-md5: 943f3288c1aaa379fca73a3ff1a35278
Description-fi: /proc-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、n tyテカkalut
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentorivi- ja kokoruututilan tyテカkaluja procfs:n selaamiseen.
 Procfs on "pseudotiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、", jonka ydin luo dynaamisesti
 tarjotakseen tietoja sen prosessitaulun tilatiedoista (esim. onko prosessi
 ajossa, pysテ、ytetty vai "zombi").
 Pakettiin sisテ、ltyy free, kill, pkill, pgrep, pmap, ps, pwdx, skill,
 slabtop, snice, sysctl, tload, top, uptime, vmstat, w ja watch.

Package: psmisc
Description-md5: f223601d881677b6b3cc176c4915b053
Description-fi: Proc-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、テ、 kテ、yttテ、viテ、 tyテカkaluja
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 sekalaisia proc-tiedostojテ、rjestelmテ、テ、 kテ、yttテ、viテ、
  - fuser: identifies processes that are using files or sockets.
  - killall: kills processes by name (e.g. "killall -HUP named").
  - peekfd: shows the data traveling over a file descriptor.
  - pstree: shows currently running processes as a tree.
  - prtstat: print the contents of /proc/<pid>/stat

Package: pulseaudio
Description-md5: 15c158aa11824c8a768e4d670919d02d
Description-fi: PulseAudio-テ、テ、nipalvelin
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 Tテ、ssテ、 joitakin PulseAudion ominaisuuksia:
   * High quality software mixing of multiple audio streams with support for
     more than one sink/source. May be used to combine multiple sound cards
     into one (with sample rate adjustment).
   * Wide range of supported client libraries. ESD, ALSA, oss, libao and
     GStreamer client applications are supported as-is. Native PulseAudio
     plug-ins are also available for xmms and mplayer.
   * Good low latency behaviour and very accurate latency measurement for
     playback and recording. Ability to fully synchronize multiple playback
   * Network transparency, allowing an application to play back or record
     audio on a different machine than the one it is running on.
   * Extensible plug-in architecture with plug-ins for jackd, multicast-rtp
     lirc and avahi, just to name a few.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ohjelman perusosat ja taustaprosessin.

Package: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
Description-md5: 76e05b466d11ac60deff61d94d607904
Description-fi: Bluetooth module for PulseAudio sound server
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 This module enables PulseAudio to work with bluetooth devices, like
 headset or audio gateway.
 The module is called module-bluetooth

Package: pulseaudio-utils
Description-md5: d8d6ff926bb9214bc0212fd3318ba0e6
Description-fi: Command line tools for the PulseAudio sound server
 PulseAudio, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellテ、 Polypaudio, on POSIX- ja
 WIN32-jテ、rjestelmiin tarkoitettu テ、テ、nipalvelin. Se korvaa aiemman ESD-
 テ、テ、nipalvelimen. Sillテ、 on lyhyempi vasteaika, miksaus ja
 uudelleennテ、ytteenotto ovat laadukkaampia, lisテ、ksi ohjelman rakennetta on
 These tools provide command line access to various features of the
 PulseAudio sound server. Included tools are:
   paplay - Playback a WAV file via a PulseAudio sink.
   pacat - Cat raw audio data to a PulseAudio sink.
   parec - Cat raw audio data from a PulseAudio source.
   pacmd - Connect to PulseAudio's built-in command line control interface.
   pactl - Send a control command to a PulseAudio server.
   padsp - /dev/dsp wrapper to transparently support OSS applications.
   pax11publish - Store/retrieve PulseAudio default server/sink/source
                  settings in the X11 root window.

Package: python-django-doc
Description-md5: 257e8ca2132ad054b44d0dd521e727f5
Description-fi: High-level Python web development framework (documentation)
 Django on korkean tason web-ohjelmistoalusta, joka mukailee malli-nテ、kymテ、-
 Django on Python-vastine Ruby on Rails -alustalle ja mahdollistaa
 monimutkaisten tietokantapohjaisten verkkosivujen toteuttamisen nopeasti
 ja helposti. Django keskittyy automatisoimaan niin paljon kuin mahdollista
 ja yllテ、pitテ、mテ、テ、n "テ�lテ、 toista itseテ、si" (DRY) -periaatetta.
 Lisテ、ksi Django korostaa uudelleenkテ、ytettテ、vyyttテ、 ja komponenteilla
 laajennettavuutta. Monia yleishyテカdyllisiテ、 kolmannen osapuolen "ohjelmia"
 on saatavilla projektien parantamiseksi tai kehitysajan lyhentテ、miseksi
 This package contains the HTML documentation and example projects.

Package: python3
Description-md5: 6c1cceeeaa25414388fa2227c3a214fe
Description-fi: interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version)
 Python, korkean abstraktiotason vuorovaikutteinen olio-ohjelmointikieli,
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 laajan luokkakirjaston monilla mausteilla verkko-ohjelmointiin,
 jテ、rjestelmテ、yllテ、pitoon, テ、テ、niin ja grafiikkaan.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Python 3 version (currently v3.8).

Package: python3-apt
Description-md5: 4e7bf010b1b89e36309ea2f4b7005936
Description-fi: Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg
 The apt_pkg Python 3 interface will provide full access to the internal
 libapt-pkg structures allowing Python 3 programs to easily perform a
 variety of functions, such as:
  - Access to the APT configuration system
  - Access to the APT package information database
  - Parsing of Debian package control files, and other files with a
    similar structure
 Mukana oleva "aptsources"-Python-rajapinta tarjoaa abstraktion sources
 .list-tiedoston mテ、テ、rityksestテ、 pakettivaraston ja jakelun tasolla.

Package: python3-dbus
Description-md5: ce4ab9b30794da472e5f5ffdb2a4dc14
Description-fi: simple interprocess messaging system (Python 3 interface)
 D-Bus on viestivテ、ylテ、, jota kテ、ytetテ、テ、n viestien lテ、hettテ、miseen sovellusten
 vテ、lillテ、. Kテ、sitteellisesti se sijoittuu monimutkaisuutensa suhteen jonnekin
 pistokkeiden ja CORBA:n vテ、lille.
 This package provides a Python 3 interface to D-Bus.
 See the dbus description for more information about D-Bus in general.

Package: python3-debconf
Description-md5: 6eb68ef192205a26cb3bc6cddf1fd404
Description-fi: interact with debconf from Python 3
 Debconf on Debian-pakettien kokoonpanonhallintajテ、rjestelmテ、. Paketit
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t Debconfia kysymysten esittテ、miseen asennuksen aikana.
 This package provides a debconf module to allow Python 3 programs to
 interact with a debconf frontend.

Package: python3-django
Description-md5: efe2f6ec2ae89851c710c280956fa785
Description-fi: Korkean tason Python-web-kehitysalusta
 Django on korkean tason web-ohjelmistoalusta, joka mukailee malli-nテ、kymテ、-
 Django on Python-vastine Ruby on Rails -alustalle ja mahdollistaa
 monimutkaisten tietokantapohjaisten verkkosivujen toteuttamisen nopeasti
 ja helposti. Django keskittyy automatisoimaan niin paljon kuin mahdollista
 ja yllテ、pitテ、mテ、テ、n "テ�lテ、 toista itseテ、si" (DRY) -periaatetta.
 Lisテ、ksi Django korostaa uudelleenkテ、ytettテ、vyyttテ、 ja komponenteilla
 laajennettavuutta. Monia yleishyテカdyllisiテ、 kolmannen osapuolen "ohjelmia"
 on saatavilla projektien parantamiseksi tai kehitysajan lyhentテ、miseksi
 Notable features include:
  * An object-relational mapper (ORM)
  * Automatic admin interface
  * Elegant URL dispatcher
  * Form serialization and validation system
  * Templating system
  * Lightweight, standalone web server for development and testing
  * Internationalization support
  * Testing framework and client

Package: python3-libvoikko
Description-md5: d7f1b757e705b38649357609052eeac7
Description-fi: Python bindings for libvoikko
 Libvoikko on kirjasto, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyテカkaluja luonnollisten kielten
 kテ、sittelyyn. Sen pテ、テ、mテ、テ、rテ、nテ、 on tarjota tukea kielille, joita muut olemassa
 olevat vapaat kielitieteelliset tyテカkalut eivテ、t tテ、ydellisesti tue.
 This package contains the Python bindings.

Package: python3-libxml2
Description-md5: 239311fbee2d9a5c3382e49f22a63e2f
Description-fi: Python3 bindings for the GNOME XML library
 XML on metakieli, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella kuvauskieliテ、.
 Sテ、テ、nnテカllinen kuvauskieli mテ、テ、rittelee tavan kuvata tietyn tyyppisissテ、
 asiakirjoissa (esim. HTML) olevaa tietoa. XML mahdollistaa kuvauskielen
 mテ、テ、rittelemisen monen tyyppisille asiakirjoille. Se voi tehdテ、 tテ、mテ、n, koska
 se on kirjoitettu SGML:llテ、, joka on kansainvテ、linen standardoitu metakieli
 This package contains the files needed to use the GNOME XML library in
 Python3 programs.

Package: python3-libxml2-dbg
Description-md5: bd8e0340cdcf73a776e4dfdce755724d
Description-fi: Python3 bindings for the GNOME XML library (debug extension)
 XML on metakieli, jonka avulla voidaan suunnitella kuvauskieliテ、.
 Sテ、テ、nnテカllinen kuvauskieli mテ、テ、rittelee tavan kuvata tietyn tyyppisissテ、
 asiakirjoissa (esim. HTML) olevaa tietoa. XML mahdollistaa kuvauskielen
 mテ、テ、rittelemisen monen tyyppisille asiakirjoille. Se voi tehdテ、 tテ、mテ、n, koska
 se on kirjoitettu SGML:llテ、, joka on kansainvテ、linen standardoitu metakieli
 This package contains the files needed to use the GNOME XML library in
 Python3 programs for use with the Python3 debug interpreter.

Package: readline-common
Description-md5: c8e28b105311ffa41fe6e8f86c041f82
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, common files
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: readline-doc
Description-md5: c8534f555dbe0fd59472187417afcf19
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, documentation and examples
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: rhythmbox
Description-md5: 263e21c49721f582dd2ee234ff4fedb7
Description-fi: Musiikkisoitin ja musiikkikokoelman hallintaohjelma Gnome-tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカテカn
 Rytmilaatikko (Rhythmbox) on helppokテ、yttテカinen ohjelma musiikin
 soittamiseen ja musiikkikokoelman hallintaan. Se tukee lukuisia
 テ、テ、nitiedostomuotoja, muun muassa MP3- ja Ogg-muotoja. Ohjelmalla voi
 vastaanottaa Internet-radiolテ、hetyksiテ、, ja se toimii iPodin sekテ、 muiden
 yleisten kannettavien musiikkisoittimien kanssa. Rytmilaatikolla voi myテカs
 kirjoittaa テ、テ、ni-CD-levyjテ、 sekテ、 toistaa niitテ、. Ohjelma tukee myテカs musiikin
 jakamista ja podcast-lテ、hetyksiテ、.

Package: rhythmbox-data
Description-md5: 42958a23b3c14ae41a3238d088043e3e
Description-fi: data files for rhythmbox
 Rytmilaatikko (Rhythmbox) on helppokテ、yttテカinen ohjelma musiikin
 soittamiseen ja musiikkikokoelman hallintaan. Se tukee lukuisia
 テ、テ、nitiedostomuotoja, muun muassa MP3- ja Ogg-muotoja. Ohjelmalla voi
 vastaanottaa Internet-radiolテ、hetyksiテ、, ja se toimii iPodin sekテ、 muiden
 yleisten kannettavien musiikkisoittimien kanssa. Rytmilaatikolla voi myテカs
 kirjoittaa テ、テ、ni-CD-levyjテ、 sekテ、 toistaa niitテ、. Ohjelma tukee myテカs musiikin
 jakamista ja podcast-lテ、hetyksiテ、.
 This package contains pictures, localization files and other data needed
 by rhythmbox.

Package: rhythmbox-doc
Description-md5: a97112a3c772c0bd4dfbf1c630192f3c
Description-fi: documentation files for the rhythmbox music player
 Rhythmbox is a very easy to use music playing and management program which
 supports a wide range of audio formats (including mp3 and ogg).
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 API-dokumentaation.

Package: rhythmbox-plugins
Description-md5: 95949a0fdd37243346c3f382c235e4ce
Description-fi: plugins for rhythmbox music player
 Rytmilaatikko (Rhythmbox) on helppokテ、yttテカinen ohjelma musiikin
 soittamiseen ja musiikkikokoelman hallintaan. Se tukee lukuisia
 テ、テ、nitiedostomuotoja, muun muassa MP3- ja Ogg-muotoja. Ohjelmalla voi
 vastaanottaa Internet-radiolテ、hetyksiテ、, ja se toimii iPodin sekテ、 muiden
 yleisten kannettavien musiikkisoittimien kanssa. Rytmilaatikolla voi myテカs
 kirjoittaa テ、テ、ni-CD-levyjテ、 sekテ、 toistaa niitテ、. Ohjelma tukee myテカs musiikin
 jakamista ja podcast-lテ、hetyksiテ、.
 This package contains the following plugins:
  - Cover art search
  - Audio CD Player
  - DAAP Music Sharing
  - FM Radio
  - Grilo media browser
  - IM Status
  - Internet Radio
  - Song Lyrics
  - Magnatune Store
  - Media Player Keys
  - Portable Players (generic, iPod, MTP)
  - Notification
  - Power Manager
  - Python Console
  - LIRC
  - Send tracks
  - Replay Gain
  - Soundcloud
  - MediaServer2 D-Bus interface
  - MPRIS D-Bus interface
  - Web remote control

Package: rpcbind
Description-md5: 595a8e4c17168e18f4843c47dfec5895
Description-fi: Muuntaa RPC-ohjelmien numerot universaaleiksi osoitteiksi
 Rpcbind-apuohjelma on palvelin joka muuntaa RPC-ohjelmien numerot
 universaaleiksi osoitteiksi.

Package: rsyslog
Description-md5: c25fbd9bcc88ab95bcc33eea4228fd42
Description-fi: Luotettava taustaprosessi jテ、rjestelmテ、n ja ytimen lokikirjaukseen
 Rsyslog is a multi-threaded implementation of syslogd (a system utility providing support for message logging), with features that include:
  * reliable syslog over TCP, SSL/TLS and RELP
  * on-demand disk buffering
  * email alerting
  * writing to MySQL or PostgreSQL databases (via separate output plugins)
  * permitted sender lists
  * filtering on any part of the syslog message
  * on-the-wire message compression
  * fine-grained output format control
  * failover to backup destinations
  * enterprise-class encrypted syslog relaying
 Rsyslog on syslogd:n oletustoteutus Debian -jテ、rjestelmissテ、.

Package: rtkit
Description-md5: 49d87b72431bed9d646487053d48658d
Description-fi: Reaaliaikainen kテ、ytテ、ntテカ ja vahtilaite -taustaprosessi
 RealtimeKit on D-Bus-jテ、rjestelmテ、palvelu, joka vaihtaa kテ、yttテ、jテ、n
 prosessien/sテ、ikeiden aikataulukテ、ytテ、ntテカテ、 SCHED_RR:テ、テ、n (esim. reaaliaikainen
 aikataulutustila) pyynnテカstテ、. Sen on tarkoitus olla turvallinen mekanismi,
 kun tavalliset kテ、yttテ、jテ、n prosessit hyvテ、ksytテ、テ、n kテ、yttテ、mテ、テ、n reaaliaikaista

Package: ruby
Description-md5: 53b76e874611c6e48c73acd5da40075e
Description-fi: Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version)
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Ruby version (currently v2.7).

Package: ruby-all-dev
Description-md5: 7357a3ec5ec5bf8707c96411eda5a5c1
Description-fi: Ruby development environment (all versions supported in Debian)
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 This package depends on the respective development packages for every Ruby
 version currently supported by Debian. This will usually be a single
 version (the default one), but during transitions multiple versions might
 be supported.
 To programmatically list all the supported versions, install the `gem2deb`
 package and run `dh_ruby --print-supported`. To determine which is the
 default version, just dereference the /usr/bin/ruby symbolic link.
 If you are not building Ruby packages for Debian, you probably do not need
 this package.

Package: ruby-dev
Description-md5: 198959771090d0c0f35e3376a35be299
Description-fi: Header files for compiling extension modules for Ruby (default version)
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 This package contains the header files and the mkmf library, necessary to
 make extension library for Ruby. It is also required to build many gems.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Ruby version (currently v2.7).

Package: ruby2.7
Description-md5: acaf9860ea8a8843431ae8c96d9c2c19
Description-fi: Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 In the name of this package, `2.7' indicates the Ruby library
 compatibility version. This package currently provides the `2.7.x' branch
 of Ruby.

Package: ruby2.7-dev
Description-md5: c7609d60a5295902f91ebae527eba4f6
Description-fi: Header files for compiling extension modules for the Ruby 2.7
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 This package contains the header files and the mkmf library, necessary to
 make extension library for Ruby 2.7. It is also required to build many

Package: ruby2.7-doc
Description-md5: c6e2f27422c22dfb514d5e2bbfdba162
Description-fi: Documentation for Ruby 2.7
 Ruby on tulkittu komentojonokieli nopeaa ja helppoa oliopohjaista
 ohjelmointia varten. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Perlin tavoin monia ominaisuuksia
 tekstitiedostojen kテ、sittelyテ、 ja jテ、rjestelmテ、nhallintaa varten. Ruby on
 yksinkertainen, suoraviivainen ja laajennettava kieli.
 This package contains the autogenerated documentation for Ruby 2.7.

Package: samba-libs
Description-md5: f4a16aa3f22848793e72b3501c634170
Description-fi: Samba core libraries
 Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
 providing support for cross-platform file sharing with Microsoft Windows,
 OS X, and other Unix systems.  Samba can also function as a domain
 controller or member server in both NT4-style and Active Directory
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot.

Package: sane-utils
Description-md5: 46748a077d33d525cc353029dfa80b7d
Description-fi: API library for scanners -- utilities
 SANE tulee sanoista "Scanner Access Now Easy" (Nyt skannerin kテ、yttテカ on
 helppoa). Se on standardinmukainen sovellusrajapinta (API) jonka kautta
 voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 mitテ、 hyvテ、nsテ、 rasterikuvan lukulaitetta (esimerkiksi
 tasokuvanlukijaa, kテ、sikuvanlukijaa, video- tai still-kameraa,
 ruutukaappaajia ja niin edelleen). SANE-standardi ja sen kehityksestテ、
 kテ、ytテ、vテ、 keskustelu ovat avoimia kaikille. Lテ、hdekoodi tukee useita
 kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmiテ、: GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 sekテ、 monet Unix-jテ、rjestelmテ、t.
 Se on kテ、ytettテ、vissテ、 GNU General Public License -lisenssillテ、 (mutta myテカs
 kaupalliset sovellukset ja taustajテ、rjestelmテ、t ovat tervetulleita).
 This package includes the command line frontend scanimage, the saned
 server and the sane-find-scanner utility, along with their documentation.

Package: sed
Description-md5: 2ed71305ee7a49ce4438c58140980d2f
Description-fi: GNU stream editor for filtering/transforming text
 sed lukee mテ、テ、ritetyt tiedostot tai standardisyテカtteen jos tiedostoja ei ole
 mテ、テ、ritetty, tekee muutoksia komentolistan mukaan ja kirjoittaa tulokset

Package: sensible-utils
Description-md5: 762f81736340b99921c41ac6bb08e2b1
Description-fi: Tyテカkalut jテ、rkevien vaihtoehtojen valintaan
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 lukuisia pieniテ、 tyテカkaluja, joita ohjelmat kテ、yttテ、vテ、t
 jテ、rkeviin valintoihin ja aliprosessien luomiseen oikealle selaimelle,
 editorille tai haulle.
 Seuraavat tyテカkalut kuuluvat pakettiin: sensible-browser sensible-editor

Package: setserial
Description-md5: 9bf5524b0c67673f200677dbc3c02151
Description-fi: muuttaa sarjaporttien asetuksia
 Asettaa tai nテ、yttテ、テ、 sarjaportteihin liittyviテ、 asetuksia. Nテ、mテ、 sisテ、ltテ、vテ、t
 sarjaportin kテ、yttテ、mテ、n I/O-portin ja keskeytyksen.
 Tテ、mテ、 versio kテ、yttテ、テ、 asetuksiin uutta lテ、hestymistapaa, joten jos kテ、ytテ、t
 muita kuin standardeja nimityksiテ、 ttyS0 ja 1 viittamaan sarjaportteihin,
 joudut nテ、kemテ、テ、n ylimテ、テ、rテ、istテ、 vaivaa.
 Oletuksena kテ、yttテカjテ、rjestelmテ、n ydin ohjaa vain sarjaportteja 1-4, jotka
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t keskeytyksiテ、 3 ja 4. Jos kテ、ytテ、t muita sarjaportteja (esimerkiksi
 AST I/O-kortti), tai jos kテ、ytテ、t muita kuin oletuskeskeytyksiテ、 (3 ja 4)
 sarjaporteille (esimerkiksi salliaksesi yhtテ、aikaisen liikenteen porteissa
 1 ja 2) tarvitset tテ、mテ、n paketin.

Package: sharutils
Description-md5: a3a4ed873198b8a52375099d19def9a1
Description-fi: shar, unshar, uuencode, uudecode
 "shar" tekee nk. komentotulkkipaketteja (shell archive) monesta
 tiedostosta valmistellen ne sテ、hkテカistテ、 postipalvelua pitkin tapahtuvaa
 siirtoa varten. "unshar" auttaa komentotulkkipakettien purkamisessa
 vastaanoton jテ、lkeen. Muut asiaan liittyvテ、t apuohjelmat auttavat muissa
 "uuencode" valmistelee tiedoston sellaisen reitin lテ、pi tapahtuvaa siirtoa
 varten, joka hukkaa tai muuten sekoittaa tavujen kahdeksannen bitin
 (merkitsevin bitti). "uudecode" tekee kテ、テ、nteisen muunnoksen.

Package: simple-scan
Description-md5: 0801cb168babf587af56100a43d62a83
Description-fi: Yksinkertainen skannaustyテカkalu
 Simple Scan is an easy-to-use application, designed to let users connect
 their scanner and quickly have the image/document in an appropriate
 Simple Scan is basically a frontend for SANE - which is the same backend
 as XSANE uses. This means that all existing scanners will work and the
 interface is well tested.

Package: sqlite3
Description-md5: 60cd5a660be500525f955c43bd7981cf
Description-fi: Command line interface for SQLite 3
 SQLite on C-kirjasto, joka toteuttaa SQL-tietokantamoottorin. Ohjelmat,
 jotka linkittテ、vテ、t SQLite-kirjaston kanssa, voivat saada SQL-
 tietokantayhteyden ilman erillisen RDBMS-prosessin ajamista.

Package: sqlite3-doc
Description-md5: 012466e9aa8467597bb2ec5a942a4472
Description-fi: SQLite 3 documentation
 SQLite on C-kirjasto, joka toteuttaa SQL-tietokantamoottorin. Ohjelmat,
 jotka linkittテ、vテ、t SQLite-kirjaston kanssa, voivat saada SQL-
 tietokantayhteyden ilman erillisen RDBMS-prosessin ajamista.
 This package contains the documentation that is also available on the
 SQLite homepage.

Package: ss-dev
Description-md5: 9f7a224dc59f72d5dc2ab6204013b575
Description-fi: command-line interface parsing library - headers and static libraries
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tyテカkalun, joka jテ、sentテ、テ、 komentotaulukon luodakseen
 yksinkertaisen komentorivijテ、sentimen, sen kテ、テ、ntテ、miseen ja kテ、yttテ、miseen
 tarvittavat include-tiedostot ja staattiset kirjastot.
 Libss oli alunperin Multicsin SubSystem-kirjaston inspiroima.
 This package contains the development environment for the ss library.

Package: ssh
Description-md5: b00e309365895c14a10af55945efb136
Description-fi: Turvallinen ssh-terminaaliasiakas ja -palvelin (metapaketti)
 Tテ、mテ、 metapaketti asentaa sekテ、 OpenSSH-asiakasohjelman ettテ、 OpenSSH-
 palvelimen. Paketti itsessテ、テ、n ei tarjoa mitテ、テ、n, joten voit poistaa sen,
 jos mikテ、テ、n muu paketti ei sitテ、 vaadi.

Package: strace
Description-md5: fdf43cf55f0bad37911360a84bc907c3
Description-fi: System call tracer
 strace on jテ、rjestelmテ、kutsujen tarkkailija, eli debuggauksen apuvテ、line,
 joka tulostaa tietoa kaikista jテ、rjestelmテ、kutsuista jotka jokin toinen
 prosessi/ohjelma suorittaa. Tarkkailtavaa ohjelmaa ei tarvitse kテ、テ、ntテ、テ、
 uudelleen tテ、tテ、 varten, joten stracea voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 myテカs ohjelmille,
 joiden lテ、hdekoodia ei ole saatavilla.
 Jテ、rjestelmテ、kutsut ja -signaalit ovat tapahtumia kテ、yttテ、jテ、tilan ja ytimen
 vテ、lillテ、. Tテ、mテ、n rajapinnan lテ、heinen tarkkailu on erittテ、in hyテカdyllistテ、
 bugeja etsittテ、essテ、, oikeellisuutta tarkistettaessa ja kilpailutilanteita
 (race condition) tutkittaessa.

Package: sudo
Description-md5: acd82d558698567df941afe9b1ac35df
Description-fi: Tarjoaa rajoitettuja pテ、テ、kテ、yttテ、jテ、n oikeuksia valituille kテ、yttテ、jille
 Sudo-ohjelman tarkoitus on antaa rajoitettuja pテ、テ、kテ、yttテ、jテ、n oikeuksia
 kテ、yttテ、jille jテ、rjestelmテ、nvalvojan toimesta ja kirjata ylテカs oikeuksien
 kテ、yttテカテ、. Perusidea on antaa vain sen verran oikeuksia kuin tyテカn
 suorittamiseksi tarvitaan.
 This version is built with minimal shared library dependencies, use the
 sudo-ldap package instead if you need LDAP support for sudoers.

Package: sysvinit-utils
Description-md5: bb5793e0170c92deb135060f77ebc485
Description-fi: System V -tyylisiテ、 apuohjelmia
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tテ、rkeテ、t System V -tyyliset apuohjelmat.
 Specifically, this package includes: killall5, pidof

Package: tar
Description-md5: 48033bf96442788d1f697785773ad9bb
Description-fi: GNU-versio tar-pakkausohjelmasta
 Tar on ohjelma tiedostojen pakkaamiseksi yhdeksi paketiksi tar-muotoon.
 Tar-ohjelman toiminta on samankaltainen kuin cpio-ohjelmalla tai DOS-
 maailman PKZIP-ohjelmalla. Tar-ohjelmaa kテ、ytetテ、テ、n erittテ、in paljon Debianin
 pakettienhallintajテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、, ja se on hyテカdyllinen jテ、rjestelmテ、n
 varmuuskopioiden ottamiseen sekテ、 tiedostokokonaisuuksien vテ、littテ、miseen
 muille kテ、yttテ、jille.

Package: tasksel
Description-md5: cbbb747708986d11ea77c80b9b038fec
Description-fi: Tyテカkalu jolla valitaan asennettavia tehtテ、viテ、 Debian-jテ、rjestelmissテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tasksel-ohjelman. Se on vaivaton rajapinta
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、lle, joka haluaa asettaa jテ、rjestelmテ、nsテ、 suorittamaan erityisiテ、

Package: tasksel-data
Description-md5: 9391bb2bf0911e77da080a251569d3cb
Description-fi: Virallisia tehtテ、viテ、 asennettaessa Debian-jテ、rjestelmiテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tiedot Debian-jテ、rjestelmテ、ssテ、 saatavilla olevista

Package: tcl8.6-dev
Description-md5: 0a8e81d77745269a6580e4019ff2eaf9
Description-fi: Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6 - development files
 Tcl on tehokas, helppokテ、yttテカinen, upotettava ja alustariippumaton tulkattu
 skriptikieli. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Tcl:n upottamiseen ja laajentamiseen
 tarvittavat otsikkotiedostot ja kirjastot.

Package: telnet
Description-md5: 80f238fa65c82c04a1590f2a062f47bb
Description-fi: basic telnet client
 Telnet-komentoa kテ、ytetテ、テ、n vuorovaikutteiseen yhteydenpitoon toisen
 tietokoneen kanssa TELNET-yhteyskテ、ytテ、nnテカllテ、.
 For the purpose of remote login, the present client executable should be
 depreciated in favour of an ssh-client, or in some cases with variants
 like telnet-ssl or Kerberized TELNET clients.  The most important reason
 is that this implementation exchanges user name and password in clear
 On the other hand, the present program does satisfy common use cases of
 network diagnostics, like protocol testing of SMTP services, so it can
 become handy enough.

Package: tftpd-hpa
Description-md5: d73c6815bace5ace463cb884370cdecd
Description-fi: HPA:n tftp-palvelin
 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a file transfer protocol, mainly
 to serve boot images over the network to other machines (PXE).
 tftp-hpa is an enhanced version of the BSD TFTP client and server. It
 possesses a number of bugfixes and enhancements over the original.
 This package contains the server.

Package: thunderbird
Description-md5: 68ed1001b79d708ad48956a0c129114d
Description-fi: Sテ、hkテカposti-, RSS- ja uutisryhmテ、sovellus roskapostisuodatuksella varustettuna
 Thunderbird is a full-featured email, RSS and newsgroup client that makes
 emailing safer, faster and easier than ever before. It supports different
 mail accounts (POP, IMAP, Gmail), has a simple mail account setup wizard,
 one- click address book, tabbed interface, an integrated learning spam
 filter, advanced search and indexing capabilities, and offers easy
 organization of mails with tagging and virtual folders. It also features
 unrivalled extensibility.

Package: thunderbird-locale-fi
Description-md5: d743f35cb2d00c0ac0c74faffc80c429
Description-fi: Thunderbirdin suomenkielinen kielipaketti
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 suomenkieliset kテ、テ、nnテカkset ja hakulisテ、osat

Package: time
Description-md5: 3482b423b592147357279e93ec9d47e4
Description-fi: GNU time ohjelma suorittimen resurssien kテ、ytテカn seurantaan
 Komento time suorittaa toisen ohjelman, ja nテ、yttテ、テ、 sen jテ、lkeen ajon aikana
 kerテ、ttyjテ、 tietoja suoritetun ohjelman kテ、yttテ、mistテ、 jテ、rjestelmテ、resursseista.
 Nテ、ytettテ、vテ、t tiedot ja niiden esitystapa voidaan valita. Tiedot voidaan
 myテカs tallentaa suoraan tiedostoon esittテ、mテ、ttテ、 niitテ、 nテ、ytテカllテ、.
 Resurssit, joiden kテ、ytテカstテ、 time raportoi, jakautuvat luokkiin aika,
 muisti, I/O sekテ、 IPC-kutsut.
 Ohjelman GNU-version tulostuksen voi muotoilla vapaasti kテ、yttテ、mテ、llテ、
 printf-tyylistテ、 muotoilumerkkijonoa, joka sisテ、ltテ、テ、 eri resurssien

Package: tk8.6-dev
Description-md5: 5081fc14ac8d13fb09d3d3f090596c49
Description-fi: Tk toolkit for Tcl and X11 v8.6 - development files
 Tk on Tcl:lテ、 toteutettu alustariippumaton kirjasto graafisten
 kテ、yttテカliittymien luomiseen. Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 Tk:n upottamiseen ja
 laajentamiseen tarvittavat otsikkotiedostot ja kirjastot.

Package: tmispell-voikko
Description-md5: 4e96d6b673246a51faf74a4fd4c6943e
Description-fi: Ispell-kテ、テ、rin joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 Voikkoa oikolukuun
 Voikko on suomen kielen oikoluku- ja tavutusohjelma, joka perustuu
 Malagaan ja Suomi-Malagaan.
 Tmispell on Ispell-kテ、テ、rin, joka tarjoaa Ispellin kaltaisen kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n
 muille oikolukijaa tarvitseville ohjelmille. Monet ohjelmat (esimerkiksi
 jotkin sテ、hkテカpostiohjelmat, tekstieditorit ja tekstinkテ、sittelyohjelmat)
 kテ、yttテ、vテ、t Ispelliテ、 oikolukuun. Tテ、mテ、 paketti mahdollistaa kyseisten
 ohjelmien suomen kielen oikoluvun Voikkoa kテ、yttテ、mテ、llテ、.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti asettaa Tmispellin kテ、yttテカテカn siten, ettテ、 "ispell"-komento
 todellisuudessa kテ、ynnistテ、テ、 "tmispell"-komennon. Oikea Ispell kテ、ynnistetテ、テ、n
 vain, jos Tmispell ei tue valittua kieltテ、.

Package: transmission-gtk
Description-md5: 2a49d29e6e551104026a39357f5968bb
Description-fi: kevyt BitTorrent-sovellus (GTK+-kテ、yttテカliittymテ、)
 Transmission is a set of lightweight BitTorrent clients (in GUI, CLI and
 daemon form). All its incarnations feature a very simple, intuitive
 interface on top on an efficient, cross-platform back-end.
 This package contains the GTK+ stand-alone client.

Package: tzdata
Description-md5: a77a3cc9a67658dd7cfdc6547391b8f8
Description-fi: tiedot aikavyテカhykkeistテ、 sekテ、 kesテ、- ja talviajasta
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tiedot, joita tarvitaan paikallisajan kテ、yttテ、miseksi
 eri puolilla maailmaa. Pakettia pテ、ivitetテ、テ、n sテ、テ、nnテカllisesti vastaamaan
 aikavyテカhykkeissテ、 tapahtuvia muutoksia, aikaeroa UTC-aikaan nテ、hden sekテ、
 kesテ、- ja talviaikasテ、テ、ntテカjテ、.

Package: ucf
Description-md5: 83e3ff2859524c831253d938da348878
Description-fi: Pテ、ivitテ、 asetustiedostoja: sテ、ilytテ、 kテ、yttテ、jテ、n muutokset asetuksiin
 Debianin kテ、ytテ、ntテカjen mukaisesti kテ、yttテ、jテ、n tekemテ、t muutokset ohjelman
 asetuksiin sテ、ilyvテ、t, vaikka paketista asennettaisiin uudempi versio.
 Helppo menetelmテ、 tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi on tehdテ、 asetustiedostosta
 窶拂onffile窶�. Asetustiedostosta dpkg lテカytテ、テ、 tarvittaessa vastaukset
 asennuksen aikana kysyttテ、viin asetuksiin.
 Menetelmテ、 on sopiva vain niissテ、 tapauksissa, joissa on mahdollista jakaa
 ohjelmasta versio, joka toimii useimmissa jテ、rjestelmissテ、 perusasetuksilla,
 vaikkakin jテ、rjestelmテ、nvalvojat voivat halutessaan muuttaa asetuksia. Tテ、mテ、
 tarkoittaa sitテ、, ettテ、 oletusversion tulee olla osa jakelupakettia, eikテ、
 perusasetuksia muuteta yllテ、pitテ、jテ、n komentojonoilla asennuksen aikana (tai
 Tテ、mテ、 komentojono tarjoaa conffile-tyylisen kテ、sittelyn tiedostoille, joita
 ei ole asetettu conffileiksi, eikテ、 niitテ、 jaeta Debian-paketissa, mutta
 joita kテ、sitellテ、テ、n ennen asennusta. Komentojono antaa mahdollisuuden
 yllテ、pitテ、テ、 tiedostoja /etc-hakemistossa kテ、yttテ、jテ、n tekemテ、t muutokset
 sテ、ilyttテ、en ja yleisesti tarjoten samat ominaisuudet kuin pテ、ivitettテ、essテ、
 normaalisti pakettienhallinnan kautta conffileテ、 tukeva ohjelma.
 Lisテ、ksi tテ、mテ、 komentojono tarjoaa mahdollisuuden siirtテ、テ、 asetustiedostoja,
 joita ei ole mテ、テ、ritelty conffileiksi ja vテ、hentテ、テ、 nテ、in asennuksen aikana
 kysyttテ、viテ、 kysymyksiテ、. Todellakin, siirto-ominaisuus on parempi kuin
 vastaava ominaisuus, jonka dpkg tarjoaa asetustiedostojen muuttamiseksi

Package: udev
Description-md5: e875ddb09f46f1f7672af537f0c875ca
Description-fi: /dev/:iテ、 ja hotplugia hallinnoiva taustaohjelma
 udev on taustaohjelma, joka luo ja hテ、vittテ、テ、 laitetiedostoja tarpeen mukaan
 /dev/-hakemistossa, hallinnoi hotplug-tapahtumia ja latailee ajureita
 jテ、rjestelmテ、n kテ、ynnistyksessテ、.

Package: unzip
Description-md5: b83e2b495da5d292f3fe6ab67b088c47
Description-fi: Pura .zip-arkistoja
 InfoZIPin .zip-arkistojen purkuohjelma. Lukuun ottamatta usean nidoksen
 arkistoja (esim. monelle eri levylle jaetut .ZIP-tiedostot PKZIPin /&
 -valitsimella), unzip-ohjelma osaa kテ、sitellテ、 mitテ、 tahansa PKZIPillテ、 tai
 vastaavalla InfoZIP-ohjelmalla pakattua tiedostoa.
 Tテ、mテ、 versio tukee salausta.

Package: update-inetd
Description-md5: 9a09f5c7959d1200217cfebee811fa42
Description-fi: inetd-asetustiedoston pテ、ivittテ、jテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti tarjoaa ohjelman, jonka avulla muut paketit voivat
 automaattisesti pテ、ivittテ、テ、 /etc/inetd.conf-tiedostoa. /etc/inet.d.conf on
 kaikkien internet-ylテ、palvelinten kテ、yttテ、mテ、, jaettu asetustiedosto.
 Note that xinetd is not supported by this package.

Package: usbutils
Description-md5: 928f8c65aee445506dc03a844a66adac
Description-fi: Linux USB-tyテカkalut
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 lsusb-ohjelman, joka tutkii USB-vテ、ylテ、テ、n liitettyjテ、
 laitteita. Ohjelma esittテ、テ、 kulloinkin liitetyistテ、 laitteista graafisen
 esityksen esittテ、en myテカs USB-vテ、ylテ、n topologian. Se nテ、yttテ、テ、 myテカs tietoja
 jokaisesta vテ、ylテ、テ、n liitetystテ、 laitteesta.

Package: uuid-runtime
Description-md5: c848721d4a6e6dbc698c36d06bf45ef9
Description-fi: runtime components for the Universally Unique ID library
 The libuuid library generates and parses 128-bit Universally Unique IDs
 (UUIDs). A UUID is an identifier that is unique within the space of all
 such identifiers across both space and time. It can be used for multiple
 purposes, from tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime to
 reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network.
 Lisテ、テ、 tietoa RFC 4122.
 This package contains the uuidgen program and the uuidd daemon.
 The uuidd daemon is used to generate UUIDs, especially time-based UUIDs,
 in a secure and guaranteed-unique fashion, even in the face of large
 numbers of threads trying to grab UUIDs running on different CPUs. It is
 used by libuuid as well as the uuidgen program.

Package: vim
Description-md5: 59e8b8f7757db8b53566d5d119872de8
Description-fi: Vi IMproved - paranneltu vi-tekstimuokkain
 Vim on lテ、hes yhteensopiva versio UNIXin Vi-muokkaajasta.
 Ohjelmaan on lisテ、tty monia uusia ominaisuuksia: monitasoinen peruuta-
 toiminto, syntaksin korostus, komentorivihistoria, kテ、ytテカnaikainen ohje,
 tiedostonimen tテ、ydennys, lohko-operaatiot, laskostus, Unicode-tuki, jne.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tavallisimmilla ominaisuuksilla kテ、テ、nnetyn Vimin. Se
 ei sisテ、llテ、 Vimin graafista kテ、yttテカliittymテ、テ、. Jos tarvitset lisテ、テ、 (tai
 vテ、hemmテ、n) ominaisuuksia, tutustu muihin vim-alkuisiin paketteihin.

Package: vim-common
Description-md5: 30b64c3dceccc4faef229eafc38d0069
Description-fi: Vi IMproved - Common files
 Vim on lテ、hes yhteensopiva versio UNIXin Vi-muokkaajasta.
 This package contains files shared by all non GUI-enabled vim variants
 available in Debian.  Examples of such shared files are: manpages and
 configuration files.

Package: vim-doc
Description-md5: bba166bf0174232f296031de0b68b351
Description-fi: Vi IMproved - HTML documentation
 Vim on lテ、hes yhteensopiva versio UNIXin Vi-muokkaajasta.
 This package contains the HTML version of the online documentation.  It is
 built from the runtime/doc directory of the source tree.

Package: vim-runtime
Description-md5: 97bb83c83cb35767c340c5066ce9be0c
Description-fi: Vi IMproved - Runtime files
 Vim on lテ、hes yhteensopiva versio UNIXin Vi-muokkaajasta.
 This package contains vimtutor and the architecture independent runtime
 files, used, if available, by all vim variants available in Debian.
 Example of such runtime files are: online documentation, rules for
 language-specific syntax highlighting and indentation, color schemes, and
 standard plugins.

Package: vim-tiny
Description-md5: 85f2dbef1339af3dcf83d9ee00fd5e22
Description-fi: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version
 Vim on lテ、hes yhteensopiva versio UNIXin Vi-muokkaajasta.
 This package contains a minimal version of Vim compiled with no GUI and a
 small subset of features. This package's sole purpose is to provide the vi
 binary for base installations.
 If a vim binary is wanted, try one of the following more featureful
 packages: vim, vim-nox, vim-athena, or vim-gtk3.

Package: w3m
Description-md5: e87701c222276aabaaad92868f1fd4b6
Description-fi: tekstipohjainen www-selain taulukko- ja kehystuella
 w3m on tekstipohjainen www-selain. Ominaisuuksia:
  * You can follow links and/or view images in HTML.
  * Internet message preview mode, you can browse HTML mail.
  * You can follow links in plain text if it includes URL forms.
  * With w3m-img, you can view inline images.

Package: wamerican
Description-md5: ea52704df710a9095c3201e3426ac6ff
Description-fi: Englannin (US) sanasto /usr/share/dict-hakemistoon
 Tテ、ssテ、 paketissa on /usr/share/dict/american-english-tiedosto, joka
 sisテ、ltテ、テ、 listan englanninkielisistテ、 sanoista amerikkalaisen sanaston
 oikeinkirjoituksen mukaan. Listaa voidaan kテ、yttテ、テ、 ohjelmilla, jotka
 tarkistavat oikeinkirjoituksen ja ohjelmilla kuten look(1).
 Tテ、stテ、 sanastosta on myテカs saatavilla pienet-, isot- ja erittテ、in laajat
 versiot, sekテ、 wbritish* ja wcanadian*-paketit.

Package: wget
Description-md5: 63a4a740bcd9e8e94bf661e4f1806e02
Description-fi: Noutaa tiedostoja webistテ、
 Wget on verkkotyテカkalu tiedostojen noutoon webistテ、 internetin kahta
 yleisintテ、 protokollaa; HTTP(S):tテ、 ja FTP:tテ、 kテ、yttテ、en. Se toimii ilman
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、n vuorovaikutusta, joten ohjelma voi toimia taustalla jopa
 kテ、yttテ、jテ、n kirjauduttua ulos. Ohjelma tukee rekursiivista noutoa sekテ、 web-
 ettテ、 FTP-palvelimilta. Wgetin avulla voit peilata arkistoja ja kotisivuja
 tai selata webiテ、 WWW-robotin tapaan.
 Wget toimii erityisen hyvin hitailla tai epテ、vakailla yhteyksillテ、
 jatkamalla tiedoston noutoa kunnes se on kokonaan ladattu. Tテ、mテ、
 keskeytyksen jテ、lkeinen jatkaminen toimii sitテ、 tukevilla HTTP- ja FTP-
 palvelimilla. Sekテ、 HTTP- ettテ、 FTP-lataukset voidaan aikaleimata, joten
 Wget voi tarkistaa onko etテ、tiedosto muuttunut edellisen latauksen jテ、lkeen
 ja tarvittaessa noutaa automaattisesti uudemman version siitテ、.
 Wget tukee vテ、lityspalvelimia. Tテ、mテ、 voi keventテ、テ、 verkon kuormitusta,
 nopeuttaa noutoa sekテ、 tarjota yhteyden palomuurien takaa.

Package: whiptail
Description-md5: 845a08009ef9f0ef4ecc0aedd3a36ffa
Description-fi: Kテ、yttテ、jテ、ystテ、vテ、llisiテ、 ponnahdusvalikoita komentitulkkiskripteistテ、
 Whiptail on korvaaja "dialog":lle, joka kテ、yttテ、テ、 newtiテ、 ncursesin sijasta.
 Sen avulla voi nテ、yttテ、テ、 muutaman erilaisen ponnahdusvalikon komentotulkin
 skripteistテ、. Nテ、in skriptin kehittテ、jテ、 voi toteuttaa vuorovaikutuksen
 huomattavasti kテ、yttテ、jテ、ystテ、vテ、llisemmテ、llテ、 tavalla.

Package: whois
Description-md5: 28e9df99a50bdfe098edfcf773417990
Description-fi: テ�lykテ、s WHOIS-asiakasohjelma
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentoriviltテ、 kテ、ytettテ、vテ、n ohjelman WHOIS (RFC 3912)
 -protokollalle. Se selvittテ、テ、 verkkopalvelimista mm. toimialueen
 yhteystietoja ja IP-osoitteiden osoituksia. Se voi テ、lykkテ、テ、sti valita
 sopivan WHOIS-palvelimen useimmille kyselyille.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 myテカs mkpasswd-ohjelman, joka on ominaisuuksiltaan
 monipuolinen kテ、yttテカliittymテ、 salasanan salaustoimintoon crypt(3).

Package: wnorwegian
Description-md5: 808855f90413a16cb734e0a0af6caeeb
Description-fi: norjan kielen sanaluettelo
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 yleiseen kテ、yttテカテカn tarkoitetun luettelon
 norjankielisistテ、 nimistテ、 ja sanoista.

Package: x11-utils
Description-md5: bf8a6af96a706be8e8bde2b9de07a319
Description-fi: X11 tyテカkaluja
 An X client is a program that interfaces with an X server (almost always
 via the X libraries), and thus with some input and output hardware like a
 graphics card, monitor, keyboard, and pointing device (such as a mouse).
 This package provides a miscellaneous assortment of X utilities that ship with the X Window System, including:
  - appres, editres, listres and viewres, which query the X resource database;
  - luit, a filter that can be run between an arbitrary application and a
    UTF-8 terminal emulator;
  - xdpyinfo, a display information utility for X;
  - xdriinfo, query configuration information of DRI drivers;
  - xev, an X event displayer;
  - xfd, a tool that displays all the glyphs in a given X font;
  - xfontsel, a tool for browsing and selecting X fonts;
  - xkill, a tool for terminating misbehaving X clients;
  - xlsatoms, which lists interned atoms defined on an X server;
  - xlsclients, which lists client applications running on an X display;
  - xlsfonts, a server font list displayer;
  - xmessage, a tool to display message or dialog boxes;
  - xprop, a property displayer for X;
  - xvinfo, an Xv extension information utility for X;
  - xwininfo, a window information utility for X;
 The editres and viewres programs use bitmap images provided by the
 xbitmaps package. The luit program requires locale information from the
 libx11-data package.

Package: x11-xkb-utils
Description-md5: a2adce3cb7ed4a10d97bc7fd4558b944
Description-fi: X11 XKB tyテカkaluja
 xkbutils contains a number of client-side utilities for XKB, the X11
 keyboard extension.
 setxkbmap is a tool to query and change the current XKB map.
 xkbbell generates a bell event through the keyboard.
 xkbcomp is a tool to compile XKB definitions into map files the server can
 xkbevd is an experimental tool to listen for certain XKB events and
 execute defined triggers when actions occur.
 xkbprint is a tool to generate an image with the physical representation
 of the keyboard as XKB sees it.
 xkbvleds shows the changing status of keyboard LEDs.
 xkbwatch shows the changing status of modifiers and LEDs.

Package: xorg
Description-md5: f5abde5fb283cb96048a3d3a5fe06e17
Description-fi: X.Org X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、
 Tテ、mテ、 metapaketti tuo X-ikkunointijテ、rjestelmテ、テ、 kテ、yttテ、vテ、n itsenテ、isen
 tyテカaseman tarvitsemat paketit. Siihen kuuluvat X-kirjastot, X-palvelin,
 valikoima kirjasimia ja joukko yksinkertaisia X-asiakkaita ja
 Korkeamman tason metapaketit, kuten tyテカpテカytテ、ympテ、ristテカt, voivat riippua
 tテ、stテ、 paketista yksinkertaistaen niiden riippuvuuksia.
 Huomaa, ettテ、 miellyttテ、vテ、 X-kテ、yttテカkokemus edellyttテ、テ、 myテカs x-
 ikkunointikテ、sittelijテ、n tuovan paketin asentamista.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu
Description-md5: e2b193b8ecbf0f4c08a535d8f9541c51
Description-fi: X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display driver
 This package provides the 'amdgpu' driver for the AMD Radeon cards. The
 following chip families should be supported: Bonaire, Hawaii, Kaveri,
 Kabini Mullins, Iceland, Tonga, Carrizo, Fiji, Stoney.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-amdgpu driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-fbdev
Description-md5: 64c436c9c202e79fa1c638b0252edf4c
Description-fi: X.Org X server -- fbdev display driver
 This package provides the driver for the Linux framebuffer device (aka
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-fbdev driver module.

Package: xserver-xorg-video-vmware
Description-md5: 21afce1387bf1052ec99956e90ec2d1c
Description-fi: X.Org X server -- VMware display driver
 This package provides the driver for VMware client sessions, i.e. if Linux
 is running inside a VMware session.
 Lisテ、tietoja X.Orgista osoitteessa: <URL:>
 This package is built from the xf86-video-vmware driver module.

Package: xz-utils
Description-md5: ea97a558c8575aebbed2c11cbd20e0f2
Description-fi: XZ-format compression utilities
 XZ on Lempel-Ziv/Markov-chain pakkausalgoritmien seuraaja, joka vaatii
 paljon muistia, mutta pakkaa tehokkaasti (usein tehokkaammin kuin bzip2)
 ja nopeasti. Purkaminen on helppoa.
 This package provides the command line tools for working with XZ
 compression, including xz, unxz, xzcat, xzgrep, and so on. They can also
 handle the older LZMA format, and if invoked via appropriate symlinks will
 emulate the behavior of the commands in the lzma package.
 The XZ format is similar to the older LZMA format but includes some
 improvements for general use:
  * 'file' magic for detecting XZ files;
  * crc64 data integrity check;
  * limited random-access reading support;
  * improved support for multithreading (not used in xz-utils);
  * support for flushing the encoder.

Package: yelp
Description-md5: b660f3f94d2a495572d2b53c6824da41
Description-fi: Gnomen ohjeselain
 Yelp is the help browser for the GNOME desktop.  Yelp provides a simple
 graphical interface for viewing DocBook, Mallard, HTML, man, and info
 formatted documentation.

Package: zip
Description-md5: 581928d34d669e63c353cd694bd040b0
Description-fi: Zip-tiedostojen pakkaaja
 Tテ、mテ、 on InfoZIP-zip-ohjelma. Sen tuottamat tiedostot ovat tテ、ysin
 yhteensopivia suositun PKZIP-ohjelman kanssa. Ohjelmien
 komentorivivalinnat eroavat kuitenkin toisistaan. Toisin sanoen tulos on
 sama, mutta menetelmテ、t eroavat. :-)
 Tテ、mテ、 versio tukee salausta.

Package: zlib1g
Description-md5: 567f396aeeb2b2b63295099aed237057
Description-fi: pakkauskirjaston ajonaikaistiedostot
 zlib on kirjasto, joka toteuttaa deflate-pakkausmetodin, joka lテカytyy
 gzip:stテ、 ja PKZIP:stテ、.  Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetun kirjaston.

Package: zsh
Description-md5: a129d6b2d23d2d5d3a6b822d3f8f856d
Description-fi: shell with lots of features
 Zsh on UNIX-komentotulkki (shell), jota voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 vuorovaikutteisena
 sisテ、テ、nkirjautumistulkkina ja komentoriviskriptien suorittimena.
 Standardeista komentotulkeista zsh muistuttaa eniten komentotulkkia ksh,
 mutta zsh sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia parannuksia. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentorivin
 muokkauksen, sisテ、テ、nrakennetun, korjaavan oikoluvun, ohjelmoitavan
 komennontテ、ydennyksen, (automaattisesti ladattavia) komentorivifunktioita,
 historiatoiminnon ja joukon muita ominaisuuksia.

Package: zsh-common
Description-md5: 8aac20ad1d93f2ea018a327bcfd5912f
Description-fi: architecture independent files for Zsh
 Zsh on UNIX-komentotulkki (shell), jota voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 vuorovaikutteisena
 sisテ、テ、nkirjautumistulkkina ja komentoriviskriptien suorittimena.
 Standardeista komentotulkeista zsh muistuttaa eniten komentotulkkia ksh,
 mutta zsh sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia parannuksia. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentorivin
 muokkauksen, sisテ、テ、nrakennetun, korjaavan oikoluvun, ohjelmoitavan
 komennontテ、ydennyksen, (automaattisesti ladattavia) komentorivifunktioita,
 historiatoiminnon ja joukon muita ominaisuuksia.
 This package contains the common zsh files shared by all architectures.

Package: zsh-dev
Description-md5: 958eee099c22df2f69105f5ecae036a2
Description-fi: shell with lots of features (development files)
 Zsh on UNIX-komentotulkki (shell), jota voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 vuorovaikutteisena
 sisテ、テ、nkirjautumistulkkina ja komentoriviskriptien suorittimena.
 Standardeista komentotulkeista zsh muistuttaa eniten komentotulkkia ksh,
 mutta zsh sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia parannuksia. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentorivin
 muokkauksen, sisテ、テ、nrakennetun, korjaavan oikoluvun, ohjelmoitavan
 komennontテ、ydennyksen, (automaattisesti ladattavia) komentorivifunktioita,
 historiatoiminnon ja joukon muita ominaisuuksia.
 This package contains headers and scripts necessary to compile third-party

Package: zsh-doc
Description-md5: 9b5459fce7bedf54d5694a22e68389c7
Description-fi: Zsh-dokumentaatio - info/HTML-muodossa
 Zsh on UNIX-komentotulkki (shell), jota voi kテ、yttテ、テ、 vuorovaikutteisena
 sisテ、テ、nkirjautumistulkkina ja komentoriviskriptien suorittimena.
 Standardeista komentotulkeista zsh muistuttaa eniten komentotulkkia ksh,
 mutta zsh sisテ、ltテ、テ、 monia parannuksia. Se sisテ、ltテ、テ、 komentorivin
 muokkauksen, sisテ、テ、nrakennetun, korjaavan oikoluvun, ohjelmoitavan
 komennontテ、ydennyksen, (automaattisesti ladattavia) komentorivifunktioita,
 historiatoiminnon ja joukon muita ominaisuuksia.
 Sisテ、ltテ、テ、 dokumentaation GNU info- ja HTML-muodoissa.

Package: libsfgcc-s1
Description-md5: 43ea4db117a79058f36e527188657f5b
Description-fi: GCC support library (soft float ABI)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.

Package: libsfstdc++-9-dev
Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: libsfstdc++6
Description-md5: 6e0045ee59c603d55d11c46ef5091159
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (soft float ABI)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: lib64gcc-s1
Description-md5: 3fa6e907907011d66479852df2d160b2
Description-fi: GCC support library (64bit)
 Jaettu versio GCC:n sisテ、isiテ、 aliohjelmia kテ、sittテ、vテ、stテ、 apukirjastosta, jota
 GCC kテ、yttテ、テ、 selvitテ、kseen koneriippuvista toimenpiteistテ、 tai tiettyjen
 kielten erityistarpeista.

Package: lib64ncurses-dev
Description-md5: 6bddbac1ee6d7fcd11d85aa04df9fae3
Description-fi: developer's libraries for ncurses (64-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic
 links that developers using ncurses will need.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib64ncurses6
Description-md5: b8bc33d7762cd795ba47795e882f7c30
Description-fi: shared libraries for terminal handling (64-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot, joita tarvitaan ohjelmissa, jotka
 on kテ、テ、nnetty ncurses-ympテ、ristテカテカn.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib64ncursesw6
Description-md5: 94c037ab6277b9b2f729f2befd5b98ba
Description-fi: shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support) (64-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 Paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 jaetut kirjastot sellaisten ohjelmien ajamiseen, jotka on
 kテ、テ、nnetty ncursesw:llテ、. Ncursesw sisテ、ltテ、テ、 tuen leveille merkeille.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: lib64readline-dev
Description-md5: 8cc45075e945d3b096b1308cf10078b5
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, development files (64-bit)
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: lib64readline8
Description-md5: 00a13288424388ae43765b5040434241
Description-fi: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries (64-bit)
 GNU:n readline-kirjasto auttaa kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n yhdenmukaistamisessa
 toisistaan erillisten ja komentorivipohjaista rajapintaa edellyttテ、vien
 ohjelmien vテ、lillテ、.
 GNU:n historiakirjasto mahdollistaa yhtenevテ、n kテ、yttテカliittymテ、n jo
 nテ、ppテ、iltyjen syテカterivien palauttamiselle.

Package: lib64stdc++-9-dev
Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files)
 This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for
 building C++ programs which use libstdc++.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: lib64stdc++6
Description-md5: 0b7bd88ae533336258d0ca3201397c0f
Description-fi: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (64bit)
 Tテ、mテ、 paketti sisテ、ltテ、テ、 ajonaikaisen lisテ、kirjaston GNU-kテ、テ、ntテ、jテ、llテ、
 rakennetuille C++-ohjelmille.
 libstdc++-v3 on kirjoitettu kokonaan uudelleen edellisen libstdc++-v2:n
 jテ、lkeen, jota kテ、ytettiin versioon g++-2.95 asti. libstdc++-v3:n
 ensimmテ、inen versio oli kテ、ytテカssテ、 g++-3.0:ssa.

Package: lib64tinfo6
Description-md5: 8149870374b84523eba149791f7dca6d
Description-fi: shared low-level terminfo library for terminal handling (64-bit)
 Ncurses-kirjastorutiinit ovat pテ、テ、teriippumattomia menetelmiテ、
 merkkinテ、yttテカjen pテ、ivitykseen kohtuullisella optimoinnilla.
 This package contains the shared low-level terminfo library.
 This package supports the 64-bit ABI variant of your system's

Package: powerpc-ibm-utils
Description-md5: a0b7f43a4f1655545d52671105cda789
Description-fi: Apuohjelmia IBM PowerPC -jテ、rjestelmテ、n yllテ、pitoon
 Powerpc-ibm-utils sisテ、ltテ、テ、 oheiset apuohjelmat PowerPC-jテ、rjestelmテ、n
 yllテ、pitoon. Tarkempi dokumentaatio lテカytyy kunkin ohjelman
 kテ、yttテカohjesivulta (man-komennolla).
  * nvram - NVRAM access utility
  * bootlist - boot configuration utility
  * ofpathname - translate logical device names to OF names
  * snap - system configuration snapshot
  * ppc64_cpu - cpu settings utility

Package: sysconfig-hardware
Description-md5: e0ef032c46472250bc10b85024663646
Description-fi: Laitteiston mテ、テ、ritys
 Laitteiston mテ、テ、ritys sellaisille laitteille, joita ei voida mテ、テ、rittテ、テ、