Letter P

perl-Text-Iconv - Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function

Website: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Text-Iconv/
License: GPL or Artistic
The Text::Iconv module provides a Perl interface to the iconv() function as
defined by the Single UNIX Specification. The convert() method converts the
encoding of characters in the input string from the fromcode codeset to the
tocode codeset, and returns the result.


perl-Text-Iconv-1.7-14m.mo8.i686 [18 KiB] Changelog by NARITA Koichi (2011-10-05):
- (1.7-14m)
- rebuild against perl-5.14.2

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1m.mo8